Sterile Bandits

"Did I use too much strength!?" Annette cried in panic.

A silhouette flew through the air with blood splashing out of her mouth.


She crashed on the yellow soil and puked another round of blood. Her face whitened and her breathing was frantic. Everyone on the training ground was dumbfounded by the scene.


Tani struggles to sit up straight with red liquid dyeing her loose cloth. Annette was too nervous to make a sound. She blinked twice, staring at the injured Tani not knowing what to say.


"Are you ok?" Kelsi appeared beside her and supported her to stand up.

Tani raised her head and looked at the worried Kelsi with a conflicted expression on her face. She doesn't know what to feel. Her two most important friends are way stronger than her while she…

'I thought they were nothing special but I guess I'm wrong.' A light sigh escaped from her mouth.

Her previous haughtiness was long gone. She was sad and depressed. She didn't realize it when Annette appeared in front of her.

"I-I'm sorry. I use too much power in my attack." She apologized.

"It's not your fault. I ask you to go all out and this was me biting more than I could chew." Tania shook her sitting a couple of feet from La Coasta.

La Coasta stared at the ice goddess in shock. But importantly he was stupefied by Annette's sudden increase in power. 'Is their bloodline really that scary!!' He shouted in his mind.

When both Kelsi and Annette duel, it makes people think that there was nothing extraordinary in their attack. But now, it seems that was a mere illusion seen by the audience. Only those undergoing the fight truly knew the power of each strike.


[Daily Quest Activated.]

[Train one hour with Kelsi]

[Train one hour with Annette.]

[Physical Fitness is important: 100 push-ups, 2 km run, and 100 squats.]

{Reward: 5 stat points.]

[Reward: 10 coins.]

[Penalty: Blindness for one month and your divine rod will be inactive for a month.]

[Evaluation: It is time to get your ass together and leave your comfort zone. If you're not ashamed of getting your ass kicked by a woman. I, the mighty system ashamed.]

Seeing the sudden notification, La Coasta almost fell off the long bench. He blinked his eyes twice and tried to calm his raging heart.

'System, what the hell is this!?' He shouted in his mind.


[Your daily quest.]

[Previously, due to insufficient points. I'm unable to generate your daily quest. But now, the system is fully activated and you will be getting corresponding quests every time. So get your ass together and quit whining.]

[You can try not to complete the quest. I love to see you suffer anyway.]

La Coasta was furious, he was already planning how to spend his life leisurely. But the stupid system came with the absurd question.

He wanted to punch the long bench but when he thought of the sudden pain he would receive. He halted his punch in the air.

"What are you doing?"

Annette looked at La Coasta with wide eyes. She merely turns to him by coincidence but only to see him raise his fist in the air. She hopes for him to slam it into the metal bench. But she was disappointed.

A wry smile appeared on La Coasta's face and he rubbed the back of his head.

"Nothing. Just exercising my muscles." He chuckled.

Annette stared at him for a while before she averted her gaze. Tania's breathing returned to normal but she couldn't raise her head. She was too embarrassed to look at their faces. She was the strongest among the trio but now. She was virtually the weakest.

Sensing her conflicted emotion. Annette and Kelsi looked at each other and sighed silently before they left her alone. They could understand how she felt but there was nothing they could do against it.

The choice is hers to make.

Meanwhile, a couple of meters from a desolate ruin. A group of men riding rovers and bikes with sharp spears and pikes rushed toward the city ruin with exhilaration. Their loud yell echoed on the large expanse of yellow sands.

"Black Fang, are you sure this is the location of the three witches?" A middle-aged man with single eyes asked.

A deep ghastly scar spread from the middle-aged face from his forehead downward, passing through his left and down to his chest. The ghastly injury gave the man an intimidating presence.

He was the leader of the infamous 'Sterile Bandit.' But now, due to their increase in fame and population.

They formed a village. Sterile Village. Yet, their nefarious activity never decreases. Perhaps, it could be reflected as going viral.

But the advent of the Three Witched cut the reign of terror shut. The three witches dealt a large blow to their fame and every person in the Sterile Bandit had a phobia for the three witches.

'You bitches, you think you can rub me and escape. In your dream. No one goes against, I, the Sterile lives to tell the story.' He thought and clenched his fist.

"Indeed. I was fortunate to follow the three witches when I was lost in a ruin. I saw them injured and was carrying a young man." Black Fang reported from his bike.

"Good. Good" Sterile nodded his head and an evil smile appeared on his face. 'Previously, they defeated me with their unique weapon. But now, I've already laid my hands on them. Now, let's see how they're going to escape.'


"Can you stop punching my nose?" A voice cried in annoyance.

"Sorry." Kelsi pouted, sticking out her tongue playfully. "I just love punching your nose. The feeling gives me a thrill. And besides, that's the only place I can get your blood faster."

Suddenly, a low alarm echoed on the training ground.


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