Episode 11 - Potential Energy

It was night time and Barry was running around the city. "I know I'm moving pretty fast, but stop me if you've heard this one before. Boy meets girl. Happens every day. Except this boy and girl were struck by lightning and became the fastest people alive. So nothing is ever that simple." Barry said. Atchaco was sitting on a bench outside a restaurant all dressed up when Barry showed up with roses that were on fire. "Ho!"

"Oh, my…" Atchaco gasped. Barry stomps on the flowers and puts out the fire. "Oh... ah... Careful!"

"Oh, boy. Sorry! It's all good." Barry said as he puts the fire out and Atchaco laughs. "It's all good."

"Those weren't for me anyway, right?" Atchaco laughed.

"They were. I didn't realize roses were so flammable. Oh, my goodness." Barry said.

"Well, it's the... it's the thought that counts. And, you know, and proper fire safety management, that... that counts most." Atchaco smiled.

"Yes. I have spent most of my life feeling very unlucky." Barry admits.

"Yeah, and now?" Atchaco asks, as she smiles at him.

"Feels like I've been struck by lightning twice." Barry told her.

"Me too." Atchaco agreed. They kiss and then suddenly, Zoom appears and takes Atchaco to the top of a building and dangles her over the edge. "Barry! Help!" Atchaco gags as she gets choked. "Help me…"

"Flash, everything you have will be mine." Zoom said. Zoom then pulls Atchaco in and stabs her in the stomach and Atchaco gasps. Zoom dangles Atchaco back over the ledge and drops her.

"No! No! No!" Barry yelled as he runs over to the ledge and watches helplessly as Atchaco falls to her death. Barry gasps as he wakes up and sees that it was all a dream and that Atchaco is asleep next to him, a cable running from the base of her neck to the generator beside her.

The next day at the precinct, Joe was giving Wally a tour with Iris. "Okay, so there's my desk. Upstairs is anti-crime and the CSI lab... that's where Barry and Atchaco work. And we have the open files…" Joe starts to say.

"And that is a pencil. That: stapler." Iris said sarcastically.

"Okay. Sorry, Wally. Obviously, your sister got the funny genes." Joe apologised as Captain Singh walked by. "Captain. I want you to meet somebody. This is my son Wally West."

"Handsome young man, Joe." Singh compliments him as Wally shakes his hand.

"Hey, he's a West. He can't help that." Joe said.

"Your pops here is a hell of a detective." Singh told him.

"Obviously not." Wally jokes.

"Well, pleasure to meet you, Wally." Singh then turns and walks away.

"Anyway, I'm glad you're here, Wally." Joe said.

"Yeah, I've always wanted a baby brother." Iris admitted.

"What about the White Shadow?" Wally asked.

"You're joking, but yeah, we did call Barry that." Iris said.

"Well, he's been pretty busy. He's doing a whole lot of running around. But why don't we do dinner? The whole family." Iris suggested.

"I, uh, I got plans." Wally told her.

"Oh, Iris'll cook." Joe said.

"Dad, we just met the kid. We don't want to kill him." Iris jokes.

"All right, we do takeout. Chinese. Whatever. Come on." Joe said.

"Where are your cuffs, taillights?" A criminal in handcuffs chuckles from where they were a few feet away.

"Come on, let's go." The cop told him and took the guy away.

"You know that kid?" Joe questioned.

"Uh, no... no. You know, it's just what they say. I got one of those faces. I'll see you guys at dinner." Wally told them.

"Uh, okay." Joe replied. Wally quickly walks away as Atchaco walks up to them.

"Any chance I could chat with you for a minute?" Atchaco asked.

"Yeah, what's up?" Joe wondered.

"Oh, uh, I... I meant Iris." Atchaco corrected him.

"Yeah, you're not needed." Iris said.

"I am needed... somewhere. I'ma... go there." Joe stuttered, walking away and Iris and Atchaco laughed.

"What can I do for you?" Iris questioned.

"Uh, I just wanted to talk with you, um, about Barry." Atchaco answers and Iris sighs.

Later, they were at Jitters sitting at a table together. "Iris, we have been friends since we were kids. I was just hoping that maybe you could help me figure out Barry more since you have grown up with him." Atchaco said and Iris laughed.

