Episode 14 - Welcome To Earth Two

In the workshop, Harry was making a journal entry in his watch. "Journal log entry 115, my last entry. On this earth, we're closing the breaches, all of them. Soon, every portal between this earth and mine will no longer exist. I've become distracted by this Earth, its problems, its people." Harry said.

Late at night, Barry and Macanese were running around the city and closing the breaches as Cisco and Caitlin were in the Cortex. "29." Cisco said.

"28." Caitlin continues.

"27." Cisco smiles.

"26." Caitlin replies as Barry and Atchaco finish up closing the breaches.

"But the one thing I never lost track of was you, Jesse." Harry admits as he holds up his gun. "You are my conscience, my beating heart. You're the reason I made it this far in my fight against Zoom, and now I just need you to hang on. Hang on a little bit longer because... I'm coming to get you, and this time... I'm not coming alone."

Meanwhile, Barry and Macanese were at the last breach. Barry holds up the reactor and Macanese nods. Barry then throws the reactor into the breach and they both smile as they watch it close. By the time it was over, it was already morning. Back in the Cortex. "Bam. Uhh, that's how it's done." Cisco cheers. In seconds, Barry and Atchaco arrive in the Cortex. "Ooh. Whoo. They shoot. They score."

"Not bad for a guy who got a C in gym." Barry said.

"D plus." Caitlin told them.

"Straight up F right here." Cisco admitted and they all looked over at Atchaco.

"Does it really matter what I got?" Atchaco wondered.

"You got an A plus, didn't you?" Cisco questioned.

"Maybe." Atchaco sighs and Barry chuckles.

"Can't believe it. We closed all the breaches." Caitlin said.

"All except the one." Atchaco reminds them.

"Our last way to Earth-2." Barry replied.

"Ready?" Harry said, walking in.

"Yeah, I just have a few things to take care of first." Barry told him.

"Just a reminder, Allen... Clock's ticking." Harry warns.

"It always is." Barry reminds him.

Later at night in the West house, Barry, Joe and Iris were all sitting down at the dinner table eating dinner. "You know you haven't made lasagna since I left for college?" Barry realised.

"Well, college is a hell of a lot closer than another Earth." Joe replied and Barry sighs. "Hey. Did you tell Henry?"

"No." Bary sighs. "I... look, if he knew, he would just try to talk me out of it and he probably would, so…"

"Dad, can you give us a minute?" Iris said.

"Yeah, I'll make us some coffee." Joe then gets up and walks into the kitchen.

"Look, Iris. Atchaco already tried to talk me out of this and I know that this is…" Barry hesitates for a moment. "Nuts is the only word I can think of right now, but it's not like I've never done anything dangerous before."

"Look, I... I get why you are doing this. Innocent people are in danger. That's always been the direction that you've run in, even... even when you ran a little bit slower." Iris said and Barry chuckled. "I just... I want to make sure that you're not doing this because you think that you don't have anything left here anymore. You have Atchaco."

"I know and I love her. I know what I have here. I love my life. I love my job, being The Flash." Barry replied and Iris chuckled. "I love you and Joe. I'm not trying to escape. I promise."

"Go win, Barry, and then come home." Iris smiles.

"All right." Barry nods.

The next day everyone was in the basement of STAR Labs which was where the breach was. "All right, Barry, listen to me. You're about to go through the looking glass. You're gonna see things that look and feel familiar, but they're not. Up is down. Black is white, and do not let yourself get sucked in emotionally, and good luck." Jay tells him.

"Look, if we're not back in 48 hours, that means that Zoom has us. If that happens, you have to close the breach." Barry informs them.

"We're not gonna do that." Caitlin replied.

"You get yourself back here in one piece, all right? Don't make me come and get you." Joe said.

"No." Barry told him and they hugged each other.

Barry then pulls out of the hug and walks over to Atchaco. They look at each other before kissing passionately before hugging. "I'm sorry I can't come but you promise you'll come back to me." Atchaco said.

"I promise." Barry agreed.

Meanwhile, Cisco and Caitlin were talking. "I wrote this for my parents and Dante. If I don't come back, make sure he gets them." Cisco said as he held up a letter.

"Cisco, you're coming back." Caitlin reassures him.

"Caitlin, please." Cisco replied.

"Okay, I will." Caitlin said as she took the letter.

"Thank you." Cisco replies and they hug each other as Barry sighs.

"Be careful." Caitlin said after she walked over to Barry.

"Yeah." Barry hugged her.

"Okay." Caitlin replied.

"You too, Harry." Caitlin said.

"Snow." Harry nods.

Joe walks up to Harry and shakes his hand. "I hope you get your daughter back." Joe said.

"I'll make sure you get your son back." Harry replied.

He then walks over and stands next to Barry. "You don't have to do this." Harry reminds him.

"Yeah, I do." Barry replies as Cisco walks up to them.

"Is anybody else feeling panic right now? I chickened out of bungee jumping when I was 18, but this is categorically a lot scarier." Cisco admits.

"Once I turn the speed cannon on, the three of you will be able to pass through unharmed, but Barry, you need to make sure you keep your speed up." Jay warns.

"Mm-hmm." Barry nods.

"I... I got no spit." Cisco said.

"Jaws." Harry notices.

"I'm not just quoting 'Jaws.' I mean my mouth is really dry right now." Cisco told them.

"Do not get distracted by anything you see along the way." Jay reminds them.

"What are we gonna see?" Cisco asked.

"Everything." Jay answered.

