Episode 8 - Legends of Today (Crossover Part 1)

Previously on "The Flash" and "Arrow"...

There had been a break in at Mercury labs. "The person who broke into my facility last night was Harrison Wells." McGee told them.


Cisco and Caitlin meet Harrison Wells from Earth Two. Dr. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, meet Dr. Harrison Wells from Earth-2." Atchaco introduced him.

Harry came from Earth Two because of Barry and Atchaco. "I came here to help you both, Barry." Harry replied.


Jay warns everybody about Harry. "He may not be Harrison Wells from your Earth. He has just as many secrets as the one you knew." Jay warns them.


Cisco tells everyone about the powers he had recently discovered. "I get these feelings sometimes, these vibes. I'm not sure what triggers it. Sometimes it just happens." Cisco told them. His last vibe was when he kissed Kendra and he saw a type of bird person.


Last time Oliver came over to Central City. "You can always talk to me." Oliver tells him.

"Partners?" Barry wonders.

"Partners." Oliver agreed and they shook hands.


Oliver's old girlfriend, who was pregnant with his baby, got paid off by his mother. "This is a million dollars." She noticed.

"That money is yours once you tell Oliver that you've lost the baby." Moria explained.


A few days later, Barry was running around the city. "I've been running a lot lately, trying to go faster than I've ever gone before." Barry admits. "Because there's someone out there who's better, faster, and stronger than I am, and I need to be ready. But no matter how much I try or how hard I push myself, I keep running into the same problem."

Barry then goes to STAR Labs and continues to run on the treadmill. "He just hit 1,375." Caitlin said.

"What's the fastest Barry's run?" Harry asked.

"Little over Mach two, when he ran back in time." Caitlin answers.

"That's not good." Harry replies and then he pushes the button on the speaker. "That's good, Barry." Barry then stops running on the treadmill. "We have our work cut out for us."

"I'm not getting faster, am I?" Barry questions as he walks in.

"Well…" Caitlin started to say.

"No, you're not." Harry told him.

"Thanks for not sugar coating it." Atchaco said.

"All right, well, let's fix this, right? I mean, I can't beat Zoom at this speed. It felt like I was standing still next to him." Barry admits.

"That's because you practically were. Zoom is at least three, four times faster than you at this point." Harry explains.

"How is he so much faster than Barry is and Jay was?" Caitlin asked.

"Physiology, form, strength, could be a number of things... Attitude, diet." Harry answered.

"Okay, all right, well, there's got to be something we can do about it, so let's just figure it out... fast, okay?" Barry told them.

"Well, we got to go." Atchaco said.

"Yeah, we have a lunch date." Barry smiles. "So, we'll see you. Thank you." Atchaco and Barry then walk out of the Cortex.

"So how are we going to help Barry? I'm out of ideas, and we've tried everything you've suggested." Caitlin said.

"Well, not everything." Harry replied.

Late at night, some men were walking on the docks where they met up with a police chief because there was a stowaway on their boat. "He give you his name?" The Police Chief wondered.

"Didn't say. Sat in the brig silent for three weeks. He was all decked out in this when we found him." The Captain replied and he showed the policemen a long coat filled with weapons.

"Jeez, how many are there?" The Police Chief asked.

"32. And I'll polish them all in blood before long. I've waited a long time for this hunt, and you have brought me very close to my prey." He answered.

"Mister, you're not going to do any hunting in those handcuffs." The Captain reminded him.

"Oh, but, Captain, you're wearing the cuffs." He replied. He lifted his hands and he wasn't wearing the handcuffs anymore. The captain was now wearing them, the stowaway then shoved the Captain to the ground.

"Who taught you that... Houdini?" The Police Chief holds up his gun.

"Actually, I taught him." He admitted. The policeman shoots at him but he just moves the gun away himself and it hits another guy behind him. He then shoots with his own gun. Finally he grabs his coat and puts it on. He then uses one of his knives to kill the last three men and the Captain that was there within seconds. "Soon another sacrifice will be made." He gets flashes on the bird person, the same one Cisco had. "I feel you out there." He then walks away.

The next day at the precinct, Joe and Patty were with Barry and Atchaco's lan looking over the crime scene photos from last night. "Man, this was a bloodbath." Joe noticed.

"Done by one person." Atchaco informs them.

"One person did all this?" Patty asked.

"Oh, yeah, you can see from the blood pattern. This guy was shot first, then the police chief, then these three were stabbed before finishing off the captain." Barry told them.

"Wow. Do you think a meta-human did it?" Patty questions.

"We don't know, but we found this in all of the stab victims' wounds." Atchaco holds up an evidence bag. "It's some type of cryptocrystalline... Flint, most likely…"

"Probably broke off the blade during the fight. We'll run it to make sure." Barry said.

"Let's see what stores sell those kind of flint knives." Joe replied.

"Will do." Patty said. Barry and Atchaco looked at each other and Patty motions Joe to them.

"So cute. You guys are trying not to be affectionate in front of me." Joe noticed.

"Yeah, adorable." Patty smiled.

"Oh, no, we're just showing some professionalism." Atchaco replied.

"Yeah." Barry agrees. Joe chuckles and then he and Patty leave.

Late at night, Kendra unlocks the door to Jitters as she walks in with Cisco. "Advantages of a trusting manager." Kendra said and Cisco laughed. Kendra then starts turning on all the lights.

"Oh, a lot's gone down in this place. Nice. So what's up? I thought we were gonna go to dinner." Cisco pointed out. He then looks forward and sees a dinner set up in front of them. "Whoa. What's going on here?"

"I couldn't decide which restaurant to go to, so I thought we would create our own. Voilà." Kendra smiled, lifting the lid off the food. "Short rib, Yukon gold puree, and asparagus. Got to have a vegetable."

"This is nice." CIsco replied.

"I like to cook. I didn't know if you like red or white, so... I got you both." Kendra told him.

"Ooh, two bottles. That's kind dangerous, don't you think?" Cisco wondered.

"You're not gonna run away all of a sudden, are you?" Kendra asked.

