Clouded Memory

"What's going on!?"

The faces of the three ladies changed immediately, they all stared in a certain direction. While La Coasta was confused and lost.

"What does this alarm mean!?" He asked, raising his voice.

"We've got company," Kelsi said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Company!"He widened his mouth and looked at the three ladies in shock.

"Then what I will do is run for our lives." He urged, shivering slightly.

The thought of fighting the incoming company didn't come to his mind at all. He only thought of escaping and living a peaceful life. Though the system gave him a daily quest. He wasn't tasked to fight some unnecessary battle, so that was fine by him.

Tania stood on her feet and asked. "How do you think they discovered our hideout?"

"I don't know." Annette shrugged.

"If I'm not wrong I believe it is when we're lost in the death storm wake up that eerie ruin. I believe we're not the only ones in the ruins. So, others may have followed our trail." Kelsi said slowly.

"You're right. I knew the moment we used our usual route to return to the hideout. It won't be long before we are found." Tania's expression turns colder with every word.

"What are we waiting for!?" Annette chuckled. "Let go and welcome our visitor."

Outside the ruin, the Sterile Bandit observed the inconspicuous ruin with caution. They knew the legend of the three witches and they're not to be underestimated. They may be three, but those three are fatal.

"Spread out. If you find them. Blow the whistle." Sterile commanded.

Dozens of people with cold weapons spread throughout the small ruin without making a sound. The strong tide of winds howls loudly in the desolate ruin. Everywhere was quiet.

Meanwhile, a couple of meters from the incoming Sterile Bandit group. Four people stood on a high building and looked down at their enemies.

"Sterile Bandit," Tania whispered coldly.

"I guess our previous leniency has bitten us back." Annette giggled. Her playful behavior had returned.

"For him to have the audacity to attack our hideout. He must rely on something or people." Kelsi analyzed.

"You're right. He's too cautious to jeopardize his life for nuts." Tania added.

Though she was still in some pain. She endured it and poured all her annoyance on the intruder. Since her emotion was in turmoil and she was having difficulty in sorting them out. The shock she received from Annette's attack was yet to disappear from her heart. It left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Let's see who is the highest." Annette giggled.

Her leather clothes are huge tightly to her body showing her great curve. On both her tight was two 9 mm pistols while around her ankle was a dagger.

Kelsi held two daggers while a handgun was hanging on her waist. Since the sudden awakening, her instance was going toward the dagger. Now, she has the opportunity to try it on a live target.

Tania was a bit different. Her leather clothes were covered with weapons and ammunition. She wasn't as lax as the other two. She knew those are not human anymore. And what are they? Only themselves could tell.

Lastly, a frightened young man stood beside the three ladies shivering. He had opened his mouth a couple of times to talk but the world struck in his throat.

'Why can't we escape? Why must we fight a meaningless battle?'

"Why are you behaving like a woman?" Tania's cold eyes stared directly into the timid La Coasta.

"I just don't like fighting." He responded with some difficulty.

"Then what do you like!? Leaving your life with no obvious goal or dream, right?"

La Coasta was shocked. He wanted to refute her claim but he had nothing to say. It's not like he doesn't have a goal in life. But it is far from bloodshed and unnecessary battle.

"Where are your parents?" Tania asked out of the blue.


La Coasta was flabbergasted by the sudden question. He tilted his head back a bit and creased his brow. While Annette and Kelsi watch the interaction between the two with a light smiles on their faces.

"You don't remember or you don't want to remember." Tania shook her dejectedly.

"For you to survive to this moment in this cruel world, that is the work of your parents. But for what? For a useless child who wanted to hide behind a woman's skirt. I believe your parents would be proud of your attitude." Tania didn't try to hide her ridicule. She looked at him from head to toe and snorted.

"Girls let go?"

"I've been waiting for that word for a while now." Annette giggles and jumps down from the high altitude.

"Don't—"Tania's voice trails off. She sighed and shook her head when she saw how skilfully she landed on the next available building.

"I guess your bloodline has some advantages" She murmured and took the steps. She raised her head and looked at Kelsi. "Are you not going?"

"I will take the shortcut." She jumped down with a light smile.

"Showoff!" She grumbled.

La Coasta froze on the spot. He was not affected by Tania's bitter words. But what baffled him was that he couldn't remember his parents' faces. Previously, he didn't think much about it but now. He questioned himself.

'Why can't I remember my parents. And why didn't the people around me talk about my parents.'

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. He held his head and tried to remember. He knew deeply that he wasn't an orphan but what happened was that he couldn't remember their faces.

'Yes. Yes. I remember the village chief protecting me because of my parents.'

A sudden headache assaulted his brain and his head became fuzzy. He staggered backward and held the steel bar for support. Inside his brain, a sudden influx of memory rushed into his brain. But the memories were blurred.

He couldn't make head and tail of the memory. But he didn't want to give up early. He continues to sift through the memory for any clue.

"You three bitched. Today is your doom." Sterile arrogant voice reverberated throughout the ruin.

Suddenly, La Coasta open his eyes and look in the voice's direction, and murmured.

"I remember that voice."


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