"Do it, Jay." Barry said. Jay then flips the switch and turns on the speed cannon. "Okay, let's go." Barry then grabs Cisco and Harry. Then, using his speed, they run inside the breach. When they are inside they see flashes of the Green Arrow and a different looking Flash and Supergirl.

Meanwhile, the speed cannon started shooting out electricity and it was crackling and buzzing. Suddenly, a part of the speed cannon breaks off and goes straight towards Caitlin. "Caitlin, look out!" Jay yelled.

Atchaco speeds over and pulls Caitlin out of the way. "You okay?" Atchaco asked.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine." Caitlin replied.

"What happened?" Joe questioned.

"With the rest of the breaches closed, the energy surge to this last remaining breach must have destabilised it." Joe informs them.

"Well, what does that mean?" Caitlin wonders.

"As long as it's unstable Barry and Cisco will be trapped over there." Atchaco noticed.

Meanwhile, Cisco, Barry and Harry were still inside the breach. They were seeing flashes of different events, like Gorilla Grood, Jonah Hex and legion ring. Then in seconds they landed in the earth two versions of STAR Labs. Cisco sighs and then looks around. "Holy 2001. I feel like I just opened my third eye." Cisco admits.

"Oh, my God." Barry chuckles. "Come on." Barry then walked away.

"Ow." Cisco smiles.

Minutes later they were out in front of STAR Labs and they were amazed by the place. "Welcome to Earth-2." Harry said.

Later they were walking around STAR. "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Cisco chuckled.

"This is amazing. Half these things are just ideas on our Earth." Barry notices.

"Come here." Cisco said, pulling out his phone. They both then stand in front of the STAR Labs sign and take a picture.

"Ramon." Harry sighs.

"What?" Cisco wonders.

"Not a sightseeing tour." Harry reminds them.

"Speak for yourself. We want our grandkids to know we did cool stuff." Cisco replied.

They continued walking down the hallway when they ran into someone familiar. "Dr. Wells." Henry greeted.

"Henry." Harry returns, shaking his hand.

"We weren't expecting you." Henry admits.

"Ahh!" Cisco and Barry say as they see Henry.

"Yes... I didn't tell anyone I was coming back." Harry replied, ignoring Cisco and Barry's reaction.

"I thought you might've left town with all that's been happening." Henry admits.

"Right." Harry said.

"Are your friends okay?" Henry asked because Cisco and Barry were looking at him with a freaked out look.

"Yes, they're... they're fine. They're excitable. This is, um…" Harry mumbled.

"Henry Hewitt, lab assistant. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Henry introduced himself.

"And you... um, I'm… I'm Barry. This is Cisco." Barry stutters.

"I'm Cisco. Yeah. And you are just a nice, normal guy." Cisco said.

"Okay, um…" Harry replied.

"Dr. Wells, will you and your visitors be needing the conference room?" Henry questioned.

"Not necessary, Henry. Our visit will be short." Harry answers.

"Okay." Henry said.

"Good to see you." Harry tells him.

"Good to see you, sir." Henry returns as he walks away.

Harry then turns to face Barry and Cisco and gives them a look. "He's a bad guy on Earth-1." Cisco tells him.

"He looks just like him." Barry reminds himself. Harry sighs and they walk away.

Minutes later they all walk into his office. Harry smiles as he turns everything in the room on with a wave of his hand. The TV also turned on and was showing the news. "A reminder that a citywide curfew has been issued. No unauthorised person is to be out after 9:00 p.m. A recent increase in Zoom attacks has led Mayor Snart to extend the curfew. The curfew was first issued after a series of terror attacks throughout the city…" The newscaster said.

"It's worse. It's worse than when I left. Zoom has turned up his reign of terror." Harry groans.

"All right, then let's find Zoom fast. Cisco, do your thing." Barry said.

"All right, Zoom... You can run, but you can't hide." Cisco smiles. He puts his goggles on, getting ready to vibe but he sees nothing. "All right, you know what? You guys are crowding my space a little bit. I can't perform like this under pressure, okay? If you could just step back just a little bit, I need to do my thing."

"All right." Barry said and they stepped back.

"My mojo." Cisco said.

"Yes, all right." Harry sighed.

"Thank you. Take two…" Cisco clears his throat. "Mm, ah. All right, Zoom." He puts his goggles back on. "You can run…"

"Ramon, what's happening?" Harry cuts him off.

"You know, I don't know, okay? I can't see anything. I don't know what's wrong. Maybe I lost my powers." Cisco said after he took his goggles off.

"I didn't lose my powers. Why would you lose your powers?" Barry wonders.

Cisco then looks at his goggles. "Oh, here we go, the wavelength trigger's not responding, but that only happens if…" Cisco starts to say.

"The frequency is imbalanced." Harry finishes.

"What?" Barry said.

"Our Earth vibrates at a different frequency than yours." Harry informs them.

"Harry, without that frequency…" Cisco said.

"We're up a creek." Barry replied when suddenly a familiar voice came on the TV. Earth two Barry was on and he looked like a nerdy version of himself.

"The latest attack was orchestrated by Zoom, and we understand that citizens of Central City are scared, but I can assure you the CCPD has been working diligently…" Barry-2 announces.

"That's me." Barry notices.

"Yeah, it is." Cisco chuckles.

"Under the leadership of Detective West. We will stop Zoom. That's a promise." Barry-2 finished.

"'The leadership of Detective West.' So Joe's still a cop here." Cisco realises.

"Yeah, but more importantly, I'm still a CSI. I have a plan." Barry admits.