"Trust me, I'm staying by your side as long as possible." Cisco said.

"Good. You know, it's been really great hanging out these last few weeks. And it's helped make the move a lot easier, so... thanks." Kendra informed him.

"You're very welcome." Cisco replied.

They were about to kiss when the man from last night walked in Egyptian Arabic. "Sorry. How did you get in here?" Kendra asked.

"Hey, man, this place is closed." Cisco told him.

"You are just as beautiful in this life as any other, Priestess Chay-Ara." He said.

"Priestess?" Kendra wondered.

"Uh, you're going to have to go, dude." Cisco told him.

"Oh, not without her... dude." He opens his coat, showing them his weapons.

"Oh, my God. Cisco. I don't understand. What do you want?" Kendra questions.

"I believe I was clear." He replied.

Cisco carefully takes out his cel phone and starts dialing rpaidly, sending a distress songle to Barry and Atchaco. "Kendra's not going anywhere with you, Highlander." Cisco said.

"Oh, is that your name now? Kendra... Quite boring. I believe it allowed you to blend in for a while. Now, give her to me, and I'll make your death fast." He points a knife at them.

"It ain't gonna happen." Cisco replied.

Barry and Macanese then super speep into Jitters and they punch the guy in stomach. "You are done here, pal." Macanese tells him.

"So is he!" He growls. He then throws his kinife at Cisco, Barry super speeds towards Cisco and grabs the knife just before it hit it. But by the time they look back, the guy was gone.

"Oh! Thank God, Barry, Atchaco." Cisco smiled.

"Dude, come on." Barry sighed.

"You got to be kinding me." Macanese said.

Later, they are at STAR Labs. "I can't believe you're The Flash and Thunder. And that you work with The Flash and Thunder." Kendra admitted.

"Yeah, let's keep that on the DL." Cisco laughs softly.

"This is the same knife that was used to kill the men at the docks. Residue is a perfect match." Barry told them.

"So it is the same guy." Joe wondered.

"Definitely. But the thing is, these blades are old, centuries old." Atchaco tells them.

"Do you have any idea why this guy would be after you?" Iris asked.

"No, I've never seen him before in my life." Kendra asked.

"Well, he was certainly acting like he knew you. He kept calling her Priestess Chay-Ara." Cisco said.

"That's Coptic." Harry noticed.

"You mean Egyptian?" Caitlin suggested.

"That's right." Harry agreed.

Well, I grew up in Wisconsin, and I've never even left the States, so…" Kendra told them.

"This guy, he's clearly incredibly dangerous, so I need you to at least let us try to protect you." Barry replied.

"I can put a detail on her." Joe suggested.

"You didn't see this guy, Joe. No offence, but I don't think a cop is going to be able to protect her." Cisco said.

"No, but we do have a few friends who could lend a hand." Atchaco answered.

"But we're going to need to leave Central City." Barry told them.

"And go where?" Kendra questioned.

Minutes later, Cisco was in the hallway with Barry and Atchaco. "You really want to go to Star City? Come on, we don't need Team Arrow's help." Cisco told them.

"Yeah, I think we do, man." Barry admits.

"Man, you both have fought meta-humans with abilities a lot worse than knife-throwing." Cisco reminds them.

"I don't think this guy's a meta-human." Atchaco replied.

"Yeah. There's something different about him, something, ah, mystical." Barry said.

"Mystical, really?" Cisco wondered.

"We stop meta-humans because we're scientists. We can figure out what their weaknesses are, but we don't have any experience when it comes to guys like this, with magic. They do." Atchaco reminds him.

"Mm, this wouldn't have anything to do with Zoom, would it?" Cisco asked.

"No. I'm just trying to keep Kendra safe. This is the best way to do that." Barry replied.

"Yeah, exactly." Atchaco agreed.

"Right. Okay, I'm with both of you. But how do we even know Oliver and them even have time to help us?" Cisco questions.

"How busy can they be?" Barry asked.

At Starling City, Damian Darhk was at Argus killing all the soldiers because they were protecting something that he wanted. "Oh, gosh, that's fun. I really could do this all day. Open it up." Darhk ordered. His minions then open up a truck and inside was a bomb, the one thar Darhk wanted. "They could've at least tried to hide this chemical bomb. Serves them right, it getting stolen and used against them. Suddenly they hear a sound coming from behind them. They look up to see The Green Arrow and his team on top of the truck. "Oh, you brought arrows to a gunfight."

"What guns?" Oliver replied. He pushes a button on his suit and all the Darhk's minions' guns get magnetised and then pulled out of their hands towards the arrow on the ground.

"Oh, that was actually pretty clever. kill them." Darhk said. Oliver, Thea and Diggle jump off the truck, that's when the fight broke out.

Later, Felicity was in their new Arrow Cave. She was mimicking Oliver's voice as she was working. "'Felicity, the magnetic-arrow gag will never work.'" Felicity chuckles. "Yes, it will, my love, because I am really smart. And guess what, Oliver. It did work."

"Felicity, honey, it's a little hard to fight with you doing that in my ear." Oliver reminded her.

"Oh, I totally forgot that this was an open line. Keep doing what you're doing. Make smart decisions." Felicity said. She quickly pushes a button on the computer, turning off her mic.

Back at the fight at Argus. Team Arrow took out all of Darhk's minions. There was only one person left, Darhk himself. Darhk shoves his hand towards Oliver, and Oliver looked like he was starting to desiccate. "Ooh! You know, I got to be honest. I really thought we'd be doing this dance a lot longer. Night-night." Darhk told him. Then as Oliver started to crumble a two streaks of lightning ran in and grabbed Oliver before he died. "What was that?'

Minutes later in an alley, Macanese had finished being Diggle as Barry came in with Thea. Dggle opens his mask and vomits. "Damn it. Every time." Diggle complains.

"It's The Flash and Thunder. Did I know we knew The Flash and Thunder? We know The Flash and Thunder. Okay. I didn't know we knew The Flash and Thunder." Thea said.

