Episode 1 - The Man and Woman who saved Central City

It was the middle of the day and Barry was standing in front of Captain Cold and Heatwave. He zooms past them as they shoot their guns at him. Barry then runs up a building but turns back. "He's coming back around!" Mick yelled.

"Yeah, to die!" Snart shouted. Barry then zooms past Snart and pins Mick up against a car. Snart shoots Barry with his gold gun and when he is going to do it again, a streak zooms past and trips him up. Macanese arrived and grabbed Barry and they both hid behind a van. "I swear one of these days I will kill you!"

Suddenly, as he was going to fire his cold gun, he gets thrown to the ground by a fireball and Firestorm appears in the sky. Barry walks up to Snart and destroys his cold gun. "We were late again, weren't we?" Macanese asks.

"Right on time. " Barry chuckles as sirens wail in the distance.

"Whoo!" Ronnie cheered as he flew away and Barry laughed.

Later at STAR Labs, Barry and Macanese walk in holding hands with Ronnie right behind them. "Two down at the same time? Superhero triple play, baby!" Cisco smiles.

"Didn't do it alone." Barry said.

"You're never alone, Barry." Caitlin reminds him.

"Neither are you, Mrs. Raymond." Ronnie grins, pulling her in and kissing her.

"Thank you for not doing that when I was inside you." Stein groans as he walks in.

"It happened one time. Let it go." Ronnie replied.

"Snart and Rory. You and Atchaco are gonna put a cop like me out of a job." Joe said as he gave Barry a hug.

"Just trying to help." Barry smiles.

"You do more than help, Barry. You give the people of this city hope." Iris reminds him.

"You're the hero, Barry." Eddie said, patting Barry on the shoulder.

"Congratulations, everyone." A voice calls out. Everyone turns around to see Wells wheel in. "A spectacular victory. A milestone, if you will. Mr. Allen, I believe there's nothing left I can teach you." Wells gets out of his chair. "I believe... that you're ready to do all of this on your own."

Suddenly, Barry was standing alone in STAR labs and he was in his normal clothes. The computer starts beeping and Barry glances at his Flash suit which he puts on quickly. He runs past a table, which knocks over some envelopes that say the word urgent on them. As he runs through the city, he passes signs and posters that say: Flash and Thunder Day.

"My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive." Barry said. "When I was a child, I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder. Then an accident made me the impossible, and I became the Flash. I used my powers to find the man responsible for my mother's death. I thought I would finally get justice for my family, but I failed. It's been six months since the Singularity. I'm on my own now. Decided it's better that way. Keeps the people I care about safe. There's only one thing I can do now. I run."

Later at a power plant, Barry was taking clues. Atchaco was doing the same thing, but they hardly spoke or looked at each other. But it was mostly Barry that didn't acknowledge her presence, Atchaco sometimes took quick glances at Barry. "How's it going?" Joe questioned.

"Hey. Uh, good. How you doing?" Barry wondered.

Atchaco sighs and shakes her head. "So he can talk to Joe but not us?" Triton said to Atchaco, in her head.

"Good. So, the victim. His name is Al Rothstein. He's a welder here at the nuclear plant. Co-worker found him this morning. So, what do you two get?" Joe asked.

"Petechiae on his face and the whites of his eyes, and this bruising around his neck…" Barry said.

"Oh, so he was strangled." Joe points out.

"Mm-hmm. By someone very strong and very large." Atchaco tells him.

"Or something?" Joe wonders.

"This wasn't Grodd." Barry reassures him.

"Oh, thank God." Joe smiles.

"Look, I'll let you know when I find more." Barry sighed as he stood up.

"So this Flash and Thunder Day thing. I'm hoping you're planning on making an appearance." Joe told him.

"Ah... I haven't decided." Barry admitted.

"Bar, I heard the Mayor's trying to give you and Atchaco the key to the city." Joe said.

"Yeah, I don't need an award." Barry replied.

"You love getting awards. Like all those science trophies you got in high school?" Joe reminded him.

"Those I deserved. I'll let you know what I find, all right?" Barry said.

"All right." Joe sighed. Barry then walks away, not even looking at Atchaco as he passes her.

"Did you see that there? He would not even look at me." Atchaco pointed out.

"Give it time. He should come around eventually." Joe told her.

"Joe, he broke up with me. Giving him time is no longer going to work. He is just so stubborn now." Atchaco reminded him.

"Yeah, I know." Joe sighed. "So are you going to go to The Flash and Thunder say?" Joe questions.

"Yeah, do not worry. I will be there. See you later, Joe." Atchaco said as she grabbed her kit and walked away.

"Bye." Joe said. When Barry walked, someone was taking pictures of him. And when Atchaco walked out someone took pictures of her too.