Cisco pulls out a red vine as Barry speeds out of the room. Seconds later he comes back with his earth 2 doppelganger. "What just happened?" Barry-2 gasps.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho, doppelganger." Cisco said as he ate his red vine.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, how did I get here? What... who are... who are you?" Barry-2 stutters. "How do you look like me?"

"Allen, what are you doing?" Harry asks.

"Harrison Wells." Barry-2 chuckles. "The Harrison Wells. Oh, my God, am I in S.T.A.R. Labs? Okay, I have no idea what is going on here, but I've always wanted to meet you. Your thesis on string phenomenology was revolutionary to me."

"Oh, man." Barry said.

"I had the magazine laminated so I could keep it. I... I just want to emulate…" Barry-2 continued.

Harry tosses a device at Barry as he speaks. "That's incredible. I won an award for it, right over there, you see?" Harry distracts him.

"Oh, it's beaut…" Barry-2 starts to say as he turns around to see it. As he is doing so Barry walks over to his doppelganger and tasers him. Barry-2 falls onto a chair, knocked out.

"Wh... wh... what did you do? What's wrong with you? Have you turned into an evil you?" Cisco asks.

"Relax. Just knocked him out." Barry said as he gave Harry back his taser.

"Oh, well, why'd you even bring him over here?" Cisco questions.

"So he could become him." Harry answered.

"While you guys work on the goggles, I will go to CCPD as him and see if I can figure out what information they have on Zoom's previous sightings." Barry said.

"We can use those sightings to triangulate Zoom's hideout." Harry replied.

"Good. That's a good plan. Just remember what Jay said, okay? Things here are all sorts of trippy." Cisco warns.

"Look, it'll be fine. I can handle it." Barry reassures them as he takes the other Barry's glasses. "It'll be easy."

Later at earth 2's CCPD, Barry walks out of the elevator wearing his doppelganger's clothes. "Whoa. Yo, this is crazy." Barry said in awe.

"Get your hands off me." A voice shouted. Barry turns to see Singh was being dragged in handcuffs and was dressed like a pimp.

"Captain?" Barry said, confused.

"Look, I don't know nothin', so I ain't sayin' nothing'. Okay." Singh-2 called as he got taken away.

Barry then sees another familiar face. "Deadshot, wh…" Barry said.

"That's not funny, Allen." Lawton laughs softly. "I hate that nickname. Okay, look, I know I'm not... I'm not the best shot in the department, but…"

"Not the best?" Iris-2 laughed as she walked in. "Lawton, you are the worst shot in the entire department. Hey, why don't you book Singh here, and I'll be in there in a moment?"

"Whatever you say, partner." Lawton said.

"Mm." Iris-2 walks over to Barry.

"Come on. Oh, and just for the record, my marksmanship proficiency ratings went up by two points last month. All right? Two points." Lawton argued as he walked away.

"Whoo." Iris-2 said.

"Iris." Barry chuckles. "You're Detective West."

"The one, the only." Iris-2 replied.

"Yeah." Barry said.

"Can I see you for a second, CSI Allen?" Iris-2 asked.

"Yeah." Barry answered.

"Yeah." Iris-2 agreed.

Minutes later in an empty hallway, Iris-2 slams Barry against a wall and starts kissing him. Barry was shocked for a moment but he quickly pulled away. "Um, what are you doing?" Barry wonders.

"What? I think a little office PDA between husband and wife is okay." Iris-2 answered.

"Husband and wife?" Barry mumbles, a shock showing on his face.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you do the vows, exchange the rings." Iris-2 replied when she noticed he wasn't wearing one. "Where is your ring?"

"Uh…" Barry said.

"People should know that you are a taken man." Iris-2 reminds him and Barry chuckles nervously. "That's so weird." Iris watch starts whirring as she gets it close to Barry.

"What's that?" Barry asked.

"My metahuman alert app. It thinks that you're a metahuman." Iris-2 informs him.

"That is so weird." Barry replies.

"Yeah, it must be on the fritz." Iris chuckles as she gives Barry a quick kiss. "Mm, let's go."

"Where are we going?" Barry questioned.

"Home. Come on." Iris-2 answered. As they walked Barry could only think about how Atchaco and/or Triton were going to kill him.

Later at a warehouse, two criminals were getting beat up. "Where do you people get off robbing Central City's Royal Bank? This town belongs to Zoom, and those of us he deems worthy enough to enforce his will." She said.

"Here. Take it." Criminal quivers as he hands her a bag of money.

The woman bends down and takes out some money. She is Caitlin's doppelganger, a metahuman by the name of Killer Frost. "Thanks a million. Or should I say two?" Killer Frost smiles. The Criminal was about to walk away when Killer Frost shot an icicle into the man's chest, killing him instantly. "Hmm."

"No." The other criminal pants upon seeing everything as he starts to panic. "Wait, please. Don't hurt me."

"Hurt you? I just want to give you a kiss." Killer Frost replied. She then kisses him which causes him to automatically freeze to death. Killer Frost then chuckles as she drops him to the floor. The last criminal was about to shoot Killer Frost when he got shot at by a fireball. It was thrown by Ronnie's doppelganger who was also evil.

"Now what did I tell you about watching that behind?" Ronnie-2 said.

"I thought that was your job." Killer Frost smiles as she walks over to him. She then kisses Ronnie and his fire goes down and they slowly pull away and smile at each other. "Good thing the only man I can kiss is the only one I want to."

"Just got word some breachers came through." Ronnie-2 informs her.

"Ooh, you know my favourite thing is to kill people from other Earths." Killer Frost replies.

