Episode 12 - The Reverse Flash Returns

"There are many reasons why we run, but usually it's to avoid what's right in front of us... A decision to be made or a dilemma we have to face. Lately, for me, it feels like running is all I've been doing." Barry admits as he was running all over town when he stops in an alley. "What you got for me, Cisco?"

"You've been playing Good Samaritan all morning. Take a break. Are you sure you don't want to get to CCPD to see Atchaco? Or at least have her help you." Cisco suggested.

"No, I can see her later and I can do this on my own." Barry replied.

Meanwhile in the Cortex of STAR Labs. "'Cause we cannot afford to waste any more time." Harry said.

"What, 'cause we've just been sipping Mai Tais since you got here?" Cisco jokes.

"I don't know what you been sipping since I got here, but Barry needs to get better, stronger, faster. We need to train to prepare for Zoom." Harry reminds him.

"Oh, I see. You haven't had your coffee this morning." Cisco tells him as he starts slurping his coffee.

"I had my coffee this morning. Don't slurp." Harry said and Cisco slurps his coffee with a smile on his face. "Don't. Don't. Don't." Cisco then takes a really long slurp.

Then the computer starts chmming and Cisco looks at it. "Runaway chemical transport truck heading south on Kester." Cisco informs Barry.

"On it." He replied as he sped away.

Minutes later, the police were chasing the truck when Barry showed up. Barry jumps on the truck to find out that no one was driving it. Barry then jumps inside and tries to stop the truck but the brakes aren't working. "Hey, I can't stop the truck! Somebody rigged it!" Barry panics. He then accidentally rips someone's car door. "Sorry!"

"You can't let that truck crash. If you do, you'll take out a whole city block." Cisco tells them.

"Great. Thank you. Thank you for that." Barry said. He then swerves out of the way to avoid the cars in front of him. "That was close, that was close."

"Oh, and the plot thickens. Uh, dead-end up ahead. You got to get out of there!" Cisco warns.

Barry then looks at the dead end. "Oh, come on." Barry groans until he sees a tire iron and picks it up. "Yes!" He then uses the tire iron on all of the tires of the truck to slowly make it stop. He then jumps off as the cops reach it. Barry throws the tire iron away as he walks. "That one was a little close."

Back at STAR Labs. "Nice! Now can you please, please take a break?" Cisco turns to face Harry. "How's that for training?"

"Great." Harry said.

"Look, we're gonna catch Zoom. We got Turtle locked up in the pipeline. All we got to do is use him to figure out how to steal Zoom's speed and then we'll get your daughter back." Cisco tells him.

"That might take longer than we thought." Jay said as he and Caitlin walked in.

"Why's that?" Harry asked.

"Because Turtle's dead." Caitlin replies.

Cisco quickly calls Barry and Atchaco. "Barry, Atchaco, we need you both back here stat." Cisco said.

"We're on our way." Barry and Atchaco said in sync.

When Barry zooms away, he is being watched by the Reverse Flash. Eobard takes out his communicator. "Gideon." Eobard said.

'Was the trip a success, Professor Thawne?" Gideon questions.

'I believe it was. I've finally figured out what time period The Flash is from. Now let's figure out a way to get home." Eobard replies.

Later in the pipeline everyone was looking at the dead body of the Turtle laying on the floor of his cell. "He better not be pulling a Juliet." Cisco said and everyone turned to face him. "Yeah, that's right. I see plays."

"He's dead, Cisco." Caitlin replies.

"How'd this happen?" Harry asked.

"Preliminary brain scan shows an acute brain aneurysm." Caitlin explained.

'The night we captured him. How's that for timing?" Jay wonders, turning to face Harry.

"What does that mean? You think I did this, Garrick? This man is the key to us stopping Zoom, the key to me saving my daughter. Why would I want that?" Harry said.

"Never understood why you do anything, Harrison." Jay admits.

"That's fine with me, Garrick." Harry replies.

"Guys, look. We need to figure out how to stop Zoom. Everything we've tried so far has failed. We need to start thinking outside the box. I mean, we haven't even figured out how to close the breaches yet." Barry reminds them.

"Maybe that's where we should start." Atchaco suggested.

"That's a good idea. I'll get on that." Harry told them.

"I'll help." Cisco said. They then turn and leave the pipeline when Barry and Atchaco's phone's vibrate.

"We've got to get to the CCPD. We'll check in with you guys later." Barry told them.

"Okay." Jay nods and the two speedsters turn and walk out of the pipeline. "Every time you think that Wells is on your team, something happens that makes you doubt it." Caitlin nods.

Later at the CCPD, Barry and Atchaco were in their lab when Patty walked in. "Hey, I just wanted to see if you could run this trace for me. Someone messed with an ethanol transport truck this morning. They cut the brake line and tampered with the gear shafts." Patty said.

"Yeah sure, no problem." Atchaco told her.

