Episode 2 - Flash of Two Worlds

At STAR Labs, Everyone was standing in the Cortex and they had just met Jay Garrick. "Please, just let me explain. I mean you no harm." Jay informed them.

"How do you know our names?" Atchaco asked.

"I know all your names. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Detective Joe West…" Jay admits.

"Enough. That part about explaining needs to happen right about now." Joe told him, pointing his gun at Jay.

"This world is in danger." Jay informed them.

"What other worlds are there?" Cisco asked and Atchaco glared at him.

"When you created the singularity above Central City, you also created a breach between my world and yours." Jay told them.

"I'm sorry, a breach?" Iris wondered.

"Yes, a portal connecting our two earths." Jay said.

"And what precisely is your concern?" Stein questioned.

"A few days ago, you found a dead man named Al Rothstein at the nuclear plant. But then a different Al Rothstein tried to kill you." Jay reminded them.

"Atom Smasher." Cisco said.

"That man was from my world. If he got through the breach, I suspect there'll be more to follow." Jay informs them.

"Okay, so, Jay, how exactly do you know all of this?" Barry asked.

"Where I came from, I was a speedster like both of you. They called me The Flash. Before I arrived on your earth, I was in a fight with a man named Zoom." Jay admitted.

"Zoom?" Atchaco questioned.

"I've heard that name before. Atom Smasher, he said Zoom sent him here to kill me. Who is this guy?" Barry asked.

"He's a speedster, like you and me. And fast. Maybe the fastest of all. But evil. He is an unstoppable demon with the face of death." Jay told them.

Jay remembers that he was running fast through the city, he was running after Zoom and they ran up a building as they began to fight. "We were engaged in our fiercest battle ever, racing throughout my city. But I wasn't fast enough to stop him." Jay recanted what he remembered. "Zoom had me beaten. Aah! He was about to kill me when suddenly there was a blinding light and the sky split open." He remembers who his helmet went through the breach as he looked at it. "A breach, between my world and yours, caused from the singularity. It pulled me in…" He then looks back at them. "And I somehow ended up in your world. Powerless. Unable to return home."

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked.

"I lost my speed." Jay repeated.

"How?" Atchaco questioned.

"Not entirely sure." Jay admitted.

"So, you've been in Central City for six months. Why haven't you come to see us before?" Joe wonders.

"I'm in a foreign world here, Detective. I didn't know who you all were. Took me that long to piece it all together." Jay informs him.

"So that's how you know our names. You've been following us." Iris pointed out.

"Look, I know how this sounds. The existence of another earth, you, another Flash, it all came as an unexpected shock to me, too. I just wish there was something I could do to convince you." Jay said.

"There is." Atchaco told him. "We're gonna... do some tests on you. See if you're telling us the truth."

"'Cause if you're not, this Zoom, he's not gonna be your only enemy." Barry said.

Late at night, a breach opens up in an alley and Zoom jumps out and he isn't alone. He had brought a metahuman along with him. "Where the hell am I?" He asks.

"You want to go home? You only have to do one thing." Zoom tells him.

"What's that?" He questioned.

"Kill The Flash." Zoom told him.

"So, Mr. Garrick, how long have you been The Flash on your world?" Caitlin asked.

"Not long enough to call me Mister. Please, it's Jay." Jay replied.

"Jay, of course." Caitlin smiled nervously.

"On my world, I've been The Flash for about two years." Jay tells her.

"And how did you get your speed?" Caitlin questioned.

"Not really sure." Jay admitted. "I was at my lab trying to purify heavy water without any residual radiation when there was a blinding light. I fell into a coma. When I woke up, I could run almost as fast as the speed of light."

"Sorry. Did you say lab? Are you a scientist?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, I certainly didn't work at a place like this, but, yeah. I had a respectable solo operation. Part-time chemist, part-time physicist. Part-time superhero." Jay said.

"Hmm." Caitlin hums.

"I can forget that superhero part now, though, huh?" Jay chuckles nervously.

Back in the Cortex, everyone else is talking. "Is any of this possible? A breach to another earth? It's not, right?" Iris asked.

"The contrary. Just recently, the many-different-worlds theory proposed interaction with parallel universes was plausible, especially as the goddess of the multiverse walked among us." Stein said, pointing to Atchaco. "Now, if what Mr. Garrick's saying is true, that theory's been proven sooner than we all thought."

"It doesn't add up." Barry replied.

"I'm gonna be honest here, I don't understand what the hell any of you are talking about." Joe admitted.

"So, Jay is saying he's from, like, a mirror-world. Or a parallel universe that's very, very similar to ours." Cisco said.

"Multiverse would be a more apt description." Atchaco told him.

"No, not helping." Joe said.

"Bless your heart." Cisco smiled.

"Okay, let's see if this helps." Stein said, pulling up a clean board. "This is our earth." He draws a circle with a number on it. "Let's call it Earth-1. And this second Earth, let's call it Earth-2. This is where Jay claims to be from." He then draws more circles on the board. "And these other earths, three, four, five, to infinity, all of them, are nearly identical to ours. And they all exist at the same time, giving us endless alternatives to what we have here. For example, the Joe West on Earth-2, your doppelganger, he might not be a detective. He could be a Nobel Prize-winning physicist." He turns to Atchaco. "The Atchaco Cornwall here is both Lady Macanese and Thunder, but over there she might still be Lady Macanese but she could also be a teacher." He then turns to Barry. "And you, the Barry Allen here is The Flash, but over there, he could be an electrician."

