But there is one thing you must do.

As La Coasta and his group raced through the narrow dark tunnel, the sound of their footsteps echoed loudly, and the flickering light cast eerie shadows on the walls. 

In addition, the air was thick with the pungent scent of Trident Hell Scorpions, their chittering and clicking filling the tunnel with an ominous hum. 

The group ran faster, fear spurring them on as the horde of scorpions closed in on their heels.

Just then, a hole appeared out of nowhere, and the group fell through it, hurtling downwards with no idea of what awaited them at the bottom. 

As they landed with a thud, they were momentarily disoriented, their eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness that surrounded them.

And behold, before them was a massive ancient beast, its scales shimmering in the light. It was sleeping peacefully. However, those who knew the beast knew its peacefulness was just a facade. 

"That's ….That's…"Adriana stuttered, her finger trembling.