Episode 15 - Escape From Earth Two

Zoom was racing around the city, destorying everything in his path. "I know you're here, Harrison Wells, and you did not come alone." Zoom growls as he speeds around. "You can try to hide… But I'm the fastest man alive. I will scour this city until I hunt you down. And when I do, all of you will feel my wrath." He continued to run around town. He left a message saying "bring me Wells." On the side of a buidling, done with fire and placed with a picture of Wells.

Meanwhile at STAR Labs, Harry was watching the news about Zoom. "CCPN is reporting that Dr. Harrison Wells, the infamous founder of S.T.A.R. Labs who uncharacteristically has gone unseen for nearly four months is now a wanted man. These images and messages went up moments ago throughout Central City by Zoom." The newscaster announces as Henry walks in.

"Have you seen channel 52? You're not safe here, Dr. Wells. Zoom's looking for you." Henry warns.

"I know what he's doing. Alert security. Evacuate S.T.A.R. Labs. Lock down the facility." Harry ordered.

"What about you?" Henry asked.

"Don't worry about me, Henry. Just get everyone out of here now. Now! Go!" Harry answered and the other man walks out the room and the back door opens.

"Harry!" A voice called. Harry turns around and points his gun at the figure only for it to be Cisco. "Don't shoot!" He said, placing his arms up.

"Damn it, Ramon." Harry sighs and Cisco gasps as he puts his arms down. "Where's Allen?"

"Zoom took him." Cisco informs him.

"What?" Harry pondered.

"We tracked down Deathstorm and Killer Frost, met my doppelganger, Reverb... super evil guy, super evil powers. The three of them almost took down Barry until Zoom showed up, killed Cisco-2, killed Deathstorm for hurting a speedster. But then he left Killer Frost alive and then took off with Barry." Cisco explains.

"How are you still alive?" Harry asked.

"Looks like he cares even less about me than you do, Harry." Cisco replied.

"No, no. Zoom doesn't do anything by accident. Did he follow you here?" Harry wondered.

"I've seen 'Heat' like 50 times, okay? I know how to shake a tail. He didn't follow me. But check this out." Cisco said as he takes out Reverb's goggles. "I jacked these from my dead ringer. I think we can tweak these puppies... use them to find Zoom."

"Damn it, Ramon, we don't have time for this. Zoom is hunting us... Zoom is hunting us! We need to make an alternate plan, because if we don't, Zoom…" Harry starts to say.

"Stop thinking like that, okay?" Cisco interupts him. "We're gonna find Jesse, and we're gonna find Barry. I know we will."

Suddenly they hear Barry's voice coming from Harry's tablet but it Barry-2 who was handcuffed to the wall. "Hello? Is anyone there? Okay, whoever's responsible for this, oh, ho, ho... boy, we're gonna have words, the two of us, okay? This is... this is not okay." Barry-2 called out.

"Barry-2." Cisco sighs.

Minutes later, Harry is unlocking the cuffs on Barry-2. "Dr. Wells, this is very disappointing. I mean, the two of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You can't just lock someone in a room like this. How long was I in here for?" He wondered.

"Barely a day." Harry answered.

"One day? One day? Oh, jeez, my wife's gonna be worried sick. Dr. Wells." Barry-2 replied.

"Yeah?" Harry said.

"Doctor, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but my wife is a very well-respected detective in the Central City Police Department. She's got to be very upset." Barry-2 informs him.

"Whoa, this is heavy." Cisco said.

"It certainly is. And I'm sorry, fellas, but I demand to know what the heck is going on here this instant." Barry-2 ordered.

"Barry, this is a very long story." Cisco admits.

"One that we don't have time to tell right now. We're sorry we locked you in that room for a day, but right now, you need to leave. You need to gather…" Harry starts to say but he is cut off by blaring from his computer. "He's here."

Downstairs in the lobby of STAR Labs, Zoom had arrives as the guards went to him and Henry was standing by the alarm. Zoom takes out the guards and grabs Henry in a choke hold. "Where are Wells and his friends?" Zoom asked and minutes later, Cisco, Harry and Barry-2 all come running down the hallway.

"Dr. Wells, hey, what the heck is going on?" Barry-2 questioned.

"Oh, Zoom's after us." Harry answered.

"Zoom? What do... Why would Zoom be after you?" Barry-2 wondered.