"Well, I mean, if you did that, you... you would be the first." Iris reassures her.

"Wonderful. That gives me tons of hope." Atchaco chuckled and they both laughed. "It's just, um... he's being guarded. And he's waking up from these bad dreams and not telling me about them. And I know that it's bothering him. I want to help but even with my abilities I don't know how."

"You know how Barry is. He has a bad habit of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, burdens that aren't even his to bear." Iris reminds her.

"But he doesn't have to do that with me." Atchaco replies. "Not yet."

"Which is exactly what you should tell him." Iris said and Atchaco nodded.

Later at STAR Labs, Harry was working on an equation in the workstation when he got mad and threw things as Cisco walks in and sees the messy Harry did. "Hey... no! Absolutely not! You don't get to throw somebody else's stuff when you're pissed off." Cisco said as Harry knocked something off the desk. "Thank you." He picks up what Harry threw and notices the equation. "What is this?"

"Wrong answers." Harry grumbles as he starts erasing the equations off the board.

"Maybe you're asking the wrong questions." Cisco tells him.

"What does that mean?" Harry asked.

"I've been thinking about this a lot recently. We keep trying to come up with ways to make Barry faster, but I still think we can figure out a way to make Zoom slower." Cisco suggested.

"We tried that already, remember? Those darts didn't slow him down at all." Harry reminds him.

"Yeah, I know... I'm not talking about the darts, okay? The darts clearly didn't work. They just pissed him off. I'm talking about something else... a way we can steal Zoom's speed." Cisco said.

"How?" Harry wondered as he stopped erasing the board.

"The Turtle." Cisco smiled.

Later in the Cortex, Atchaco had just arrived to see that Cisco looked like he was about to give a speech. "As some of you may well know, I've been deeply embroiled in a secret, one-sided battle with an invisible enemy." Cisco said.

"No, not the Turtle again." Caitlin complained.

"What? What is the... Or who is the Turtle?" Barry wondered.

"It's Cisco's white whale." Caitlin answered.

"Half whale, half turtle." Jay corrected.

"No. Do you see what you're doing, Caitlin? Everybody's confused now." Cisco told her.

"Get to it." Harry told him.

Cisco puts some newspaper articles up on the screen. "I stumbled upon a few of these cases when we were looking for the Reverse Flash, robberies that were seemingly committed at high speed... people holding their beloved items one second. Those items were gone the next. Tell me what you see." He puts up the surveillance footage on the screen. They all see everyone standing still as a guy in a hood walks in.

"So he can... what? Stop time?" Caitlin asked.

'No, no, no. Look at the time code. It's still running." Cisco points out.

"Yeah, okay. So if he's not stopping time, what is he doing?" Atchaco questions.

"He's slowing down everything around him. And that is why we call him the Turtle." Cisco said.

"Why have you never mentioned this guy to me or Atchaco before?" Barry asked.

"I already knew, Triton told me." Atchaco smiles.

"Okay, how come you never mentioned it to me." Barry corrects his previous question.

"Oh, I don't know, I think we've just been a little distracted, you know, what with Captain Cold and the Weather Wizard and Gorilla Grodd. Do I need to go on?" Cisco wonders and Atchaco chuckles.

"Okay, so if we can catch him, figure out how he uses his powers…" Jay started to say.

"Maybe we can show Zoom what life is like in the slow lane." Cisco finishes.

"How would you even know where to find him?" Harry asked.

Atchaco was looking at the reports. "Well, the robberies in the videos all correspond with police reports that were dismissed as lost or missing items instead of thefts." Atchaco told them.

"The suspect's M.O. being…" Jay said.

"Items of immense personal value." Barry informs them and then he and Atchaco quickly grab their suits and get out of there.

Caitlin walks over to the computer. "Uh... oh, it appears that there's a press conference at CCPD, because the Vandervoort diamonds have just been recovered." Caitlin said.

"From Hell's heart, I stab at thee." Cisco replied.

Minutes later at CCPD, Barry and Macanese arrive as the press conference had already started. "The perpetrators who committed this heartless crime have been apprehended and are now in our custody. And we're happy to report that the famed Vandervoort diamonds have been returned to their rightful owner." Singh said.

