Episode 7 - Gorilla Warfare

A few days later at STAR Labs, Atchaco was fully healed (and with a new leg), but Barry, who was a lot more hurt than she was, could barely walk but he was working on it. "All right, I got you." Joe reassured him.

"Mm-hmm." Barry hums.

"Okay." Joe said.

Barry then hands Joe the cane and starts to walk but he then stumbles forward. "I can't do it right now, all right?"

"Oh, yes you can, Barry." Joe told him as he helped Barry sit in the wheelchair.

"No, no, no." Barry said.

"We've been making so much progress." Joe reminds him.

"Yep, six whole steps. Someone get me a Bozo button." Barry joked.

"Hey, give yourself some credit. You just broke your back." Cisco said.

"Yeah, a normal person would've been paralyzed the rest of his life." Atchaco told him.

"How long until I'm fully healed?" Barry asked.

"The initial MRI I took a week ago showed a complete dislocation at the T12-L1 interspace of the thoracolumbar junction. But this is the MRI I took this morning. It's remarkable, but you're almost completely healed." Caitlin informs him as she shows them the MRI on the screen.

"I'm still having trouble breathing." Barry admitted.

"That's totally normal with a spinal injury. It should clear up soon." Caitlin reassures him.

Barry then wheels over and looks at his Flash suit. "We're going to get you back in that suit, Barry. Real quick, trust me." Joe told him.

"What are we gonna do about Zoom?" Barry wonders.

"No sign of him since Cisco nailed him with that tranq dart." Joe answered.

"And I haven't vibed since then." Cisco admits.

"Maybe Zoom's not coming back." Iris suggests.

Harry then walks in with a bag. "I highly doubt that. Which is why I'm gonna go do something about it." Harry tells them.

"What do you mean, go do something about it?" Caitlin questioned.

"I need access to your breach room and your speed cannon." Harry informed them.

"Why is that?" Atchaco asked.

"Because, Atchaco, it's time to go home." Harry replied.

"So, you show up on our Earth, you screw everything up, and now you want to go home? Sounds very familiar." Joe admitted.

"Again, that wasn't me. I need to go take care of Zoom once and for all before anyone else gets killed." Harry said.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Barry questions.

"I'll think of something. Ramon, if you'll escort me to the speed cannon." Harry said.

"No, no, you can't go through the breach." Caitlin replies.

"Yeah, he can. Jay taught us how to send people." Cisco informs her.

"That's not what I mean." Caitlin tells him. "Look, if you can figure out how to stop Zoom on your Earth, you can figure out how to do it here. We need you to stay here until we defeat Zoom, Dr. Wells."

"What I need, Dr. Snow, is to return home. And I'm going to do that with or without your assistance." Harry then walks out of the Cortex and Cisco walks over to Caitlin.

"What are you doing? If Harry wants to go...bye." Cisco said.

"Look, like it or not, Cisco, we need his help." Caitlin replied.

"I'm not sure another plan from Wells is what we need." Joe tells them.

"Yeah, I mean, the last bright idea he had nearly got Barry and Atchaco killed." Iris reminded them.

"I know, but Jay's gone, and Dr. Wells knows Zoom better than anyone, Atchaco cannot do this on her own, so until Barry is back on his feet again, we need to keep Wells around in case Zoom returns." Caitlin said.

"Caitlin, if he doesn't want to be here, then we're better off without him. Let him go." Atchaco replies.

"I can't do that. Not yet." Caitlin admits when suddenly an alarm starts to blare.

"Oh, snap, meta-human attack." Cisco said as he runs over to the computer and sees what it was really for. "Nope, nope, my bad, that is just an alert for me."

"For what?" Iris asked.

"Oh, it's just a reminder. I have a date in an hour, so…" Cisco smiled.

"Oh, with who?" Iris questioned as Atchaco smiles.

"With the lovely Kendra Saunders, the barista at Jitters." Cisco answered. "Oh, she makes a mean latte. I think we're gonna go out for dinner and a movie, and then, I don't know, maybe some breakfast" Joe laughs..

"Wait, breakfast? Why breakfast? I don't…" Barry started to say.

"Yeah…" Atchaco said, putting her hand under her chin

"'Cause, you know, you go home... And…" Cisco mumbles.

"Cisco… He's messing with you." Joe informs him.

"Go." Barry smiles.

"Oh." Cisco turns and quickly leaves.

Atchaco then gets a text from Patty asking if Barry is okay because Joe had told everyone that he was sick. "It's Patty. She is wondering if you want her to bring you some homemade chicken noodle soup." Atchaco told him.

"That is nice of her." Barry replied. "Tell her that is okay and besides I like the canned stuff better."

"That is true. I'll text her that." She then quickly texts Patty. "And besides, I make a much better chicken noodle soup than her anyway."

"Atchaco Cornwall. Is that jealousy I hear?" Iris wonders.