"Today's your lucky day." Ronnie-2 tells her. He then grabs the bag of money and they walk out hand in hand.

Later, Barry and Iris-2 arrive at their home. "Oh, gosh. This is nice. Our home. I mean, I forgot, I guess." Barry stuttered.

Iris starts unbuttoning her shirt, Barry sees this and quickly turns away. "What is wrong with you? You've been acting weird all day." Iris-2 notices.

"Um... I'm just not myself, I guess." Barry chuckles nervously as he walks over to the table and sees pictures of Iris-2 with Barry-2.

"Your mum called." Iris said before walking upstairs.

Barry's face widens at what she had said. He then looks over to the phone and walks over. He picks it up and looks at the lists of names on it before clicking on the one that said Mum & Dad. He waits as the phone starts to ring and then Barry's mum answers. "Allen residence. Hello? Uh, hello?" Nora greeted.

"Mum." Barry returned.

"Wow, you certainly took your time calling back." Nora admits.

"Yeah, um, I'm... I'm sorry about that." Barry apologises.

Nora sighs. "Thank you so much for the anniversary tickets to Atlantis. Your dad and I have always wanted to go." Nora tells him.

"Um, I'm... I'm really glad you liked them." Barry chuckles as tears start running down his face. [

"Are you okay? You sound kind of strange." Nora points out.

"I'm fine. I'm... I'm…" Barry mumbles.

"Hey, I know. Maybe I should give the plane tickets to you and Iris. Nice little romantic getaway. You two could get started on giving me a grandchild." Nora chuckles.

"No, I want you to use them. I'm really glad to... hear you happy, Mum." Barry said.

"Aw, I love you, Barry." Nora replied.

"I love you too." Barry repeated.

"Okay, bye-bye, honey." Nora said. The line then clicks off and Barry is still in tears.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Iris said as she walks down in her nightgown and sees Barry in tears.

"Uh, nothing. It was, uh... Um, it was just good to talk to my mum." Barry admits.

"We should get ready, yeah?" Iris smiles.

"Yeah. Okay." Barry replied.

Back at STAR Labs, Harry sighs as he looks at his watch while Cisco stands with him. "Where is he?" Harry wonders as he continues to look at his watch. "Where is he?"

"I don't know. I can't find him anywhere." Cisco tells him.

"Yeah, well, he better show up soon because he's been gone for hours. and we only have so many of those left before Zoom needs the speed." Harry reminds him.

"Oh, you're talking about Barry." Cisco laughs.

"Yeah." Harry answered.

"Yeah. Don't worry about him. He'll be fine." Cisco reassures him.

"Who'd you think I was talking about?" Harry asks.

"I thought you were talking about me." Cisco admits.

"You?" Harry wonders.

"Yeah, 'cause we found Barry's double, so where the hell am I? You know, I always thought in another life I was, like, I don't know, like a really wealthy, famous inventor, you know, sort of like the Earth-2 Elon Musk. Only with less RBF, obviously." Cisco explained.

"Here's some advice for you. How about spending more time looking for Zoom and less time worrying about what someone who is not you is doing with their life?" Harry said angrily. Cisco rolls his eyes and sighs.

Later at JitterBugs, a jazz piano plays as a familiar voice sings on stage. Iris-2 and Barry walk in and see that it was Joe's doppelganger who was singing and he was amazing. "♪ Some things that happened ♪ ♪ For the first time ♪ ♪ Seem to be happening ♪ ♪ Again ♪ ♪ And so it seems that we have ♪ ♪ Met before ♪ ♪ And laughed before ♪" Joe-2 sang.

"Whoa." Barry gasped.

"♪ And loved before ♪" Joe continued.

"Joe can sing." Barry noticed.

"He's the best." Iris-2 replied.

"Right." Barry agrees. He then looks over and sees that behind the counter was another familiar face and Barry's face widens. "Atchaco." Atchaco's doppelganger was a waitress at the JitterBugs and just like Barry-2 she wasn't a metahuman on this earth however he noticed that she was still a cybernetic being.

"♪ Who knows? ♪ ♪ Yeah, who knows ♪ ♪ Where or ♪ ♪ When? ♪ ♪ ♪ Ooh." Joe finishes as the music ends and all the patrons start applauding.

"Hey, baby." Joe-2 said as he walked over to Iris.

"Hi." Iris-2 returned.

Joe-2 gives her a hug and a kiss on the head. "Mm, oh, yeah."

"Joe, hey." Barry greets.

"It's Joseph, Bartholomew." Joe-2 told him as he walked away.

"Pop, be nice." Iris-2 replies before facing Barry. "You too, babe. I'll be right back."

"Yeah." Barry said as Joe sat down at a table and sighs. Barry goes and takes a seat across from him. "So you're a singer."

"So you're still an idiot." Joe-2 replied.

"Are you upset with me? Or you just... you just don't like me?" Barry wonders as he laughs nervously.

"Have you lost your mind? Central City's going to hell in a handbasket because this lunatic Zoom is running around killing folks, and you got my daughter on the front lines." Joe-2 replied.

"Wait... wh... me?" Barry said, confused.

"It has always been about you, Bartholomew. You're the most selfish person I've ever met. And I'm a musician; we're all selfish. You wanted to get your PhD so you could further your career, and she had to become a police officer to pay your tuition. We both know that she'd be safer going back to write at the newspaper." Joe argues.

Atchaco-2 then walks over to them. "Okay, break you to or I will have to separate you." Atchaco-2 warns.

"Atchaco." Barry smiles at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know, Barry. My job." Atchaco-2 replies.