"The real gem is the return of my great-grandfather's ring. Getting that returned to the family is what's most priceless to me." Mr Vandervoort said.

Barry then sees the guy. "Gotcha." Barry grins.

"Let's go." Macanese said. Then as soon as they super speed down to where the diamonds were, the turtle walks in and makes everyone stand still but Barry and Macanese could still move slowly. But they did get a good look at the guy as the turtle stole the ring. The Turtle winks at them before leaving and putting everyone back to normal speed.

"The ring is gone. What happened to it? Lock this place down. No one leaves this room. Sweep the precinct!" Singh ordered and Barry and Macanese quickly got out of there before anybody saw them.

Later in STAR Labs. "Well, the good news is whatever the Turtle did, it only affected you both temporarily." Caitlin informed them.

"Yo. What was it like being in Turtle Time?" Cisco asked.

"It was not fun." Atchaco answered.

"Yeah, no, it was weird. It was like waves of inertness... like all the energy was suddenly sucked out of my body, and then it would return." Barry explained.

"That's because that's exactly what was happening. He has the ability to transfer all the surrounding kinetic energy into himself." Harry told them.

"Leaving everyone else in a temporary state of potential energy." Jay finished.

"That's right." Harry agreed.

"So why could we still move?" Atchaco questioned.

"Your speed. Your speed allows you both to change positions faster than anyone else." Harry reminds them as he starts walking away.

"So you can convert your stored potential energy back to kinetic energy." Jay tells them.

'Excuse me, where are you going?" Cisco asked Harry.

"Trying to figure out how to use this against Zoom. You remember Zoom?" Harry wonders as he walks out of the Cortex.

"'Cisco, please join me. We'll use your idea and take it to new scientific heights and save the world.' Yes, I'd love to!" Cisco said sarcastically as he goes and follows Harry out of the room and Atchaco chuckles.

"Okay. Facial recognition software found us a match from the press conference footage. The Turtle's name is Russell Glosson. He was a small-time thief who stopped thieving after the particle accelerator explosion." Caitlin tells them.

"All right, we're gonna head to work... catch Joe up. Let us know if you find anything else." Barry said and Caitlin nodded. Barry and Atchaco then walk out as Caitlin notices something was up with Jay.

"You okay?" Caitlin questioned.

"Yeah, yeah, it's just, um…" Jay clears his throat. "It's hard to... look at that and not think about how I can't help people anymore."

"Well, we have lots of technology here. Why don't we figure out how to get your speed back?" Caitlin suggests.

"I'm a scientist too, Caitlin. When I first got here, all I did was work on how to get my speed back. Believe me, whatever test you could run... I've already done it." Jay then turns and walks out of the Cortex.

Later at the precinct, Atchaco and Barry had filled Joe in on everything. "The Turtle. Cisco's been looking for this guy forever. Singh just put an APB out on him." Joe said as he put the Turtle's mugshot on his computer.

"Um, how did everybody know about Glosson before I did?" Barry asked.

"Mm-mm. Cisco's got a whole list of unidentified metas. The boys around here are calling him Cisco de la Mancha." Joe answers.

"It's true, they do." Atchaco smiles.

Barry laughs before noting something up with Joe. "Are you good? You seem a little jittery." Barry noticed.

"A little anxious. Let's be honest. I'm really nervous about this whole dinner tonight with Wally." Joe admits.

"Come on, why... why are you nervous?" Atchaco questions.

"Yeah, you're, like, the best dad ever. He'll see that." Barry reassures him.

'It'll be a whole lot easier, you being there." Joe told him.

"Joe, I wouldn't miss it." Barry nods and they quickly high five each other.

"See you tonight." Barry told him.

"All right." Joe then turns and walks away.

"Well, since we are both here, I was wondering if you got a sec?" Atchaco said.

"Yeah." Barry replied.

"I just want to make sure everything's okay." Atchaco told him.

"Yeah of course." Barry nodded.

"Yeah, I don't want to nag. You know that's not me, or Triton. I just don't want you to feel burdened by anything, you can tell me anything." Atchaco reminds him.

"I know and I don't feel burdened." Barry reassures her.

"Okay." Atchaco said. She starts walking away when Barry grabs her hand.