"Who, moi. Never. I don't get jealous. That would be crazy." Atchaco lies and Iris glares at her. "Shut up." Atchaco then leaves the room and both Iris and Barry start laughing.

"Who, moi. Never. I don't get jealous. That would be crazy." Atchaco lies and Iris glares at her. "Shut up." Atchaco then leaves the room and both Iris and Barry start laughing.

Later at night, Caitlin finds Harry sitting at a bar, working on a way to get home. "You should stay away from the cheese curds. They're addicting." Caitlin tells him.

Harry chuckles softly. "I'm going to take a wild stab and guess that you're here without the consent of the rest of your fabulous team." Harry said.

"It's been difficult, having you here. For all of us." Caitlin admits.

"You don't have to worry about that anymore because I'm leaving." Harry replies.

"We can help you save your daughter. I know that's why you want to go home." Caitlin tells him.

"Look, I made a big mistake coming here and use that help to stop Zoom, and my plan failed. I don't have another plan, except to go back home and face Zoom myself." Harry confesses.

"So let's say you go back to your Earth, and you fight Zoom. He will kill you. And then, how does that help your daughter? Look, the best way to save Jesse is for you to stay here, and work with us as a team." Caitlin said.

"No. Now, please leave me alone, while I discover which one of these breaches is gonna get me home." Harry told her.

"You know, you're lucky Cisco and Professor Stein never figured out how to close all the breaches, 'cause then you'd be stuck here. " Caitlin informs him as she starts to walk away.

"Wait. We close the breaches. All of them, except one, so Zoom only has one way to get to this world." Harry said, circling the breach on his map.

"The breach at S.T.A.R. Labs." Caitlin suggested.

"Exactly. And then we set a trap." Harry replied.

Later outside the movie theatre, Kendra and Cisco were about to go and see The Princess Bride for their date. "It's got fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles, and, it's ranked as one of the best date movies of all time." Cisco informed her.

"Well, let's see if that's true." Kendra said as she reached her hand out to him. Cisco holds her hand and then he gets a vision. A woman was flying in the sky as a blue light shone behind them and they came forward. Their face was blurry and he couldn't tell who it was. Cisco slowly comes out his vision when Kendra calls out to him. "Cisco? Are you okay?"

"I gotta go." Cisco replied.

"What? Why?" Kendra asked.

"I am so sorry that this is happening right now. I am so, so sorry. Um, I have to go. I'll call you, okay? I'll call you, I swear." Cisco answered, walking away. Kendra was left there all confused about what had just happened.

Later at Vaughan Pharmaceuticals, Dr Shore was working in his lab with his coworkers when all of a sudden his mind was bombarded with images depicting a lab. Suddenly it was like he was in some sort of trance, he then stole a canister with serum from the lab and attacked the co-worker who had tried to stop as he walked outside the building. Then Dr Shore snapped out of the trance when he set the canister down. Dr Shore looks at his bloody knuckles. "What happened to me?" He questions. He then hears a guttural grunting behind him. He turns around and his face with terror as he sees what is it. "What are you?"

He then suddenly gets thrown up into the air, he hits part of the building and lands hard on the floor, dead. What had thrown him was a giant gorilla, it was Grodd. "Ah! Foolish Human... I am Grodd." He growls.

The next day at the crime scene, Joe walks up to Patty. "Patty. What'd you find?" Joe asks.

"Found these weird-looking hairs all over the street. I'm gonna run 'em against the database and see what I can find. Uh, here, our victim. His name's Dr. Jeffrey Shore. He's a biochemistry engineer here at Vaughan Pharmaceuticals. This is the second dead lab tech in two weeks." Patty informed him.

"That ain't a coincidence." Joe notices.

"Yeah, and like the other tech, he had just stolen a serum from their storage cooler." Patty said.

"Really? What kind of serum?" Joe questions.

"It's called Cortexin. It's used to treat encephalopathy, a blood disease in the brain. The serum's missing, but his colleagues found him here a couple of minutes later, dead." Patty answered.

"He didn't get far." Joe points out.

"He died from blunt force trauma to the head." Patty explained as she showed Joe the body.

"Ugh, and apparently a lot of it." Joe noticed.

"Yeah, check this out." Patty tells him. She points above them where a huge blood stain was on a sign.

"Is that his blood?" Joe asked.

"Point of impact." Patty replied.

"Okay." Joe said. He then sees a CSI and walks up to them. "Can you run through what you told me to her and see if you can get anything else, and if the cases are linked?" Joe then walks away.

"Sure thing. Hi." Patty greets them as she gives the CSI the evidence. "Some of the evidence. I'll be right with you." She then walks over to Joe. "Uh, Detective? How's Barry feeling?"

"Oh, heading to see him right now. He asked me to bring him some of my homemade chicken noodle soup. He hates that canned stuff." Joe told her.

Patty remembers Atchaco's text about how Barry loved the canned stuff and was really confused. "Don't we all." Patty said.