"Wow. Backed up, huh?" Patty notices that they were swamped.

"We are, yeah." Barry nodded.

"Yeah, I guess I'll find out what that's like once I finish CSI school." Patty tells them.

"Yeah, you will but it will be fun and worth it." Atchaco admits.

"Yeah, well I only have two days left but it feels longer." Patty told them.

"Yeah, well we're gonna miss you." Barry said.

"Me too, well I'll see you guys later. See ya." Patty then turns and walks away when Iris walks in.

"Hey." Iris greets them.

"Hey." Atchaco returned.

"I sort of overheard some of that. Is Patty going somewhere?" Iris wonders.

"Yeah. Patty's going to CSI school in Midway City. She's moving in two days." Barry answered.

"Wow, that is amazing." Iris said.

"I know." Atchaco agreed as Joe walked in with a sad look on his face.

"Hey." Barry greeted him.

"What's wrong?" Atchaco asked.

"Just went to see Francine and, uh... she doesn't have much time. I already said my good-byes, if... If you want to do the same." Joe told Iris who just looked at him in disbelief.

Later at STAR Labs, Harry was sitting in front of the computer. He was typing away on it trying to figure out how to use the Turtle's sample to take Barry's speed when Cisco walks in and he quickly shuts down the computer. "It's not gonna work. Closing the breaches, that's like solving Einstein's riddle." Cisco said.

"I solved Einstein's riddle when I was ten." Harry admits.

"Yeah, well, maybe Earth-2 Einstein wasn't as clever as ours." CIsco replies.

"You realise this Earth is my Earth-2, right?" Harry reminds him.

"Listen to this. What if we can figure out how to control my powers? We could find Zoom, get the jump on him." Cisco said.

"That's a good idea. You should get on that." Harry replies.

"I need your help, Harry." Cisco tells him.

"What you need, Ramon, is to figure out what triggers your vibes." Harry informs him.

"Exactly, and I don't know what triggers them. It's completely inconsistent. Sometimes it's when I touch something that belongs to a breacher, sometimes it just happens." Cisco explains.

"There's always a cause. Cause, effect. Doesn't take Einstein to figure that out." Harry reminds him.

"Okay, so what is the cause? You saw when I tried to vibe Dr. Light, when I tried to vibe you, took a while to work." Cisco tells him.

"Yes." Harry stands up. "Yes, it did. Meet me in the Time Vault." He then turns and walks away.

"For what?" Cisco asked. Harry just motions for him to go there and Cisco sighs.

Minutes later, Cisco walks over to the time vault and it was dark when he walked inside. "Hello? Hello? Harry? Of course, now he's gonna make me wait in this freaky-ass braille room." Cisco groaned.

"Hi, Cisco." Harry said as he wore the reverse flash suit.

Cisco then does a high pitched scream. "Stop! Don't do that!" He grunts.

"I figured out your trigger. A rush of adrenaline. Dopamine floods the brain. And the quickest way to achieve that result... Fear!" Harry then grabs Cisco. Instantly Cisco vibes and sees two cops being attacked by the real Reverse Flash. Then CIsco quickly comes out of the vision and Harry has the mask off. "What did you see?"

"The Reverse-Flash. He's here." Cisco said, his face as white as a ghost.

Late at night at Mercury labs, Dr McGee was walking with two security guards when an alarm blared. Suddenly the two security guards get knocked out by a red streak. "Oh, my God!" McGee gasped.

"Christina McGee." Reverse Flash said as he appeared behind her.

"Who are you?" McGee questions, turning to look at him.

"You're coming with me." Eobard said when Barry and Macanese showed up and stood in front of McGee protectively. "Flash… Thunder."

"Eobard Thawne." Macanese replied.

"You know who I am?" Eobard smirks.

"You died!" Barry yelled.

"Good to know. And guess what, Flash. I know what time period you're from. So that means very soon... you will die." Eobard warns. He then speeds over to Barry and punches him in the face before sweeping Macanese feet and causing her to fall backwards. When they both got up, Eobard and McGee were gone.

The next day they are at STAR Labs. "You okay, Bar?" Joe asked.

"I'm good, yeah. It's just a lot." Barry admits.

"Eddie Thawne died, so Eobard Thawne should have been erased out of existence, right?" Joe wonders.

"Not necessarily. It's possible Eobard was in the Speed Force, protecting him like a bomb shelter, keeping him alive and his timeline intact. It's what's known as a 'timeline remnant'." Harry informed him.

"A what now?" Joe questioned.

"Here, let me…" Harry walks over to the clear board and Cisco throws him a marker, "show you. This? This…" He draws a circle. "is now. Here, today." He draws a line next to the first circle and then another circle. "This is the time Thawne comes from." He draws another line and circle. "This is the moment you all erased him from existence, but since Thawne is from the future," He draws a line from the third circle to the second one. "this is where his timeline begins. That's why he's still alive. This Thawne has not yet travelled back in time to kill Barry's mother. He's here now in this time period for the first time. 'Timeline remnant'."