"Thank you. But I don't think you both ran all the way here to protect us." Oliver noticed.

"No, not to protect you. I need to protect a friend." Macanese told him.

Later they arrive at the arrow cave with their masks off. "Wow. Nice new digs." Barry said.

"Yeah, this is amazing." Atchaco agreed.

"Also, I just noticed, no sleeves. Don't you get cold?" Barry wondered.

"I spent the better part of five years on an island in the North China Sea. I don't get cold, Barry." Oliver replies as he walks away and Barry shakes his head.

"Barry, it's so good to see you. Felicity." Felicity walks up and hugs him.

"Good to see you, Felicity." Barry returns.

Felicity pulls away and then smacks Barry on his chest. "How come you didn't tell me Zoom broke your back?" Felicity said.

"I…" Barry tried to say.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay." Felicity pulls him into another hug.

"So this is what it's like dating her?" Barry questions as he pulls away.

"More bruises from her than from Deathstroke." Oliver commented.

"I know what you mean, Atchaco is…" Barry starts to say.

"Barry." Atchaco growls. "If you do not want to get smacked again, I suggest you do not finish that sentence.

"Got it." Barry squeaked.

Cisco and Kendra walked up on the platform where all the computers were. "Okay, S.T.A.R. Labs is impressive, but this is…" Kendra gasped.

"This is completely wrong!" Cisco complained. "Did you guys even look at the specs I sent over? This is a tragedy. I'm mourning for the death of engineering. Copper wiring to handle the processing speed from the Palmer Satellite, or else your system is gonna overload."

"Yeah, but that hasn't happened. I mean, it hasn't happened since last week. I mean, it didn't... It happened yesterday." Felicity admitted.

"Hi." Kendra greets as she walks over.

"I'm Felicity." She introduces herself.

"I'm Kendra Saunders. I'm Cisco's…" Kendra returned.

"She's, uh, my, uh, new, beautiful friend who kisses me occasionally." Cisco mumbled.

Oliver looks at the two of them and Cisco looks away. "It's nice." Oliver commented.

"Right. Um, I'm Thea. This is John Diggle and my brother." Thea introduced them.

"Oliver Queen. Yeah, I know." Kendra replied.

"Hi." Oliver shakes her hand.

"Wow. Okay, first to meet The Flash and Thunder, now the Green Arrow. Do you have any other surprises for me?" Kendra wondered.

"Please, no more surprises." Cisco chuckles.

"Barry and Atchaco said that you need our help. Somebody very dangerous is after you." Oliver reminded them.

"Yeah, and I have no idea why." Kendra admitted.

"What does this guy even look like?" Thea asked.

"Hold on." Barry said. He then walks over to a table where a pen and notepad were, he then quickly starts drawing the guy who is after Kendra. "Okay, this is him." Barry holds up the drawing.

"Yeah, see, that's something I would never think of." Diggle replied as Barry looked really proud of himself.

"Hey, kind of rocking that Dothraki look... hot. Let's see if facial recognition can find a match." Felicity takes the drawing. She walks over to the computer and quickly runs facial recognition and a match pops up.

"That's him." Kendra said.

"Yeah, strange. This picture's from 1975." Felicity noticed.

"Which would make him about 80 years old right now." Atchaco realised.

"Okay, what else can you tell us?" Oliver questioned.

"He said we've known each other for ages, but I've never met the man before." Kendra answered.

"There has to be some kind of connection." Oliver told them.

"Not one I can think of. I just moved to Central City six months ago." Kendra said.

"Why'd you move there?" Oliver asked.

"I just felt drawn to the city, I guess." Kendra replied.

"Kendra, there is a reason this guy's after you. Think." Oliver tells her.

"Look, man, we just came out here to hide out for a bit until we figure things out, so you can just take it down…" Cisco started to say.

"You came here because you need our help. This is what my help looks like." Oliver reminds them.

"Oliver, Atchaco and I just saved you guys from whatever the hell Flock of Seagulls was about to do. The least you can do is…" Barry tries to say.

"Barry, none of us have superpowers. You brought Kendra into our world without knowing who she is or what this dude that is after her is looking for. You made all of us unsafe. So maybe you ask the questions." Oliver replies.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We're all friends here, right?" Felicity wonders as she pats Oliver's arm.

"Mm-hmm." Oliver hums.

"Why don't we go back to our place and have some drinks, and we can talk?" Felicity suggested.

"That is a great idea." Atchaco commented.

Back in Central City, Caitlin walks into the Cortex of STAR Labs and sees Harry working on something. "What you working on?" Caitlin asked.

"This is a formula meant to increase a speedster's velocity that I've been developing since Zoom showed up on my Earth. Ironically, this was meant to help out Jay Garrick." Harry explained.

"You want to give Barry a drug to make him run faster?" Caitlin questioned.

"Atchaco too. Temporarily enhance the Speed Force in their systems, yes. So yes, it will make them run faster." Harry answered.

"So you're trying to make nitrous oxide for speedsters." Caitlin suggested.

"Good analogy. Yes, I tried. Five times I tried. Five times I failed. That's what you get when your background is technology and not biochemistry." Harry complained.

"Well, then you are lucky I am here." Caitlin pulls up a chair.

"What does that mean?" Harry asked.

"You've been thinking of this as a mechanical problem, not a biomechanical one." Caitlin replied.

"And what does that mean?" Harry questioned.

"When a speedster runs, they consume an extraordinary amount of oxygen, so we just need something to give an extra boost of oxygen during that time." Caitlin explains.

"Like an oxygen generator." Harry said.

"Exactly. So we just need a chemical that's rich in oxygen that would release it as a nearly pure gas as it decomposes... Something like…" Caitlin starts to say.

"Sodium chlorate." Caitlin and Harry said.

"Then all we'd need is heat to release the oxygen." Caitlin tells them.

"Which a speedster generates naturally in the form of lightning." Harry replies.

"I think something like this just might work." Caitlin told him.

"You think you can help me figure it out?" Harry asked.

"I can certainly try." Caitlin told him.