"You work here?" Barry questioned even though it was obvious.

"The last time I checked." Atchaco-2 said.

"I thought you had an interview at CCPN?" Joe-2 asked.

"I did." Atchaco-2 replied.

"So what happened?" Joe-2 wondered.

"Well, they said that Triton is annoying and needs to calm down but tonight is my last time here." Atchaco-2 answered.

"So you got the job." Joe-2 smiles.

"I did." Atchaco-2 agreed. "You are now looking at the new journalist at Central City Picture News."

"I guess all the blogs on The Flash and about Bicia paid off." Joe-2 said.

"You wrote a blog about The Flash and also one about your home planet." Barry said surprised.

"One, Bicia is my country, not planet. And two, why are you so surprised, you knew about it." Atchaco-2 replied.

"Right." Barry said.

"I wish Iris took that job at CCPN." Joe-2 complained.

"Oh, Dad, please, stop." Iris-2 said as she walked up. "CCPN was an internship. All I did was get coffee for real writers. Being a cop like grandpa is what I love. You raised me to be tough, and I am."

"Everything's fine, and we're here to have fun, right?" Barry said.

"Right. Everything's great." Joe glared at Barry before walking away. Atchaco-2 sighs before she also walks away.

Back on earth one, Jay and Caitlin were fixing the speed cannon when Joe walks in. "How's it going?" Joe asked.

"Uh, slow, which is not a good adjective when it comes to a speed cannon." Jay replied.

"Well, we got another problem." Joe admits.

"Why do we always have to have another problem?" Caitlin complained.

Joe shurggs and motions for them to follow him. Minutes later, Joe was in the Cortex with Atchaco and they were showing the others something on the news. "You've got to see this." A girl who was recording everything on her camera said.

"Somebody call The Flash and Thunder." The metahuman called.

It was a new metahuman attack and this meta shot a vibration through the ground and it cracked like an earthquake. "His name is Adam Fells, but he calls himself Geomancer." Jay informs them.

"So this metahuman is a breacher?" Caitlin asked.

"No, Fells died on my Earth. This must be his Earth-1 doppelganger." Jay informs him.

"Well, at least now, we know his name. Might be a little easier to track him down." Joe replied.

"All right. I'll go find him." Atchaco said.

"Atchaco you can't, not by yourself." Caitlin told her.

"I'll be fine Caitlin." Atchaco reassures her.

"Well what about Jay?" Joe turns to the younger man. "You could shoot yourself up with that stuff. What was it? Velocity…"

"Velocity-6." Caitlin said and Joe nodded.

"I cannot take V-6." Jay informs them.

"But it gave you your speed back long enough to get that bullet out of Wells, saved his life." Joe reminded him.

"Joe, don't ask me to take Velocity-6 again." Jay said.

"Look, Jay, I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but Barry is protecting your world, and our world needs a Flash right about now. Atchaco needs her partner." Joe argues and Jay walks into another room.

"I'll give you guys a minute." Atchaco said and Caitlin smiled. Atchaco nods and walks out of the room.

"Jay." Caitlin said, walking over to him.

"Caitlin, I like the way you look at me with warmth and pride, and I'm not... I'm not worthy of those." Jay tells her.

"Yes, you are." Caitlin reassures him.

"No, I did a terrible thing, Caitlin. When my world's particle accelerator went off, I became a speedster. I became the fastest man alive, only... only it wasn't enough for me. I wasn't... I wasn't fast enough. So I figured with my scientific background, I could increase my powers, and... I did." Jay explains.

"So you've taken Velocity-6 before?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes. But there were some unforeseen side effects." Jay admits.

"This is why you didn't want Barry and Atchaco to take it or even know about it. Zoom never stole your speed. This is what's making you sick. Velocity-6 is killing you." Caitlin realises.

"I wasn't lying when I said that stuff was dangerous." Jay sighs. "I've made so many mistakes."

"You have something now that you've never had before. Me. And I'm gonna figure this out." Caitlin tells him. Jay gives her a small smile as she holds his hands.

Back on Earth 2 at JitterBugs, Joe was singing another song as a melancholy piano music played. "♪ My funny valentine ♪ ♪ Sweet comic valentine ♪ ♪ You make me smile... ♪" Joe-2 sang.

"So can we talk more about why Joseph doesn't like me?" Barry asked.

"What's there to talk about? I mean, you can't stand him either." Iris-2 replied.

"Right." Barry said.

"Look, I can love you both even if you don't love each other." Iris-2 tells him as her watch starts whirring. "The metahuman warning app." Then other people's watches start whirring too and Killer Frost and Ronnie-2 walk in.

"Don't stop singing, old man." Ronnie-2 ordered.

"That's our song." Killer Frost smiles. Barry was both confused and shocked when he saw Caitlin and Ronnie's evil doppelgangers. "So which one of you lounge lizards is in the wrong universe? Hmm? Show of hands. Don't be shy."

Iris starts pulling out her gun but Barry stops her. "No, no, no." Barry whispers.

Killer Frost hears him and walks over. "Hey, handsome. You got something you want to tell me?" Killer Frost wonders.

"No." Barry shakes his head.

"No?" Killer Frost sighs. "Baby, no one's talking to me."

"What if I make 'em scream?" Ronnie-2 said.

"CCPD! Everyone get out of here." Iris-2 ordered as she stood up and pulled out her gun.

"All right, go, go." Barry said to the patrons and they all ran out.

"You are both under arrest." Iris-2 informed them.

"Ladies first." Killer Frost said as her hands started getting colder.

