The battle for the bloodline pool

The room descended into an abrupt silence as every student held their breath waiting for whatever they needed to do to get their hands on the bloodline pools. 

But there was one certain thing, no one would leave without fighting. 

"Hmm. As expected from humans," said the Kethrimor with a knowing gaze. 

"This pool can only be used by one group. Thus, we're going to use the rule of survival of the fittest…."

"Besides, if your performance doesn't excite me. I may decide to end your worthless lives." 

At once, the atmosphere inside the room became heavy. Everyone held their weapons tightly as their eyes wandered back and forth. They weren't fools and understood what the beast wanted from them. 


A sweet smile appeared on Annette's face as her gaze fixed on the massive beast for a couple of beasts for a moment before she turned to look at La Coast.