Back at Starling City, everyone was in Oliver and Felicity's loft having drinks. "I'm not changing my nickname. I like Speedy." Thea admits.

"Are you familiar with my body of work? If you are, then you know I can come up with something so much better than Speedy." Cisco replied.

"Why don't you get a haircut? And then maybe we can talk about it." Thea smiled.

"I think you're just mad because my conditioner game is on point." Cisco touches his hair.

Meanwhile, Barry was talking to Felicity. "So the CEO of Palmer Technologies is living with Oliver Queen. It's insane how much life can change in six months, huh?" Barry said.

"Which you would know better than anyone, considering that there's another Flash, another Dr. Wells, from another... earth. I mean…" Felicity replied.

"Yeah. No, it's been trippy lately." Barry admits.

"I wonder what Oliver's doppelganger would look like. Bald, pot-bellied…" Felicity smiled.

"Uh-huh." Barry holds in his laughter.

"Agreeable." Felicity said.

"So, how are things going on with you and Atchaco?" Filciity asked.

"They're great. She's amazing." Barry answered.

"You deserve someone amazing." Felicity told him.

"Thanks." Barry replies.

Thena oven timer dings. "My pigs in a blanket!" Felicity gasps.

Barry walks over to Oliver. "Hey, Ollie, um... look, I'm sorry that I laid all of this on you. I know that it wasn't fair." Barry tells him.

"It's okay. I'm sorry if earlier I was a little…" Oliver sighed.

"Snippy?" Barry suggests.

"I have been called worse. No, but I'm glad that you're here. I'm glad you reached out. It shows a real maturity, and I would know that because I've never been that mature." Oliver admits and Barry laughs. I'm always here for you. Thank you. Both of you."

"Thank you. I got to say, this isn't the same Arrow team I'm used to seeing or the same Oliver Queen. You seem really…" Barry starts to say.

"Happy?"Oliver suggests.

"Happy, yeah." Barry agreed.

"I am happy. I finally have everything that I've ever wanted. Being with Felicity has given me a real sense of peace, something that I haven't had in a long time."

"Didn't you tell me that guys like us don't get the girl?" Barry reminds him.

"Yep. I was wrong." Oliver then walks away as Barry laughs. Oliver walks over to Felicity and stands in the middle of the room, in front of everyone. "I would like to propose a toast. I wish it wasn't just the dark times bringing us together." Barry then uses his super speed to take Oliver's drink.

|But it is friends like you that make those dark times worth having." Barry tells him.

"What a guy." Oliver chuckles. "Steals my drinks, steals my words. As I was saying, it's good to see everyone."

"Yes." Barry nods.

"Cheers." Oliver said.

"Cheers." Everyone repeats.

Minutes later, Cisco stands alone in the kitchen as Barry and Atchaco walk over to him. "Look, don't worry, all right? We're gonna keep her safe. we promise." Atchaco reassures him.

"Yeah, I know. Look, there's something I never told you guys. The first time I kissed Kendra, I got a vibe. No, not like that kind of vibe. Like, I vibed vibed." Cisco admitted.

"Oh." Barry said.

"Remember the man with wings? It wasn't a man. It was Kendra. She was, like, a bird." Cisco explained.

"You think that she's a meta-human?" Atchaco asked.

"Mm…" Cisco shrugs.

"Wait. Why didn't you say anything about this sooner?" Barry questioned.

"Well, I didn't think it was related, but I guess now it has to be. Look, I don't want her to know about my powers. I have this great thing going with her. She laughs at my jokes, and she loves movies, and... I just... I've never felt like this before, and I don't want to sabotage it." Cisco told them.

"I get the feeling." Barry replies.

"Look!" Kendra gasps as he looks at the window.

Everyone turns and sees the guy from the picture burst through the window. "I will always find you, Chay-Ara." He said.

Atchaco quickly grabs Oliver's bow and hands it to him. Oliver then points an arrow at the guy. "Don't move." Oliver ordered.

"Then how will I kill you all?" He smirks.

He then throws four knives. Oliver shoots and arrow and Atchaco start grabbing all the knives with the speed. The guy then throws another knife which embedded itself in Atchaco's fake arm, which she ignores. Oliver then rushes v=over to count Dracula's cousin and starts fighting with. Everyone takes cover, but then Oliver starts losing and gets shoved to the ground. The guy then throws another knife and Barry catches it. "Yeah, I can do that too." Barry smiled.

Oliver starts shooting a lot of arrows at the guy and he blocks them all with a metal fan but Oliver ends up hitting him with two arrows on his shoulder. Thea then grabs her bow and she is about to take a kill shot. "Thea, no!" Oliver yelled. Thea doesn't listen and takes the kill shot. The arrow hits the guy in the chest and he falls off the balcony on the loft. "What did you do?"

"I ended it." Thea answered,

"This is why we ask questions." Oliver reminded them.

Oliver, Barry and Atchaco looked over the railing to see where the guy had landed. But there was nothing, there was no body, the man was gone. "Wait. W-where did he go?" Atchaco asked.

"Oh, boy." Barry and Oliver gasped.

Later, they are all in the Arrow Cave. "Okay. Thanks." Olver said, getting off the phone as Barry looked over at Atchaco who had taken the knife out of her prosthetic and fixed it. "All right, Lance is gonna call if he gets any information on... whoever that is."

"I know where we can get some info." Cisco turns to face his Kendra. "Kendra, I have powers. I get these vibes from people. They're visions of meta-humans, and I had one of you."

"So, A, you're saying you're a meta-human, and, B, she's a meta-human?" Felicity reaslied.

"I don't know. In these visions, you could fly. It was like you were a bird of some sort." Cisco told them.

"A bird?" Kendra wondered.

"Yeah." Cisco nodded.

"What else did you see?" Kendra asked.

"That's it... just you with wings." Cisco admitted.

"Oh, I did not see that one coming." Felicity said.

Suddenly the lights shut off, when they turned back on, Malcolm and his minions were standing in the arrow cave. "Oh, I think there's a lot you didn't see coming." Malcolm told him.