"Atchaco wait." Barry replied. The New Years was always a hard time for me. Um... that's when my mom died, so it's just those memories all come out, and they're hard to put away. So if it feels like I haven't been communicating…"

"I know that it is hard for you, I just want you to know that I am here for you whenever you need to talk." Atchaco reassured him.

"I know… Look, um, we haven't had a romantic night in a while. What do you say tomorrow night we get some dinner and drinks and maybe a little... kissing?" Barry suggests.

"You're trying to change the subject and I am going to let you because you are too adorable. I know you will tell me when you are ready." Atchaco said.

"Thanks. All right, I'll see you later." Barry replied.

"Okay." Atchaco smiled and they both walked away in different directions.

Late at night in the West house, the Chinese food was ready and on the table for dinner. The only thing missing was Wally who didn't show up. "Okay, I think we can call it. Wally is not coming." Iris sighed.

"I'm sorry, Joe. I know how much this meant to you." Barry apologised.

"He's a kid, right? I get it." Joe said.

"He could have at least called." Iris replied.

"Well, there could be a number of reasons why he didn't. Thank you for being here. I love you." Joe gives Iris a hug and kisses her forehead.

"Love you. Mmm." Iris smiles.

"See you in the morning, Bar." Joe then gives Barry a high five and walks upstairs.

"Yeah." Barry said.

"Well, West family 2.0 is not really off to a great start. You've been quiet all evening. The Turtle?" Iris wondered.

"How do you know about him?" Barry asked and they laughed softly.

"No, um... no, I've just had a lot on my mind." Barry admits.

"Atchaco? We're best friends, remember. We... we may have also met for coffee." Iris told him.

"Iris…" Barry tries to say.

"You never keep things from Atchaco and she doesn't keep things from you. She really cares about you, Barry, and she's just wondering why you've been so guarded." Iris explained.

"And what did you tell her?" Barry questioned.

"I told her to talk to you." Iris answered.

"Oh, that's not cool." Barry said.

"You know, she did mention that... you've been having nightmares." Iris admits.

"About Zoom... killing her." Barry nods.

"Look. You two are perfect for each other. I wish I had a relationship like you guys, but you don't realise you can't keep things from her forever." Iris told her.

"So what do you think I should do?" Barry asked.

"Just talk to her, Barry. Let her in." Iris replied and Barry nodded.

The next day at STAR Labs, Barry walks into the Cortex where everyone was in front of the computers. "You guys got anything?" Barry questioned.

"I think we found the next target for our 30-something, meta-human, not-a-Ninja-Turtle." Cisco said. His face widened as he was impressed by what he said.

"How long did it take you to come up with that one?" Caitlin asked.

Cisco points to his mouth. "It just came out of my mouth... did you see that? That was amazing." Cisco smiles.

"That was nice." Barry said.

"Central City Museum is hosting a special black tie event tonight showcasing 'The Crystal Ball.'" Cisco informs them and Barry looks confused.

"It's a famous painting, apparently, recently recovered from Markovia." Jay told him.

"The painting is on loan to the museum from the Silverberg family. Jacob Silverberg himself said, 'The painting's safe return means more to us than all the money in the world.' It's like they're begging Turtle to rob it." Cisco replied.

"Okay, yes. This is a plan. So the Turtle will make his move, and we can be there waiting to take him down." Barry said.

"How do you look in a tux?" Caitlin asked Jay.

"Come on, he's 6'2", he's square-jawed, and he's jacked. I think he looks fine." Cisco told her.

"I'm 6'4"." Jay corrected.

"Oh, crap!" Barry facepalms.

"Problem?" Caitlin questions.

"No. It is just that Atchaco and I were supposed to go on a date tonight." Barry sighed.

"Yeah but Atchaco will understand, she will be there too." Caitlin tells him.

"Okay, I will call her and tell her to meet us there tonight." Barry said.

A few minutes later, Barry had called Atchaco and filled her in when he walked into the hallway. Harry was listening as he followed Barry. "Keep her away." Harry told him.

"What?" Barry wondered.

"You care for Atchaco." Harry reminds him and Barry nods. "That's nice. Then keep her as far away from this as possible. And here's why. If Zoom finds out who you care for, who you love, who you live for, he'll take them from you. Zoom is already after you, do you really want him to come after her too." Barry nods and walks away.