"Caitlin." Barry said.

"I haven't heard that name in a long time." Killer Frost admits.

"But that is your name, isn't it? Your real name? Please, look... I know you. Don't do this." Barry begged.

"If you knew me at all, you would know that I hate the name Caitlin. I'm Killer Frost." Killer Frost replied.

"Go, all right. Go, go!" Barry said.

Iris-2 goes to run when Ronnie-2 shoots out a fireball. "Iris, look out!" Joe-2 yelled. He pushed Iris-2 out of the way and got hit in the chest with the fireball and thrown across the floor.

"Joe!" Iris-2 gasped as she and Atchaco ran over to him. "Oh, my God."

Barry grabs Killer Frost and super speeds her out of there. "Well, hello, breacher." She smiles.

"He's a speedster, babe." Ronnie-2 smirks as he walks up.

"Oh, I'm shivering. I've been dying to kill The Flash." Killer Frost said.

"I don't want to hurt you." Barry admits.

"Trust me, you won't." Killer Frost smirks. Barry then takes off running as Killer Frost shoots icicles at him. "Kill him."

Ronnie-2 flies up and starts shooting fireballs at Barry. Barry ducks them all. "Come on." Barry groans as Ronnie-2 keeps shooting at him.

'God, this is making me so hot.' Killer Frost said.

Barry gets chased by Ronnie-2 all over town and then he stops in front of a statue of Jay. He pulls off a piece and uses it as a shield as Ronnie-2 throws a fireball at him, it bounches of the piece of statue and hits Killer Frost who groans. Ronnie-2 picks up Killer Frost. "This ain't over, breacher!" Ronnie-2 warns before flying away with Killer Frost.

"Barry!" Iris-2 called out. Barry walks back into JitterBug and sees Joe-2 laying on the floor with his eyes closed. Iris-2 and Atchaco-2 were kneeling right next to him. "Oh, my God." Iris-2 whispers as Barry walks over. "Barry?"

Later Barry is back at STAR Labs. "Killer Frost and Deathstorm." Harry said.

"You know them?" Barry asked.

"More importantly, they know you now; they know that you're here." Harry replied.

"So Caitlin and Ronnie's doppelgangers are evil? Those are some dope names, though." Cisco admitted.

"This was supposed to be a surgical mission, Allen. Find Zoom's lair. Rescue Jesse. Get in, get out, not get involved." Harry reminds him.

"All right, well, look, I am involved, okay? Joe's in the hospital. They nearly killed him." Barry said.

"No, he isn't. Joe West, your Joe West, is alive and safe on your Earth, so is Caitlin, so is Atchaco, so is Iris. These people, Barry, they're mirror reflections. As far as your life is concerned, they don't exist. Killer Frost, Deathstorm, they know that you're here. Then it's not long before Zoom does too, and then my daughter's dead, and that's on you." Harry replied.

"Jesse still has time, okay? Atchaco, Iris and Joe need me now. I have to get back to them!" Barry argued.

"He is not Joe!" Harry yelled.

"He is Joe!" Barry shouted. "Okay, he is to me! No matter what universe I'm in, they are my family! I would think by now you should get how important family is. I'm going, Wells. I have to." Barry then storms out.

"Find Zoom." Harry said, clearing his throat and Cisco sighs.

Back on earth one it was now night time at CCPD and Joe had found Adam Fell's file. "I ran Adam Fells through BCI. Not exactly a model citizen before he was a meta-human. Multiple counts of robbery and assault." Joe informs them.

"Well, if he thinks he's gonna use my city for a steel cage death match with The Flash and Thunder, he's got another thing coming." Singh said.

Joe then sees Wally and walks up to him. "Hey, what are you doing here? Wait, were we supposed to meet up or something?" Joe wonders.

"No, I was... I was just nearby." Wally answered.

Suddenly there was rumbling throughout the building and people screamed as it creaked. "Everybody okay?" Joe asked.

"Fells has been spotted. Pasko and Fourth. Go." Singh said as he came out of his office.

""I got to go, son." Joe tells Wally as he walks away.

"Joe…" Wally tried to say as he watched the older man leave.

Meanwhile on Earth 2. At the hospital, Atchaco-2, Iris-2 and Barry are all in Joe-2's hospital room and she groans. "Dad, are you okay?" Iris-2 asked.

"Damn metahumans." Joe-2 groans. "Only thing I hate more... is hospitals."

"I second that." Atchaco-2 agrees. "Hospitals are annoying. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just worried about you." Iris-2 admitted.

"There's a first. Baby." Joe-2 said.

"Yeah, yeah." Iris-2 replied.

"You ever notice every time just before I do a number, I close my eyes for a hot second and I take a deep breath? You ever wonder what I was doing?" Joe-2 wonders.

"Trying to remember the lyrics?" Iris-2 suggests.

"I say a little mantra to myself every time before I sing. 'This one is for Iris. My baby girl.' Every song's for you, baby. Every single one." Joe-2 tells her as Atchaco-2 looks at Barry lovingly.

"Dad, don't talk like this, okay?" Iris-2 begged.

"Wh... B... Barry." Joe-2 stutters as he breathes heavily.

"Yeah?" Barry said.

"You take care of her. Mm." Joe-2 tells him before the monitor starts beeping rapidly and Atchaco-2 runs over to him, Iris running to the other side as Barry can only watch from the end of the bed.

