Fighting Fred

Inside the academy's big gymnasium, two people stood in front of each other. One of the two had a confident grin on his face while the other had a light smile on her face.

They were Kelsi and Fred.

On the sideline were La Coasta and the two other witches. The three watch the scene in front of them with a light smile.

"Are you ready?" Fred asked.

"Sure," Kelsi responded.

Fred took a fighting stance and rushed toward her at great speed. He arrived in front of Kelsi like a phantom.

Though he lowered his bloodline power. His physical attribute was still in the normal realm of power.


A powerful jab whistled toward Kelsi's abdomen. Kelsi saw the powerful and did not panic. She wasn't a greenhorn.

Back in the wasteland, she had killed her share of people both using gun and hand combat.

She sidesteps and retaliates with a powerful palm attack.


Fred was surprised by her fluid movement. Nevertheless, he dodged the attack and sent a powerful kick toward her head.

The fight continued but the confident grin on Fred's face wasn't there anymore.

His face was filled with shock. He had used many tactics to subdue Kelsi but everything was void.

Previously, he was the one dominating the fight while Kelsi was defending.

But the tide of the fight was changing at an unprecedented speed. Kelsi was responding with a powerful attack.

Sweat dripped from Fred's face and his breathing was erratic. It had been over half an hour since they started the match. But he had failed to land any successful attack.

"What do you think?" Annette looked at La Coasta.

"Not bad. I've learned a lot from this fight." He replied seriously

"Really!?" Both Tania and Annette looked with wide eyes.

"Yes. Though their attack seems fast. I can follow their movement." He looked at Annette's face and smiled.

"Between you three, who is the best in combat?" He asked.

Annett chuckled and fixed her gaze on Tania. Seeing this, La Coasta wasn't surprised. He turned and looked at Tania.

"What do you think about the fight?" he asked.

"Kelsi had few chances to land a powerful attack on Fred. But her lack of fighting experience didn't allow her to capitalize on these few chances…" Tania paused and arranged her thoughts.

"In the beginning, Fred had shown many battle techniques and rich experience. But he couldn't bring out his full combat without his bloodline power. So, he's lacking in some aspects."

"Wow! You're really the best. It took me some time to figure that out but seem to notice it immediately." La Coasta smiled.

"She had been fighting without using her ability. So, it is ok for her to be lacking in some cases." Annette smiled.

"Indeed." La Coasta nodded.

"I need to feed. I can barely control it anymore. Why don't we end the fight?" He asked.

"Indeed. It's getting boring. Tomorrow we begin our training and we can't do that without feeding." Annette responded.

"Kelsi we're going. So, end it now." Tania announced as a matter of fact.


Fred raised his not understanding what the cold beauty meant by ending the battle.

'Are they delusional? Can't they see the fight as turning into a fight of attrition? How can she have the power to defeat me?' he thought.

Kelsi didn't utter a word but the smile on her face brightened. Suddenly, the aura around her changed and her eyes glowed.

She had been fighting the fight based on her instinct and battle experience. But now, she is going to use her bloodline power.

Fred's action slows down to tortoise movement. She parries the incoming attack with the back of her palm and uses her left to send a powerful punch toward his right belly.



Fred groaned and took a step with shock written all over his face. Before she realized what was happening, another powerful attack was already on him.

Quickly, he defended the attack but he noticed the speed at which the punch was flying toward and increased by a lot of margins.

Also, his punch seems to be anticipated by her.


Another powerful punch hit his chest. This punch didn't mean anything to him. But he realized what the hell was going on.

'Is she using her ability!?' He exclaimed in his heart.

However, he couldn't detect any changes in her. Most bloodlines have physical properties. But Kelsi's situation was different.

Nevertheless, he refused to accept defeat and tried to fight back. But it was for nuts.


A powerful kick connected with Fred's chest and sent him flying. He crashed to the ground and red liquid rushed to his mouth.

His heart missed a beat and his breathing was frantic.

'What the hell!?' He screamed.

He forcefully swallowed the blood in his mouth and held his chest. He grimaced slightly and stood up.

"I believe that we will win," Kelsi said without breaking a sweat.

"Yes." Fred sighed and shook his head.

He had underestimated these groups. They are all freaks with insane strength.

"Do you use your bloodline power?" he asked the question that has been bugging his mind.

"I don't know?" She shrugged, leaving the center of the gymnasium.

"Alright. You have my permission to do whatever you like. But you mustn't let your power dwindle." He paused for a moment before he continued.

"I will check your progress every week and if I discover any discrepancy. I will revoke the privilege." He said seriously.

"You don't have to worry. We aren't kids. We know our priorities."

"Alright," he nodded with a smile.

Outside the gymnasium, they move in silence. The few people that accosted them looked at them with a weird gaze.

"Where to?" La Coasta asked.

His eyes were changing to crimson red and his teeth were growing longer.

"Outside. I know a location where we can feed without worrying about anything?" Annette responded, trying to control her erratic breathing.

The group left the academy and went to the suburb area around the academy. With the beauty of the three witches. It didn't take long for their net to catch a prey.


AN: Sorry for the delay in chapter upload. I will try to upload daily from now on.

Thanks for reading.