Late at night at Central City Museum. "All right." Barry sighs. "Keep your eyes open for the Turtle. A sentence I never thought I would say." He then walks away and then Jay walks away too.

Caitlin was by herself as she talked into her earpiece. "Cisco, are you and Harry in position?" Caitlin questioned.

Outside in a STAR Labs van. "I'm the security feed. I've got the facial recognition software running, so we'll be able to spot Turtle before he makes his move." Cisco said as he looked at the tablet with the security feed.

"Turtle. Why do you insist on giving them ridiculous nicknames?" Harry wonders as he shakes his head.

Me? Who's the genius that came up with 'Zoom'?" Cisco retorted.

"Yeah, well…" Harry sighed. "I'll tell you, about two years ago... this is on Earth-2, now. The CCPD there... they got a 911 call about a hostage situation, but when the SWAT team got there, there were no hostages. It was a trap. Zoom set a trap in order to show the police that they could not stop him. And he killed 14 officers. Men and women. Slaughtered them. Left one alive to tell what happened. That officer described blue lightning 'zooming' all about as his comrades, brothers and sisters in arms, were murdered. That officer... considered himself to be a lucky one, spared in order to tell the tale. Until Zoom went to his house that night and killed him too. Anyway, that's how he got the nickname 'Zoom'."

"If you ever need me to Vibe... so you can know if she's still alive…" Cisco starts to say.

"She's alive." Harry replies.

"Right." Cisco said.

Back inside the museum, Barry was standing by the bar when he turns and see Atchaco in a beautiful pale blue lace dress. But all that played in Barry;s head was the dream of Zoom killing her. "Hi. You okay? You have a really weird look on your face." Atchaco noticed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You look like a dream." Barry told her.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." Atchaco gives Barry a quick kiss. "Any sign of the turtle?"

"No, not yet." Barry replied.

"Hey, Patty's here." Atchaco pointed behind them.

"What is she doing here?" Barry asked.

"She must have found out that turtle might target here tonight." Atchaco said.

"Yeah… Hey… how about we talk first?" Barry suggests.

"Yeah, sure." Atchaco nods. They then walked onto the dance floor and started slow dancing. "Are you sure you are okay? Cuz I can tell you are hiding something. And you know you don't have to hide with me." Atchaco reassures him/

"I know." Barry replied.

"Does this have anything to do with those dreams you have been having?" Atchaco asked and Barry nodded. "Tell me, you do not have to go through it alone."

"I…" Barry sighs. Barry then sees the Turtle and Atchaco turns and sees him as well.

Cisco sees the Turtle on the security feed. "We've got eyes on Turtle." Cisco said.

"Let's go." Atchaco said.

Barry and Atchaco then quickly walk away. Patty was walking around when she spotted the Turtle trying to steal the painting. Patty then takes out her gun. "CCPD! Freeze!" She ordered. The Tutrle uses his powers and takes Patty's gun and then appears behind her on the stairs as the ground around them steps back. "Are you as fast as the Flash and Thunder?"

Seconds later, Barry and Macanese appear in their suits. "Oh, no. He is much slower." Barry said.

"This is a trap? I'm slow... not stupid." The Turtle replied.

He then uses his power to hold everything still. Then he uses Patty's gun and shoots at the chandelier. Barry goes to save her power to save her but the turtle uses his power to slow him down. He then takes the painting and leaves. Macanese super speeds down and shoves Patty out of the way. The chandelier ends up falling on top of her and then everything goes back to normal as the lights go out. "No!" Barry shouted.

"Oh, my God!" Caitlin gasped before she and Barry pulled the piece of chandelier off Macanese.

"I got it. Come on." Jay said. He then picks up Macanese bridal style as her body reverts back to normal when she finally feels safe.

Later at STAR Labs, Caitlin was checking on Atchaco. "Your pupils are normal. Your heart rate's a little low. But other than that, no concussive symptoms." Caitlin tells her.

"I really do feel fine. What about Turtle?" Atchaco questioned.

"No sign of him." Harry said.

"Or the painting. He, uh, must have gotten away with it in the chaos." Jay replied.

"Yeah, things went a little sideways after your friend decided to go all 'Lethal weapon' 1 through 4 on Turtle." Cisco said.

