Battle for the energy tank

Quickly, the plan was made and everyone waited for the convoy to pass. Fortunately, their wait wasn't long when the screech of cars echoed from the distance. 

At once, La Coasta and the others took a deep breath and covered their faces with masks. Tania sprung to action and communicated with her hand as she and Annette rushed forward, stopping closer to the highway. 

In front of the convoy, a truck filled with men armed with rifles, covered in helmets, looked at the darkness with their guard high. The Hand Brotherhood action in the previous years was still as clear as day in the mind of the escort. Until they arrived at the outer ring. They dare not let down their guards. 

The eerie silence permits the surrounding, leaving only the sound of the vehicles echoing on the road. 

"Report, all teams should be on guard. I'm feeling something amiss." A voice came from the radio.