Later at STAR Labs, Barry was walking on the treadmill as Joe, Atchaco and Iris stood in the other room. "Faster, Barry!" Joe orders and Barry starts running on the treadmill. "There you go. Push yourself!"

Then, as Barry was running he starts remembering what Zoom had done to him and Atchaco. He starts to lose concentration and falls off the treadmill, tumbling to the ground. "Barry!" Atchaco yelled and they all ran into the room.

"Are you okay?" Iris asked.

"Oh, yeah, you know, I'm not great right now." Barry groans as he gets back on the treadmill.

"What happened?" Joe questioned.

"It's nothing. I'm good, all right? Just forget it." Barry replied.

"Barry. Talk to us. We can help you." Iris reminds him.

"No, you can't help me. Not this time. I'm sorry. You just... you wouldn't understand." Barry said and Atchaco and Iris walked out of the room.

Barry sharply as he sits down on the treadmill. "What up, Barry?" Joe asked.

"Zoom destroyed me." Barry sighs. "He showed everyone in Central City what he could do, and that I'm powerless to stop him. He hurt Atchaco because she helped me. They gave Atchaco and I a key to this city, Joe. We're supposed to be their heroes. I'm supposed to be the guy that can protect them from something as evil as that, and we failed in front of all of them." He groans as he stands up. "When they think of the Flash and Thunder, all they see now is someone not strong enough to protect them."

"Hey." Joe tries to reach out to him.

"I'm good." Barry grabs the cane. Atchaco and Iris were looking through the window and at Barry with sad looks on their faces.

Later in the basement, Cisco was with Caitlin. "Oh, hey, I know I keep asking, but have you read any reports or anything recently about a Birdman attacking anywhere?" Cisco wondered.

"There's no such thing as a Birdman, Cisco." Caitlin replies.

"Okay, like that's a stretch. In this city? Look, I know what I vibed. It was a man with these big, wide wings. It was crazy." Cisco admits. Suddenly Caitlin starts seeing pictures in her head and she goes into a trance. "What if it was an angel?" He laughs. "It was an angel. Caitlin? Okay, come on, like that's a crazy idea." Caitlin was still in a trance as she faced Cisco and punched him in the face. "What is wrong with you?" Caitlin, still in a trance, walks out the basement, leaving Cisco on the floor.

Minutes later in the hallway, Joe was with Iris and Atchaco. "Just don't know what to do about Barry. I mean, all the test results say he's fine, but it's like there's something holding him back. I keep trying to talk to him, but I can't get through." Joe tells them.

"Then maybe we should get the person who can." Atchaco suggested as Joe vibrates.

"We can talk about that when I see you at home. I gotta take this, okay?" Joe said.

"Okay." Iris replied.

"Bye, baby." Joe said.

"Bye." Iris then walks to the elevator.

"Well, I have some maintenance to do and a call to make. See you Joe." Atchaco then walks away.

"Patty, what's up?" Joe said as he answered his phone.

"Turns out our dead scientist cases are linked." Patty informs him.

"Okay, hit me." Joe said.

"Well, the other scientist stole a large quantity of a racetam drug, typically used to treat patients with Vertigo." Patty explained.

"Okay, so we got two stolen drugs, one for blood disorders of the brain, and the other one for Vertigo. What's the connection?" Joe questions.

"Well, they are both nootropic drugs, used to enhance intelligence." Patty answered.

"Hey, did you get results from the hairs you found?" Joe asked.

"Yes, I did. Uh, apparently they were all over the other crime scene too. The weird thing is, they're not human hairs. Uh, they're hairs from a…" Patty replied.

"From a gorilla." Joe realised.

"How... How did you know?" Patty questions.

"Patty, I gotta go." Joe answers.

"But... Uh…" Patty tries to say but Joe hangs up and quickly walks away.

Minutes later in the Cortex, Barry was sitting back in the wheelchair looking at his suit. "Did Caitlin come through here?" Cisco wonders, holding his jaw.

"No." Barry shakes his head.

"She just hit me in the face and ran away." Cisco admits.

"Yo! Grodd!" Joe said, running in.

"What?" Cisco ponders.

"Grodd's back." Joe informs them.

"Caitlin. That must be why she was acting like that. She was being mind-controlled." Cisco realised. He quickly starts checking the security cameras from all over STAR Labs. They see Caitlin walk out of STAR Labs with Grodd in tow. They all walk outside but by then both Caitlin and Grodd are long gone.

Back in the Cortex, Harry was there and they told them what happened.

"I'm continually amazed by the similarity between our two worlds." Harry admits.

"You got talking gorillas on your Earth, too?" Joe asked.

"Oh, yeah." Harry replied.

"Remind me never to go there." Joe said.

"Ramon, why would this Grodd abduct Dr. Snow?" Harry questions.

"I don't know. It doesn't make any sense. She was always so nice to him." Harry answered.

"He mind-controlled two lab technicians to steal chemicals that enhance intelligence. He wants her for something." Joe tells them.