"Oh, my God… Patty." Barry remembers that she was there.

"We have to find out if she is alright." Atchaco said and then they both started walking towards the door.

"Where are you... finding Turtle is what's important right now." Harry reminds them.

"Patty's our friend, this is important to us too." Barry replied.

"But we need to see if both of your speeds still work." Cisco tells him. Barry and Atchaco then super speed out of the door. "I think... I think it still works."

"We still have to find out how Turtle drained him of it." Harry said. Cisco and Harry then walk out of the Cortex, leaving Jay and Caitlin by themselves.

"Can I talk to you... for a second?" Jay asked as he motions her to follow him. They then walk into another room where Jay pops open a bottle of champagne and pours it into a glass. "You never got your champagne." Caitlin chuckles and then smiles at him. "I couldn't find any flutes. Hope that's okay."

"Of course." Caitlin said.

"Here you go." Jay then hands Caitlin her champagne. They clink their glasses together before taking a sip and Jay sighs. "Let me go see if I can make myself useful." Caitlin smiles again and they kiss. "Mmm." Jay smiles and then walks away.

Later at Patty's apartment, Patty was sitting down and looking at an envelope from Midway City University from the department of forensic sciences. She was about to open the letter when there was a knock on the door, she answers it and see Atchaco and Barry in the doorway. "Hey." Atchaco greets her.

"Hey, you guys. Come in." Patty moves to the side as they both walk in. "What brings you by?"

"We heard what happened and we wanted to make sure you were okay." Barry told her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. The Flash and Thunder saved me. I'm just mad that I couldn't stop the painting from getting stolen." Patty said.

"Don't worry, the guy who stole it will be caught." Atchaco reassures her.

"I hope so. And I hope he gets caught fast." Patty said, walking away.

"Fast is our specialty." Barry whispers.

Later there were a bunch of people in the street ready to see a drag race and Wally was one of the drivers. He wins the race and everybody cheers for him. Wally walks over to the guy he beat. "Yo, pay up." Wally ordered. His opponent hands Wally the keys to his car and walks away. Wally laughs as he looks at the keys but his face falls when he sees Joe standing a few feet away from him. "What? You got someone tailing me now?"

"Why didn't you show up for dinner last night?" Joe asked.

"Couldn't make it." Wally answered, walking over to Joe.

"You tell someone you're gonna be somewhere, you show up." Joe tells him.

"Guess I didn't have my dad to teach me that, huh?" Wally replied.

"Is this why you came to Central City? Not to get to know me or your sister, but this nonsense?" Joe wonders.

"No one in Keystone will race me anymore. But I don't actually have to explain myself to you." Wally said.

"Actually, you do. This is illegal. I'm a cop, remember?" Joe reminded him.

"Oh, yeah. Yes. The detective who didn't know he had a son and who doesn't know anything about me." Wally mocks.

"I am trying to get to know you, Wally." Joe tells him.

"These races... that car... that I won? That's the only way that I can pay for my mom's hospital bills, get her the help that she needs." Wally informs him.

"You don't have to do this. I have money saved. I can dip into my pension." Joe replies.

"I don't need your money. I can take care of myself and my mom, okay? I'm the man of our house. That position has been filled. Go home to your family, Joe." Wally then turns and walks away.

Later in Patty's house, she was in her living room listening to music and drinking a glass of wine when there was a knock at her door. She opens her door thinking it was Barry and Atchaco coming to check on her again but it wasn't them, it was the Turtle. When she tried to fight him off by shooting at him but it didn't work because of his powers. Patty looks around for the turtle and notices that her gun is gone. "What?" She questions. The Turtle then comes up behind her and puts his arm around her and points her own gun at her. "What do you want from me?"

"The thing most precious to the Flash and Thunder... you." Turtle said.

Minutes later, Barry and Atchaco come to check on Patty again only to find her front door open and they speed around the house for clues. Atchaco trips over the bullets on the floor. "Oh my god." Atchaco gasped. "Barry, call Joe."

Barry quickly takes out his phone and dials Joe's number and he answers. "Joe! Joe, um, I think the Turtle has Patty. I... Look, just meet me and Atchaco at S.T.A.R. Labs, all right?" And then he and Atchaco super speed out of there.

