Unfortunate encounter


Kelsi's spear tried to drill into the thick of the snake but it met a powerful resistance. The giant snake hisses furiously and attacks with its powerful tail. 

"Not so fast!" La Coasta muttered as he appeared on the other side of the snake. 


A blue shadow came out of his broadsword, going for its eyes. Noticing the incoming danger, the snake abandons its attack on Kelsi and tries to dodge the attack. 

But it was a bit too late, the attack was faster than a normal attack. The blue attack cuts through its defense as it meets a slight obstruction but it bypasses it easily. 


It cried in agony, wriggling on the ground as blood gushed out from its eyes. Kelsi and La Coasta won't let the chance go as they jointly attack at the same time. 


A thick cut appeared on the snake's head before it split into all its brain juice and splashed on the ground. 
