Maxis.... I shall be.

A slight groan echoed in a dimly lit room and a young man lay on the bed, twitching his eyelashes, beads of sweat dripping from his body.

Suddenly, he opens his eyes and jacks up, sitting up straight, gasping for air.

He inhaled and exhaled for a couple of seconds before he got his erratic breathing in control. He wiped off the beads of sweat from his forehead and blinked twice.

"I guess it's a dream." He murmured absentmindedly. "But the dream looks real…."

Thinking of the dream, he shuddered in fear. Whatever he saw in his dream, was way beyond his mental capabilities.

He sighed and looked at his surroundings. The room was small with nothing except the bed and the window was covered with strong metal, allowing little illumination and ventilation inside the room.

His ear twitched and he turned his head in a certain direction.

'So I'm still with them'

Suddenly, his previous crazy action rushed to his brain and clutched his head for a bit of a second.

"Fuck!" He cursed and looked at his chest.

He used his hand to search for any bullet holes on his body, trembling. Fear gripped his heart, and his chest went up and down.

"How the hell Am I still alive!?"


[Hidden Quest completed.]

[Quest: Kill a person among the bandits.]

[Reward: 10 coins and 2 stat points.]

[Quest Evaluation: Perfect.]


[For your first killing. You have a Gift.]

[Do you want to open your gift?]

La Coasta stared at the rows of new notifications with an unblinking gaze.

'So I kill a person after all.'

His body shook and his finger trembled. The thought of killing a person caused his emotion to be in a tumor.

He hyperventilated for a couple of seconds.

'Why did I have to kill him?


At least, I can scare him and let him go.

What sort of monster have I become?

What have I become? This isn't me.

I don't want to become a monster.

I just want a peaceful life. I don't want anything else.


The more he thought about it the more fearful he became. Tears gathered at the edge of his eyes, ready to fall at any moment.

He never dreams of killing a human like him. Never. It disgusts him. But now, what disgusted him had been done by him.

The room was silent for a couple of seconds, leaving only his erratic breathing echoing in the room.


[Do you want to die?]


At first, he didn't believe what he was seeing. The fear and disgust clouding his heart didn't allow him to process the information correctly.


[Do you want to die?]

He creased his brow and stared at the notification intently. Now, he digested what the system was asking.

'Why would I want to die.' He asked. Fury erupts deep in his heart.

He had been having some misgiving about the system. He thought with the system in his arsenal, his life would take a better turn, and his heart's desire would be fulfilled.

But he was wrong. Totally wrong.

The system is worthless. He concluded deep in his heart. Now, the system is asking if he wanted to die.

What sort of bullshit is this!?


[If you don't want to die. Then why are you beating yourself over the person who betrayed your parents? Not even that, the attacker attacks you intending to kill you.]

[If you don't want to die? Why would you behave like a mad person? Because your reaction is bordering on the line of an insane person.]

[If you don't want to die? Why don't you think about your parents first and the sacrifice they made to keep you alive.]

[If you don't want to die? Why do you behave like a worthless piece of crap? Even selfish people have a bottom line.]

[if you don't want to die? Why do you want everyone to do your bidding without giving anything in return? The peaceful moment you have now, those three witches fought for it. The air you're breathing. Some people fought for it. What do you do in return? Nothing. Absolutely Nothing!]

[If you don't want to die? Why don't you use your brain and think for once.]

[If you don't want to die? You want peace and enjoy a beautiful life. But you don't want to fight for it. Who the fuck are you kidding!?]

[Let's cut this charade and shenanigans of yours now. Let me end your life. There are more people worthy of me than your crying ass.]

[Things far more important than your worthless life are at stake here.]

[You want a peaceful life? I know where you can get it. Afterlife]

[Don't worry. I will make your death clean and painless.]


For a couple of minutes, La Coasta was speechless to use his brain.

His jaw was on the ground and his eyes widened. Is this still the same system he knew!?

After god knows how many minutes, he blinked his eyes and reread those words.

Though the system was emotionless, from those words. He detected the anger deep in them.

'Am I really that worthless?'


The room descended into an abrupt silence. Many conflicted thoughts ran through his mind. He didn't understand his thought.

Why is it that my first reaction was to think about the death of the bandit leader?

Why didn't I think of his action?

Why didn't I think of those he had killed.

Why didn't I think of my parents?

Why am I even scared of blood?

The more he thought deeply about it the more he started to question his existence. Am I really a normal human being?

Is it possible I have gone mad at some point?

Perhaps, my brain had been tampered with?

Though I want a peaceful life, those who don't want me to have that will surely arrive.

Then, what would I do then? Cry?

He laughed. It was satirized laughter.

My parents' death. They were chased and labeled traitors. Yet, I don't think of finding the reason and clear their name.

Indeed! What a son am I?

'How can I find the answer to my parent's death?'


[You need power.]

'How do I get power?'

[You need strength to become powerful.]

'How do I get the strength to become powerful?'

[You train and master your innate ability.]

[You become a Maxis.]


'Then Maxis I shall become'