Later at what looked like an old library, Patty was tied to a chair as the turtle was typing on a typewriter. "What do you want from me?" Patty asked as she pulled on her ropes.

"I want you to stop moving... Forever." Turtle answers.

"What do you get out of killing me?" Patty questioned.

"Oh, I'm not gonna kill you. That's much too... fast and messy. I like to take things nice and slow." Turtle replies.

"You don't have to hurt me to try to prove a point." Patty tells him.

"This isn't about hurting you. This is about hurting the people who value you." Turtle informs her.

"Who, Barry and Atchaco?" Patty wonders.

"No. The Flash and Thunder." Turtle corrects her.

"What do they have to do with this?" Patty asked.

"I saw the way the Flash tried to save you. And I saw how Thunder saved you." Turtle replies.

"Yes, that's what they do. They're heroes. They save people who need saving." Patty reminds him.

"That's a waste of time... saving people. They take everything for granted." Turtle tells her.

"So you take the things that matter most to them." Patty realises.

"My wife Rosalyn took me for granted. She wanted to leave me... the thing I valued most." Turtle said.

"So that's what this is about? You're hurt because your wife left you?" Patty wondered.

"I couldn't let that happen. So I made her mine. Forever." Turtle replied. He then pulls off a tarp, revealing his dead wife in a box. He then walks over to another tarp and pulls that off. It reveals the same box, only empty. Turtle put an index card in front of it and it had Patty's name on it. "I do hope I spelled your name right." Patty was petrified, she knew she was going to die.

Back at STAR Labs. "We'll find her, don't worry." Joe said.

"I'm not getting any leads on this guy. It's like he's totally fallen off the grid. You know, it... any of the stuff he's stolen, I can't find it." Cisco told them.

"He keeps them. He keeps them the way a serial killer collects trophies." Harry replied.

"He's stolen a lot of stuff." Caitlin reminds him.

"Which means he needs a lot of space to store it, right? That's where we start. See if he rented any storage spaces." Joe suggested.

Cisco quickly searches but it comes up empty. "No, no... I'm not getting anything. Wait a minute. His ex-wife used to be an archivist for antiquities at the Naydel Library before it shut down, and it shut down three months after the accelerator exploded. That place is big enough to hold Turtle's stuff."

"Okay, all right." Barry said and then he and Atchaco started walking towards their suits.

"Wait, Barry... we haven't even figured out how to neutralise the Turtle's power." Jay tells him.

"Well, we're gonna have to power through it." Atchaco replies and then she and Barry grab their suits and super speed out of the Cortex.

Later, they arrive at Naydel Library. "All right, we're outside the library." Barry told them.

"Barry, Macanese, the only way to save Patty is if you grab her in between each of the Turtle's pulses." Cisco tells them.

"You'll both only have 2/10ths of a second to make your moves." Caitlin informs them.

"We got it." Macanese reassured them.

They super speed inside as the Turtle was about to put a needle into Patty. "No!" Patty moans.

When Barry and Macanese arrive, they start running towards them when the Turtle uses his power and slows them down. This gives the Turtle the change to hurt them, but throws punches. Seconds later, they were about to move again and they took off running out of the library. "I guess they don't care about you as much as I thought." Turtle smiles as he grabs a knife and starts walking over to her.

"No... No, no... please!" Patty begged.

Suddenly Barry and Macanese come running back. The Turtle uses his power on them but this time the fight through his pulses. When they finally reach him they push him which sends him flying. This knocked him out and his power wore off. Barry and Macanese then quickly cut Patty loose. "No, it's all right." Barry said.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, whoever you both are." Patty then latches onto Macanese, sobbing.

"It's okay. It's okay." Macanese reassures her, hugging her.

Later at STAR Labs, Barry, Macanese, Cisco, Jay and Harry were down in the pipeline where the Turtle was now prisoner of. The Turtle wakes up and frantically looks around until his eyes land on the two speedsters. "Hey, Turtle. So you want to know my new definition of irony?" Barry wonders.

"Now you... are our most prized possession." Macanese smiles. The Turtle tries to use his powers to escape but it doesn't work at all and Barry chuckles. The Turtle yells in anger as they close the door on them and Barry and Macanese take off their masks when the door is closed.