"Wait, why might Atchaco still be Lady Macanese?" Joe questioned.

"Because I am the goddess of the multiverse. All the other doublegangers might not know that they are Lady Macanese, but technically they still would be. I mean, as the title suggests it carries through the multiverse, there is only one person who is, and on each earth it will be the same person." Atchaco explains. "All Lady Macanese's have to be the same person."

"Ah. Anyway, so, I'm assuming that the people on all these other earths work to make money to pay bills and such." Joe pointed out.

"I would imagine." Stein said.

"So we got that in common. I'm heading back to the station. Call me when this makes a little bit more sense. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole idea of time travel." Joe admits and Cisco laughs softly.

"There is, uh, one problem that remains. If Mr. Garrick is telling the truth, there is a breach somewhere in Central City that we need to find and close for good." Stein tells them.

"Yeah, but how do we find it? We don't even know what to look for." Cisco reminds them.

"Well, I... I suggest we put our heads together and come up with a solution. Not literally, of course. Those days are over." Stein said, walking out the Cortex and Cisco follows him as Caitlin walks back in.

"What'd you find?" Iris asked.

"Well, Jay's heart rate is extraordinarily low. And he does have regenerative capabilities. Other than that, I'm not seeing any evidence of the Speed Force in his system." Caitlin tells them.

"We don't even have proof that he's a speedster, much less from another earth?" Barry questioned.

"Not necessarily." Caitlin said.

"What does that mean?" Atchaco asked.

"Well, Jay doesn't know this, but while I was testing his heart rate, blood pressure, and motor responses, I also measured his autonomic reactions while we were talking." Caitlin admitted.

"You gave him a lie detector test?" Iris wondered.

"And he passed it." Caitlin told them.

"What if he's not a good guy, and he just wants to find our weaknesses?" Barry asks.

"He is right." Atchaco said. "Keep running tests. See what else you can find out." And Caitlin nods.

Later at the precinct, Joe kept getting phone calls which he kept on ignoring when a female officer walked up to him. "Detective West, sir." She said.

"Yes, Officer...?" Joe replied.

"Spivot. Patty Spivot. Captain Singh mentioned there may be positions available on your anti-meta-human task force." Patty told him.

"Yeah, everybody quit. There is no task force anymore." Joe informed her.

"Well, I know someone who's interested in being on it. Me." Patty said.

"You do realise that meta-humans have super powers, right?" Joe wonders and Patty laughs softly. "And even if they didn't, you wouldn't be a good fit for the team."

"Because I'm a woman?" Patty said.

"I didn't mean to imply that." Joe told her.

"Good, because I know how difficult this job would be, but I think I'm an excellent candidate. I triple-majored at Hudson in biology, chemistry, and physics. I'm in prime physical condition. And I rated top of my class in marksmanship." Patty informed him.

"Your class? You don't even have your stripes yet." Joe noticed.

"Soon. Been on the job seven months, sir." Patty told him.

"Are you aware of what happened to my previous partner?" Joe asked.

"Detective Thawne, yes. I know that he died and the one before him, Fred Chyre, died, too, but the one before that's not dead, just transferred. I'm sure it had nothing to do with you." Patty said.

"Listen, Officer…" Joe replied.

"Spivot, Patty Spivot." Patty smiled.

"Yes, Spivot, the answer's no." Joe told her.

"All I'm asking for is a shot, sir. Please, just an interview." Patty said.

"You just had the interview. Didn't get the job." Joe replied, walking away.

Back at STAR Lab, Barry locked Jay in the pipeline. "I hope you understand why we have to do this." Barry told him.

"I get it, kid. You're doing what you think you have to. But you'll all realize soon enough that this, the tests, it's unnecessary. I want to help you, Barry, not harm you." Jay reassures him.

"You're not the first person that's said that to me." Barry admits.

"If what you told me about Zoom is true, that he sent Rothstein here to kill you, instead of locking me up in here, you better start listening. Because if Zoom is involved, you are gonna need a lot more than just me at your side to stay alive." Jay told him.

"Barry, there's a fire at the waterfront. Atchaco is already on her way there. Fire department's en route." Cisco called through the intercom.

"I'm on my way." Barry said.

"Be careful." Jay told him. Barry looks at Jay before he speeds away as the door shuts on the pipeline.

Minutes later, Barry and Macanese pass a firefighter at the waterfront. "That was the Flash and Thunder." He said.

Once Barry and Macanese were inside, they moved their arms really fast and put out the fire. They were both panting after they finished putting out all the fire. "That was a big fire." Macanese pointed out.

"It's out, Cisco." Barry told him.

"Copy that, see you two in a bit." Cisco replied.

Suddenly, Barry gets knocked down to the floor by what looked like a giant fist made of sand. "Barry!" Macanese calls, rushing towards Barry and helping him up. The guy that Zoom had brought through the breach was standing in front of them.

"I thought it would be harder than this." They admitted.

Barry then grabs him and slams him against a boat, but then the metahuman kind of comes apart and then there was sand everywhere and even that disappeared.

"Where did he go?" Macanese asked.

"I don't know." Barry replied.

"Barry? Macanese? Hello? Are you there? What was that?" Cisco questioned.

"We don't know. We need to find out." Macanese answered. And then in seconds, the two of them were out of there.

The next day, cops were all over the water front as Barry and Atchaco were taking pictures of the boat as Joe walked over to him. "Bar. Maz." Joe greeted them.

