The power of the Beast AI combat

In another part of the Holydare forest, a young man with deep black glasses with slight traces of blue was fighting a pack of wolves. Even though he was fighting hundreds of wolf packs, he wasn't breaking a sweat. Additionally, these were not weak wolves. They were Rank-5 Blaze fiend wolves while their Alpha was a Rank-6 

The Blaze Fiend wolves tried to overwhelm their target with a large population. But their attack failed time and time again. Before they could mount any large-scale attack. The young man would have found their weak spot and disrupted their attack. 

In a couple of minutes, the forest was filled with the wolves' dead bodies. Seeing the continuous death of their brethren, the wolves were furious while their Alpha howled in pain. 


Race: Beast

Type: Blaze Fiend Alpha Wolf. 

Rank: 6

Attack: Claw, Bite. 

Ability: Blaze Breath. Berserk (have the power of a Rank-7 beast for about 60 seconds.)