
"Congratulations to everyone here. You are not part of the Silverleaf Academy." Asher said with a smile.

The over 1000 participants were now reduced to less than a hundred candidates. The group stood inside a spacious building with three doors at the end.

"Although you have all passed the entrance exam. We still need to test your bloodline purity and awakening. This best allows us to know the right direction to nurture you."

"The first room will test your bloodline purity while the second room will test your weakening and the third room will give an overall evaluation of your potential" Asher announced.

"You can now enter." He added, pointing to the first door.

A thin young man walked toward the first room confidently. He was the first person to pass the strength test.

Meanwhile, La Coasta and the three witches stood together while whispering.

They noticed various gazes on their bodies. The three witches were alright with the numerous gaze but it was freaking La Coasta out.

Since he awakened his vampire bloodline, his sensitivity to the surroundings was on another level. The gazes felt like a pricking needle on his skin.

After a couple of minutes. It was Tania's turn. She looked at the three and nodded.

She walked into the first room calmly. Everyone was already expecting a shocking event but it only took her a couple of seconds before she came out.


What happened? Everyone thought.

It was known the longer you stay in the room, the better your bloodline purity and power.

However, seeing Tania coming out after a few seconds, left the people confused.

Asher looked at the face of the second instructor and saw the bewilderment on each other's faces.

As the crowd was still wondering what the hell was going on. She was out of the second room, going for the third.

"What the hell was going on?" Asher muttered in dazed.

"I guess there's more to her than her strength." Katy, the second instructor, said with a frown.

"We will soon know what all this is all about," Asher murmured.

The hope of finding a genius in their academy began to waver in his heart. They have been the last of the academy for a couple of years now.

Now, if they couldn't provide talented students in the next two years. Their academy would fail to receive yearly sponsorship from the government.

Now, everyone in Silverleaf academy was walking on a fragile glass. Which could shatter at any moment.

With the arrival of Tania and the others. Their hope was high and they saw light at the end of the dark tunnel.

But in the end…..

'Let's wait for the others…. It can't be all bad, can it?' Asher thought.

Tania came out of the third room without any expression on her before she left the large auditorium.

Annette stared at the face of the other two before she walked toward the first room.

It didn't take long before her situation was like Tania's. Now, the crowd began to doubt their strength.

"Perhaps, they are no genius. Just freaks with strength." A young girl said.

"That must be the case." Another girl replied in disdain.

The normal age for people to get admitted into the academy was at the age of 14 but Tania and the others were way over that age.

They are 18 years old.

Their overbearing strength made the student not able to voice out their discontentment but now see them as nothing but empty barrels.

They couldn't hide the anger in their heart. How cold some old bones are claimed to be a genius before them.

Although La Coasta didn't know what the people were thinking. But with his high sensing capability.

He could guess their thoughts.

'That is why I don't want anything to do with getting stronger. Just too much hate.' He sighed in his heart.

Soon, La Coasta turned. He entered the room and saw a middle-aged woman dressed in white.

She smiled at him and gestured for him to lay on the bed in the room. La Coasta didn't utter a word.

The woman was professional in taking students' blood samples. In a couple of seconds, she ejects his blood sample and puts it into a separate machine on the wall.

A few seconds later, a result appeared on the machine screen. The woman stared at the result for a while before she shook her head.

"You can go to the second room," She said.

Inside the second room, a young man was already waiting for him.

"You're like the three ladies. Your result is predictable. What a shame." He said pointing to a pod.

"Get inside."

La Coasta didn't waste any moment. He quickly gets into the pod. He was already tired of this useless test.

'I guess my bloodline was just too powerful for this dumb machine to detect.' He thought in his heart.

After a couple of seconds, the machine beeped and it opened.

"As I have predicted. You are nothing but a bunch of trash that got our hopes up." The young man said in disdain.

La Coasta stared at the young man for a moment before he left the room.

In the third room, a middle-aged woman was waiting with a paper in her hand.

She raised her head from the paper and looked at La Coasta.

"I've never seen this occurrence in my life. Nevertheless, you pass with your strength and you will be admitted into the D Class."