"Hey." Barry returned.

"What are we dealing with here?" Joe asks.

"Pfft. Well, definitely a meta-human. Had a pretty solid look at him between punches." Barry said.

"And he was, like, made of sand." Atchaco told him.

"Sand?" Joe wonders.

"Mm-hmm." Barry hummed.

"Okay." Joe said.

"These walls are too porous to pull any prints. I can't even get one off the boat, but check this out. There's gasoline burns everywhere." Barry told him.

"Water didn't go off. Sprinklers weren't working. This was arson." Atchaco said.

"Excuse me? Barry Allen?" Patty asked as he walked up to Barry.

"Yeah." Barry replied.

"Hi." Patty greeted him.

"Two days in a row, Officer. What a coincidence." Joe pointed out.

"Or kismet, if you believe in destiny or fate." Patty said.

"Uh…" Joe said.

Patty then turns back to Barry and shakes his hand. "I'm Patty. Patty Spivot." She introduced herself as she noticed Atchaco looking her up and down.

"Hey." Barry returned.

"I'm really excited to meet you. I'm a huge fan." Patty smiled.

"Excuse me?" Barry questioned.

"Your forensic reports. I... I read them sometimes." Patty admitted.

"Oh." Barry said.

"Who am I kidding? All the time. I've actually read them all." Patty confessed.

"Wow, I don't think that I've read them all." Barry replied.

"They're always so detailed. You know, they really paint a picture like you were somehow actually there when somebody was being brutally murdered." Patty explained.

"Thank you." Barry said.

"Uh, anyhow, I... I found, uh, something. Well, I think I found something. It's just a theory, but I would like to show you." Patty told him.

"Great." Barry replied and they walked into another room.

"So, this right here is the point of origin of the fire. And look." Patty said, pointing to a large wire that had been cut. "I don't know a sandblaster on the market that can make a cut that precise, so I think a meta-human may have done this. Here." She hands Barry a vial. "Took a sample for you. Uh, there's also some fingerprints on the back of the pipe."

"You should have gone into CSI work." Barry pointed out.

"I love the science, but out here's where all the action is. Isn't that right, Detective West?" Patty questions.

"The answer's still no, Officer S…" Joe started to say.

"Spivot, yeah." Patty said.

"Spivot." Joe sighed as he walked away.

"What was that about?" Atchaco asked.

"I'm trying to join the anti-metahuman task force." Patty told them.

"Ah." Barry said.

"But you heard him. Hey, he's kinda like your dad, right? So, do you have any advice on how I can crack his no-code?" Patty wondered.

"Yeah, I've been trying to pick that lock since I was 11. So, if you figure it out, how about you let me know?" Barry asked.

"Deal." Patty said.

"All right." Barry replied.

"It was nice to meet you, Barry." Patty told him as she shook his hands.

"Yeah, you too. Ahem." Barry said and then Patty walked away.

"She is very pretty. I think maybe you should try." Atchaco told her as he pats Barry on the back.

"Triton would kill though." Barry pointed out.

"Good point." Atchaco said. "On second thoughts, how about you don't.

Back at STAR Labs, Jay was running on the treadmill as Caitlin and Iris were watching from behind the glass. "His blood pressure is low, his heart rate is low, his oxygen levels are impressive." Caitlin said.

"Yeah, but nothing compared to Barry's." Iris pointed out.

"No, but he's certainly in the physical specimen range." Caitlin smiles as he stares at Jay.

"In more ways than one." Iris replied.

"Hmm? Oh, I wasn't paying attention." Caitlin said and then she leaned into the intercom. "That's enough for today, Jay. Thank you." The treadmill turns off and Jay stops running.

Minutes later, Barry and Atchaco arrive at the Cortex and show Cisco the sample from the crime scene. "Found it at the crime scene. I mean, it's gotta be from the meta-human that attacked me." Barry said.

"Huh. What is this stuff? Sand?" Cisco wondered and Atchaco shrugged.

"It's not sand. It's human cells whose myosin II protein have migrated to the cell's periphery." Jay told them as he walked into the Cortex.

"Jay's a fellow science nerd." Caitlin smiles.

"Those cells have the ability to rearrange and harden, giving them the appearance of sand." Jay points out.

"And how do you know this?" Barry asked.

"They belong to a meta-human I've fought before named Sand Demon." Jay admits.

"I know you're new here, so I'm just gonna break it down for you. The whole 'naming the bad guys thing,' that's my jam. But you know what? I'm gonna let you have that one 'cause I actually kinda like it. I'm not mad at that one. Is that Barry's sweatshirt?" Cisco notices what he is wearing.

"Oh, uh, sorry. It was all we could find, so…" Iris started to say.

"I was gonna say, 'cause it looks a lot smaller on you, right?" Cisco chuckles and then he notices that everyone was giving him a look. "I gotta do this thing." Cisco then walks out of the Cortex.

"So, who is this Sand Demon?" Atchaco asked.

"I don't know his name, but I know how to stop him." Jay tells them.

"You know what? I think we'll be fine on our own." Barry said.

"Look, Barry, I don't know what else I can do to prove to you I'm on your side. I've been poked, prodded. I even subjected myself to a full body scan." Jay tells them and Atchaco gives Caitlin a questioning glare.

"I was being thorough." Caitlin admits.

"Sand Demon's from my world. Let me teach you how to stop him." Jay said.

"Yeah, I don't need you to teach me anything, Jay." Barry tells him.