"So. Your security sucks as well. Just great." Atchaco commented.

"Great. More surprises. Who the hell is this?" Cisco questioned.

"It's my dad." Thea answered.

Back in Central City, Caitlin and Harry were in Cortex, working on the formula to increase speed. "I think I did it." Caitlin said as she was looking at the computer.

"What do you know, Snow? I think you did do it." Harry replied, looking at the results.

"Velocity-6?" Jay wondered, seeing the computer screen.

"Ah." Harry hums.

"This is what was so urgent, Harrison? You get me to come here so I can take your speed drug?" Jay wonders.

"That's right." Harry answered.

"You knew about this." Jay said to Caitlin.

"Of course she did. She figured it out." Harry told him.

"I thought this was to help Barry and Atchaco." Caitlin reminded him.

"It is to help Barry and Atchaco, which is why we need to do test runs on subjects who once had the Speed Force in their system." Harry motions to Jay.

"The Speed Force doesn't work like that. It's not something you can create in a lab." Jay informed him.

"How do you think you became The Flash, Garrick? By me and a lab. Science is what did this to you, to Barry, to Atchaco, to Zoom, and science is what we need to stop Zoom, and this is our only option." Harry reminds him.

"Find another one." Jay answered. "The Speed Force can't be replicated or enhanced. It's a living thing. It's a gift that was given to me. That drug... you have no idea what it's gonna do. I'm not going to let another one of your experiments mess with me again, Harrison. You find someone else to be your guinea pig."

"Jay." Caitlin tries to say.

"Caitlin, keep that serum away from Barry and Atchaco." Jay then walks out of the Cortex. Harry then puts on his hat and coat as he starts to walk out of the Cortex.

"Where are you going?" Caitlin asked.

"To pick up what we need." Harry answered.

"Wait. Jay just said we shouldn't give it to Barry and Atchaco." Caitlin reminds him.

"We're gonna do what we need." Harry then turns and leaves.

Back at Starling City, Malcolm was in the Arrow cave and he had information on their mystery man. "The man you're looking for is Vandal Savage." Malcolm tells them.

"Vandal Savage? Never heard of him." Diggle replies.

"Well, who is he?" Barry asked.

"Some say he was the most trusted adviser to Genghis Khan. Others say he guided Julius Caesar through the Gallic Wars. But one thing the League knows for sure... He was there for all of it." Malcolm answered.

"So what are you saying? He's like a vampire or something?" Cisco wondeed.

"Not a vampire, an Immortal." Malcolm answered.

"Okay, we've officially stepped into crazy town. Immortality?" Kendra huffs.

"Wait. No, no, no, this makes sense. This explains why he looks the same as he did in 1975." Thea replied.

"This can't be possible." Kendra said.

"There's nothing you can do to save her now." Malcolm warns.

"Kendra, do not listen to him." Atchaco tells her. "Reincarnation is an ability, immortal is not, it shouldn't be."

"I... I just need some air." Kendra then turns and leaves and Cisco follows her.

Barry then walks up to Malcolm. "Hey, we're gonna do whatever we have to to keep Kendra safe, whether you think we can or not." Barry informs him.

In Central City, Patty was walking down the street when she saw Harry putting things into his car, but to Patty all she saw was Harrison Wells, the man that had killed Barry's mother when he was a child, and Barry was a friend she would do anything to protect so without thinking she followed after him.

Meanwhile, back in Starling City, Kendra was walking down the street when Cisco ran up to her. "Kendra!" Cisco called before walking in front of her. "Hey, you going to be all right?"

"It's just a lot to take in right now." Kendra admitted.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me before. I didn't want things to be different between us." Cisco said.

"It's not that, Cisco. If what everyone's saying is true... And it's beginning to seem like it is... My whole life just changed, and I am so not ready for that." Kendra replied.

"I hear what you're saying. I do. When I first learned about my powers, I remember feeling that exact same feeling, and sometimes I still feel that way, and all I can say is... every day gets a little bit more normal." Cisco tells her as he grabs her. "I promise you."

"Thank you." Kendra smiled.

"You're so welcome." Cisco said. Suddenly, a man with wings flies in and grabs Kendra before flying away. "Kendra!"

"Help!" Kendra yelled.

Minutes later, Cisco told everyone what had happened and now everyone was looking for Kendra all over the city. "Guys, did you find anything?" Macanese asked.

"I'm on it!" Cisco and and Felicity said as they both towards reached towards the computer keys.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is my house. Don't worry. We're going to find her." Felicity reassures them as she starts to type quickly.

Meanwhile, the birdman landed on a rooftop and he puts her down. "Wow. You look as beautiful as ever." He compliments her after he takes off his helmet and Kendra backs away from him. "Chay-Ara, it's me, Khufu." Kendra then grabs her head as she stats getting flashes of the past. "Do you remember? Look at me. You need to wake up."

"What are you talking about? I don't know who you are." Kendra said as she looks up at him.

"You will once you emerge. Until then, you need to stay by my side so that I can protect you." He tells her.

"Protect me? From what?" Kendra asked.

"The man who's hunting you, Vandal Savage." He answered.

Back at the Arrow cave Felicity smiled. "I got them! 57th Street tower." Felicity informs them.

"I'm right near there." Oliver said.

"Always a pleasure watching you work, Smoak." Cisco tells her.

"Yeah!" Felicity agrees.

They then try and give each other a high five but they fail at it. "That was pitiful." Cisco sighed.

Back on the rooftop, the birdman was still with Kendra. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you sort of just kind of have to trust me on this. I…" He told her and then he hears Oliver's motorcycle. "Just one second. Stay right there." He then puts his helmet back on and flies away.

"I got eyes on him." Oliver said as he rod his motorcycle. Oliver then starts shooting arrow at the guy, but the birdman throws his face at Oliver's motorcycle. It hits one of the tires and is causes Oliver to fall off his bike. "Give me the girl." Oliver quickly stood up.

"Not gonna do that, Robin Hood." He replied, picking up his pace.

