A Devil is born


La Coasta stumbled backward and a deep hole appeared on his chest. Blood gushed out of his chest, dyeing his cloth. He blinked twice, staring at his chest.

For a couple of seconds, no one breathed. Everywhere was silent like a graveyard.

All eyes were fixed on La Coasta. He raised his head and looked at the shooter.

"Why did you shoot me?" he questioned.

"Are you retard!? We're enemies and I kill you. What's there you don't understand."


Another bullet lodged into his chest and he took a step backward. Now, he didn't look at his chest.

He was trying to understand what just happened to his parents and why this man tried to kill them when they were not enemies, to begin with.

"You betray my parents and try to kill me. Why?"

"Why!?" He raised his brow. "Because that's how the world is. If you don't have power. They could do anything to you. Like I'm doing."


La Coasta took another step backward. His eyes rolled in his socket. He was trying to digest the words from Sterile. This was the most he had used his brain. He then raised his head and asked slowly.

"Then, why do you betray my parents after they've paid you?"

"Simple. Because some stronger people came and offered me a better offer. Besides, those men are not ordinary. They're the Maxis. Do you understand now?"

He shook his head.

"Why are you so dumb." Sterile was going mad from La Coasta's ignorance. Maybe stupidity.

"Who the fuck in this world would go against the Maxis. Hmm!" His voice was getting louder with each word. "The Maxis controlled the world. They are strong beyond your measly imagination."

"Why don't you just die for me." He was furious.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

'Why is everything not going to plan today?' Sterile shouted in his mind. Since his gun had been blasted away from his hand.

He knew things weren't as easy as he thought. The three witches are deadlier than he thought.

He wanted to escape but he dared not to turn his back. Only death would await him.

"So that's it" The Frozen La Coasta murmured. Something broke in his mind and unwavering determination appeared deep in his crimson eyes.

"Why are you still alive." Sterile shouted in panic. Fear gripped his heart and squeezed it. His blood runs cold seeing the lifeless gaze of La Coasta.

He tried to understand what was happening but he couldn't wrap his head around it. This is insane. Even Maxis gets killed when shot. 'How in heaven is he still alive?'

Yet, he pressed the trigger continuously.

However, instead of falling or moving backward. La Coasta approached him step by step.

"This can't be happening. This can't be!" Sterile was mad from fear. His hands were trembling from every shot. While he took a step back.

Click! Click!

His magazine was empty. He tried to change the magazine but his trembling hand made it somewhat difficult.

When he finally changed it. A silhouette was already standing in front of him.

He gasped and his leg turned jelly. Every fiber in his body was screaming in fear.

Looking at the bloody individual in front of him made his scalp tingle.

He tried to raise his weapon but some blurred his sight. 'What's that!?' he thought!


A miserable cry came from Sterile mouth. The hand holding the gun was twisted in an impossible position.

The gun fell from his grip to the yellow soil. With another twist, the arm bone was twisted from its joint.

Tears dripped from Sterile's face. He trembled vehemently, screaming in agony. He wanted to escape from this devil. But some unknown force kept him in place.


La Coasta yanked Sterile right arm from his body.


The pain was so much that it clouded his brain. Blood gushed out from the missing part. He trembled and staggered.

He wanted to run. No, he needs to run. He didn't care whether he could make it or not.

But first, he needs to escape from this devil.

With a little bit of strength in him, he turned and bolted toward the exit.

He had never felt this despair in his entire life. Even when he sustained the ghastly eye injury, blinding his eyes.

He wasn't scared as he is now.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Sterile heard the voice he didn't want to hear. His body trembled, almost falling.

He shook his head and continued to race toward the exit. Hoping, the dead will die from the numerous gunshot.



A hand grasped Sterile by the neck and he screamed in pain subconsciously. Though he hasn't attacked yet.

He was lifted in the air and dangled back and forth. He didn't need to look at whose hand it was.

The last bit of confidence in him was shattered with this clutch. Tears gathered in his only eye.

But suddenly, he saw some of his men in the distance, staring at him lifelessly.

"You moron! Come and kill this asshole!" He shouted at the top of his voice.


Three heads rolled in the sky, falling a couple of distance from Sterile's position. He almost had a heart attack.

'What the fuck!' He screamed in his heart.

He didn't see the killer of the three men. He only heard a faint wisp of air.

Now, he knew escaping from this devil's den is impossible.


La Coasta's sharp teeth dug deep into Sterile's neck. Veins appeared on his forehead and he blinked his crimson eyes.

Albeit, blood disappeared from Sterile's body in seconds. He twitched a couple of seconds before life was sucked out of him.


La Coasta threw his lifeless body on the ground and stumbled backward. He held his head and cried in pain.

The pain was too much for him to bear, he slumped on the ground and passed out.

"What do you think?" Annette asked Kelsi.

"I don't know. But what I know is that his life won't be the same again."


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