"Zoom sent Rothstein here to kill you. He must have sent Sand Demon here to do the same thing. Don't you get it? Anyone close to the Flash, all of you, are in a lot of danger." Jay warns.

"All right. If you're so good, you would have caught him already." Barry reminds him. "Let's get Jay back to his cell."

Meanwhile, Cisco walks into his workstation and finds Stein writing on the chalkboard with other equations already written on it that he had done. "Whoa. Hey, beautiful mind, I think you need to take a breather." Cisco said as he looked at the sample of sand through the microscope.

"After some, uh, lengthy calculations, I believe I have discovered the key to proving the proposed breach theory. Exotic matter." Stein admitted.

"Huh. You mean, like, transdimensional energy?" Cisco wondered.

"Precisely." Stein agreed. "Exotic matter, transdimensional energy will theoretically leak from one universe into another. Now, if this breach Mr. Garrick's talking about is real, if there is indeed a hole in our universe which leads to his earth…"

"We can make some adjustments and upload an electrophotography program to the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite and essentially photograph the exotic matter leak." Cisco explained.

"Thereby giving us the locale of said breach." Stein finished.

"Last time I saw the kit, it was in the fabrication room." Cisco grins.

"I shall return." Stein said.

"Oh, hoo, hoo." Cisco replied.

"Ha-ha!" Stein smiles as he walks out of the room.

"Getting gooseys." Cisco said as he turned back to the microscope. "All right. Let's see what you're made of. That's too much." Then as Cisco touches the sand on the slide he starts getting a vision. He saw Barry and Macanese at the waterfront.

"Barry? Macanese?" He turned to see the metahuman.

"I thought it'd be harder than this." He admitted.

Cisco then starts to breathe heavily as he snaps out of the vision. He grabs his head. "What's happening to me?" He wonders.

Later, Joe was sitting in his car looking at a file about the metahuman they were looking for so when he sees him walking down the street he calls Barry. "Hey." Barry greeted him.

"I found our meta. His name is Eddie Slick. We tracked those prints to his address." Joe informed him.

"All right, where are you? Atchaco and I will meet you there." Barry told him.

"Too late. He made me." Joe replied as he got out of the car.

"What? Joe?" Barry said. Joe drops the phone in the car as he gets out of it because Slick had seen him and started running away. As Joe was chasing Slick down he gets taken down. When Joe saw him he saw that it was Patty that had taken Slick down.

"So, can I be on your task force?" Patty asked.

Later in the interrogation room at the precinct, Joe was interrogating Slick. Joe slams a file in front of Slick. "That look familiar?" Joe questions but Slick ignores him and Joe pulls him closer to the file. "How about now? What's it look like?"

"A fire." Slick answers.

"There you go, genius. It's the fire you started in the third ward last night." Joe said.

"Man, I didn't start no fire there last night." Slick told him.

"What? Were you out of town? Your cat get sick? Well, let me guess. You don't start fires anymore. You been rehabilitated." Joe joked.

"Yeah, I done it before. So what? I didn't do this one. I always start a fire with something that's hard to trace. You know, like acetone or something." Slick replied.

"Or maybe you don't need to use accelerants anymore. Iron Heights can hold people like you now. You know that, right?" Joe told him.

"You think I'm one of those metahuman freaks? If I had powers, you don't think I would have used them to get away from you?" Slick wonders.

"December, 2013. Where were you?" Joe questions.

"Why?" Slick asked.

"Answer the damn question. Where were you?" Joe questions angrily.

"Blackgate Penitentiary. You don't believe me. Check your records." Slick replied.

Joe takes out his phone and calls someone. "Jimmy, I need you to confirm something for me." He tells the person on the other end.

Behind the two way mirror, Barry and Patty were standing together. "So, Joe told me what you did. I'm impressed." Barry admitted.

"No, all I did was, you know, run the other print from the electrical pipe, then track Slick down from there." Patty informs him.

"That's all." Barry chuckles.

"Yeah." Patty said and they laughed.

"How's it going with Joe? You any closer to cracking his no-code?" Barry asked.

"Are you kidding me? He's like the permission Sphinx. Or like a magic eight ball with just one answer. Or like, you know, the Bridgekeeper protecting the Holy Grail." Patty answered.

"What is your quest?" Barry questioned in an accent.

"Oh, to join your task force." Patty said in a British accent.

"No." Barry said.

"Aah!" They yelled in sync and then they started laughing again.

"Well, maybe I can put in a good word for you." Barry told her.

"That would mean a lot to me, Barry." Patty smiled. Joe then motions to Barry that he needs to talk to him.

"He needs me." Barry said.

"Yeah." Patty laughs. Barry then walks out of the room and runs into Atchaco.

"Hey, I didn't know you were out here." Barry said.

"I did not want to feel like the third wheel." Atchaco admits.

"Atchaco, there is nothing going on between Patty and me." Barry reassured her.

"Did not seem like it to me. Come on, Joe is waiting." Atchaco said as she walks away.

"Atchaco." Barry tried to say.

Minutes later, they meet up with Joe near the elevator. "Okay, so, Slick wasn't in Central City the night the particle accelerator exploded." Joe told them.

"He's lying." Atchaco replied.

"He's a dirtbag, and an arsonist, but he's not lying about this. He's not a meta, Barry." Joe said.

"Slick is the guy who jumped me." Barry reminded him.

"Do you think it's possible that the Slick in there has a…" Joe started to say.

"A doppelganger?" Atchaco suggests. "We don't know."

