She is not Who I Think She is

As minutes kept growing into hours and even though the time she said that she will arrive passed, he kept waiting for her. The 24 hours that he was asking to stay at the hospital were gradually coming to an end.

The nurse came in for the final check-up as the 24 hours were already up.

"Didn't the young lady who brought you here come to meet you yet? Don't worry she is probably busy with some work, you will for sure meet her at the university since she is also from the same university you came from."

"I will stay here for another day? Arrange me for that and also for that day I will pay. I hope my butler already came and filled in the information for you.

Oh yes he did, he asked us to take good care of you before he left. Okay then as per your request we will arrange for you a way to stay here."

"Thank you," Daniel said as he leaned onto the bed. He hoped that even if it was not today she will come to meet her tomorrow at least.

Someone like him who never had made friends, of course, didn't have anyone to visit him even when he was sick but that thought didn't bother him at all. All he wanted was to meet the person who brought him here.

He slept when he was advised to but he was on alert more than anyone else. He was ready to get up to meet when the person he was waiting for arrives.

When finally the time for him to leave came, he realised that she won't be coming to see him. He finally got dressed and picked up his phone and wallet. Like he always used to be, he didn't bother with his appearance and walked outside the room, so that he could pay his hospital bills.

Right when he was about to turn around to head outside, someone came rushing to the desk.

"May I know whether Daniel Garcia is still here?" She asked as she tried to catch her breath. Upon hearing those words Daniel stopped right where he is and kept listening to them.

"Mam, he just checked out. The Young man over there is him." Someone from the information desk said pointing her hand to Daniel.

He turned around to face her, but as her face came into her sight, He quickly took a step back and looked down as he couldn't dare to look at her.

It was non-other than the demon who came to him a few nights ago, but now she looked different. Her looks showed exhaustion from hard work. The elegant appearance that she was giving out wasn't still there, though she looked the same as before she no longer had the looks that came from another world.

"Luna Grace, right?" He asked trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Yes I am. Really sorry that I couldn't come at the right time. Well, at least I got to meet you."

"So how are you feeling now?" she asked walking outside with him.

"Well, I am feeling good now?" I am glad that I met you again. I thought you were gone forever.

"Well, that wasn't the case at all, I had a lot of work to get done since I managed to come to this university with a half scholarship. So I have to earn my living on my own."

"Do you not remember me at all?" Daniel asked surprised by her words.

"Well, I had heard of you a little before we met on the day you collapsed but before that, I don't think that we knew each other."

"Oh is that so," Daniel said thinking that she is in a difficult position to reveal her true self.

"Nice to meet you anyways. Since you are alright now, I will leave after dropping you home. Even though you just got out of the hospital, you don't look that well. You look very pale even now, I will leave after handing you over to your guardian, She said walking with him.

If your home is not that far away we can walk, but if it's not let's take a taxi to your house."

"Oh yes let's do that, but I think it would be better if I go to the university first, my car has been sitting in the parking lot for 2 days now."

"Let's do that." She said putting her hand out to bail for a taxi.

Without much trouble, they both managed to find a taxi, after they got in Danel decided to ask her a few questions that won't make her think that he is a psycho.

"So Luna, what do your parents do? Do they work as well?

Well about that, I only have my dad now and he too is a little sick now. I am actually from another country though I sound like a native.

Oh, I see, I didn't realise that. What are you majoring in by the way?

Environmental Biology, what about you?

Economics and Finance. You are studying something nice, he said.

Oh, it is indeed, she said with a smile."

"That would be 12 euros," the driver said stopping the car.

"Oh, we are already here and Wait lemme open the door for you," he said as he got out of the car and came to the other side to open the door for her.

"You don't have to be that much of a gentleman, we are friends, after all," she said getting out.


They both walked to the parking lot, chatting and smiling. Even though to Daniel she seemed familiar, to her he was one of her new friends. She was not the person she used to be a while ago. With her behaviour, it was even hard for him to believe that she was a demon.


This is my car, Daniel said stopping in front of one of the latest sports car models.

"Oh so you are rich," she said smiling.

"Ah yes, I kind of am, but don't let that bother our friendship."

He opened the door for her and got into the car and drove straight to his house even though he wasn't even sure why she was insisting on coming with her but he didn't really mind.

They reached his house after another 30 minutes of driving.

"Oh my god! You live pretty far away."

"Come to think of it I do actually, but it's good out here. There are a lot of trees and free of unnecessary sound.

Let's go inside, he said."

"No, it's alright, I must return home and I don't think that it is alright to go into a house with a boy. I am glad that you are alright, I will return home now."

He was speechless, it really wasn't her.