Connecting with the outer region

Hearing this, she gets flustered. She averted her gaze and looked at the dark sky through the window before she sighed. "I thought so." She looked at him. "I need a strong team for the upcoming test and they…"

"You don't need to jump to a conclusion. Since they still have matches at the arena. You can try to contact them directly if they don't appear. Then…." 

La Coasta and Annette did not know they'd caught the attention of one of the most powerful people inside the inner region with their powerful battle prowess. Inside a luxury hotel, La Coasta sat behind a wooden desk and looked at the inter-region communicator bracelet in his hand with a fascinating gaze. 

"Are you going to continue staring at the device for a whole day before you use it?" Annette's voice came from behind and saw her coming out of the bathroom drenched in water.