Late at night in STAR Labs, Stein, Caitlin and Cisco were watching the news. "Yesterday's surprise broadcast from a Star City vigilante who is calling himself the Green Arrow has spawned a massive outcry of both support and dissenters…" The newscaster said.

"Catchy." Caitlin admitted.

"I hate it when they put a colour in their name." Cisco replied.

Then Barry, Atchaco and Iris walked into the Cortex. "Yo." Barry said,

"Yo. The sample you gave us?" Cisco returned.

"Yeah." Atchaco said.

"Not sand. Definitely human cells." Cisco told them as he put the results on the screen.

"Yeah, I know. It's not him, I get it." Barry said.

"I hate to say it, but I think this Earth-2 theory is starting to make sense." Cisco replied.

"For real?" Barry questioned.

"What, you think Jay is lying about the Sand Demon?" Atchaco asked. "You think I'm lying about being the goddess of the multiverse, because that is what you are implying."

"I don't know." Barry admits. "That's my point. But I'm not gonna just believe some guy that walks in here and says a few things that sort of check out."

"Sort of? He was... he was right about Zoom." Cisco pointed out.

"We don't even know anything about Zoom." Barry reminds them. "What is Zoom? Is Zoom even real? Right now, that's just, you know, a story around a campfire." He turns towards Stein. 'I mean, have you discovered a breach yet?"

"Not yet, but we know how to now." Stein told him.

"Have you found one thing to suggest that Jay is a speedster? Is the Speed Force even in his system?" Barry asks Caitlin as he looks at her.

"It doesn't appear to be, no." Caitlin answers.

"See? We are scientists." Barry turns to Atchaco. "You are a goddess and a CSI." He turns to Iris. "You are a journalist. We test, we prove, we report. That's what we do. Except right now, nobody here wants to do any of that except me." Barry sighed.

"Can we have the room for a minute?" Atchaco wondered and everyone left.

"Good luck." Iris said as she left the room.

"What has happened to you?" Atchaco questioned.

"Are you... me?" Barry asked.

"Yes, you." Atchaco answered. "The you that I grew up with. The you that is my best friend. The you that became The Flash alongside me. I haven't seen that you in a very long time."

"A lot's changed, Atchaco." Barry reminds her.

"Yeah, it sure has. You have learned how to not trust people. What is it about Jay that you don't like?" Atchaco questioned.

"I don't know." Barry sighs.

"It's because he reminds you of Dr Harrison Wells." Atchaco pointed out.

"I trusted that man. For months. We all did." Barry said. "And you know what? Eddie is dead. Ronnie is dead. And a whole lot of other people in this city, they are dead because we trusted him. I'm not gonna let us make that mistake again."

"Barry, not everyone is Harrison Wells." Atchaco reminds him. "Besides, you defeated him because you trusted in people. Because you believed in them. This team that you have here, they will follow your lead. They'll do what you say. But if they think that you don't believe in them, it won't be long before they don't believe in you."

Outside the precinct, Joe and Patty were letting Slick go. "Get to walking. I don't want to see your ugly mug around here again." Joe told him.

"Sayonara." Slick muttered as he walked away.

"We didn't have probable cause." Joe said as he turned to face Patty.

"I get it." Patty replied.

"One thing you should know about dealing with these meta-humans, nothing is ever as it seems. Speaking of which, you're the only person here who wants to be on my task force. You want to tell me why you're so hell-bent on being on it?" Joe wondered.

"You want to tell me why you're so hell-bent I'm not?" Patty asks as she sees Slick walking back and Joe turns and sees him too.

"Didn't I just tell you I didn't want to see your ugly mug around here again?" Joe questioned.

"Well, you're gonna have to, Detective West. So I can get to the Flash." Slick tells him. He then makes his amr into sand and then in a fist and punches Joe in the face, knocking him unconscious.

"Hey!" Patty yelled. She takes out her gun and starts shooting Slick but the b

"I like you. You'll do the trick…" Slick admits as he grabs Patty. "Just fine."

Minutes later, Barry and Atchaco go and see Jay in the pipeline. "Finally come to your senses?" Jay wondered.

"Sand Demon kidnapped a police officer. A woman that we know." Atchaco informed him.

"And you both need my help?" Jay asks.

"I need you to help us save her. Before something happens." Barry said.

"I guess you're gonna have to trust me now, huh, kid?" Jay told him and Barry laughed softly.

Later in the Cortex. "We're looking for any structures that promote humidity. Greenhouses, grow rooms, anything of the sort. His body will literally start to fall apart if he becomes dehydrated." Jay said.

"Like dry sand." Caitlin points out.

"Exactly." Jay agreed. "Sand Demon always attacks on two fronts. He creates a diversion, then strikes when you're distracted."

"Okay, then what do we do?" Atchaco asks.

"We use your speed or Barry's speed to get to him before the distraction can happen." Jay explains.

"Jay, how do I stop somebody who can slip through my fingers?" Barry questioned.

"The way I was never able to. With lightning." Jay tells him.

"Yo, are you about to pull a Zeus right now?" Cisco wondered.

"What are you talking about?" Iris asked.

"Barry or Atchaco is gonna hurl lightning from the energy they create when they run." Jay smiles.

"Because lightning plus sand equals…" Caitlin starts to say.

"Glass." Barry points out.

"Time to learn something new, kids." Jay tells them.

"All right." Atchaco laughs softly.

"Choo!" Cisco smiles. Barry chuckles but then he looks over and sees Joe with a sad look on his face.

