Annette Second fight

Suddenly, a commotion rang out from the entrance. Although the commotion was going on, no one cares as they were filled with anger and had nowhere to vent it. Just then, 

"They are here" A voice screamed.

Although the voice only consist of a small portion of the enormous coliseum. Nevertheless, the small of portion of people that heard the voice turned their head in the voice direction. And behold, they saw the famous mask they had been missing since yesterday. 

At once, the stadium was in upheaval as the news spread to every corner of the coliseum. Those fighting on the stage turn their head and wondered what was happening. 

La Coasta and Annette didn't got any fluster as they saw various gaze directed at them. Walking side by side, they took their seat calmly and watch the stage below as they were the main focus of everyone attention. 