"Explains why nothing's changed." Cisco said.

"Yeah, it also explains why he didn't know my name or that we have met before." Atchaco replies.

"To him, you hadn't. Not until the future." Harry reminds them.

"If Thawne dies before he can time travel again, will that save Barry's mother?" Joe asked.

"No. That's not how it works. In our time line, Barry's mother is already dead, and her death is a fixed point. Nothing can change that." Harry said and Atchaco nodded.

"All right, well, I'm gonna end this, him, in this time once and for all." Barry told them.

"Let's find Dr. McGee, then we'll figure out what to do about Thawne, okay? I got to go check on Iris." Joe then turns and walks out of the Cortex.

"Ramon." Harry motions for Cisco to follow him. They then leave the room leaving Barry, Atchaco and Caitlin in the Cortex.

"Caitlin, I know you're worried about Dr. McGee, but we're gonna get her back." Atchaco reassures Caitlin when she sees that sad look on her face.

"It's not that. It's Jay." Caitlin corrected her.

"What about Jay?" Barry questioned.

"He's sick, and it's getting worse. When Zoom stole his speed, it affected him on a cellular level. We need to do something about it." Caitlin answered.

"All right, like what?" Atchaco asked.

"I think we should replace his dying cells with healthy ones indistinguishable from his." Caitlin replied.

"How do we do that?" Barry questioned.

"We find his Earth-1 doppelganger." Caitlin answers.

Later in a lab, Eobard was with McGee. "There." Eobard pointed to a device.

"Tachyons? A man in a yellow suit tried to steal another tachyon prototype last year." McGee said and Eobard chuckled.

"I must have gotten stuck here once before and not been able to access enough of the Speed Force. Tachyons should do it. I want you to isolate and accelerate their energetic properties for me." Eobard told her.

"I don't know if I can do that." McGee replied.

"If you want to stay alive... learn." Eobard said as he vibrates his hand.

The next day at the hospital, Joe and Iris go and see Francine who was asleep. "Franny." Joe said, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey." Francine smiles.

"How you feeling today?" Joe asked.

"Better now." Francine answered.

'I'm gonna let you two talk, okay?" Joe told her.

"Okay." Francine replies. Joe looks at Iris before walking out of the hospital room and Francine slowly waves at her.

"Can I get you anything?" Iris questions.

"Oh, just that brother of yours so all of us can be together for the first time." Francine said.

"Yeah, he should be here." Iris replied.

"His mother is leaving him. Can't blame him for being angry about that. I just wish he'd get all that anger out while I'm here to help. Same thing goes for you, Iris. One thing you learn when you're dying is not to hold anything back. You want to say something to me? You need to say it while you can." Francine reminded her.

"I have so many great memories from when I grew up. Now when I think about those memories, I can only wonder what it would have been like if you and Wally would have been there." Iris's voice breaks. "I'm not angry at you anymore for what happened. I just wish you would have come back to us a lot sooner." Francine reaches out and grabs Iris's hand. "Because I would have forgiven you then... just like I'm forgiving you now." Iris then lets out a sob.

"Mm. Thank you. Thank you." Francince told her.

"I'm sorry." Iris apologises. She then quickly walks out of the room as she continues to sob when Joe sees her. Iris sobs even more when she sees her dad and then he hugs her. "I don't know why this is so hard. I barely even know her." Joe nods and continues to embrace her.

Meanwhile at the CCPD, Caitlin was up with Barry and Atchaco's lab with them. "The facial recognition software at S.T.A.R. Labs didn't find anything either." Caitlin sighed.

"No, but there's still more databases to check. We'll find his doppelganger." Atchaco reassures her.

"Thanks, you guys." Caitlin said.

"Yeah." Barry replies.

"Hey. Hi, Caitlin." Patty greeted them as she walked in.

"Hi." Caitlin returns.

"Uh, can we... talk?" Patty asled.

"Yeah, sure. Um, we'll let you know what we find." Atchaco told Caitlin.

"Thanks." Caitlin said as she walked out of the room.

"What's up?" Barry questions.

"I didn't know you two were working with S.T.A.R. Labs." Patty admitted.

"Yeah. Joe, Atchaco and I help out every once in a while." Atchaco told her.

"Really? Yeah, I probably shouldn't tell you two this, but there's a lot of weird stuff that happens over there." Patty chuckles and the speedsters do the same.

"Is that what you came to talk to us about?" Atchaco asked.

"Just to let you guys know that I am leaving today." Patty reminds them.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Wow, time flew by quickly." Barry noticed.

"Yes it did." Patty agreed.

"So, when are you leaving?" Atchaco questioned.

"Not for a few hours. So I am letting you guys know, so don't think of skipping on saying goodbye, okay." Patty answered and Atchaco nodded.