"Well, looks like he left his bachelor pad in the sewers." Cisco said.

"Grodd's a big-ass gorilla. He can't just waltz through downtown in the middle of the day without anybody noticing." Joe reminds them.

"Right, and if there's been sightings, then we might be able to approximate his location." Harry realises.

"I can call CCPD. They can access the tip hotline, send over files of Grodd's recent attacks." Joe said.

"Good." Harry replied.

"We gotta get her back." Cisco said.

"We will." Harry reassured him. Cisco and Harry then walk out the Cortex to start looking on how to find Grodd.

Joe turns to Barry. "Barry. Barry!" Joe calls.

"Yeah?" Barry wonders.

"You can't blame yourself for this. There's nothing you could've done." Joe tells him.

"I still don't have my speed. How are we supposed to save her from Grodd?" Barry questions.

"You may not have your legs just yet, but you still got that brain. Use it. Help us figure that out." Joe then walks out of the Cortex.

Barry sighs and then looks up at the screen. "Where are you?" He ponders.

Later in an abandoned tower, Caitlin was laying on the floor when she finally came to. She looks around and sees writing all over the walls and a bunch of canisters. "Caitlin." A voice called.

"Grodd? You... Remember me?" Caitlin wonders as she stands up. She then hears footsteps and snarls coming towards her. She looks up to see Grodd jump down and land in front of her.

"Caitlin... always... kind…" Grodd replied.

"Why did you bring me here?" Caitlin asked.

"Need help." Grodd answered.

"I... I don't understand." Caitlin admitted.

"How did I become Grodd?" Grodd questioned.

"Oh. That's a long story, Grodd. Um... The dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion? That's how this happened." Caitlin explained.

"Repeat." Grodd told her.

"Repeat?" Caitlin said, confused.

"Need to repeat Grodd." Grodd snarls.

"You want me to make more like you? I don't know how to do that." Caitlin told him.

"Learn." Grodd replied.

Later at STAR Labs, Barry was running on the treadmill and it looked like he was getting his speed back, but only for a second. He then stops the treadmill and sits down. "Keep that chin down, slugger." A voice said.

Barry turns to see his father in the doorway. "Dad." Barry smiles. He walks over to Henry and hugs him. He then looks over his father's shoulder and sees Atchaco give him a smile and a nod as she walks away.

A few seconds later, Atchaco walks into the Cortex where Joe had the biggest smile on his face. "That was a hell of an idea you had, bringing Henry here." Joe admits.

"Well, he may not have his mother, but he's got two amazing fathers. Seemed like he needed both." Atchaco replied.

"Hmm. Good girl." Joe tells her.

"Mm." Atchaco hums. They then walk out of the Cortex to give Barry some alone time with his dad.

Meanwhile, Cisco and Harry were in the workroom. "So how did Grodd become sentient?" Harry asked.

"A few years ago, S.T.A.R. Labs had this contract with the military to research and awaken latent mind-reading capabilities for 'interrogation purposes'." Cisco answered.

"And I'm guessing Grodd is one of the test subjects?" Harry questioned.

"Right, but then Dr. Wells shut down the program, and we all thought it was to save Grodd from all the crazy mind-control experiments, but it was really so that Dr. Wells could use the accelerator explosion to create a 1,500-pound mind-controlling gorilla that he could manipulate." Cisco looks at what Harry was working on. "What kind of algorithm is that?"

"It's an algorithm meant to extrapolate Grodd's location from places we know he's already been." Harry explained when three locations popped on the computer screen. "Hello."

"There we have it." Cisco smiled.

Meanwhile, Barry was with Henry who was checking out his x-ray. "No spinal cord edema. I don't see any subacute hemorrhaging. Bone fused beautifully. You're all good, Barry. I'd give you some physical therapy, but you don't need it." Henry told him.

"I'm really glad you're here, Dad." Barry chuckles softly.

"Me too. You know, I tried to call, but you can't a cell in Granite Peak National Park, so…" Henry started to say.

"Granite Peak... what are you... You went camping by yourself?" Barry wondered.

"Yeah, yeah, I got a tent. I went fishing every day. I have had my fill of largemouth bass for a while." Henry admits and they both chuckle. "Sometimes you just have to slow down to get back to where you want to be."

"Yeah. Look, Dad…" Barry starts to say. He stops talking when Atchaco walks in with Cisco.

"Hey, guys. I think we've found them." Cisco said.

"Yeah?" Barry replied. Cisco then shows them all what he and Harry had found on the computer.

"Grodd has to be in one of these three bell towers. The only reason we couldn't find him on any cameras underneath the city before I cause he upgraded from a bachelor pad to a penthouse, like a baller." Cisco explained.

"Okay, so we know where he is. We still don't know how to get her." Barry reminds them.

"We got a plan. But you might not like it." Atchaco admits.

"What's the plan?" Barry asked.