"Patty okay?" Caitlin asked.

"She is, yeah." Barry answered.

Minutes later, Jay was walking down the hallway when Caitlin walked up to him. "Jay?" Caitlin said.

"Yeah?" Jay wonders.

"I know. Why didn't you tell me that you're sick?" Caitlin questions.

"The champagne. You took my DNA off the glass." Jay realised.

"You know I lost my husband... how hard that was for me to move on. How could you let me get close to you knowing that soon I'd lose you too?" Caitlin replied.

"I just... I didn't expect... this. I didn't expect you." Jay admits.

"Then help me find a cure." Caitlin tells him.

"There is no cure. The only way to save me is to get my speed back. And the only way to do that is to stop Zoom." Jay told her.

"Then let's stop him." Caitlin replies

"Yeah." Jay nods and he hugs her, Caitlin hugging back.

Later at the West house, there was a knock at the door and Joe opened it to see it was Wally. "Hey." Joe greets him.

"I think I left my sweater here the other night. It's green." Wally said.

"Oh, yeah. I thought that didn't look like Barry's." Joe then hands him the sweater.

"Heading back to Keystone tonight." Wally told him.

"That's a fast trip." Joe noticed.

"Yeah, well, it's getting a little hot in Central City for me. Don't worry. I'll try not to run too many lights on the way there. You know, if you're waiting for an apology, it's not coming." Wally tells him.

"No. No, I'm... I'm the one that should be apologizing to you. I felt bad not being there while you were growing up, and... I was pushing this whole father-son thing. I'm sorry. Let's just slow down a bit. I won't try to be your instant dad, and you won't have to pretend that you want to be my son. Deal?" Joe wonders.

"All that food for you?" Wally questions, seeing all the Chinese food on the table.

"Doesn't have to be. You like chow mein?" Joe asked.

"No. But I like kung pao chicken." Wally replied. They then sit together and have their long awaited dinner.

Later the next day at CCPD, Barry and Atchaco walk out of the elevator and over to Patty. "Hey, Patty. What's going on?" Atchaco questioned.

"Oh. I'm leaving Central City." Patty answered.

"What?" Barry said.

"Really?" Atchaco questioned.

"Um, before Mardon, and before my dad... before everything... I always wanted to be a CSI. And four years ago, I was accepted into the Forensic Science program at Midway City University." Patty admitted.

"That's a really great school." Barry tells her.

"Yeah, I know, I just, uh... I didn't go. You know, I deferred to become a cop and... catch my dad's killer. And I've done that. So, um... so it's time to move on." Patty replies.

"I am going to miss you." Barry told her.

"Yeah, same." Atchaco agreed. "Ever want to talk to us, call Triton and we'll always answer."

"Okay." Patty nods. "I will miss you guys too. You guys are the first friends I made here and it is gonna suck to leave."

"Leaving always does, but you are happy about this right?" Atchaco wonders and Patty nods.

"Then that's all that matters." Barry tells her.

Later at STAR Labs, Harry was alone in a room and opened his watch. "Journal log entry number 113." Harry starts. "Jess... I'm coming for you soon. I promise. I was thinking earlier today about the time that you were four. I took you to the planetarium, just you and me. I remember because it was the first time I took you out all by myself. The planetarium was crowded, and you held my hand for dear life, or maybe it was the other way around. But it was in the Mars exhibit that I lost you. Panic. I had that place locked down in one minute. I had every security guard looking for you. And I could feel the fear rise in the back of my throat and something else rising also, some... dark instinct inside me about what I would do to the person who had taken you... the things I would do... Unspeakable things." Minutes later, Harry goes into the pipeline and into the Turtle's cell. He sticks a needle gun into Turtle's nose and takes a sample that ends up killing Turtle. "And it was in that moment that I realised, for certain, that I would do anything to get you back."

Later at night, two people had just passed when a streak shot out of nowhere. It was a red streak, which belonged to a man that was supposed to have been erased from existence. The man in yellow, the Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne was alive. Eobard takes off his mask and he is breathing hard when he opens his hand and Gideon comes out. "Gideon." He heaved.

"Yes, Professor Thawne?" Gideon greets.

"Where the hell am I?" Eobard questions.