"Gotcha." Barry said.

"I'll see you guys later." Patty then turns around and leaves.

"See ya." Atchaco replied.

Later at STAR Labs, Cisco and Harry were in the work station as Harry was tinkering with Cisco's goggles. "So what did you do to my goggles?" Cisco asked.

"I added a wavelength trigger to stimulate the fear receptors in your brain. Then I took what you already had to induce slow-wave sleep, upgraded it to get you to stage-four sleep." Harry explained and Cisco groaned. "No, this is good. This will give us more control."

"Okay." Cisco said.

"Now I'll be able to dictate how long you vibe for. Put 'em on." Harry replied, handing Cisco the goggles.

"What am I gonna see?" Cisco wonders.

"I don't know. Never done this before. You'll have to tell me so I can steer you where you need to be. Ramon, you want to find Reverse-Flash, put on the goggles." Harry tells him.

"Okay." Cisco said.

"Attaboy." Harry replies. CIsco sighs as he sits down. "Go ahead."

Cisco puts the goggles on and turns on the power. He starts to vibe and sees everything from different times. "Oh-ho-ho, yeah, man. I'm in full-on vibe mode right now." Cisco grins.

"What do you see?" Harry asked.

"It's hard to explain. It's different events. Different events in time." Cisco summerised.

"Concentrate on The Reverse-Flash." Harry tells him.

"Okay." Cisco nods. He shuts his eyes and concentrates until he sees the Reverse Flash. "I see him."

"Move toward him." Harry said.

Cisco does what Harry said and moves towards the Reverse Flash. "Okay, now what?" Cisco wanderers.

"Try to picture him with Christina McGee." Harry replies. Cisco does exactly what he said and he sees her with the Reverse Flash in a lab.

"It's charged. You can go now. You said you'd release me." McGee reminded him.

"Yes, I did. Didn't I?" Eobard replies. Then Cisco sees the Reverse Flash vibrate his hand and shove it into McGee's chest, killing her instantly.

"No!" Cisco yells. He sees the Reverse Flash go through a breach and Cisco quickly takes off his goggles and Cisco gasps.

"Well, what is it?" Harry asked.

"She's dead." Cisco answered.

Later in the Cortex, Cisco and Harry tell Caitlin, Barry and Atchaco what happened. "Dr. McGee is dead?" Caitlin repeats, shocked.

"Harry and I were trying to hone my powers to find Zoom, and then we ended up using them, finding The Reverse-Flash, and that's when I saw him kill her. And then he left." Cisco explained.

"He left? What do you mean, he left?" Barry question.

"McGee built him some kind of speed machine and he ran into and got flung back to the future." Cisco said and Barry sighs.

"You'd need superluminal energy to send someone through time." Harry tells them.

"You mean like tachyons?" Atchaco wonders.

"Tachyons." Harry agreed, walking over to the computer.

"We can track their location once they've been activated." Barry told them and Harry searches and comes out empty.

"Anything?" Atchaco asked.

"Nothing." Harry sighed.

"Cisco, you're sure that's what you saw?" Barry questioned.

"I'm positive." Cisco replies.

"All right." Barry said.

"What else did you see?" Harry asked.

"There was all sorts of weird tech everywhere. There was a clock." Cisco answered.

"What time did the clock say?" Harry questions.

"9:52, I think. How... how is that relevant?" Cisco wonders.

"It's 6:00 now." Harry replies.

"Are you telling me I can see the future?" Cisco asked.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you." Harry answered.

"Those goggles are getting named immediately." Cisco chuckles.

"But that means Dr. McGee is alive." Caitlin smiles.

"That's right." Harry agrees.

"Yeah, okay. We have 3 hours, 52 minutes to find her and stop Reverse-Flash." Atchaco reminds them.

"Let's do it." Barry said.

Later at CCPD, Patty was at her desk which was half empty as she worked her last hours and Joe walked up to her. "Spivot." Joe greeted her.

"Hey." Patty returns.

"Can't get away from those case files, huh?" Joe questions.

"Oh, just following up on a hunch." Patty answered.

"You're gonna miss the action, right?" Joe asked.

"Maybe. A little." Patty smiles.

"I'm gonna miss you." Joe replied, shaking Patty's hand.

"Miss you too. Hey, Barry and Atchaco just told me that, you know, sometimes they help you out with S.T.A.R. Labs stuff." Patty admits.

"Yeah, they do when they have a few extra minutes." Joe lies.

"I didn't know that. I mean, the whole time I've been working here you never mentioned it to me, but then I realized why. I went through some of Barry and Atchaco's old cases. All of them involved The Flash and Thunder saving the day with details that Barry and Atchaco couldn't have possibly even known, and that is even if you factor in her being a cybernetic goddess, it shouldn't be possible." Patty explains.

"That's weird." Joe then walks over to his desk.

"Yeah, it... It is weird. The only thing that does make sense is that Barry is The Flash and Atchaco is Thunder." Patty tells him.

