Do you know my parent?

Confidence boomed through Sterile blood. The two pistols hanging on his waist were not there for show.

He inhaled deeply and looked at the desolate ruin with a conniving smile.

He can't wait to get set his eyes on the trio and face them with his newly acquired weapon.

Being a narcissist, he enjoyed the look of awe directed at him when he saw people gasping.

And today, he was already creating a mental image in his head of how shocked the trio of witches would look.


A miserable cry jotted Sterile from his land of fantasy. He creased his brow and turned to cry in direction. He wasn't surprised by the death of one of his men.

Since they came to the witches' den, he knew some of his men had to use their life as bait.

As long as he didn't die, everything was good. What the wastelanders lack is human. He could easily fill up the missing spot with fresh blood.

He steadily walked toward the scene of the fight when another miserable cry came from his left.

He was startled. He didn't hear the sound of fighting or the loud sound accompanying the witches' weapons.

'What's going on?' he creased his brow. 'How could my men cry without retaliating? Did those freaking damned witches set traps in this forsaken place!' Thinking of these, he shivered slightly but shook his head.

'Impossible! This is a ruin… how could they set a trap in this large ruin.'

"Are you looking for me?" A sweet voice echoed inside the ear of a trembling young man.

His body was drenched in cold sweats and his long spear was trembling vehemently, ready to drop at any moment.

He held his breath and his muscles tightened. He wanted to look back but didn't dare to try it.

The fresh breath assaulting his ear and the nice fragrance assaulting his nose make his head dizzy for a couple of moments.

"Are you scared?" The sweet voice asked again.

"I-I'm not scared." The young man stuttered.

"Good. That's the zeal."

The young man felt a cold steel on his neck and the world froze for a moment. Fear gripped his heart and his lungs contracted. He opened his mouth but the word failed to come out.

He fell on his knee and slumped into the yellow soil with his wide open. A streak of blood came out from the thin line of his neck.

At the scene of the incident, the beautiful voice had long gone, leaving only a faint fragrance behind. No one saw how she arrived and how she left. A couple of the Sterile bandits nearby didn't detect a thing.

"These people are weak" A voice complained. Yet, the radiant smile on her face bloomed more.

Her happiness could be seen on her face. But what made her happy, her enemies wondered. But no one lives enough to ask.

After a couple of seconds, the humid atmosphere in the ruin began to fill with the stench of cold blood. Bodies fell lifelessly on the ground like flies.

The exhilarated Sterile bandit was caught inside the web of their enemies. Most of the men wanted to run out of the ruin but the fear of Sterile made them bite the bullet and continue to search for the three witches.


The roaring sound of the hot gunshot reverberated throughout the quiet ruin and the timid Sterile bandit sprung to action. This was a chance for them to catch the three witches.

The Sterile bandit swarms in the gunshot direction with their cold weapons. If they could lay their eyes on the witches and alert Sterile.

They will receive a large bonus and probably a promotion in the village. Thinking of these, their blood boils.

Unknown to them, two bewitching beauties were looking down on them from a high altitude. They smiled, looking at the swarm of people.

"Let feast, shall we?" Annette whispered. Though there was a considerate distance between the two.

But because of their weird connections and their increased senses. Kelsi heard her and nodded.

Both of them descended without making a sound. Annette arrived before her target like a fathom and bit his neck.

The middle-aged man wanted to cry for help but life was drained out of him in no time.

And so the feast began…

Meanwhile, La Coasta was searching for that voice. He kept looking for the voice. Though he didn't know the person. He knew when he saw him, he would remember him.

The tumor in his mind increased every second. Why can't he remember his parents? That was the baffling thing. He was 18 years old, yet, he had no idea about his parents. It could also be said he remembers a few of his younger years.

The more he thought about it the more he found it strange. Why didn't I think about this before? He questioned himself. But he couldn't find the appropriate answers.

Seeing the lifeless body of the Sterile bandit didn't move him a bit. All his focus was to locate that voice and that voice alone. Other things could burn, so he cares.

He noticed the dead body increased in a certain direction and he creased his brow. He must be in this direction. What that thought, he increases his pace.

Kelsi and Annette could feel the presence of La Coasta on the battleground. They didn't worry about him. Someone that could turn them into a vampire wouldn't be anything but simple.

He may be a timid and cowardly asshole. But when his life is at stake he would defend himself and if he couldn't. They would lend out a hand.

But for now, the need to feast. The craving for more blood clouded their mind and their vampire instinct was on the full drive.

Suddenly, a loud yell reverberated throughout the ruin, followed by a peal of crafty laughter.

"Oh-oh. I've got your man. You bitches. If you don't stop killing my people. I won't mind hanging his neck on the stake." Sterile shouted with a crafty smile.

For the first in his life, La Coasta wasn't scared by the enemy. Perhaps, he was too focused on answers that he didn't realize his life was in danger. He took a deep breath and asked slowly.

"Do you know my parent?" His gaze fixed on the one eye man.


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