"You're making a big mistake." Oliver warns.

"I'll take my chances." He replies. He and Oliver then start fighting but the archer was losing.

"Barry, Macanese, change of venue. Birdman and Oliver are at 54th and Motor now... hurry!" Cisco told them.

"We're on our way!" Barry replied. In seconds Barry and Macanese arrive on the scene. The both charge towards Birdman. He throws Barry to the side like a ragdoll. He then grabs Macanese and flies her up into the air and drops her. Barry gets up from where he was quickly and Macanese falls, creating a slight crature on the ground.

"We need to expose his wings." Oliver told them.

"We're open to suggestions." Macanese said.

"Now you two are listening to me?" Oliver wonders.

"It's your city, Oliver." Barry reminds him.

"All right." Oliver said. Oliver then starts shooting arrows at the birdman, but the guy just flies past them and he swings his mace at him and Oliver ducks out of the way. Birdman then tries to fly away, but Macanese and Barry spin their arms with their speed and causing Birdman to get caught in their little tornado. This gave Oliver a change to shoot an arrow with a rope attacted. Bridman gets tied up and falls to the ground. Barry and Macanese uses their super speed to speed around the guy and then they hit Birdman with a lighting bolt, knocking him out. "That's new.'

"Yep, comes in handy." Macanese chuckles.

Back at STAR Labs, Harry was putting some serum into a syringe. "We can't use that serum on Barry. Or Atchaco." Cailtin tells him.

"That's up to them, isn't it? If Barry and Atchaco want to stop Zoom, this is what they need." Harry replies.

"Jay said it could hurt them." Caitlin reminds him.

"Well, Jay's a coward." Harry argues.

"Jay's a scientist who knows a lot about speedsters." Caitln said.

"You're a scientist, Snow." Harry replied. "You've been watching Barry. You know he's nowhere near as fast as he needs to be. And he will never let Atchaco fight alone. This other mentor, this other Harrison Wells, did not want him to reach his full potential... I do."

"You know, you're really starting to sound a lot like him." Caitlin notices as she walks out of the Cortex.

"Put your hands in the air." Patty orders as she walks in and points her gun at the man.

"Who are you?" Harry asked.

"You're under arrest. Doctor McGee was right. She did see you." Patty replies, ignoring Harry's question.

"Christina McGee?" Harry wondered.

"At Mercury Labs. You're Harrison Wells." Patty reminds him.

"Yes, I'm Harrison Wells. I'm not the Harrison…" Harry takes a step forward.

"Stop! You move closer, and I'll shoot." Patty wonders.

"Give me that…" Harry tries to say as he steps forward but Patty fires her gun. Harry then starts bleeding from his chest as he collapses onto the floor.

Caitlin then comes running and sees Harry, she then looks up at Patty. "Oh, my God, what have you done?" Caitlin gasped, she then runs over to Harry and puts pressure on his wound. "Harrison? Harrison, stay with me. Harrison, Harrison, stay with me. Stay with me, Harrison, come on. Why did you shoot him?"

"I thought that was a gun. I'm sorry. I'll call 911." Patty said.

"No, don't!" Caitlin replied.

"Why?" Patty asked.

"Because this... Didn't Joe West explain this to you?" Caitlin wondered.

"No." Patty answered.

"Just call Joe." Caitlin ordered.

"Okay." Patty then starts dialing Joe's number.

Back in the Arrow Cave in Starling City, Birdman was now chained to a pillar when he starts to wake up. "Where is she?" He questioned, pulling at the chains.

"What's your name?" Oliver asked him.

"You're putting her in danger, and I'm the only one capable of saving her." He growled, ignoring the archers question.

"You have a very interesting perspective on what the word 'saving' means." Thea told him.

"She's the love of my lifetime, sweetheart. I was not gonna hurt her. You need to let me go." He replied when Kendra walked in. "Chay-Ara."

"My name is Kendra Saunders." She corrects him.

"In this life. And I am... was Carter Hall, but that is not who we are." He argued.

"What does that mean?" Kendra asked.

"You're Priestess Chay-Ara. I'm Prince Khufu. And we're lovers. Soul mates. We've been partners for 4,000 years. We're drawn to each other in each life, and after we die, we reincarnate to find each other again and again and again. And now that I've found you, we should really get out of here." Carter replied.

"Okay, Romeo, why don't you pump the brakes?" Cisco suggested.

"These people cannot protect you from Savage any longer." Cater warned.

"Do you know who Vandal Savage is?" Oliver questioned.

"In every lifetime, he hunts us down and kills us. He's done it 206 times, and I'm not planning to make it 207." Carter answered.

"Why does he kill you?" Diggle asked.

"His life force is tethered to ours. Every time he kills us, he becomes more powerful. You do the maths." Carter told them.

"You're 0 for 206, and you still think you're her best bet, hmm?" Cisco wondered.

"Okay, so what we need to do is just find Savage and get rid of him." Barry said.

"Well, you can't get rid of him, my friend." Carter replied.

"Oh, yeah? Watch us." Atchaco smirked.

"It might be harder than you think." Malcolm warned as he and his minions walk out of the shadows.

"Sericously." Atchaco sighed, throwing her arms up.

"Is that the only way this guy knows how to enter a room?" Barry wondered.

"My associates tell me Savage left Star City a few hours ago." Malcolm informed them.

"For where?" Diggle asked.

"We're not quite sure." Malcolm admits, turning to face the two speedsters. "But I assume after his run-in with you two, he realised he needed something more powerful to complete his mission. We think he's trying to locate the Staff of Horus."

"Sorry, what is that?" Thea questioned.

"It's a relic from our past... An ancient and powerful weapon. If Savage gets his hands on it, it's going to be nearly impossible to stop him." Carter tells them.

"Since when did our lives suddenly become an 'Indiana Jones' movie?" Cisco wondered.

"Felicity?" Oliver said.

"Yeah?" Felicity replied.

"Think you can find it?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah. It's probably at some museum somewhere. I'll, uh, work my magic, see what I can find." Felicity answered, walking away.