"Have you ever seen Barry run? He waddles like a slow-ass duck. There's no way he's The Flash, Patty. And, Atchaco, even with her enhanced cybernetic capabilities she is nowhere near Thunder's speed." Joe replies.

"You know, when I started this job, you told me I had to learn how to lie to do it. You're a terrible liar, Joe." Patty then grabs her box with her stuff. "See you." She then walks away.

Late at night in an autoshop, Wally was working on a car when Iris walked up to him. "Nice nitrous kit. You're gonna get caught one of these days. You know that, right? Get thrown in jail?" Iris ponders.

"I'll stop racing when these hospital bills stop coming in." Wally replied.

"I saw Mom today. She says you haven't been by in a while." Iris tells him.

"Yeah, she knows why." Wally admits.

"She thinks it's because you're angry with her." Iris informs him.

"I have every right to be angry. Nothing for 20 years, then out of nowhere, she tells me I have a sister, I have... I have a father." Wally said.

"Yeah, the same thing happened to me too, remember? But that shouldn't keep you from seeing her before you can't anymore." Iris tells him.

"No. Look... that's not what it is." Wally told her.

"Then what is it, Wally?" Iris asked.

"I got to go." Wally answered as he started walking away.

"Last year, my fiancé died... unexpectedly." Iris explains to him. "One moment he was here, the next... gone. I didn't get a chance to say good-bye to him, to tell everything he meant to me, That he was my world... that he was loved. But today I got to say good-bye to your mom. My mom. And it helped us both find peace with what happened to our family. Wally, don't make a mistake you're gonna regret the rest of your life. Go see your mom while you still can." Wally looks at her and storms off.

Back at STAR Labs. "No sign of tachyon activity." Harry said, looking at the screen.

"We're running out of time. We've got to find them." Atchaco reminded him.

"It'll take a few minutes for the device to reach full power once it's activated, but when we find it, you two are gonna have to get there fast." Cisco warns and Barry chuckles softly.

"Hey, Barry, Atchaco." Caitlin said as she walked up to them.

"Yeah?" Barry wonders.

"Have you two found out anything else about Jay's doppelganger?" Caitlin asked.

"There's no Jay Garrick on this Earth." Atchaco shakes her head.

"That's so weird. Everyone has a doppelganger." Caitlin tells them.

"Maybe just ask Jay. He's a good guy. Just ask him. I'm sure he'll tell you." Barry replied.

"Okay." Caitlin nods.

Joe was standing in the doorway when Barry and Atchaco saw him. "Hey." Atchaco greets him. Joe motions for the two speedsters to follow him and they walk into the hallway to talk.

"What's up?" Barry questions.

"We got a problem. Patty knows you two are The Flash and Thunder." Joe tells them.

"What?" Atchaco and Barry blurted out.

"She caught me off guard. I mean, I played it off, but come on, she's a smart girl. Anyway, she was going through some case files." Joe explains.

"Oh, my God." Atchaco gasped.

"Maybe you two should tell her." Joe suggests.

"No." Barry replied.

"Patty's trustworthy." Joe reminds them.

"It's not even about that, Joe. We don't want another person that Zoom or Reverse-Flash or any of these meta-humans can use against us. I don't want it. Patty can't get hurt over this." Barry tells him.

Suddenly, the alarms started blaring and they walked back into the Cortex. "Tachyons! 87th and Avenue J." Cisco informs them. Barry and Atchaco grab their suits and then speed out of there. "Must be one of Mercury Labs' off-site facilities."

"Hack into their se…" Harry started to say.

"I've hacked in the security feed." Cisco cut him off.

"And once that…" Harry tries to say.

"I'm one step ahead of you." Cisco butted in. The live security feed comes on the computer screen and what Cisco vibed was about to come true. "Uh-oh. Barry, Macanese hurry up!"

Seconds later at a Mercury Labs facility. "It's charged. You can go now. You said you'd release me." McGee reminds him.

"Yes, I did. Didn't I?" Eobard replied. He then lifts up his hands and vibrates it.

"He's gonna kill her." Caitlin warns.

Both Barry and Macanese ran so fast that they phased through the building and then they shoved the Reverse Flash against the wall. Macanese turns to face McGee. "You okay?" Macanese questions.

"Yeah." McGee nods.

"Get Dr McGee out of here." Barry ordered.

"What? I am not letting you be alone with him." Macanese tells him.

"I'll be fine. Go! Go!" Barry replied. Macanese sighs and then grabs McGee and super speeds her out of there.

Barry walks over to the machine that had the tachyons and rips it out of the machine. "That was my way home!" Eobard yells.

"You're not going anywhere." Barry tells him.

"You haven't won here, Flash. I'll find another way back." Eobard warns.

"You're gonna have to get through me first." Barry tells him.

"You really think you're fast enough to stop me?" Eobard wonders.

