Battle for the energy tank 3


His body split into two and blood splashed everywhere. The highway was silent for a couple of seconds before a sigh of relief came from Tania. 

Neil caught sight of Lowell's death and his heart missed a beast but he didn't have time to dwell on the death of his friend as he was already in front of Annette. 

'Since your colleague dared to kill my friend, you must be ready to follow him to the afterlife' Neil flashed with determination and hatred. 

He twisted his body, creating multiple afterimages, and appeared behind Annette with his dagger drawn at an extreme speed. 

"Die!" He shouted as pierced her heart from the back. Seeing this, a victorious smile appeared on his face but it didn't last long when he saw the black lady in front of him dissipating into thin air. 


"Oh, you found out."