"We use me." Harry answered. Barry sees the Reverse Flash and gets mad. He then super speeds Harry to the wall thinking that he was the Reverse Flash.

"That's Harry! That's the other Wells!" Cisco tells him.

"Barry." Harry said.

"Let him go." Cisco ordered.

"Barry, let him go." Atchaco then pulls Barry away from Harry and Harry takes off the mask.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Barry apologises, stepping back.

"We found another suit in the Time Vault." Cisco tells him.

"I thought he was dead." Henry said.

"He is dead. This is... this is Harrison Wells from Earth-2." Barry explained.

"Earth-2?" Henry wonders.

"I'll explain later." Barry answered.

"If we can get Harry to convince Grodd that he's Wells, that he's his father, maybe we can convince him to let Caitlin go." Cisco tells them.

"I'm not gonna be able to help if anything goes wrong." Barry warns.

"But I will be there." Atchaco reassures him.

"Atchaco." Barry sighed before turning to the others. "You guys can get hurt."

"That's a chance we're willing to take." Harry said.

Later at night, Cisco and Harry were walking down the street together. "Looks like we're 0 for 2 on the bell towers, huh?" Cisco said.

"I like to think of it more as, now we know exactly where they are." Harry replied.

"Okay, let's do this again. Gimme your best Wells." Cisco told him.

"I'm not doing the Wells again, Ramon. I told you…" Harry started to say.

"Look. I just made these anti-mind-control ear buds. They could fail, and if they do, you're toast, so you're gonna need to nail it if you want to live." Cisco informs him.

"Ramon." Harry sighs, putting on the ear buds.

"Cisco." Cisco corrects him.

"Cisco. In many ways, you've shown me what it's like to have a son." Harry said and Cisco rubs his forehead. "What?"

"Okay, let's... Let's just try it again. This time, up the creep factor, like, a lot more, and make it a little more sincere. Like you really love me, but you're gonna have to kill me anyway." Cisco explained.

"Cisco. In many ways, you've shown me what it's like to have a son." Harry repeated, nailing the Wells impression.

"Yup, that's the one. Here you go." Cisco said, feeling creeped out. He then hands Grodd's file as his phone rings. "Yo. Yeah, we're moving on to the third location."

"Copy that. Call me when you need me." Atchaco replied, she then calls Barry and tells him what CIsco told her.

"Now we wait." Barry said.

"So this is what it's like every time you go after one of those meta-humans?" Henry asked.

"Uh, pretty much. Only, Cisco and Caitlin are normally the ones in here and I'm the one out there with Atchaco." Barry answered.

"Well, there's no reason you shouldn't be. Atchaco showed me what happened. With Zoom? That was hard to watch. I can only imagine what that must have been like for you." Henry replied.

"He showed everyone in Central City that their heroes weren't good enough to stop him." Barry reminds him.

"Well, that's certainly what it looked like. Was he right?" Henry wonders and Barry scoffs. "Your body's healed, Barry, and yet here you are, feeling the shame of losing."

"Zoom hurt Atchaco and I couldn't help her. I can't stop him. I know it. He knows it. And now everyone in this city knows it too. They don't believe in me anymore, Dad, and I doubt the believe in Atchaco either." Barry replied.

"At my trial for your mother's death, a lot of our family and friends were in the courtroom." Henry recalls. "They heard awful things about what I had done to your mother. It didn't matter that it wasn't true. Every day, I could see it on their faces, the moment when I lost them, until everybody had stopped believing in me. Well, that was my reality. You know, I was gonna serve a life sentence for a crime I didn't commit, but worse than that, every time I looked at someone in the eye from that moment forward, they were gonna believe that I had killed the woman I loved in front of our son. So yeah, I do know what it's like being destroyed."

"How did you get past that?" Barry asked.

"I embraced it. Accepting it was the only way that I could move forward, but I know that if I could survive that." Henry places his hands on Barry's shoulders. "And learn to believe in myself again, then I could survive anything. You know what lit that belief in me, Barry? You. 11-year-old you, running around, believing in me, gave me that hope." Barry uses his cane and stands up as he faces his father. "And now I'm giving it back to you, son. No more monsters can take that from us." Barry nods and hugs his father.

Later, Caitlin was in Grodd's hideout. "So, one of the main differences between ape and human brains is the white matter and connectivity in the brain cells." Caitlin explains and Grodd grunts. "The chemicals that you were treated with as an infant were meant to overcome those differences and cause an explosive growth of both, similar to what humans experience in their first few years of life. Maybe these chemicals can be used to duplicate that growth, and then we won't need a particle accelerator explosion."

Grodd growls as he hears someone come in. When he turns around he sees Harry in the Reverse Flash suit. "Hey, buddy." Harry greets him and Grodd growls again. "Easy, buddy. It's me. I'm back."

"Father, you died." Grodd said.

"No. No, buddy, I didn't die. I just went away for a while." Harry lied.