"Let's find out." Barry said.

"Catch me if you can." Eobard replied, putting on his mask. He then takes off running and Barry is right behind him.

"Oh, it's on. Get him, Bar." Cisco cheered.

Barry and Eobard run all over town until they end up in a warehouse. Barry then tackled Eobard and slammed him against a gate and then the fight started. "Not fast enough, Thawne." Barry then punches him. "I will never lose to you again." Barry then starts beating up the Reverse Flash. "This war between us, it ends now!" Barry continues to beat him up, not giving him any time to fight back or even react.

"Bar, you got to stop! Bar, don't kill him! Just bring him in!" Joe yelled in Barry's earpiece.

"Get the cell ready." Barry replies as he punches Eobard one more time before knocking him out.

Later at STAR labs, everyone was watching the live security feed of Eobard's cell in the Cortex. "Hey, he can't...?" Joe questioned.

"Phase his way out? No, he can't do that." Cisco reassures him.

"It's the same cell we used to hold Dr. Wells last year." Caitlin said as Barry turned and started walking away.

"Barry, where you going?" Atchaco asked.

"I'm going down there." Barry answered.

"No, you're not. The more he learns about you, the more you will alter the timeline." Harry warns.

"He killed my mom!" Barry yelled.

"He's from the future. He hasn't done that yet. He doesn't even know you're The Flash, and you need to keep it that way." Harry reminds him.

"You already said that his mother's gonna die no matter what we do." Joe said.

"There's ramifications any time anybody messes with the timeline, and it's impossible to predict what those ramifications are going to be." Harry replies.

"Barry, you caught him and you and Atchaco stopped him from killing Dr. McGee. In my book, that's a win." Caitlin told him.

"This doesn't feel like a win." Barry admits.

Atchaco's phone vibrates and she looks at Barry. "We got to go." She told him and they walked out of the Cortex together. Cisco then touched his nose and noticed that he had a little nose bleed, something Harry noticed too.

Later at Jitters Caitlin was with Jay. "So, what'd you want to talk to me about?" Jay questioned.

"My dad had multiple sclerosis. Every day for years, I watched this amazingly strong man fight for his life... and lose. So, I can't sit by and watch another man I care about fight for his life and not do something about it. I tried to find your doppelganger. Same DNA, same cellular structure. I could replace your dying cells with his living ones. But... you don't have a doppelganger on this Earth." Caitlin told him.

"Caitlin, there is a good explanation. Meet me at Hofherr Park tomorrow and I'll show you." Jay replied.

"Why can't you just tell me?" Caitlin asked.

"Because you need to see for yourself." Jay answered.

Back at STAR Labs, Cisco walks into the pipeline and goes over to Eobard's cell. "How'd you get your suit in your ring?" Cisco questions.

"Who are you?" Eobard asked.

"My name is Cisco Ramon." He introduces himself.

"And we know each other well, don't we? We have a history together." Eobard replied.

"You could say that." Cisco tells him.

"And that's all you want to know? How I got my suit in my ring?" Eobard wonders.

"I want you to know that I'm the one who figured out you were back. I helped stop you. Me." Cisco informs him.

"And how'd you do that?" Eobard questions.

"I have powers. And I helped track you down and I put you in here." Cisco answered.

'That's quite the ability you've been given." Eobard admits.

'And here's what's so ironic about it. You gave me these powers. Have fun thinking about that while you rot away ithis cell that you helped me build. Bye, Felicia." Cisco mocks. He then closes the door of the pipeline. When he starts to walk away he touches his face and realises he has another nose bleed. Cisco just shakes it off and walks out of the pipeline.

The next day, Barry and Atchaco walk into their lab and see Patty waiting for them. "Hey." Barry greeted her as Atchaco waved.

"Hey." Patty returned.

"Got your text. Sorry we haven't come to see you. We have just been busy." Atchaco tells her.

"Just busy... yeah like speeding around Central City. I know you guys are The Flash and Thunder." Patty said.

"Patty, come on." Barry scoffs.

"Please don't make me feel any more stupid than I already do. Look, I'm a detective and I should have known." Patty tells them.

"Okay, look, what... What you're saying, it's insane." Atchaco replies.

"Look, you two don't have to lie to me anymore, okay? I understand... I understand why you both didn't want to tell me. Look, I understand everything. But just tell me the truth now. Just be honest with me. Just... admit to me you two are The Flash and Thunder." Patty said.

"We can't do that. We're not them." Barry lies.

"It's too bad. It would have been nice to know that you were a superhero and in Atchaco's case, not just a god that helps a different planet. Take care, Barry, Atchaco." Patty then turns and walks out of the room.

Later in the pipeline, Barry and Atchaco open the door but stay in the shadows as they stand out of sight of the Reverse Flash. "Is that you, Flash? Thunder?" Eobard wonders.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Barry asked.