"Give me a sec." Barry then walks out of the Cortex and he and Joe stand in the hallway. "Hey, are you good?" Barry asked.

"That was Singh. CCPD still hasn't found anything yet. Irony is, I didn't want Patty to have anything to do with the damn task force in the first place. And she gets taken because of me." Joe said.

"No, no, no, this isn't your fault, all right?" Barry tells him.

"It's hard not to think that." Joe admits.

"Well, look, we're gonna find Patty, all right? Whatever it takes." Barry reassures him and Joe sighs.

Later in what looks like a run down greenhouse, Patty was strapped to a chair as Slick was standing at a table. "Flash is coming for you, you know? Thunder as well." Patty wonders.

"Yes, I'm sure he is." Slick tells her. "And I do not care if Thunder comes or not, I will take her out if she does."

"You can't beat them. I don't care what powers you have." Patty said.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Slick replied.

"Is that why you need to build that concussive bomb? Yeah, I know what it is. I'm a cop. I've seen one before." Patty said.

"This isn't gonna kill the Flash. I am. Thunder as well if she shows up. This... is gonna kill you." Slick informs her.

"You know you got lucky, right? You think you were chosen. The rest of us don't mean anything. But it's not true. You were just at the right place at the right time. Getting those powers didn't change who you are. They only highlighted the worst parts of who you already were. Maybe you're right." Patty told him.

"Maybe not. Either way, you, Thunder and the Flash, are about to find out what those worst parts are." Slick smiled.

Back at STAR Labs, they were all still searching for Slick and Patty. "I've searched all the vacant buildings in Central City and none of them fit the description that we need." Caitlin said.

"And I've looked at any draw upticks on the electrical grid. Nothing out of the norm, I'm afraid." Stein admitted.

"We gotta do whatever it takes. I'll be back." Cisco told him. He then walks out of the Cortex and runs to the workstation room where Slick's sample was. "Okay, come on." Cisco said as he stood in front of the sample. He fingers shakes as he goes to touch the sample and when he does, he gets another vision.

"Flash is coming for you, you know? Thunder as well." Patty said.

"Yes, I'm sure he is." Slick replies. "And I do not care if Thunder somes or not, I will take her out too if she does."

"You can't beat him. I don't care what powers you have." Patty said.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Slick replied as he started building a bomb.

"Oh, no." Cisco gasped and he was breathing heavily as he came out of the vision.

"Mr. Ramon? What are you doing down here?" Stein asked as he walked in.

"I figured out where Patty is." Cisco admitted.

"And how exactly did you do that?" Stein questioned.

"Just a hunch. We gotta tell Barry and Atchaco." Cisco said as he ran out of the room.

Later in the training room, Barry and Atchaco were practising on how to throw lighting. Atchaco had already managed to get it but Barry still didn't get it and was still practising as Jay and Atchaco wanted him. "Again." Jay said and Barry pants as he takes his mask off.

"He has been at this for an hour." Atchaco points out.

"Yeah and it's not working." Barry sighed.

"It's because you're trying to rush it." Jay explained. "This is the one time you need to slow down. Let the energy pass over you, then simply direct it to where you want it to go."

"All right, Jay... I don't know if I'm gonna get this in time." Barry said.

"Then I will do it." Atchaco replied.

"No, I have to do this, Atchaco. I just need to learn how to get this." Barry said.

"You'll get it. I believe in you." Jay told him.

"The last person that helped me like this was a man that I looked up to. Idolized. He taught Atchaco and I how to get faster, how to get stronger, how to use our powers to save people. That same man murdered my mother." Barry admitted.

"It's a tough break, but I'm not him." Jay reassures him.

"Yeah." Barry nods and Atchaco puts her hand on Barry's shoulder as Cisco and Stein come running in.

"I know where they are!" Cisco pants. "The abandoned Woodrue grow house. That's where Slick's keeping Patty."

"Great job, Cisco." Atchaco said, giving the man a hug.

"And I was thinking, if I were Sand Demon and I were attacking a speedster or two on two fronts, I would probably want to slow you down, like, by using a concussive bomb or something like that." Cisco tells them.

"That's a good thought." Jay admitted. "He's actually used one on me before. His body absorbs the blast so it doesn't affect him. Well, kid, gonna have to think of something."

"You know what? What if we give Slick a diversion?" Barry wondered.

"Yeah." Atchaco agreed. "He knows you, right? You said you went up against him."

"Yeah, but, Atchaco, I don't have my speed." Jay reminds her.

"He doesn't know that. You got your suit?" Barry wondered.

"Sure. Well, except my helmet." Jay told them.

"Helmet?" Stein questioned.

"Silver kettle helmet? Gold wings?" Cisco asked.

"Don't tell me you guys found it." Jay said and Atchaco chuckled softly.

Later in the Cortex, Caitlin walks up to Jay with his helmet. "Never thought I'd see that again." Jay admits and Caitlin chuckles softly as Jay takes the helmet. "It was my father's, from the War of the Americas."

"Did you just say War of the Americas?" Cisco wonders.

"I wish you would have just told us you lost your helmet. Would have saved us all a headache." Atchaco told him.

"I wish you were coming with us." Barry admits to Atchaco.

"No, it is okay. This is your fight, not mine. Slick wants to Flash and so he's going to get him, both of them." Atchaco replies as Caitlin helps Jay put on his helmet.

"Well, sure you want to do this, Flash?" Barry wonders.