"All right, that's great, Wells, keep talking." Barry told him.

"But now that I'm back, we don't need Caitlin anymore, do we, buddy? So you can let her go." Harry told him and Grodd growled again. "Come on, buddy. Let me get her out of here. Please."

"Father never ask. Father take." Grodd replies.

"Run." Caitlin ordered. She then tries to make a run for it but Grodd uses his mind control to make her stay.

"Who are you?" Grodd growls angrily as he throws Harry across the room.

"Cisco, you gotta get in there, man." Barry reminds him. Cisco quickly walks in and puts the earbuds on her.

"Oh, Cisco, thank God." Caitlin said as she came out of the trance.

"Okay, you guys gotta get out of there." Barry warns.

Macanese runs in and grabs Caitlin. "I got her. Come on." Macanese said. She then super speeds out here with Caitlin and then she comes back for Cisco and Harry.

"Harry's trapped. We can't leave him here. What do we do?" Cisco said.

"The drugs. The drugs that Grodd stole. Wells... an overdose of those drugs will shock his brain. Okay, just hit him with as much as you can." Barry tells them.

"You are not him! You are not Father!" Grodd yelled.

"I am father." Harry reassures him and Grodd growls again. "And you hit father. Grodd. Look at me. Look at me!" Grodd then roars. "I would never leave you here alone. Grodd, I made you a promise. I have bigger plans for you. Remember? One day, this city will be yours. I promised you. I intend to honour that promise." Suddenly he injects Grodd with all the drugs in his leg and Grodd growls and roars. "Go!" Macanese grabs both Cisco and Harry and then super speeds out of there as Grodd drops to the floor.

Later in the morning at STAR Labs, Caitlin was tending to Harry's wound that he had got from Grodd. "Thank you." Harry said.

"Thank you for rescuing me." Caitlin replied.

"Well, we're a team, right?" Harry told her.

"I'm impressed. I think we all are." Barry admits.

"Yeah, well, we need to do something about Grodd." Joe reminds them.

"Like what?" Iris asked.

"Like get rid of him for good." Joe replied.

"You want to kill him?" Caitlin questioned.

"Considering how many people he's killed, yeah." Joe answered.

"This isn't Grodd's fault. He's only like this because Wells made him this way." Caitlin told him.

"Yes, but, Catie, he kidnapped you and you could have died." Barry reminds her.

"You didn't see what I saw. Grodd's getting smarter. He's lonely and sad. He wants more apes like him." Caitlin admits.

"What are you saying? He wants kids? 'Cause I'm pretty sure one telepathic Giant Ape is more than enough for this city." Cisco replied.

"I know somewhere we could send him." Harry tells them.

"What are you talking about?" Atchaco asked.

"When the singularity exploded and I discovered the breach in S.T.A.R. Labs, I ran similar tests and discovered the same thing, 51 additional breaches. The difference being the breaches in Central City are scattered all throughout the city whereas counterparts in my world most definitely are not." Harry explained, walking over to the computer.

"And you know where they lead?" Cisco questioned.

"Well, I was in the process of figuring all that out when Dr. Snow so gallantly convinced me to stay, but if I am correct, this breach is gonna get Grodd as close to home as he's ever likely to get." Harry displays it on the computer screen.

"Okay, even if you're right, how do we bait Grodd to go through it?" Joe asked.

"My son'll do it. Won't you, Flash?" Henry replied and Barry nodded.

Late at night, Caitlin walks over to the tower where Grodd's hideout is. "Grodd?" Caitlin calls.

"Caitlin." Grodd said. He then comes bursting through a boarded up window. Grodd then lands down in front of Caitlin. But then Macanese super speeds Caitlin away before he could touch her and then Barry appears behind Grodd in his Flash suit.

"Flash." Grodd noticed.

"You want Caitlin, Grodd, you're gonna have to catch me first." Barry tells him.

"Me too." Macanese said as she appeared next to Barry. They then run out of there and Grodd follows them as they run all over the city.

"So Barry and Atchaco are gonna lure Grodd in front of the breach?" Henry questioned.

"Yep, and once he gets him to the right spot, Cisco's gonna blast him into Earth-2 with his thingamajig." Joe answered.

"Speed cannon." Iris laughs.

"Exactly." Joe said.

"Well, things have gotten a lot more complicated since I got out of prison." Henry admitted.

"Mm-hmm." Iris hums.

"Man, you have no idea." Joe told him.

Meanwhile, Cisco and Harry were under a bridge in the city. "Cisco, almost there. Are you ready?" Macanese asked.

"I'm in position." Cisco tells them.

Harry had then finished drawing a circle on the ground. "Now, once you turn on the speed cannon, the quark matter will stabilise, stretching the breach about so big, so anywhere within this circle will suffice." Harry tells him as he sees Barry and Macanese arrive at the bridge. "Right on time."

Once Barry and Macanese were there, they looked around for Grodd but they didn't see him. "Okay, come on." Barry groaned.