"We're running out of time. You need to emerge now. Come on, what is it gonna take for you to believe me? You saw my wings. I know you know this is true. Please, just let me show you how." Carter said.

Back at STAR Labs, Caitlin had Harry connected to an oxygen mask as Joe walks in. "How's he doing?" Joe asked.

"He's losing oxygen." Caitlin ranswered.

"I need you to leave." Joe told Patty.

"Joe, I…" Patty tried to say.

"Patty, go." Joe ordered. Patty had a sad look on her face as she leaves.

"There's a bullet in a branch of his pulmonary artery that's blocking off most of the blood flow from the left lung." Caitlin informs him.

"Are we able to get the bullet out?" Joe questioned.

"Not without causing too much damage. I need Jay's help." Caitlin said. Joe nod as he quickly takes out his phone.

Meanwhile on a very high rooftop in Starling City, Carter was telling Kendra what do as everyone stood with them. "So... you just want me to jump." Kendra wondered.

"Fall, jump, swan dive, whatever suits you. Just, uh, do it." Carter told her.

"Okay, this isn't the X Games." Cisco reminds him.

"And this is how she emerges... She just falls towards her death?" Oliver questions.

"Yep. 4,000 years of experience says that's exactly how. Just watch and learn." Carter said.

"No, I'm sorry. What are we doing?" Atchaco wondered.

"Why are we listening to this guy? Come on, Oliver, you're supposed to be the one who asks questions." Barry said.

"Okay, but after what we saw, after what Cisco said, I cannot believe I'm going to say this, but it... kind of makes sense." Oliver admits as Kendra carefully climbs onto the ledge.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Barry gasped.

"I need to try." Kendra told him.

"Are you serious?" Atchaco asked.

"Yes, she is." Carter answered, pushing her off. Kendra screams.

"Barry!" Cisco yelled as Kendra continues screaming. Barry then grabs her and runs back to the rooftop.

"What the hell was that?" Atchaco wondered.

"Saving her life. You should have emerged. Something is blocking you. Well, we should just try again and see what's…" Carter starts to say.

"No!" Cisco shouted.

"Yeah, no, no, no, no." Barry agreed.

"We're not doing that again." Atchaco said.

"Kendra, you don't have to do this. Oliver, we can stop Savage, okay?" Barry reassures him.

"Barry. Barry!" Oliver hissed.

"What?" Barry wondered.

"Talk to you for a second?" Oliver suggested.

"Okay." Barry sighs, he then turns to Cisco and Atchaco. "Keep an eye on him." Atchaco nods.

Oliver then pulls Barry to the side. "What is going on with you?" Oliver questions.

"I'm trying to keep her alive." Barry tells him.

"Then I think we let her jump." Oliver admit.

"Are you kidding?" Barry wonders.

"Barry, I get that you're desperate to help and you want to be the hero and you want to save her yourself, but I think she has to have a part in it too." Oliver tells him and Barry scoffs. "What?"

"It's just…" Barry sighs. "The rules keep changing. One day I have to run through time, the next I'm fighting a telepathic gorilla, and now we're what? We're chasing down an immortal madman on a rampage against down a reincarnated warrior priestess? I just never thought I'd have superpowers and feel more powerless than I ever have in my entire life."

"That part I understand." Oliver replies. "But you have already helped Kendra. You have kept her alive. So now let's help her get her wings, and then she can give you a lift back to Central City." Oliver then realises something. "Central City."

"What?" Barry wonders.

Back in the Arrow Cave, Oliver and Barry were back. "You need to check Central City for the staff. Kendra, you said you were drawn there." Oliver reminds her.

"Yeah." Kendra agreed.

"I think you're drawn to things that destroy you the same way you two are drawn to each other." Oliver told them.

"That's why it wasn't in any museum or private collection, because it was consecrated eight months ago at St. Mark's in Central City." Felicity informed them.

"We've got to get it before Savage does." Atchaco said.

"Carter, stay here." Oliver ordered.

"I'm not going anywhere." Carter reassures him.

"Call Thea and Digg, and we'll have them hold down the fort in case Savage shows up." Oliver tells them.

Barry then turns to Kendra. "Kendra, last year, I lost my powers. The only way I could get them back is if I just forgot about everything happening around me and focused on who I was. Just believe in yourself, and your true self will emerge." Barry told her.

"Thanks." Kendra smiled.

Felicity then turns to Oliver. "Hey, are you sure that you want to do this? If this guy's immortal and Merlyn's right about how powerful this staff is…" Felicity starts to say as Oliver turns to Barry and Atchaco.

"We'll be fine. Kiss her." Atchaco said.

"We'll be fine." Oliver reassures her. They then kiss each other.

"Careful." Felicity warns.

"Let's go." Barry said. They then walk over to the display cases where their suits were, they looked at each other and smiled.

Back at STAR Labs, the machines around Harry were beeping. "Now what?" Joe asked.

"His systolic pressure's dropping. He's gonna code." Caitlin warned.

"How bad is it?" Joe wondered as he walked in.

"There's a bullet in his pulmonary artery." Caitlin explained.

"Can you close the wound if I get it?" Joe questioned.

"Yes." Jay answered.

"How are you going to do that?" Joe asked. Caitlin then picks up Harry's syringe gun. "What is that?"

"It's a serum called Velocity-6. It could give Jay temporary speed. He can phase through Doctor Wells' chest and remove the bullet." Caitlin tells him.

"Yeah, but I told you, I have no idea what's gonna happen if I use that." Jay reminds them.

"It's our only option. If you don't do this, Dr. Wells will die." Catlin replies. Jay then takes the gun from Caitlin's hands and injects himself with the serum. In mere seconds, electricity runs through his eyes and his hand starts vibrating.

"It's working." Joe gasped. Jay then phases his hand into Harry's chest and pulls out the bullet.

"BP and oxygenation is rising. Blood flow's returning to his lungs. Thank you." Caitlin said, looking at the monitors.