Later at the precinct, the news was playing on the TV. "Flash and Thunder Day is almost here. A special downtown rally to honour the man and woman who saved Central City. It's been six months since the Flash and Thunder saved Central City from the freak black hole that erupted in the sky." The newscaster said.

Joe was watching the news when Singh walked up to him, he had also grown a beard. "Joe, where are we at with the murder at the nuclear plant?" Singh asked.

"Barry's still analysing the evidence, but there was definitely something weird." Joe admitted.

"Yeah, which is why I let you have that Anti-Meta-Human Task Force. Speaking of which, where's your scientific advisor?" Singh wondered.

"Ho, ho, ho! Fear the beard! It's a very distinguished look... Sir." CIsco smiles as he rolls up with a cart filled with parts.

"What is all this, Mr. Ramon?" Singh questioned.

"Oh, this right here? This is a little something I'm working on. I'm cooking it up for Joe and the task force to take down meta-humans. I'm think I'm going to call it The Boot. Oh, here are the receipts." Cisco said, handing Singh the receipts. Singh sighs as he takes them and starts to walk away. "Oh, um, Captain, one more thing."

"You are not getting a badge, Mr. Ramon." Singh said, walking into his office and Joe chuckled.

"He's really stingy with those badges, isn't he?" Cisco wonders.

"Yeah, cops are funny that way." Joe chuckles. "So you really think you can get this to work? Don't have me caught out on the streets with my pants down."

"Yes, once I finish the Boot, CCPD will totally have what it needs to take down a meta-human. Especially now that Barry has decided to go all Lone Wolf McQuade and fight crime by himself." Cisco pointed out.

"I know, right? He won't even let Atchac help him. Have you spoken to him?" Joe wondered.

"Not really. Haven't even heard from Caitlin since she started work at Mercury Labs." Cisco admitted.

"Hey Cisco. Hi, Dad." Iris greeted the pair as he walked in.

"Hey, baby." Joe returned, hugging her.

"Hey, I was wondering if you'd talked to Barry about the rally." Iris questioned.

"We were just saying." Joe said and all chuckled.

"I'm sorry, but, I can't believe they're gonna give the Flash and Thunder the key to the city. Although technically, as members of Team Flash, we should all be getting keys." Cisco said. "Atchaco didn't want to be part of the name, remember." They all nod.

"Well, you know Barry. The more we try to convince him to do something, the less he's gonna want to do it." Joe sighed.

"Yeah, but he should go." Atchaco admitted, walking in.

"Hey." Iris told her.

"Hey, Iris, Cisco." Atchaco replied.

"Hey, girl." Cisco smiles and Atchaco chuckles.

"Barry should go to the rally. Someone should try and get through to him." Iris said.

"Maybe his best friend." Joe suggested.

"Joe, believe me, I've tried." Cisco tells him.

"I meant Iris." Atchaco informed him.

"Bye, baby." Joe said as he walked away.

"Yeah." Iris replied.

"Okay." Cisco said as he walked away as well.

Iris turned to Atchaco. "You should come with me." Iris told her.

"I don't know, Iris." Atchaco sighed.

Come on, Barry is going to see what a mistake it was to break up with you in the first place." Iris reminded her and Atchaco sighs.

"Fine. I know where he is anyway." Atchaco admitted.

"Of course you do." Iris chuckles.

Late at night, Barry was zooming around Jitters, fixing everything. "You know, if you ever decided that you didn't want to be the Flash, you have a good future being a contractor." Atchaco compliments him.

"Thanks." Barry chuckles softly. "Yeah, I'm just trying to put it all back exactly how it was before the... You know."

"You know, this is the longest you and I have talked. I miss it and I miss you." Atchaco said.

"I miss you too." Barry admitted. Atchaco was about to say something else when Iris walked in.

"Sorry, I'm late." Iris apologised.

"It's okay." Atchaco replied.

Iris looks around the room. "Seems like a lot of local businesses are being rebuilt at night. In secret. I was thinking about writing an article about it for the paper." Barry told him.

"Don't. Please." Barry said.

"Look, people have heard the stories. They've read the articles. They've maybe even seen the red streak racing past them. but they've never seen the Flash, Barry." Iris reminded him.

"So that's why you two are here? You both came to talk me into going to the rally? 'Cause I'm... I'm not gonna go." Barry admitted.

"People just want to thank the man and woman who saved Central City, not just the woman." Iris tells him.

"Well, they can't, 'cause that's not me. You both should know that, better than anyone, especially you Atchaco." Barry replies.

"Central City believes in the Flash. So do we." Atchaco reminds him. She then hands Barry a flyer to the rally and the two girls leave Jitters.

In a memory, people were running away from the black hole as Barry and Macanese were running around in circles inside of it. "Brilliant! They've contained the Singularity by adding to its angular momentum!" Stein said.

"Barry, Macanese it's stabilising. Keep doing what you're doing!" Cisco called into his phone.

"We're not sure how much longer we can." Barry admitted.