"I didn't always. I was obsessed with you." Eobard turns to face Atchaco. "You too, Thunder." Atchaco gags in disgust. "For so long, I wanted to be The Flash. I spent years figuring out how you came to be. Duplicated the reaction... and it worked." Eobard chuckles. "I became like you."

"Right, so what happened?" Atchaco questioned.

"This ability to travel through time revealed a truth." Eobard turns to Barry. "My fate was to become your greatest enemy. I was never going to be The Flash, so I became the reverse of everything that you were. The more people you saved, the more you were loved, the more I had to take from you."

"That is why you killed my mother? That's why you ruined my life? Because you couldn't be me?" Barry wonders.

"I became better than you! I am the one thing you cannot stop, Flash!" Eobard reminds him.

"No, no, no. Not anymore. Your race with him is over. And you lost." Atchaco says to him.

"I've learned what time period you're from, Flash. And one day soon, I'll learn your name. I'll learn both your names." Eobard warns.

"We need you in the cortex now!" Caitlin yelled over the speaker. Barry sighs and closes the pipeline door.

Up in the Cortex, everyone was holding Cisco down on a bed as his nose was bleeding and he was having a seizure when Barry and Atchaco sped into the room. "What's happening?" Barry asked.

"He's experiencing an uncontrollable amount of electrical energy in his brain, putting him in a prolonged state of chronic seizing." Caitlin explained.

"What? Can you stop it?" Atchaco questioned as she and Barry helped hold Cisco down.

"I don't know." Caitlin admits as he gets worse by the second. "Hold him down!"

"We're trying!" Joe reminds her.

"Sedate him, Snow, now!" Harry ordered.

"Come on! Come on!" Barry groaned.

"Benzodiazepine. This should do it." Caitlin said. She then sticks a needle into Cisco and his seizures stop.

"Finally." Joe sighs in relief. Suddenly, Cisco starts fading out of existence. "What the?"

"What was that?" Atchaco asked.

"What's going on? Where the hell am I?" Cisco yelled as he continues to fade.

"Cisco!" Barry gasped.

"It's the timeline." Harry realised.

"What? What are you talking about?" Barry questioned.

"When you... when you captured Reverse-Flash, we ruptured the timeline. That's what this... All the blood and the seizures and that and all... Cisco is being affected to... to... By the changes to the timeline. The changes to the past or the changes to the present... This is what this is. We need to do something. We need to do it fast." Harry panics.

"Like what?" Joe asked.

"We need to restore the timeline. Barry, you need to get Reverse-Flash and send him back to the future as quickly as possible." Harry tells him.

"What? Are you…" Barry starts to say.

"Barry…" Harry tries to say.

"I just caught him! You want me to let him go?" Barry wonders, anger in his voice.

"Keeping him here is killing Cisco!" Harry yelled.

"Barry, if this is the only way we can save him, you got to do it!" Atchaco tells him.

"You gotta let go of Thawne, Barry!" Joe replied.

"I can't. Okay, all right, look. I destroyed the tachyon drive in the speed machine. There's no way it'll reach a speed necessary to send him back home." Barry said, a sound of panic in his voice.

"You can." Harry told him.

"What?" Barry wonders.

"Your speed coupled with Thawne's speed, that'll be enough to catapult him through the time continuum. You can do it." Harry explains.

"All right. All right. Let's do it. Let's do it." Barry nods.

Minutes later, Harry goes to Eobard's cell in the pipeline. "Time to send you home." Harry told him, holding a gun.

"The time paradox. Yeah. You've all messed with something you don't understand." Eobard said.

"Can you do me a favour and just shut up?" Harry wonders.

"And how exactly are you going to send me home?" Eobard laughs.

"Don't worry about it." Harry said.

"You fixed Dr. McGee's tachyon device?" Eobard asked.

"No, I came up with a different method." Harry admits as he opens the cell door, the gun still pointed on the evil speedster.

"Is that so?" Eobard wonders.

"Uh-huh." Harry hums.

"Who are you?" Eobard questions.

"No one of consequence." Harry tells him.

"No. I doubt that." Eobard told him.

Minutes later, Barry was back in his flash suit with the reverse flash. "I win again, Flash." Eobard smirks.

Barry then walks over to Harry. "All you have to do is provide him with enough momentum to get him past the space-time barrier." Harry reminds him.

"All right." Barry said.

"Hey, listen to me." Harry replied. "Thawne knows about you. Right here, right now. This is where he learns about you, all of you. It's how he knows about S.T.A.R. Labs, how he knows about me... The Harrison Wells from this Earth. And there's nothing I can do about it. There's nothing you can do about it. This is his origin story, and it's going to happen no matter what you do. But right here, right now... you can send him back to his time. You can save your friend. You can save Cisco and then move on with your life."

"This could be a good thing. You can finally let go of him." Joe informs him.

"I could throw him three centuries from now. He'll always be a part of me." Barry admits before walking over to Eobard. "Time to send you back where you belong."

