Convince Me

"Why do you think they put that trash in our class? Since they didn't have any bloodline."

A voice whispered to his friend. They were sitting three seats ahead of La Coasta group.

It had been three days since they were admitted into the Silverleaf academy. And the situation couldn't get any better.

They were segregated and put in the worst rooms. Also, a clause was added to their admission.

If they failed to awaken their bloodline at the end of the first semester. They would be rusticated.

La Coasta had a room to himself while the three girls shared a room. Since no one wanted to have anything to do with them.

They have enough freedom. Besides, the teachers and instructor didn't care about them.

The four didn't care. Most especially La Coasta had a time bomb ticking over his head to care about some people's attitudes.

La Coasta sat behind the class and beside him was Annette. In front of them were Kelsi and Tania.

The four create a separate group from the others. They noticed a disdainful look coming to their group now and then.

However, if they knew the legend of the three witches. Some of them might have nightmares for the rest of their lives.


The door opened and a young man in his early thirties entered the class. He had no expression on his face.

His brown eyes move from one person to another without blinking. His long jawline and long brow and short brown hair gave him an intimidating presence.

He got on the podium and placed a series of textbooks on the table.

"Welcome to the D-class. I'm Fred, your homeroom teacher. As a first-year student. You have a lot of hurdles to cross. But that wouldn't be a problem if you're hardworking and determined to be a Maxis."

"As a student of D-Class. To be a Maxis won't be an easy journey. But I guarantee you I will be by your side all the way."

"I will teach you everything you need to know. Both the theory and the combat."

"Wednesday and Friday would be for Combat class while the rest would be theory class. "

"I heard some rumors. But I will tell you now. I don't care about rumors. And don't use that to disrupt my class. And if you dare to disrupt my class. You're gone." His voice was raised by an octave.

The room's atmosphere changed and the students held their breath. They looked at their handsome teacher in a new light.

"Now, let's begin with history."

After two hours the class ended and the students breathed a sigh of relief. The intimidating presence of Fred choked the lives out of them.

"We will see tomorrow. I want you four in my office." Fred announced, pointing to La Coasta's group and matching out of the class.

Everyone looked at the four with various expressions on their faces. Nevertheless, they didn't utter a word.

The strength the four showed during the entrance examination was still in their mind.

Until they have the strength to defeat them. They would bottle it up.

The four anomalies stood up and followed after Fred.

"Three girls and a boy. What a weird combination." A girl whispered.

Inside Fred's office, the four sat casually on the couch without being intimidated by his aura.

Previously, La Coasta would be intimidated but after his first kill and his first feeding. He was under continuous mutation.

Human blood means nothing to him. And not talk about the three witches who had enough bloodshed that can never be imagined by Fred.

Its aura was like a child's in their presence.

"I don't know why those machines couldn't detect your bloodline. But I believe you four are far from ordinary." Fred began while his gaze fixed on their faces.

'What kind of freak are they!' He exclaimed in his heart.

The four didn't have a change in their expression. It was like he was just like any ordinary person to them.

He deliberately releases his aura to intimidate the fresh student. He knew some fresh students can be nasty at the start.

But he had never encountered his current situation.

'Am I that weak in their eyes?' he thought.

He put off the various conflict thoughts at the back of his mind.

"I don't discriminate and I hope you allow me to teach you. Since you're older than others, your maturity couldn't be compared to them." He concluded, waiting for them to speak.

However, after a couple of silence without any word from the four. Fred was speechless.

He cleared his throat and said.

"I need you to say something."

"Oh!" Kelsi responded.

"What do you want to hear from us?" She added.


"Can we get full access to the training center?" Kelsi asked casually.


Fred jack his head backward and stared at Kelsi in dismay. It took him a couple of seconds to recover from his initial shock.


"To train of course."

"Really!?" he creased his brow.

If these were any other students, he would have scuffed them off. But he knew these people won't joke with something like that.

As a student of D-class. They can only use the training facility for two hours every day.

"Why should I agree to that? This is our time meeting. I know nothing about you four and you are already demanding something above your level."

"You ask us to speak. Now, we speak, you're questioning us. This is why I like my peaceful life. This is just a headache." La Coasta complained.

Fred's eyes moved from Kelsi to La Coasta and were surprised by his nonchalant attitude.

Fred thought for a while before he said.

"I won't question you anymore. I mean both in class and everywhere. You only need to do one thing for me."

"What?" Kelsi asked.

"Give me a reason to trust you."

"How should we do that?"

"Strength determines everything. Let's fight. If you can hold your ground against me for 5, no 3 minutes. I will agree to all your conditions."

"How's that possible? You're stronger than us." Kelsi responded.

"About that, I will restrict my strength to your level. How about that?"

The four looked at each other and smiled.


AN: Vote and comment for more chapters.