Meanwhile somewhere else, Cisco and Kendra where on a rooftop. "I was just thinking... all the moments of my life when I felt different, like something was wrong with me. Now I know why." Kendra said.

"It's gonna be all right. Okay? Look, I... I know what it's like to have your life suddenly change like this. I... I can help you get through this." Cisco reassures him.

"I don't know if you can. Cisco, there's a whole other life inside me, hundreds of lives, that I need to know about. I think I need to do it by myself. I have to... embrace my destiny. I have to believe." Kendra explains.

Kendra climts back onto the ledge. "Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You don't have to do this." Cisco reminds her.

In Central City, Oliver, Barry and Macanese walked into he church and Barry exhales deeply. "What's going on?" Oliver asked.

"Nothing." Barry lied.

"He just like to speed into rooms." Macanese admits.

"Uh-huh. Where do you think we find this thing? I haven't been in one of these places in a while." Oliver tells them. They then look forwards and see a broken alter, meaning that the staff was gone.

"We're too late." Barry gasped.

"Something you're not used to saying very often, I'd imagine. " Savage smirks as he wallks in with the staff and Oliver points and arrow at him. "You tried those arrows once before, remember? They didn't quite finish the job, now, did they?"

"I'm not gonna make that mistake again." Oliver told him.

"You're gonna leave Kendra alone." Macanese tells him.

"I can't do that. While my destiny is to live forever, Chay-Ara's is to die, as is yours now." Savage looks at Macanese and growls as he points a finger at the cyborg. "Esspically yours." The staff suddenly glows blue and Savage starts shooting them with it. Oliver uses his arrow to deflect blast aimed at him and Barry and Macanese use their speed to get out of it's path. They all then duck down behind some benches.

"Any ideas?" Oliver asked.

"Oh, now you'll listen to us?" Barry wonders.

"It's your city." Oliver reminds him.

"All right, let's just try to get the staff." Macanese tells them.

"All right, on my mark." Oliver said.

"All right." Barry replied. Oliver gets up and shoots and arrow. Barry runs to get the staff but gets thrown back by the blast the staff caused.

Back with Cisco he was talking to Kendra. "Carter was right. Something's holding me back. Maybe it's Central City or you or what I thought my life was gonna be, but I'm never gonna become who I really am unless I let go. I have to do this." Kendra said.

Back with Oliver, he, Barry and Macanese were fighting Savage. Savege speaks a little bit of Egyptian Arabic before reverting back to English. "In all my countless years, I've never encountered anybody with your capabilities. Astonishing!" Savage told them.

Back in Starling City, Kendra jumps off the ledge. "No!" Cisco yelled.

As Savage was about to use the staff again, Kendra opens her opens her eyes as her wings pop out. "Chay-Ara." He whisper.

Meanwhile, Cisco watched what Kendra was doing. "Oh, my God!" Cisco laughs. "Whoo-hoo!" Kendra then flies up to him.

Back at the church, Savage was with the others. "I used to enjoy slow deaths. Now I just find them boring." Savage admits. Then as soon as he hits his staff down on the ground, Barry and Macanese grab Oliver then super speed out of the church before they get caught in the explosion.

"Thanks." Oliver said.

"Yeah." Barry replied.

"Any chance he blew himself up in there?" Macanese asked.

"Not likely." Oliver replied.

"So that's, like, a tie, right?" Barry questioned.

"I guess." Oliver answered.

"We'll take it." Macanese told him.

Meanwhile, Cisco watches in amazement as Kendra flies. Kendra's landing wasn't as good. She puts her wings away and stumbles to the ground and Cisco runs over to her. "Hey. You okay?" Cisco wondered.

"I'm gonna have to learn how to use these things." Kendra smiles.

"You'll get the hang of it, Hawkgirl." Cisco reassures her and Kendra smiles at him.

Back at STAR Labs, Harry inhales sharpley as he wakes up. "Dr. Wells? You're gonna be okay." Caitlin reassures him.

"That's good news." Harry replies.

"You will probably be very sore for a little while, though." Caitlin warns.

"Sore is better than dead." Harry reminds her.

"Yes, it is." Caitlin agrees, walking away and Harry looks at Jay.

"How are you doing, Garrick?" Harry asked.

"Your serum's out of my system, and I will never take it again." Jay told him as he turns to walk away.

"Jay…" Harry started and Jay turns and faces the man. "Thank you."

"You can thank me by keeping that Velocity-6 away from Barry and Atchaco." Jay replies, leaving the room.

Back at the Arrow cave, Diggle had just gotten of the phone. "That was Oliver. Savage has the Staff of Horus. He wants us all in Central City as soon as possible." Diggle tells them.

"Okay, well, Laurel's already there visiting her mom, so I'll call her and let her know we're coming by." Thea replied.

"If Savage is in Central City, then why are we going back there?" Kendra asked.

"So we can end this. And if anybody's gonna take down Savage, it's going to be Barry, Atchaco and Oliver." Cisco told them.

"Plus, you've emerged. It's going to be much harder for him now. And together, all of us, we can take him down once and for all." Carter said.

"Okay, so how are we gonna get there?" Diggle questioned.

"Did I mention I'm the CEO of a big company with a private jet?" Felicity wondered.

The next day in Central City, Barry and Oliver were at jitters getting coffee when Oliver notices the sighs for the Flash and Thunder espressos. "Since when is that a thing?" Oliver asked.

"About eight months. Maybe if you save Star City, you might get one too. By the way, we still need to get Savage." Barry reminds him.

"We'll get him." Oliver reassured the speedster. A little boy then bumps into them and drops his flash figure. "Watch yourself, buddy." Oliver then picks up the toy and shows it to Barry who chuckles. "You don't want to lose this guy." Oliver then hands the kid the toy.

"Thanks, Mister." The little boy said.

"Yeah." Oliver smiled. He then sees the boy run back to his mum and his face drops, the kid's mum was his ex. His ex who had told him that he had lost the baby. The little boy did kinda look like him as he got a better look at them. This made him wonder, did she lie to him about losing the baby?