Full System

La Coasta only watches the maniac fighting on the training ground for a couple of minutes before he loses interest.

Suddenly, his eyelashes twitched and a slight gasp escaped from his mouth.

"How could I forget!?" He whispered.

'System' He called in his heart.


[Host, you're still alive?]

Hearing the cold monotone of the system; he was happy for a moment but when he heard the last word. He wanted to puke out blood. What do you mean am I still alive? Do you want me dead!? He cried in his heart.


[Sufficient points detected.]





[Name: La Coasta.]

[Race: ??? |Vampire]

[Age: 18 years.]

[Stat Point: 0]

[Coins: 0]

[Bloodline: ??? | Golden Chaos Vampire]

[Awaken Level: ??? | 0.005%]

(Note: Average adult human has an average of 10 stat)

[Str: 5]

[Dexterity: 5]

[End: 5]

[Atck: 5]

[Vit: 25]

[Int: 3]

[Wis: 2.5]

[Charm: 15]

[Skills: 0]

[Harem: 2] ( Kelsi. Annette)

[Tech: 0]

[Store: Not enough coins]

[Evaluation: Too sad to evaluate the host.]

La Coasta starred speechlessly at his stats. It took a couple of seconds before he recovered from his shock.

Though, he knew he was weak and timid. He didn't know he was this useless. To add to the misery, his INT and WIS were below 5.

'System what do you mean with my INT and WIS. Am I that stupid?'


[This was obvious to everyone, including you. When was the last time you used your brain for something important.]


It was true. He didn't think of anything other than chasing skirts and flirting around the village.

His life was meaningless. However, this sudden thought only affect him for a couple of seconds before his eyes regained their vigor.

'What is wrong in being free and unrestrained?' He asked righteously.


[That is the effect of your Int and Wis talking. You have nothing in that brain of yours.]

[If everyone was like you. How would the world develop? The Byport village where you chase skirt was developed by some people. Free and unrestrained you say? Even the beast uses their brain more than you.]

[Don't let me question your existence. Are you perhaps an ant in disguise?]

La Coasta was tongue-tied. His chest rises and falls. His breathing was frantic and his head was fuzzy.

He looked at the horizon, lost in thought. He tried to find a way to justify his action. But find none.

Unknown to him, his hand was trembling and sweat was dripping from his forehead.

"Are you ok?" A voice asked.


The voice jolted La Coasta from his thoughts. He blinked twice and looked at the person in front of him.

It was Kelsi. She was staring directly into his eyes. She could feel his frantic emotion. Though, it may be little. She still feels it.

"I'm alright. Just thinking about something." He forced a smile, rubbing the back of his head.

"Are you done with the training?" He asked, not feeling convenient with her piercing gaze.

"We're not done yet." A voice came from the back.

"We're still far from getting used to our ability. If we were in the…" Annette paused for a moment before she shook her head and sighed.

La Coasta raised his brow and stared at the dejected Annette and wondered what they were keeping from him.

He wanted to ask but control his impulse and averted his gaze. They barely knew each other, so why would they reveal their secret to him?

"I will advise you to train. Awakening your bloodline means nothing if we don't get use to this power." Kelsi said slowly and looked at him for one last time before she left.

La Coasta looked at the two beautiful ladies and sighed. He knew they were doing it in his best interest. But he won't change his life goal because of some ladies' persuasion.

'Nothing can beat free and restrain.' He muttered in his heart and inhaled deeply, opening his arms and letting the gentle breeze assault his face.


Kelsi was sent flying. She crashed into the hard ground and grimaced in pain. She raised her head and looked at Annette and chuckled.

"I think you're getting the hang of your ability." She asked with a smile. She stood and took a fighting stance.

"More or less. But you know it means nothing against those people."

"Hmm. Hmm," She nodded. "That shouldn't be the problem anymore. Now, with this bloodline. We're not hollow."

"Right. Right." Annette smiled and rushed toward Kelsi with a powerful punch.

"Haha. Your speed won't catch me off guard this time around."

Kelsi slapped the punches to the side and sent a powerful jab, fingertip a gust of wind.

"But you won't be able to touch me."

The jab was only a couple of inches from Annette's jaw when her speed increased.

She appeared beside Kelsi with a kick. Seeing the sudden kick. She didn't panic and she sidestepped and avoided the attack but realized something was wrong.

It was a trick.

But it was too late to dodge the next incoming low jab to the belly.


She stumbled backward and gasped for air.

"Y-You got me there."

"Oh oh…"

"Do you mind if I join you?" A voice came from the entrance.

Everyone on the training ground turned in the voice's direction. Tania with her cold expressionless face matched into the training ground while giving La Coasta a cursory look.

La Coasta avoid her gaze and shivered. What's wrong with her. Did I offend her in some way or what?

"Are you sure?" Annette asked.

It was not that she was looking down on Tania. But she knew how strong she had become under the sudden transformation. And every second, they were still getting stronger.

"Yes. Bring it on."


Kelsi moved toward La Coasta and sat beside him. Both of them didn't talk and concentrated on the match.



Tania only felt the sudden gust of wind assaulting her face before everything was blurred.

And a sudden pain assaulted her chest and her brain was fuzzy for a moment.

'What just happened?' She cried in her heart.


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