The door opens up and they walk into the pipeline. "We'll meet again soon, Flash." Eobard warns.

"I know. And every time, I'll be ready for you." Barry tells him. They sped into the pipeline and start running around as everyone watched from the Cortex.

"Hurry." Caitlin warns. Barry and the Reverse Flash are running around until a portal opens. Barry grabbed Eobard and threw him into it.

"He did it." Harry said.

Everyone looks back at Cisco and sees that he was okay as the portal closed. Barry runs back into the Cortex and looks at everyone. "He's gonna be okay." Caitlin smiles.

Later, Caitlin and Jay are in the park. "I don't understand what we're doing here." Caitlin admits.

"Well, just like you, I thought that if I could find my doppelganger on this Earth, I could replace my damaged cells with some of his healthy ones. And believe me, I was just as shocked as you when I couldn't find a Jay Garrick anywhere on this planet. Took me a while to figure it out... but eventually I found him." Jay said. He points over to a man sitting on a bench with a book, it was Jay's doppelganger. "His name is Hunter Zolomon."

"Hunter Zolomon? Why doesn't he have the same name as you?" Caitlin asked.

"From what I could gather, his mother died during childbirth. He bounced around from family to family, but eventually was adopted and raised by the Zolomons." Jay explains.

'But why does that mean he can't help you?" Caitlin questions.

"My DNA was mutated when I became a speedster. There's only one way to reverse what's happening to me. If we can catch Zoom, I can get my speed back." Jay tells her.

"Then let's finally figure out the best way to do that." Caitlin smiles at him and he smiles back.

Later at night at the west house, Iris was working on her laptop when there was a knock at the door. Iris answers the door to see Wally standing in the doorway. "Wally, hi." She greets him.

"Hey." Wally returned.

"Um, do you want to come in?" Iris asked.

"No, I-I can't stay. I just... I wanted to tell you that I'm gonna take your advice and go see my mom." Wally answers.

"Okay." Iris replied.

"Iris, I was... I was wondering if you would come with me." Wally suggested.

"Yeah, yeah, I would... I would love that." Iris said.

"Yeah?" Waly wondered.

"Okay. Um…" Iris grabs her purse and leaves with him.

Later in STAR Labs, Cisco groans as he starts waking up. "My head feels like it's in a vise. What happened?" Cisco questions.

"I think you vibed one too many dimensions." Harry said.

"Maybe I should stop doing that." Cisco said.

"Yeah, he's gonna be fine." Joe laughs.

"How did you, um... get the vibing to stop?" Cisco asked.

"We sent Thawne back to his time." Joe answered.

"You let him go?" Cisco said, turning to face Barry.

"I couldn't let him take another person I cared about." Barry admits.

"Thank you." Cisco nods.

"Of course." Barry replies.

"Okay, I think I need a Big Belly burger. Anyone?" Harry wonders.

"I'm good, thank you." Atchaco said.

"Me too." Barry replied.

"Yeah, no pickles." Joe told him.

"Two triple triples, please." Cisco grinned.

"You got money?" Harry questioned.

"Mmm." Cisco hums as he lays back on the bed.

"Rest up, all right? We'll be out here." Barry told him. They then walk out of the infirmary and into the Cortex.

"So, Patty... she's on a train to Midway City right now, huh?" Joe said.

"Uh huh." Atchaco hums before walking away and leaving Joe with Barry.

"Mm-hmm, I was thinking about what you said, that part of being The Flash is that you have the ability to do amazing things that nobody else can do. And we see now that a hundred years from now, you'll still be doing them. But the other part is, you're gonna be loaded with sacrifices, and you're gonna have hard choices to make, and there's gonna be a lot of things where eventually you'll have to let 'em go. You got to be ready for that." Joe tells him.

"I am. I'm ready." Barry replies.

"That's my boy." Joe said and they gave each other a high five and a hug.

Atchaco then walks up to them. "Barry, Patty just called me. She said she's on the train and there is a man with a gun." She informs him.

"Okay, let's go." Barry said.

Barry and Atchaco then grab their suits and sped all the way through town and jump on the train where Patty was but everything was normal and okay. "Is everyone okay?" Macanese asked.

"Everyone's fine." Patty said and Barry vibrates his face. "It was a false alarm, but... thanks for coming so fast, Flash, Thunder." Patty was holding her phone and it had Atchaco's caller ID on it. Barry stops vibrating his face and Macanese retracts the lower mouth guard on her face as Patty comes closer to them.

"Just want to make sure everything's okay before we go." Barry told her.

"Don't worry. Everything's good." Patty smiles. Barry and Macanese then look at their friend as with one look they said goodbye. The both then sped out of the train. Patty sits down at her seat and looks out the window as rain comes down and she sees two streaks run by.

"Goodbye, Barry. Goodbye, Atchaco." Patty whispers.