"Cisco!" Macanese shouted.

"Now what?" Joe asked.

"We have to merge the inner and outer event horizons." Stein informed them.

"How do we do that?" Ronnie questioned.

"By separating in the eye of it. The amount of energy from the fissure should do the trick." Stein said. Ronnie looked at Stein and then at Caitlin. "It's our only hope, Ronald." And Ronnie knew what he had to do.

"Ronnie, no! It's too dangerous. What if you can't escape the inrush?" Caitlin wondered.

"Cait, we have to try." Ronnie said, grabbing Caitlin's face and then kissing her. Ronnie then pulls away and walks over to Stein and forms Firestorm. They then fly up and into the blackhole where Barry and Macanese were running, Macanese was running faster than Barry but she didn't know how long she could continue, making her increasingly worried about how Barry was doing. And then they saw Firestorm flying up.

"Ronnie... Professor…" Macanese smiles, but then it drops when she realises what Ronnie and Stein were about to do.

"No!" Barry yelled. Ronne and Stein ignore him and then make an explosion, closing the black hole. Barry then comes running down with Stein and lands on the floor as they lean up against the wall. Barry pants as he stands up.

"Ronald... Ronald…" Stein gasped, looking around. Barry shakes his head sadly as everyone comes up to them.

Barry looks at Caitlin. "I'm so sorry." Barry apologised.

Iris then looks around and notices something off. "Barry, where is Macanese? Where is Macanese?" Iris questioned.

Barry then looks around frantically. "Macanese! Macanese!" He shouts.

"I am here." Macanese smiles. She then comes stumbling forward and collapses into Barry's arms, passing out. Barry then runs his hands over her bald head and holds in his arms. And then the memory ends.

The next day, it was Flash and Thunder day and everyone was at the rally to celebrate. The marching band was playing as the crowd cheered. Joe and Cisco were leaning against Joe's car and Cisco looked to see cops behind them. "Are we expecting trouble?" Cisco asked.

"Cops always expect trouble. In this city, I expect super evil flying monsters." Joe answered.

"That's a solid expectation." Cisco admitted and Joe chuckled. "Well, I'll be." As the crowd was cheering, Cisco saw Caitlin standing near a truck. The crowd then cheers louder when the mayor walks up on stage.

"Good morning, Central City!" The mayor greets. "A year ago, our world changed. Our city became ground zero for... some pretty weird stuff. We got a new breed of criminal: Men and women who defied not only our laws, but physics and reason. But we got something else, too. We got the Flash and Thunder!" The crowd cheers as a hooded figure walks through the crowds. "Our wounds run deep, and I know many of you are afraid of what threats tomorrow may bring. But the Flash and Thunder doesn't just protect us, they restore hope where it was lost. That's why I'm honoured to present the key to the man and woman who saved Central City: The Flash and Thunder!"

Suddenly there was a whooshing noise as Barry and Macanese appeared in their speedster suits. The crowd cheers as they chant their names. Macanese could tell that Barry was uneasy with all of it so she grabbed her hand. Barry doesn't flinch when Macanese holds his hand and they walk over to the mayor. "The doors to Central City will forever be open for you both, Flash and Thunder." The Mayor tells them as he hands them the key. Right as they were about to take the key people started screaming.

"Look out!" Joe yelled. Barry and Macanese turn to see a metal cart flying towards them, they grab the mayor and quickly get out of the way before the cart lands on stage and they move the mayor near the cars.

"You all right?" Macanese asks the mayor and he nods. Joe and Macanese were about to help Barry when he stops them.

"I got this, all right?" Barry said.

The person who threw the metal cart was a guy in a hood, but when he took it off he was wearing a metal helmet. "The man who saved Central City, hate to rain on your parade." He smirks.Barry then zooms towards him but then he gets backhanded and is sent flying onto a car. The cops then start shooting at the guy and he pushes a car towards the cops, but Barry zooms towards the cops and gets them out of the way.

Cisco was just standing there, looking like he had zoned out to most people. But really he was having a vision, he saw the same Barry was currently fighting, talking in a warehouse with someone. "Cisco!" Joe called, snapping the younger man out of his trance. "Cisco! The Boot!"

"Right!" Cisco replied. He then turns and runs to the back of the car as the cops continue shooting. He then comes back with the boot. "Locked and loaded. Go!" Cisco then handed Joe the gun.

Joe shoots the gun and a huge metal cuff attaches the bad guy's leg. "Booted!" Cisco smiles.

Suddenly the guy in the metal mask burst out of the boot as he started to grow. "Cisco, you said this thing would take him down. He's not going down." Joe reminded him.

Macanese motions Barry to the gas cans and he knew what she was trying to say. "He went up." Cisco notices. Joe then gives Cisco back the gun.

"Run! Run!" Joe tells him as Barry and Macanese run over to Joe with gas cans in their hands. "What are you doing?"

