La Coasta Parent

"Is this kid nuts!?"

Sterile stared at La Coasta with his mouth a little ajar. Why would he know his parents? He had killed many people in his life. How many can he remember?

He scuffed and ignored him. He couldn't wait for the witches to reveal themselves, begging him not to kill this ignorant kid.

Seeing Sterile not answering his question. La Coasta didn't blink his gaze. He asked again.

"Do you know my parents or perhaps have you seen my parents before?"

What is the deal with this kid? Why is he so obsessed with his parents? This is the wasteland, kid, wake up from your dream. Sterile wanted to shout and knock some senses into his empty brain. Yet, he controls his impulse.

Sterile checked his surroundings for any person but didn't see the witches. He began to get impatient. He can't wait to hang the head of the three on the stake before his village.

"Do you think I'm kidding?" He shouted, fury burning in his eyes. He clutched La Coasta's neck and squeezed tightly.

La Coasta gasped and a vein protrude from his forehead. His eyes turned red, yet he didn't. He was desperate for the only one person that could tell him about his parents.

"P-Please…. tell me. L-look at me and tell me what you know about my parents." He said every word gasping for air.

"Shut up! You prick." Sterile was tired of this delusional boy. He wanted to put a hole in his skull but he controlled his impulse. He was still needed alive. He shouted in his mind.

"With the thousands of people I killed. How the hell do you think I will remember the head of some nobody!?" he shouted, looking deep into La Coasta's eyes.

Most people that hear his name or see him were intimidated. But why does this boy seem immune to his killing aura? He thought and it baffled him.

'With his body and physique. He wasn't a fighter. But why didn't he cower in fear.' He thought.

"I advise you to answer his request. Perhaps…" A giggle came from the distance.


Sterile raised his head and looked in the voice's direction. There stood a woman in brown leather clothes, hugging her body. Her curve and long legs make Sterile stare at her for a couple of seconds before he could extricate himself from the charm of the lady.

'What a beautiful woman. When did the three witches get this beautiful?' He exclaimed in his heart. 'Maybe I need not kill them. I should subdue them and turn them to my slut.' He satiated and licked his lips unconsciously.

Seeing Sterile reactions. A chuckle came from Annette with a beautiful smile covering her face.

"I see; you're already fantasizing with this witch." She moves her waist seductively and gets closer to Sterile with a mesmerizing smile.

"Hmm. Hmm." Sterile nodded. His wild gaze roams all over Annette's body. He didn't try to hide his desire. He believes only a coward hides their emotion.

"Are you going to surrender or what?" He asked impatiently.

"Tell me— "

"Shut up!" He shouted at La Coasta and tightened his grip on his neck.

La Coasta's eyes bulge with veins visible deep in his eyes. His chest rises and falls, finding it difficult to breathe.

"Before we talk about surrender or whatnots. Look at him and try to remember his face. Maybe if you try… this witch may show you some seductive pose…" Annette's giggle was louder, covering her mouth like some shy kid.

All her actions made Sterile want to possess her the more. He couldn't wait to satiate his lust. His breathing was getting uneven. He took a deep breath and controlled his raging lust.

"Why would I answer you? Nothing is stopping me from putting a hole in his head."

"Of course, you can try." Still smiling.

Sterile removed his handgun from his waist and his confidence boomed greatly. He pointed the gun at La Coasta's forehead and cocked the gun.

"Don't try to delay any longer. I won't lower my guard."

"Really." She raised her brow with an anticipating smile.

"Don't dare me?" He shouted furiously.

Annette shrugged. She was too tired to bicker with him. She already had her fun, the act was getting boring by the seconds.

Seeing her nonchalant attitude. Sterile had enough of it. He turned to look at La Coasta and an evil smile spread throughout his face. He clicked his tongue and pressed the trigger.


A deafening sound echoed on the scene and the man stumbled back with shock spreading throughout his face. His hand was trembling, in fresh blood. He didn't understand what just happened.

Fear gripped his mind and perspiration dripped from his forehead. He saw Annette still in her usual position while La Coasta was lying on the ground. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

But that changed at once when he stood up in one swift motion. His gaze had turned crimson and the aura around had changed.

"Where is my parent?" His voice was nothing like his previous one. It contains fury and immense power.

Sterile wasn't a greenhorn. He recovered from his initial shock and took a deep breath. He removes his second handgun and points it at him.

"I don't know you and I don't care. But to satiate your curiosity and because you will soon join them. Let me try to remember." He said nonchalantly.

He creased his brow and stared intently at La Coasta's face for a couple of seconds. Suddenly something clicked in his head. He twisted his lips with a sadistic smile.

"Oh! I remember now." He chuckled. "You're the son of those damn traitors."

Everywhere was quiet while La Coasta's pulse increased. His head was fuzzy when he heard his parents were traitors.

"I don't know where your parents came from. But they came to my village to seek asylum and I granted them when their pay was good. But as a businessman. Those chasing after your parents arrive. Though they threatened me at first.

Nevertheless, their pay was better than your parents, so I led them to your parents. But your cunning parents had already expected such and they had long escaped." He took a deep breath before he continued.

"As a veteran in this wasteland, how could they escape from me? I track them to the Byport Village. I don't know the deal they made with the Byport village head.

They came out of the village and faced their enemy in some desolate ruin but I didn't care about their fight after I received my payment…"

"So, you must be the boy that they try to hide" Sterile concluded with a tight lip smile.

"Now that I have answered your question. Now die!" He clicked the trigger and the bullet flew toward La Coasta's chest.



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