"Dad?" Iris-2 cries as Barry leans forward on the rail, unsure on what to do. Atchaco-2 leans forward and hovers her hand over his chest. "Dad? Dad? Nurse! Doctor! Nurse!" Barry then decides to walk forward and stand on the other side of Joe-2 and holds Iris back as Atchaco-2 generates some sort of electricity from her hand. "Dad!" Iris-2 screams as the monitor flat lines and Atchaco-2's hands shake before she steps away, tears on her face.

"Iris." Barry whispers as he tries to comfort her.

"No, no, no! No! No!" Iris-2 cried.

"It's okay." Barry reassures her as he and Atchaco-2 place a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Later at CCPD, everyone was getting ready to hunt down Killer Frost and Deathstorm. Lawton was trying to put bullets into his gun but dropped them onto the floor. "Aww, darn it." He muttered to himself as he started picking up the bullets.

"You don't have to do this, Lawton." Iris-2 reminded him.

"We're partners, right? You've always had my back, and I've got yours." Lawton replied and Iris-2 nodded as Cisco and Barry walked into the room.

"Oh, Iris." Cisco greeted me.

Iris-2 faces the engineer and points a night stick at him. "Do I know you?" Iris-2 asks.

"Does she know me?" Cisco wonders.

"Uh, this is my good friend, Cisco Ramon." Barry informs her.

"Good friend?" Iris-2 repeated.

"Yeah. Cisco works at S.T.A.R. Labs, and he has built a weapon that he believes we can use to neutralise, um, killer Frost's powers." Barry explains.

"Great, thanks. I'll take it." Iris-2 replied as she tried to take the suit housing the weapon from Cisco.

"Uh, please, I should really take this." Cisco told her.

"All right. One of my snitches gave me a lead on Killer Frost and Deathstorm's location. We're gonna bring them in." Iris-2 informed them.

"Okay, um, I'm coming with you, Iris." Barry tells her.

"No. Barry, I just lost my father. I cannot lose my husband too." Iris-2 argues.

"All right, well, Cisco's the only one that knows how to operate the device, so you have to take him." Barry said.

"I can't put a civilian in harm's way." Iris-2 reminds him.

"Look, I've seen fire, and I've seen rain. I can handle myself, okay, Mrs. West-Allen." Cisco reassures her. Barry fells uncomfortable with what he said and he can tell Cisco does as well.

"I love you." Iris-2 said, grabbing Barry by the chin. She kisses him but Barry doesn't kiss back, he isn't in love with this woman.

"I love you too." Barry sighs.

"Lawton, let's move." Iris-2 ordered as she walked away.

"Yeah, uh…" Lawton mumbles as he grabs his gun, doing a goofy chuckle as he puts it in his holster and walking away.

"We need to work on finding Jesse. Are you sure this is what you want to be doing?" Cisco wonders.

"I am, all right? Right now, we have to help Iris. Just make sure no one else gets hurt." Barry tells him. Cisco sighs and walks away.

Back on earth one, Fells was wreaking havoc on the city. The police surrounded him and they all had their guns drawn on the man. "CCPD! It's over, Fells!" Joe said.

"No offence to you boys in blue, but I'm waiting on the man and woman in red." Fells replied.

"You better hope The Flash and Thunder doesn't show up, or you're finished." Joe warns.

"See, that's funny. I don't think he will show. I've been causing tremors for days and no sign of them. I think they're gone. What is it they say in boxing? Let's get ready to rumble." Fells smiles. He then shoots a tremor onto the ground causing Joe to tumble backwards and making the windows of the police cars shatter. Just as Fells was about to cause another tremor, a streak runs towards him and knocks him over. When he tries to get up another streak runs towards him and trips him up.

"I heard you were looking for The Flash and Thunder." Jay said as he materialised in front of the meta.

"Well, here we are." Macanese smirked as she stood beside Jay.

"Looks like the Velocity-7 is working. Now, go get him." Caitlin said from where she was watching in the Cortex.

Fells slams another tremor into the ground and Jay uses his helmet to create vibrations that hit the evil metahuman. "That's a new one." Joe states.

"Is that all you have?" Fells snares.

"You don't ever want to see all I have." Jay warns. Then just as Jay starts to use his speed it starts failing and he falls.

"The Velocity-7's wearing off." Caitlin told him.

Jay is breathing heavily when Fells grabs him by his head. "You've heard what an eight on the Richter scale can do to a city. Imagine what it's gonna do to your skull."

Macanese then throws a small lightning bolt at Fells and he falls back before getting up and running away. "You hurt?" Joe asked as he picked up Jay's helmet.

"My pride and my body. Pride and my body." Jay said as he stood up and took his helmet.

Meanwhile on earth two, they were all at the location of where Killer Frost and Deathstorm should be. "You really sure this is the place?" Lawton asked.

"Maybe you should stay in the car, Lawton. Look alive, gents." Iris-2 told them. They then slowly walked into the warehouse, ready for anything that might come their way.

"Hey, maybe... maybe your snitch was wrong. I mean, maybe they're not even here." Lawton said.

Iris-2's watch then starts to whir. "No, they're here." She sighs and suddenly Killer Frost and Deathstorm walk out.

"You didn't knock. How rude." Killer Frost said as cool air comes out of her hand. "Drop 'em." Lawton and Iris-2 both do as she said and drop their guns.

"Ronnie. Is Martin Stein in there?" Cisco asked.

"Oh, I haven't let him out in years. Doesn't talk much anymore." Deathstorm admits and Killer Frost laughs.

"You killed my father, you evil bitch." Iris-2 tells her.

"He shouldn't have palled around with a breacher. That's a big no-no as far as Zoom's concerned." Deathstorm said.