"We're throwing, you're shooting." Macanese told him. Barry and Macanese then throw the gas cans at the same time and Joe shoots them. The cans explode on the bad guy and Barry gets a piece of metal embedded into his leg. The bad guy then shrinks back to how he was and his mask comes off in the process and they get a good look at his face.

"That's Al Rothstein. The body we found at the nuclear plant, he's alive!" Joe points out. Rothstein then puts his mask back on and takes off, leaving them shocked and confused.

Later at the precinct, Joe, Cisco and Atchaco were standing together. "According to the coroner's office, Al Rothstein's body was in the morgue all night, so we can scratch off 'zombie attack.'" Cisco told them.

"Oh thank goodness. With everything that is happening, even I cannot handle zombies right now." Atchaco admits and Joe chuckles.

"Rothstein have a twin brother?" Joe wondered.

"Nope. Only child. And get this, the night the accelerator exploded, Rothstein was on his honeymoon, in Hawaii." Cisco told them.

"Huh. So we're looking for a guy who's really strong, can grow twice his size, and just happens to look exactly like the guy he murdered?" Joe questioned.

"I would think this meta was really cool if everything about him didn't just terrify me to my core." Cisco said and Atchaco pats him on the shoulder for comfort.

"Is that what happened to you? You looked really spooked there for a minute." Joe pointed out.

"Uh…" Cisco said as Iris walked in.

"I actually see the guy that I can ask about it right now. Call you back, okay?" Iris said to the person she was on the phone too. "Hey. So, the hospital next to the Flash and Thunder Day rally, The x-ray and CT machines all failed at once. Was that because of you?"

"I did not do anything that would cause that. I'm 92% sure." Cisco told her and Atchaco gave Cisco a look. "I'm going to go make that 100. Excuse me." Cisco then walks away.

"You okay?" Joe asked.

"We need to talk." Iris answered.

"Oh, that does not sound good." Atchaco said.

"No, it's not bad. Barry can't do this alone anymore." Iris told them.

"That's his plan." Joe sighs. "And I don't know how to talk him out of it. At this point, I'm just trying not to push him farther away."

"Well, he is really stubborn and it is so annoying." Atchaco admitted.

"Well, maybe Barry has been so successful at pushing you, me and everyone else away because we keep letting him. Let's not let him." Iris replied.

"What do you suggest?" Atchaco asked.

"Well, 'if you keep getting 'no' for an answer, stop asking questions.'" Iris reminds them.

"I say that. You quoting me to me?" Joe wondered.

"What can I say? You are a very smart man." Iris compliments him and then they all walk away.

Later at Mercury Labs, Caitlin was typing on her computer at her desk when Cisco walked in. "So this is what it looks like inside Mercury Labs. Security here is way better than it was at S.T.A.R. Labs, what with people walking in and out of the Cortex all the time." Cisco pointed out.

"Hi Cisco." Caitlin smiled as she stood up.

"Sweet Sarek. Is that a 6K proton splicer?" Cisco points out.

"Yes, it is. Dr. McGee insists on having all the latest technology." Caitlin informs him.

"Wow. You deserve it." Cisco chuckles. "I spotted you, at the rally today, and I'm guessing you saw what happened." Cisco then sits down.

"Cisco, I can't come back." Caitlin reminds him.

Cisco then takes out a small plastic bag with a badge inside it. "Okay, check this out: we found this on a victim at the nuclear power plant, but the badge shows absolutely nothing at all, which is so weird. What's also weird is that at the same time that meta-human grew, all the x-ray machines within a mile radius just went belly-up." Cisco explained.

"Cisco." Caitlin tried to say.

"Just... if you could just... See if the badge was tampered with or something. I mean, if it's broken, or... Whatever. It'll really help." Cisco tells her. Caitlin squints her eyes but helps Cisco.

Later, Atchaco was standing in her apartment, about to leave when a man knocked on the door and she let him in. "Lady Macanese. Lady CyAmze Macanese?" He wonders.

"Yeah." Atchaco smiles.

"I'm Greg Turk." He introduces himself. "I'm an attorney at Weathersby and Stone. I don't usually make house calls, but I've been trying to get in touch with you for several months."

"Yes. Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I've just, um... I've been really busy with… well a lot of things. Being a goddess is not all it's cut out to be." Atchaco admits.

"Of course." Greg replied. "We need to talk about S.T.A.R. Labs. As you know, Harrison Wells left the property to you as part of his living trust."

"Yeah, I do, because Barry would not take it." Atchaco said. "So it was given to me, yet still it was Barry that has been keeping the place up."

"Well, It's going to take more than cleaning the floors to retain it, I'm afraid." Gred tells Atchaco. "The facility and the real estate are scheduled to go into receivership at the end of this week unless... you watch this." Gred takes out a USB drive and hands it to Atchaco.