"Yeah. Let's go see what you're made of... Flash." Jay replies.

Later at the abandon Woodrue grow house, Slicks places a bomb under the chair Patty was in. "I'm in the security feed. Go, Barry!" Cisco told him.

"Is that you, Flash? Found your way here." Slick smiles. He then turns around but instead of seeing Barry standing there he sees Jay.

"I came quite a distance." Jay said.

"I thought you were dead." Slick admitted.

"You were wrong. Like usual. Let the girl go." Jay ordered.

"Have at it. But you touch her, she goes boom." Slick tells them. "And I think even you aren't fast enough to save her." Slick smiles as he walks up to Jay. Jay then throws a few punches and Slick dodges them all "Quite a bit slower on this Earth, aren't you, Flash?" Slick mocks him. Jay then punches Slick in the jaw and it causes him to come apart for a few seconds and then Slick punches Jay in the stomach and face. "You don't have your speed, do you?"

"Slick's distracted. Go, Barry." Cisco said. Barry then runs in and grabs Patty as the bomb explodes and pushes everyone back.

"Jay!" Caitlin chouted.

"Barry!" Atchaco yelled.

Barry checks on Patty and sees that she is okay. "Patty's alive." He told them.

"Must be my lucky day. Zoom sent me here to kill you. Now I get to kill The Flash from two worlds before I go home." Slick smiles. He then stretches his hand behind him and starts to choke Jay.

"He's choking Jay." Caitlin tells him.

"Barry, you gotta do something now." Atchaco calls into Barry's earpiece. Then as Slick was making his other arm into a hammer, Barry looks at Jay, who nods. Barry then starts running really fast around Slick which causes him to let go of Jay and become solid.

"Come on!" Slick yelled. Then slowly Barry turns as he throws a lightning bolt at Slick. The lighting bolt hits Slick and it turns him into glass. He then shatters as he hits the floor.

"You okay?" Barry wondered as he walked over to Jay.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Nice shot, kid." Jay told him.

"Flash?" Patty said as she woke up and looked upwards.

"Coming." Jay and Barry say in unison.

Later at STAR Labs, Caitlin was bandaging Jay up. "You're pretty good at this." Jay notices.

"I've had a lot of practice over the last year." Caitlin chuckles.

"Mm." Jay hums.

"It was really courageous doing what you did today, standing up to the Sand Demon without any powers." Caitlin informed him.

"Ah, Barry did all the work. I just stood there and took a few punches." Jay reminds her.

"It was more than a few." Caitlin replied.

"This is a lot harder than I thought. Losing something that was such a big part of who I was for so long." Jay tells her.

"I lost something that was a part of me, too." Caitlin admits. "It's hard, but it gets easier every day. You just have to find a new way to live. Just because it's a different life it doesn't mean it's a worse one." She stops talking momentarily and smiles as she's Barry walking up to them. "And, speed or no speed, in my book you were still a hero today. I'm just sorry we didn't all realise it a little bit sooner."

"Especially me." Barry told him, raising his hand.

"I'll leave you two speedsters alone." Caitlin said, leaving as Barry chuckles softly.

"So, I hear they call you 'The Scarlet Speedster' and Atchaco 'The Burgundy Bullet'." Jay told him.

"Yeah." Barry said and Jay chuckled. "What about you?"

"The Crimson Comet." Jay told him.

"Mm." Barry nods.

"What is it with alliteration and nicknames?" Jay wonders.

"Hey, look, Jay, um…" Barry mutters. "So, thank you for all your help. And for being so patient with me."

"Nah, anytime, kid. You and Atchaco are a quick study. Took me a lot longer to learn how to toss lightning, believe me." Jay told him.

"Then I suppose I had the right teacher." Barry replies.

"It's going to be a lot harder to take down Zoom." Jay reminded him.

"Who is this guy?" Barry questioned.

"No one knows." Jay admits. "He showed up around the same time as when I got my powers. Killed a lot of people in my world. I spent about two years tracking him down. But he was too smart, too quick. He's always one step ahead."

"You really think he's just bringing these guys here to kill me?" Barry asked.

"Zoom is obsessed with destroying me. Now he wants to destroy you, Atchaco as well." Jay told him.

"Yeah." Barry said.

"He needs to be the best. And he will do whatever it takes to ensure he's the only speedster. In any world." Jay informs them.

Later, Atchaco was at home, watching some TV and eating junk food when her phone rang. Atchaco turned her head to the side and grabbed the phone from the table where it had been sat. She sat up a bit and saw that Barry was calling her and she picked it up. "Hey." Atchaco greets him.

"Hey. How is it going?" Barry asked her.

"Well, I am watching some movies while I sit on my couch and eat enough junk food to feed an army. What does that tell you?" Atchaco replied.

"That you are stress eating." Barry points out.

"You know, you have always known me so well. And I am so stressed and worried about everything going on with Zoom" Atchaco tells him.

"Don't be. We are going to get this guy." Barry reassured her.

"What the…" Atchaco gasped as she saw some poppy petals fall out of her window. She jumps up and runs over to the window and sticks her head out.

"How do you like the poppy petals?" Barry asked.

"How did you do that?" Atchaco questions.

"Look in front of you and up." Barry told her. Atchaco lifts her head and looks up at the building in front of her and she sees Barry standing on top of the building and she smiles.

"What is all of this?" Atchaco asks.

"I just wanted to make up for everything. I also wanted to prove to you that I love you and only you." Barry tells her.

