Who Really is She? - Part 1

"Do I look like someone who dares to do something despicable to you?" He asked.

"Well, that's not the exact reason, I just think that it is not appropriate. Since I know where your house is now, for sure I will pay you a visit later."

"Here is the key, Daniel threw his car key to her.

There is no way that you will find a taxi to go back, and I don't think that way here is the best for a girl to walk alone. Take my car with you, and come back tomorrow morning. We both can go back to the university that way."

"Are you kidding me? How can you send your car away with a complete stranger like me?" She asked as she was surprised by his carefree words.

"Well, I know your name and the fact that you go to the same university as I am. So I have no problem, you are the one who saved my life anyways."

"You can go now," Daniel said as he turned around to go back into the house.

"Stop! She said. I am not going to take your car with me, I know that I am going to sound insane now, can you forget all the words I said for a moment and let me stay here until tomorrow? but don't ask me the reason and don't worry I am not trying to take advantage of you anyways."

"Well, I have no problem with that, there is plenty of enough rooms in my house. I don't even mind letting you stay there as long as you like," he said with a gentle smile on his face.

"There is no need to do that, I just want somewhere to stay until tomorrow morning. If you didn't offer me a place to stay today would have probably freeze in the streets."

"Just come in, and I will ask my butler to prepare a set of clothes." Daniel lead the way as he kept talking.

He opened the door and went into his house which was big enough to fit hundreds of people inside. At the first glance he took, he knew that she wasn't a girl who takes advantage of other people, instead, he could clearly see how troubled she was.

There must be something serious going on with her, he thought in his mind.

"You can sit over there I will prepare some breakfast for you. Just like me you probably didn't eat," he said taking a few steps towards the kitchen.

"Let me do the cooking for you, since you are letting me stay I need to pay you back somehow. I am a great cook, don't worry." she said getting up.

He could clearly that she was not feeling at ease, of course, no girl would feel at ease when she is alone inside a house with a random guy he met. Thoughts kept crossing his mind, but for some reason, he couldn't put together something that could calm her down.

"Then you can come and give me a helping hand. You see I think I might be a better cook than you. I have been a great cook since I was very young. I don't eat anything that someone else cooks for me, I only eat what I cook for myself. So I think I have become good at it over time."

"Ah I see, I used to cook a little too but now I don't really do that. Processed food costs less than what it takes to cook by myself."

"That is kind of true," Daniel opened the fridge to see what was in it. As usual, everything he wanted to cook was there. He took some chocolate syrup and fruits together with some honey.

"What about waffles with fruits and ice cream? I know its kind of sounds like a weird combination but trust me its tastes really good or should I get you whipping cream which is rather common to eat with it."

"Don't worry about it, if you are telling me that it tastes good it must taste good. I eat anything, so you can make anything you want.

But before everything are you sure that you are alright? You just came out of the hospital."

"Well, I am feeling good as new."

"I was supposed to discharge yesterday morning but I decided to wait because I wanted to meet my saviour, right when I thought that you will not be coming and I won't even get the chance to meet you, I met you."

"Woah!" she said as she leaned onto the table and looked at how diligently Daniel was putting together every ingredient while speaking with her.

"I will cut the fruits for you then," she said taking another cutting board and gently cutting the strawberries into thin slices.

"There are some grapes and blueberries in the fridge, you can take them out if you like to eat. I honestly don't like them though."

haha, he said as he giggled.

"Then let's not eat that," she said putting aside the strawberries.

"Well, there is something I would like to ask," he said putting a spoon full of batter into the waffle maker.

"Do you really not remember me? I mean before the day that you took me to the hospital," he asked still wanting to figure out the tie that he was in.

"Well, why do you assume that we knew each other before then? I don't think so, I am being very honest now."

"Well, if that's the case, I must have mistaken you for someone else, but she had the same name you did, exactly the exact features you possess."

"I am pretty sure you mistook me for someone else," she said as she took a step back trying to distance herself from him.

But her steps didn't last that long, she ended up at the wall. Still wanting to figure everything out, he didn't stop approaching her, thinking that she will reveal who she is when he scares her.

But at the same time, he knew that what he was doing had no base to it as the person he met wasn't someone to back off from a mortal like him.

She ran out of the room but little did she know. She was already stuck inside his cave.

"Where do you think you are going? You better reveal yourself to me,

unless you do so even I don't know what might happen to you later."

Though he couldn't see where she was hiding, he still could feel her presence in his own house.

"Found you!" he said appearing right in front of her who was hiding in his own room.

He pushed her against the wall as he leaned closer to her.