"What is this?" Atchaco questioned.

"A video message drafted by Dr. Wells." Greg replied.

"What's on it? Have you seen it?" Atchaco asked him.

"No. He was very specific. It was only to be watched by you and Mr Barry Allen. The device will send me a notification after you've viewed it. And at that point, I'll have everything ready to execute." Greg told her.

"I'm not going to watch that." Atchaco said.

"Well, that's up to you, Lady Macanese. I'm only here to represent Harrison Wells' final request. Good day." Greg told her and he turned and left. Atchaco waited for a few moments until she was sure he was gone and then she sped off to STAR Labs.

In the precinct, Barry was looking at the newspaper article that said he had failed when he got a notification that someone, other than Atchaco, was at STAR Labs. So he zoomed over and he found Atchaco with Cisco, Joe, Iris and Stein in the Cortex. "What are you guys doing here?" Barry asks.

"Working." Atchaco told them.

"So, Caitlin was right." Cisco said to Stein.

"Yes, all humans contain small amounts of radiation due to contact with cell phones, microwaves, televisions, et cetera." Stein then turns to look at Atchaco. "Some have more radiation than others. Our bodies are natural conductors."

"I think our meta's been sucking up all the radiation around him and using it to power himself." Cisco said.

"Which is why the x-ray machines at the hospital failed the day of the rally, but it doesn't explain why Atchaco, a huge conductor of radiation was not effected." Iris replied.

"I have that answer. Unlike the x-ray machines, my body has natural shielding, stopping radiation from going out when it's not meant to. As well as it being alien in origin, meaning that I was left unaffected but the x-ray machines were not." Atchaco explained.

"Anyway, so if we want to find him, we gotta look for places without radiation." Cisco pointed out.

"All right, guys, I don't want any of you here right now." Barry said. "Atchaco can stay though."

"Tough. You need your partners. You need your friends." Joe reminds him.

"Barry, everyone in this room cares about you, but we also care about this city." Atchaco continues.

"We all want to make a difference, and that means fighting meta-humans, and that means working with the Flash as well as Thunder." Iris said.

"You can't deny us that. Not anymore." Atchaco finished.

"Got him. There's a three block dead zone near a hazardous waste reclamation plant. It should be blooming with rads, and right now it's at zero." Cisco informed them.

"That's where you'll find your atom smasher." Stein chuckles. "Because he absorbs atomic power, and he, well, smashes."

"Come here." Cisco said and he hugs stein. "That's a great name. Welcome to the team."

"Thank you." Stein replied.

"Great, guys, thank you. You can go now, all right?" Barry said.

"Barry, you need to let Cisco and Stein figure out a way to stop this guy." Joe reminds him.

"No, I don't." Barry argues and then he quickly puts his suit on and takes off and everyone sighs.

"Barry left his comm system behind. We can't talk to him. He's on his own." Cisco said, picking up an ear piece from the table.

Minutes later at the reclamation plant, Rothstein was inhaling and exhaling radiation from a can. He was on his second one when Barry showed up. "Well, this is a curveball. I thought I was going to have to come looking for you." Rothstein admits.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone else." Barry tells him.

"I'm only here to hurt you, buddy." Rothstein smiles.

"Yeah? Then why'd you kill Albert Rothstein? And why do you look like him?" Barry asked.

'You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Rothstein replies.

"Try me." Barry chuckles.

"I'm about to." Rothstein said.

Back at STAR Labs, everyone was left in the dark about what was happening but were trying to find a way so they were not. "Is there really no way of knowing what's going on in there?" Iris asked.

"I'm looking for the security cameras." Cisco said as he started typing quickly on the computer until he hacks into what he wanted to. "Booyah."

The live feed comes up on the computer screen and they see Barry moving his arms really fast, creating a gust of wind. Sadly, it had no effect on Rothstein, and even when he threw a few punches still he got nothing. "My turn." Rothstein smiled. He puts on his mask and gets bigger. He then grabs Barry in a choke hold and lifts him up as he chokes him.

"Dad." Iris said.

"Maybe I can make it there." Joe replied.

"No, you won't, and what are you gonna do when you get there? The Boot didn't work on him." Cisco reminded him.

"Alarm!" Stein suddenly called.

"Believe me, we're all alarmed." Cisco said.

"No, the alarm system. You've tapped into the surveillance cameras, correct?" Stein replied.

"Correct!" Cisco smiled.

"Wait. Tell me where the alarms are and I'll turn them on when I get there. I can get there faster." Atchaco told them.

Meanwhile, Barry was being slammed against the wall by Rothstein. "He said you were some kind of big hero, but you don't seem worthy of him, or this city." Rothstein told him. In seconds, Macanese arrives and she finds the alarm, smashing on it with her enhanced strength and then in seconds the alarm blares. This distracted Rothstein long enough for Barry to escape his grip and then Barry and Macanese were out of there.