"I love you too, Barry. Is this your way of re-asking me to be your girlfriend once more." Atchaco wondered.

"I don't know, is it working?" Barry questions and Atchaco smiles. She then super speeds up to Barry and kisses him passionately.

"Does that answer your question?" Atchaco wonders. Barry smiles as they continue kissing each other and making love and stuff like that for the rest of the night.

The next day, Joe was at the precinct. "Officer Spivot?" Joe said.

"Detective." Patty corrects.

"You're supposed to be home resting." Joe reminds her.

"I'm okay, sir, really." Patty replied.

"Look, I'm sorry you got mixed up in all this mess because of me." Joe apologised.

"It's not your fault." Patty reassured him.

"Do you really think you have what it takes to be part of my task force?" Joe asks.

"I know it, sir." Patty told him.

"Well, I always check the jacket of anyone I'm considering for it. In my research on you, I found out we got a mutual acquaintance. Mark Mardon. I need you to be honest with me here. Why do you want to do this?" Joe questions.

"Mark Mardon killed my dad." Patty said, her eyes watery. "He had a little shoe shop down on Chesterfield. It was a cash business. One night he went to Fairfield bank to make his weekly deposit, and the Mardon brothers showed up. While he was waiting in line, Mark shot my dad in the face for a few hundred dollars. Then a few months later, Mark and his brother got powers. Two murderers got superpowers. So that's why I'm here, Sir. That's why I'm so hell-bent on being on your task force. 'Cause there's some bad people out there and they can do anything. And I may not have powers, but I want to stop them. You're the only person I know who wants to do that, too."

"Monday, 8:00 a.m. Don't be late." Joe tells her as he starts to walk away.

"Uh, late for what?" Patty asked.

Joe turns and faces her. "The task force, Detective." Joe answers and Patty smiles.

Joe then started walking upstairs when he heard a voice. "Joseph." A voice calls. Joe turns to see a woman standing there. "Hi. Been a long time."

"Yeah, it has. Why are you here?" Joe said, walking over to the woman.

"Because you didn't return my calls. And I wanted to see you. And our daughter." She replied.

At STAR Labs, Cisco was on his computer when Stein walked in. "Any progress with the electrophotography?" Stein questioned.

"The satellite picture of the city's still rendering." Cisco told him as he was typing.

"While we wait, care to tell me what's going on with you?" Stein asked.

"What? Nothing." Cisco answered.

"Two hunches in one day. Slick's locale, and that he'd be using a concussive bomb to thwart Barry. Do I need to inform you of the odds of such a prediction?" Stein wonders.

"Something's happening to me." Cisco admits. "I'm starting to perceive things. Horrible things. It started after Wells killed me in the other timeline. It came back when Atom Smasher attacked on Flash and Thunder Day, and then again when Sand Demon showed up. I get a vibe, and then a vision of something that's already happened, and then it's gone. That's how I knew where Slick was."

"Cisco, this is amazing. We... we have to study this, figure out just what to do." Stein told him.

"No, no, no, we're not doing any of that, and we're certainly not telling anybody, either." Cisco replied.

"Cisco, I would think you'd be the one most intrigued with knowing exactly what this is and how it works." Stein said.

"I'm seeing things I don't want to see." Cisco admits. "And knowing things I don't want to know. I just want it to stop. Professor, I don't want anyone to know about this. Not yet."

"It's okay to be afraid, you know?" Stein reminds him.

"Wells told me this was my future." Cisco told him. "That he gave me this power. But everything he did was evil. That's what scares me, Professor. You have to promise me you won't tell anyone about this."

"I promise." Stein said as Cisco started beeping. Cisco then checks it out.

"Oh, wow." Cisco gasped. He looked at the map of the city and there were bright spots all over the city, all of them were breaches.

Minus later, everyone was in the Cortex. "It appears that while we were indeed successful in closing the singularity, there was an unfortunate side effect." Stein informed them.

"What are you talking about?" Barry questioned.

"Using electrophotography, Cisco and I were able to search Central City for any signs of energy entering our earth from another dimension. From any 'breaches', as Mr. Garrick described them." Stein explained.

"But, of course, there isn't just one breach. There's 52 of them scattered throughout the city." Cisco told them.

"These breaches are pockets of time and space folded into and upon itself. But the most significant breach of all appears to be this one." Stein told them. He points at the brighter spot on the map and Cisco zooms in on it.

"And where exactly is that located?" Caitlin asked.

"It's here, inside S.T.A.R. Labs. And just beyond that breach is an entirely diff... fferent…" Stein slurred as he started feeling off. Suddenly, Stein collapses onto the floor and everyone rushes towards him.

"Professor? Professor!" Cisco called. Stein was not responding or moving, which meant that something was wrong, something was really, really wrong.

On Earth Two's STAR Labs, a woman is giving children a tour of the facility. "I'd like to personally welcome you to the Scientific and Technological Advanced Research Laboratories, or, as it's more commonly known, S.T.A.R. Labs. Founded in 1991, S.T.A.R. Labs is leading the world in exciting new technological discoveries that, as our motto suggests, are truly bringing us tomorrow's world today. Specialising in artificial intelligence, genetics, and meta-human stu…" She said and then she notices someone walking out the elevator. "Oh, are we in for an unexpected treat. It is my absolute honour to introduce you to the founder of S.T.A.R. Labs, the saviour of Central City, Dr. Harrison Wells." Everyone was applauding as Harrison Wells walked out of the elevator.

"Hello, kids." Harrison smiles.