"We don't have eyes on Grodd. Does anyone see him?" Macanese wondered. They all hear a large roar as Grodd arrives, he was about to jump on the two speedsters but they managed to get out of the way just in time.

"That is a big gorilla." Harry notices.

Grodd then walks over to Barry and Macanese. "Where is Caitlin?" Grodd growls. He then makes Macanese and Barry see flashes of what Zoom did to them. He then hit them both causing them to go flying back. Barry lands on the floor and Macanese hits the wall of the bridge causing it to be dented before falling to the floor and groaning.

"Oh, my God." Iris gasps.

"Get up, Barry." Harry ordered.

Grodd then walks over to Barry and puts his foot on Barry's chest. "Where is Caitlin, Flash?" Grodd wonders and Barry grunts.

"Right here." Caitlin tells him.

"No. No, no, no." Barry said.

"You need to let him go, Grodd." Caitlin told him.

"Flash and Thunder are my enemy. Now you, too." Grodd informs her.

"No. They were trying to save me from you. We didn't understand what you wanted, but now we do. I can give you what you want. I can give you a home. You just have to trust me." Caitlin said.

Grodd takes his foot off Barry and starts walking toward. Macanese goes over to Barry and helps him up as he gasps and coughs. "All right, here he comes." Harry warns. Grodd walks over to Caitlin who was in the circle that Grodd needed to be in. "Ready to flip the switch." Then as Grodd was in the middle of the circle, Cisco flips on the switch and turns on the breach. "Now, Macanese." Macanese runs in, grabs Caitlin and moves her out of the way as the breach starts to pull Grodd in. "Full power."

"It is." Cisco replied.

"Barry, you can't let Grodd get free. Conquer your fears, son. Believe in yourself." Henry tells him. Barry nods and then runs away to get some distance. He then super speeds towards Grodd and punches him into the breach.

"Come on, come on, come on." Barry whispered. Grodd then goes into the breach and disappears. Cisco exhales with relief as Barry breathes heavily. Joe, Iris and Henry then laugh as they celebrate a job well done.

Cisco then walks over to Barry. "Welcome back, Flash." Cisco smiled.

"Thanks, bro." Barry replied.

The next day at STAR Labs, everyone was looking at the Reverse Flash suit. "I can't believe something good finally came from that suit." Caitlin admits.

"First and the last time." Barry said.

"That thing still gives me the creeps. We should destroy it." Cisco tells them.

"Let's do that, but see if you can figure out how to get it back in this ring first." Atchaco tosses the Reverse Flash ring to him.

"Might be nice to have something like that instead of carrying around a bag all the time." Barry replies and Atchaco smiles.

"I can help you with that." Harry said and everyone looked at him. "What? I know a thing or two about micro-technology."

"Yeah, you know a thing or two about a lot of things." Cisco replied.

"Well, as long as what he knows keeps my son and these good people safe, the more you know, the better. Pleasure to meet you, Harrison. Again." Henry shakes his hand.

"Dr. Allen." Harry said.

"Good to see you two." Henry looks over at Caitlin and Atchaco. "Cisco."

"Take care." Cisco told him.

"Let's go." Barry said. Then he and Atchaco walked out of the Cortex with Henry.

Caitlin then walks over to Harry. "So, Dr. Wells, this place on your Earth that we've sent Grodd, what is it exactly?" Caitlin asks.

"It's a refuge where gorillas subjected to lab experiments, like Grodd, can roam freely." Harry explains, showing them a tropical rainforest where Grodd is now.

"I know it's for the best, but I still feel like I betrayed him." Caitlin admits.

"No, don't say that. You didn't betray him. You gave him a better life." Cisco reminds her and she nods. "I still don't understand, though, I... Why do the breaches on our Earth lead to different places on yours?"

"I don't know yet, Ramon, but I do know we have to close them all, and I don't know how to do that." Harry replies.

"You don't have to do it alone anymore. Any of it. Together, we defeated Grodd, and if we stay that way, we will figure out how to close the breaches, get Zoom, and get you your daughter back." Caitlin reassures him.

"Thank you." Harry said.

At the West house, Henry was looking at old photos of Barry. "Oh, this one is definitely a keeper." Henry smiles as he shows them a picture of his science project.

"Oh, yeah." Joe laughs. "He could've done your standard vinegar and baking soda volcano, but no, Barry wanted to do a molecular structure of chocolate and nougat."

"Mm-hmm." Iris hums.

"It was both awesome and delicious." Atchaco replies.

"That's my favourite candy bar." Barry admits.

"Who does that in the sixth grade?" Joe wonders.

"Why, a true science nerd. Like father, like son, I suppose." Henry answered.

"All right, Dad, we should get going." Barry said.

"Yeah. Uh, Joe, can I have…" Henry holds up the picture.

"Yeah." Joe tells him.

"Thanks. Atchaco, thank you so much for reaching out to me." Henry gives the cyborg a hug. "I am so glad you did."