"Professor Stein, you are a genius." Cisco told him.

"I believe that's already been well established." Stein smiles and Cisco laughs. Iris then gives Stein a high five.

In the hallway, Barry stumbles as he looks like he is losing power. Barry gasps before he collapses on the floor. Atchaco runs in and finds Barry unconscious on the floor. She runs over to him with a worried look on her face. "Barry!" She screamed.

In a flashback, Joe and a young Barry were sitting in the West house. Joe puts a plate of mac and cheese in front of the young Barry. "No, thank you." Barry said.

"Iris says mac and cheese is your favourite." Joe replied.

"I'm not hungry." Barry admitted.

"It's been six months, Barry." Joe reminds him. "You gotta eat, son. It's a good move, being angry all the time. I get it. You miss your mom and dad, and you want to show them that you're strong. Being mad makes it easier. Tougher thing to do would be to let yourself feel. It's okay to be sad. You can be sad, Barry. Your parents will understand if you're not strong all the time. That is why I'm here." Barry gets up from the chair and hugs Joe. "It's okay, son. I got you." And then Joe comes out of the memory.

The heart monitor was beeping as Barry was laying down on the bed, Joe sitting next to him. Barry then jolts up as he opens his eyes. "You're good. I got you." Joe reassured him.

"Where is everyone?" Barry asked.

"I figured you wouldn't want an audience when you came to." Joe told him. "But I made an exception for this one." He motions to the left of Barry. Atchaco's eyes watered as she waved at Barry. "She found you unconscious on the floor. Scared her to death. Hell, even Titon could not cope with seeing you like that. Barry, she loves you."

"I know, I love her too." Barry said.

"Then stop punching her away. Stop pushing everyone away. Iris and Atchaco are right. You're not gonna do this anymore. For the last six months I've given you your space to work all this out, come back to us. But today proved that you'd rather just get yourself killed." Joe said.

"It's better than getting my friends killed." Barry chuckles softly.

"You want me to tell you that it wasn't your fault?" Joe wondered. "I can't. It was. Guess what? You weren't the only person making decisions that day. All of the rest of us were there too. Eddie and Ronnie, they chose to help you stop Wells, and stop that…"

"Singularity." Barry suggested.

"Singularity thing. It's on all of us, Barry. So stop with this hogging all the blame and regret. We gotta live with it. Move on." Joe told him.

"What do I do now?" Barry asked.

"Well, I know that you've been rebuilding Central City at night. It's just bricks and paint. Maybe you should start trying to rebuild... things that really matter." Joe said, he then gets up and leaves as Atchaco walks in.

"Hey." Atchaco greeted him.

"Hey." Barry returned.

"I am not going to ask if you are okay, because I know that you are not. But I do want to ask you something." Atchaco admits.

"Okay." Barry replied.

"Do you still love me, Barry?" Atchaco asked.

"Yes, of course." Barry told her.

"Then why did you break up with me?" Atchaco questioned.

"Because I was scared." Barry admitted to her. "I was scared that something might happen to you like what happened to Eddie and Ronnie, and I know it is silly because well..." Barry's eyes started to get watery.

"Because I physically cannot die, I only reincarnate." Atchaco suggested and Barry nodded as Atchaco grabbed his hands. "Which means you know I am not going anywhere, because no matter the form that I am in I will find you."

"You promise you will find me no matter the form?" Barry wondered.

"I promise." Atchaco reassured him. "Now, you have another relationship to rebuild."

"Yeah, I do." Barry replied. "Will you come with me?"

"Yeah." Atchaco nods.

Later at Mercury Labs, Caitlin was working on something when Barry and Atchaco arrived. "What are you two doing here?" Caitlin asked.

"Sorry, we should've called or something." Atchaco apologises.

"We... I wanted to see you." Barry said.

"It's been a while." Caitlin points out.

"Yeah, Cisco said that he saw you at the Flash and Thunder Day celebration." Atchaco told her.

"I was surprised. You, better than anyone, know I wasn't the hero that day." Barry said.

"Of course you were, you both were." Caitlin reminds them.

"No." Barry sighed. "Cait, Ronnie died saving us. and I should've saved him, and I'm... I'm so sorry."

"Barry, I know that you and Atchaco did everything you could. It wasn't your fault. I don't blame you for Ronnie's death. I blame myself." Caitlin admits.

"Why?" Atchaco asks.

"When Ronnie first became Firestorm, he asked me to leave Central City, and go somewhere that we could have a normal life. And I said no. I couldn't leave S.T.A.R. Labs, Dr. Wells... you two. If I had gone with him, Ronnie would still be alive. Being at S.T.A.R. Labs just made me think of that every single day." Caitlin cries, tears running down her face. "What's that?" She pointed to the USB in Atchaco's hand.

"Ah, it's uh... Apparently, in case of his death, Wells had some kind of a living will." Atchaco explained.

