Battle for the energy tank 2

"Guys, some riffraff are trying to show their power in our presence. Why don't we teach them some lesson." He said to his radio. 

"I thought you wouldn't ask."

A thin tall man came out of the second vehicle with a long brown mustache, his eyes were hollow, his big mouth and some missing tooth, and compared to the weapon he was holding, it was miles apart. A huge hammer. 

"Neil, your men are useless. It ain't any surprise your people are being killed by these spineless bandits." Lowell said with disdain as he averted his gaze from Neil and looked at the two black people standing proudly in front of Neil. 

"I give it to you, you are strong for a body refining stage." Lowell sauntered toward the duo swinging his hammer casually. 

"You shatterbox. I call you to assist me in killing them, not running your mouth like a derailed train."