Beast Combat AI... Annette breakthrough



A notification sounded inside the room and a bright smile appeared on La Coasta's face. He stared at the interface in front of him in anticipation. 

'Finally! I completed the Beast Combat AI version 2.0' He clenched his fist.

…Detected New Version….

…Initiating Upgrade…. 

….New Module found…

….Unpacking Module…

….Unpacking Module completed…

….Merging all Modules….

….Missing some hardware…. 

….Upgrade completed….

…Welcome to Beast Combat AI (v2.0)…

…Note: The data in the database is not enough to accurately predict the behavior of all beasts. Advice, to provide more data for the database. 

Watching the rows of text on the screen; He chuckled and nodded. Even though he hacked the public rework to feed the AI database. He knew the available data won't be enough.