"And you haven't watched it yet?" Barry asks.

"No. No, I've... been too afraid." Atchaco admits. "And I've been waiting for you, he wanted us both to watch it."

"What if I watched it with you guys?" Caitlin questioned.

"All right." Atchaco said and Barry nodded.

Minutes later, the drive in Atchaco's arm and a hologram of a video plays. Wells AKA Eobard Thawne comes up on the screen. "Hello, Macanese. " Wells sighed. "Hello, Barry, I know you will be watching this with her, as I had directed. If you are both watching this, that means something has gone horribly wrong. I'm dead and the last 15 years have been for nothing. Bummer. 15 years. You know, when I realise that in all those years helping raise you, Barry, we were never truly enemies. I'm not the thing you hate. And so, I want to give you the thing that you want most. It won't matter. You'll never be truly happy, Barry Allen, trust me. I know you. Now…" Wells clears his throat. "Erase everything I said up to this point. Give the following message to the police. My name is Harrison Wells. Being of sound mind and body, I freely confess to the murder of Nora Allen. In her home, on the night of March 18th, in the year 2000. I attacked Nora Allen in her dining room. I stabbed her in the chest with a large butcher knife... From the drawer to the left of the sink in the kitchen."

"Oh my god. He confessed." Atchaco pointed out.

"This is it." Barry laughs softly. "This is what I need to free my dad." He takes out his phone and calls Joe. "Hey, Joe. Yeah, hey. Can you have everybody meet me at S.T.A.R. Labs? Yeah. All right, thanks. Yeah. All right, bye."

"I'll drive." Caitlin smiles.

"Okay." Barry replied.

Later at STAR Labs, Joe was on the phone as he and Barry stood in the hallway. "You think the video's enough? Mm-hmm. Well, sure." Joe said.

"What's she saying?" Barry questions.

"Hold on." Joe said and he put the phone down. "Wells gave all the right details. It's not a done deal yet, but the D.A. says it looks good." Barry quickly gives him a hug as Joe goes back on the phone. "Yeah, I'm here." Barry then walked back into the Cortex where everyone else was.

"Is it good news?" Caitlin asks.

"I think so." Barry smiles.

"Henry's coming home?" Atchaco questions and Barry nods before the cyborg embraces him into a hug. "Oh!" Atchaco laughs softly and pulls out of the hug.

"Okay, well... that still leaves Atom Smasher to deal with." Barry said.

"Last time you faced him, it did not go well." Stein reminded him.

"No, it did not. I clearly can't stop him by myself. So how are we gonna beat him?" Barry wondered.

"Well, ever since I was shown a drained radiation tag, which I haven't been able to stop thinking about. Thank you, Cisco." Caitlin replied.

"You're welcome, Caitlin." Cisco said, pointing to her.

"If this guy likes radiation so much, I say we give it to him." Caitlin told them and Barry nodded.

Later, Rothstein was in his apartment when he saw a lighting symbol on the sky outside of his window. "Showtime." Rothstein smiled.

Minutes later, Rothstein found Barry and Macanese standing near a light with a lighting bolt on it. "What's up?" Barry said.

"I see you got our message." Macanese replied, turning it off.

Back at STAR Labs, Caitlin turned to Cisco. "That light was perfect bait. What made you think of that?" Caitlin wondered.

"I don't know, I think I saw it in a comic book somewhere." Cisco admitted.

Meanwhile, Barry and Macanese were with Rothstein. "You want us? Well now you have us. You're gonna have to catch us first." Barry smiled and then he and Macanese took off running as Rothstein growled, following them.

It's working, dude. Rothstein's following you.

"I must say, he's quite agile for a man his size." Stein noticed.

"Run, Barry, run." Joe told him.

"Come on." Cisco said.

Macanese and Barry then arrive at the nuclear power plant. Rothstein arrives, bursting through the floor with his huge size and Barry and Macanese back into the containment system. "Didn't think I could catch you two, huh?" Rothstein smirks as he walks in there with them.

"No, we knew you could." Macanese admitted.

"Now, Cisco!" Barry ordered. Cisco pushes a button on his computer as it hacks into the containment system. An alarm beeps as the doors start to close and Macanese and Barry speed out of there.

"The amount of radiation about to flood that room…" Stein said.

"Atom Smasher won't be able to absorb it all." Caitlin finished.

As the doors were fully closed on the containment system, Rothstein gets engulfed with radiation. Then he started to go back to his normal side and there was no more radiation. "The radiation's been cleared. It's safe for you to go in." Cisco informed him. Barry opens the door and he and Macanese walk over to Rothstein, who is lying on the floor.

"We're sorry. We couldn't let you hurt anyone else." Macanese apologised.

"Why? Why did you want to kill me?" Barry questions.

"He promised he'd take me home... if I killed you." Rothstein gasps.