"I can't believe you two work for Zoom." Cisco said.

"No, they work for me. I work for Zoom." A voice called from the darkness. Cisco turned around and saw someone standing in the shadows.

"Who the hell are you?" Cisco questions.

"Well, that's funny. I was just gonna ask you the same thing." He laughs before stepping out of the shadows.

"Doppel…" Cisco gasps as he points at him.

"Ganger." Reverb finished.

"What the hell is going on here? Are you two related to each other?" Iris-2 asked.

"Oh, I knew there was another me here." Cisco said.

"And I knew you were coming, Cisco, even before you entered the breach and set foot on this world. See, we're all connected... Francisco." Reverb told him.

"My name is Vibe." Cisco corrected.

"Reverb." He introduced himself.

"Actually not the worst name you could've come up with, but not the best." Cisco told him.

"I've been watching you, Vibe, and I have to say I am extremely disappointed." Reverb chuckles.

"Yeah, I know the feeling. I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that you're part of Zoom's gang, or that weird samurai situation you got going on on the top of your head there." Cisco said.

"Listen to this. What if Zoom wasn't running the show anymore?" Reverb suggests.

"What do you mean?" Cisco asked.

"You don't even know how powerful you are. All you use your powers for are these cheap parlour tricks when you... you could be a god like Macanese. We could be gods." Reverb informed him.

"Are you Cloud City Vadering me right now?" Cisco replied.

"Are you out of your mind? Let's turn them over to Zoom." Killer Frost told him.

"Speak to me like that again, and I will shatter your entire nervous system without breaking a sweat." Reverb warns. He then turns back around to face Cisco and puts on his goggles. "So, Vibe... Do you want to run Central City? What do you say?"

"I say... Flash, save us!" Cisco said. Then Barry super speeds in and shoves Killer Frost and Deathstorm to the ground. He then throws Reverb across the floor.

"Hey, that didn't hurt you, did it?" Barry asked.

"No. Why would it?" Cisco wonders.

"I don't know." Barry shrugged.

"And who the hell are you?" Iris-2 questioned.

"Look, Detective, just get out of here, all right?" Barry told her.

"No, not without them." Iris-2 replied. She then grabs her gun off of the ground and starts shooting. She manages to hit Killer Frost in the shoulder. This causes Deathstorm to get mad and start shooting fireballs at them.

Barry grabbed Iris and hid her behind some concrete. "Stay here!" Barry orders before he runs back and faces Deathstorm.

"Round two." Deathstorm smirked. Barry and Deathstorm start fighting when Cisco runs but he runs into Reverb.

"Look, mirror-mirror, I already told you I'm not going to the dark side with you." Cisco reminds him.

Lawton then screams as he starts shooting at Reverb but misses every single shot. "You're a rotten shot." Reverb tells him. He then lifts his hand and shoots vibrations out, sending Lawton flying to the ground. "I'm not."

"Are you telling me I can do that?" Cisco asked.

"I can show you." Reverb answers. Barry then ducks one of Deathstorm's fireballs but he then gets thrown across the room by one of Reverb's vibrations.

"No!" Cisco yelled before Reverb punched him in the face. Deathstorm and Reverb then start attacking Barry with their powers.

"Stop, both of you! Zoom wanted him alive. You know what Zoom will do if you don't obey him." Killer Frost warns when suddenly Zoom comes up behind Deathstorm and kills him. "No!"

"That." Zoom starts to say as he walks over to Reverb. "What did I say you should do if you encountered a speedster?"

"Leave him unharmed." Reverb recounts.

"Does this look unharmed to you?" Zoom questions as he points over to Barry who was lying on the ground, groaning in pain. Zoom growls as he vibrates his hand and shoves it into Reverb's chest, who gasps. Once Zoom yanks his hand from Reverb's chest, Reverb drops dead on the ground. Zoom then speeds over to Killer Frost and grabs her back the neck. "I'm happy to see at least one of you knows their place."

Killer Frost gags as she struggles to breathe. Zoom then drops her on the ground and grabs Barry, super speeding them out of there. "Barry!" Cisco yelled.

Killer Frost gasps as she sees Deathstorm dead. "No." She whimpers as she runs over to him. "No." Killer Frost looks at Deathstorm before she takes off. Cisco sighs with a sad look on his face as she does.

Meanwhile on earth one Caitlin was tending to Jay's wounds, who gasps in pain. "Sorry. Did I forget to say this might sting?" Caitlin wonders.

"It's not my first road rash." Jay sighs before suddenly groaning. "I'm a speedster, remember?"

"You made sure no one will forget that today." Caitlin smiles at him.

"Thanks to you." Jay replies.

"The Velocity-7 held up pretty well." Caitlin tells them. "Moving on to Velocity-8. I'm gonna figure it out, I swear. I just need you to figure out how to re-stabilize the breach."

"Barry, Cisco, and Wells still have 24 hours to go." Jay reminds her.

"So we have one day, or they could be stuck there forever." Caitlin warns. Jay looks over at the speed cannon with a sad expression, knowing deep down that he will find a way to fix it.

Back on earth two, Barry wakes up to tapping and himself being trapped in a cage. Barry stands up and looks around to see a man in an iron mask tapping on his cage door. He then looks over to the cage behind the guy and sees Harry's daughter. "Jesse. Jesse! Hey. I'm here with your dad! We're gonna get you out of here, all right? I promise." Barry tells her.

Zoom then appears in front of Barry's cage. "It's not wise to make promises you can't keep, Flash. Look around. This is the last place you'll ever see."