"Me, too." Atchaco admits. They then pull out of the hug and Henry walks over to Joe.

"Joe, there are no words, man." Henry gives him a hug. "Thanks."

"All right, Atchaco and I are gonna swing by our lab before I come home." Barry said.

"Which reminds me... Patty? She's a smart girl. She's not buying your whole sick story, FYI." Joe told them.

"Right." Atchaco said.

"Who's Patty?" Henry asked.

"A friend, but we'll talk about it on the way to the bus station. Come on." Barry replied and he and Atchaco walked Henry out of the door.

"Bye." Joe said.

"Bye." Barry repeated.

"See ya." Atchaco returned.

Then once they left, Joe looked at the door sadly. "You okay?" Iris questioned.

"It's embarrassing." Joe sighs. "I... I love Barry like he's my own son, but when I'm reminded that he isn't, I start to wonder what it would've been like if, you know…"

"Dad, you would've been just as amazing with your own son, just like you were with me and Barry." Iris reassures him. Joe smiles as he picks up the dishes from the table and walks away. Iris looks sad and regrets not telling him that he does in fact have a son, out there somewhere.

Late at night, Barry walks into his and Atchaco lab as Atchaco went to get them coffee. When he walks in he sees Patty in the lab. "I hear you've been spending a lot of time up here." Barry said.

"Well, you know what they say. When the CSI's away... It's good to see you on your feet again. Must've been all that canned soup you had. Or maybe the homemade stuff Joe brought you?" Patty replied.

"It... yeah, I wasn't actually sick, Patty." Barry admits.

"Yeah, I figured that out. Why did you have Atchaco to me?" Patty asked.

"My dad was in town. I needed to spend some time with him." Barry told her.

"And you couldn't just tell me that?" Patty questioned.

"You gotta understand, Patty, my dad was convicted of murder. When someone's image has been tarnished like that, it's hard for some people to see past it." Barry answers.

"And you seriously think I'm one of those people?" Patty asked.

"No, I know, I should've given you more credit." Barry tells her.

"No, you should've given yourself more credit. This isn't about your father, Barry. This is about you. I need to know that I can trust you." Patty informs him.

"Okay." Barry replied.

"I'm serious." Patty reminds him.

"Oh yeah, I can tell." Barry admitted.

"I don't know how Atchaco puts up with your smart ass." Patty said.

Atchaco walks in at that point with some coffee. "One, as a goddess I have seen people with more ego than Barry and therefore I have had years of practice on how to ignore it. Two, I find it kinda cute." Atchaco admits as she gives Barry a kiss.

"Alright, goodnight lovebirds." Patty then walks away.

"Bye, Patty." Barry replied.

Later at Jitters, Kendra was cleaning up when she saw Cisco standing outside with a basket and she opened the door for him. "Hi." Cisco greeted her.

"Hi." Kendra returned.

Cisco then walks in. "I didn't know if you liked flowers or chocolate, so... I got you both." Cisco smiled.

"Well, I'm allergic to chocolate, and I think that flowers are a waste of money." Kendra replies.

"Um... I have lollipops in my car?" Cisco told her.

"Cisco, I'm joking." Kendra chuckles.

"Oh, God." Cisco laughs.

"This is great. Thank you." Kendra smiles.

"Listen, I wanted to come over here and say I'm sorry for bailing the other night. I... I'm a liaison with the CCPD and there was an emergency, and I had to be there." Cisco told her.

"The CCPD?" Kendra wonders.

"Yeah." Cisco nodded.

"Wow, that's really cool. And very brave." Kendra compliments him.

"Thank you." Cisco replied.

"And this is very, very sweet, Cisco. Um, what is this?" Kendra holds up a device.

"Well, see, that right there." Cisco said.

"Mm-hmm?" Kendra hums.

"That's a digital movie projector. I loaded all of 'Princess Bride' on there." Cisco explained and laughs. "Mm-hmm, that's right. So, all we need is a wall, or, you know, some place where we can pick up our date where we left off."

"Well, if we're gonna pick up right where we left it…" Kendra smiles. She then touches his hand and then kisses him and Cisco kisses back. Cisco then gets another vision of a woman with huge wings wearing a mask. As soon as he gets out of his vision, they both stop kissing.

"Whoa." Cisco gasps.

"Whoa what? What's wrong?" Kendra asked.

"Nothing. You're just a really amazing kisser." Cisco tells her.

"Okay." Kendra laughs softly. "Let's go watch 'Princess Bride.'"

"Let's." Cisco agreed.

"There's a great wall up on the roof." Kendra informed him. Cisco makes a fist and places it in his mouth before he follows her as he tries to forget what he just vibed.

Later, Grodd falls out of the breach and lands in a Rainforest. He looks around and they're mountains in the shape of gorillas. He then looks down and sees a city, a gorilla city. Grodd roars as he takes a look at his new home.