"Who? Who promised you that?" Macanese asked.

"Zoom." Rothstein said, panting a little before he closes his eyes for the last time and dies.

The next day, Barry was outside Iron Heights when his father, Henry, was finally released from prison and they gave each other a big hug. "Let's get out of here." Barry smiled.

"I'll race you." Henry replied.

"You will lose." Barry laughs.

Later, Henry and Barry walked into the house where everyone was. "Welcome home!" Everyone yelled. They all cheered and applauded from him and then the hugging started. Everyone hugs Henry and pops the champagne and then they cut cake. Everyone was so happy and pleased for Barry as he finally had his father back in his life. Joe then walks over to Cisco and gives him what he has been asking for, a badge.

Stein taps his finger against his glass. "Gather round, everyone, please." Stein said. "Looking at all of you, thinking how far we've all come, and remembering those who are no longer with us, I'm reminded of a Hebrew word used during times of graduation. Kadima. It means, 'Forward.'" Stein raised his glass. "Forward."

"Forward." Joe said.

"Forward." Iris repeated.

"Forward." Cisco continued.

"Forward." Caitlin replied.

"Forward." Clarssia agreed.

"Forward." Henry said.

"Forward." Barry replied.

"Forward." Atchaco repeated.

Everyone then clicks their glasses together and drinks their champagne before Joe walks over to Stein. "Well said." He tells him.

"Thank you." Stein replied.

Barry and Henry then walk into the hallway and Henry clears his throat. "You good?" Barry asked.

"Ah, yeah. Stuff goes to your head after being away from it for 14 years." Henry told him.

"I bet." Barry said. "All right, well, look. I was thinking, what if, in the morning, the two of us started looking for an apartment for both of us, and Atchaco has actually been doing some research on how to get your medical licence back so you could start your practice up again, or, if you wanted, come work with us at S.T.A.R. Labs. I don't know. I mean…" Barry notices that something is wrong. "What's wrong? You okay?"

"Yeah, it's a party. Come on, we can talk about all this tomorrow." Henry replied.

"Talk about what?" Barry questioned.

"Barry…" Henry tried to say.

"Are you not planning on sticking around?" Barry asked.

"Okay. Okay, do you think... Can you be all that you are becoming... With me here?" Henry wondered.

"You're the only family that I have left." Barry chuckles.

"Well, that's not really true, is it? Don't you have another family in this room? They need your help too, Barry. When you need me, I will be here, but right now, Central City doesn't need you to be Henry Allen's son. It needs you to be the Flash. My kid. The superhero." Henry tells him and Barry sighs. "I have to go. I need you to tell me that it's okay."

"Yeah." Barry nods.

Later at STAR Labs, Barry walks out the elevator and Joe is waiting for him. "Hey." Joe greeted him.

"Hey." Barry returned.

"Your dad get off okay?" Joe questioned.

"Yeah, I just dropped him at the station." Barry replied.

"You good?" Joe asked.

"I don't know, I... Just feels like every time I win, I still lose." Barry confessed.

"Well... It's not bad." Joe smiled, taking the key to the city out of his pocket and holding it up.

"No, it's not bad." Barry admits, taking the key.

"You are going to have to share Atchaco though." Joe reminded him.

"Don't worry, I will." Barry replied.

"Are you going to get back together?" Joe asked.

"I think so, yeah." Barry answered. "But I will have to re-ask her. I have to do something big to make up for breaking up with her in the first place." Joe nods as Barry holds up the keys. "It's pretty cool."

"It's really cool, come on!" Joe said. Then they walked into the Cortex where everyone else was.

"Hey! Hey. Ho ho! Hey, guess what? I added a little upgrade to your suits." Cisco smiled. He then pushes a button on the computer and a light shines on their suits, the lighting bolt on the front of them is now white and gold. "It's just like the one from the future newspaper Gideon showed us. I was thinking, you know, you shouldn't fear the future anymore, right?"

"No, and it'll be here faster than we think." Barry said.

"Well, see, I like it. The lightning definitely pops more against the white." Stein commented and Barry and Atchaco smiled.

"And S.T.A.R. Labs is now safer than ever. Increased security and surveillance." Caitlin told them.

"Re-coded, double firewalled, electronic lock sets. Nothing is getting through here without us knowing." Cisco explained.

"So people can't just waltz in and out of here?" Iris wonders.

"Exactly." Cisco smiled as someone waltzed into the Cortex and Caitlin gasped. "For real?"

"You were saying." Atchaco smirked.

"Stay where you are." Joe ordered, taking out his gun.

"Who are you?" Barry asked.

"You don't know me, but I know you two... Barry Allen, Lady CyAmze-Atchaco-Leigh Cornwall Macanese."

"Take one more step, it'll be the last step you take." Joe warned. "The man asked you a question. Who the hell are you?"

The man steps out of the shadows and looks at them. "My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger." He said.