"That's part of that long story I was telling you about." Cisco tells him.

"I don't know if I can deal with something like this." Barry-2 admits as Harry opens up his time vault.

"You have a time vault?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah. I'm an enemy of Zoom, and I need a place to hide when something like this happens. Get in!" Harry ordered.

"Yes, sir." Barry-2 replied.Once they were all inside, Harry closes the door as Zoom arrives in the hallway. "That's Zoom! That's Zoom!"

"Ramon... Shut him up." Harry orders.

Suddenly, Zoom arm comes through the door. Barry-2 is whimpering loudly and Cisco covers his mouth when Zoom was inside the time vault. When the evil speedster was inside he sees no one and speeds out of there. Once Zoom was gone, a wall disappears where Cisco, Harry and Barry-2 were hiding behind the entire time. Barry-2 gasps when Cisco removes his hand from his mouth. "Okay. Breathe, breathe, breath, breath…" Cisco tells him as he looks at Harry for an explanation.

"Fake wall. He's not gonna fall for another fake wall. We need to move. We need to find a different place to hide and make a plan." Harry tells them.

"Wait, wait... hey, hey, hey, hey. No. I think before we do anything, you have to explain to me everything that is going on here." Barry-2 said.

Later at Zoom's layer, Barry was trying to figure out how to escape his glass cell which he was trapped in. "You're wasting your time. I used to think I could escape too when I first got here. There's no way out." Jesse told him.

"Who is that?" Barry asked, pointing to the man in the iron maks who was tapping on the glass of his cell.

"I don't know. He's been here since Zoom brought me to this place." Jesse admits as the man continues to tap. "Stop, okay? Just... just please stop."

"Jesse, I think he might be trying to help us." Barry said.

"Nothing is gonna help us." Jesse replied.

"That's not true. We're gonna get out of here. Your dad's gonna find us, I promise." Barry tells her.

"You sure have a lot of faith in a man who only cares about himself." Jesse said.

"You know, I actually thought that at first too." Barry sighed. "It's not true. Every decision that he's made... every action he's taken since we've met... has been to save you. Your dad hasn't given up on you, Jesse. Don't give up on him."

Zoom suddenly appears in front of Jesse and she gasps. "Believe what you want, but the only reason that you're still alive is so I can kill you in front of your father. And the only reason your father's still alive…" Zoom said, turning to face Barry. "Is to get me your speed. And your girlfriend's as well. Once he does that, he will die too."

Back in STAR Labs on earth one, Caitlin was in the Cortex watching the news. "Up after the break, earthquake-causing meta-human leaves citizens shaken and wondering, where is The Flash?" The newscaster said as Jay walks in.

"It's finished. Breach stabilized again. Barry, Cisco, and Wells have 20 hours to get back." Jay informed her.

"You're amazing." Caitlin complaments.

"When it comes to stabilizing breaches, maybe... not so much when it comes to helping a friend fight meta-humans." Jay replied.

"You were a little rusty." Caitlin told him.

"I was too slow. Geomancer's still out there, Caitlin. He has to be stopped. I have to be ready in case he attacks again. How much longer till the Velocity…" Jay starts to say.

"8." Caitlin said.

"Velocity-8 is ready?" Jay asked.

"I need to finalize the compound... make sure the extracellular matrix stays intact so you don't lose your speed as fast." Caitlin tells him.

"Okay, great." Jay replied before noticing something was wrong. "What is it?"

"After your last encounter with Geomancer, I ran some tests. The Velocity-7 is reacting with the damaged cells in your body. It's causing more cellular degeneration." Caitlin explains.

"Well, I have faith that the next batch won't do the same thing." Jay tells her.

"Jay, I can't keep giving this to you if it's hurting you." Caitlin replied.

"If it'll help me help Atchaco defeat Geomancer, you might have to. Till Barry gets back, Atchaco and I may be the only chance this city has." Jay reminds her.

Later at Central City Picture News, the new editor walks up to Iris. "Scott Evans, your new editor." Scott introduced himself.

"Oh, Iris…" She retured.

"West, I know. You wrote the story about the recent Geomancer attack." Scott said.

"Yeah, I did." Iris conforms.

"I'm not running that." Scott tells her.

"What, why?" Iris questioned.

"It's a fluff piece to try to make people feel good. What they need to know is the truth; The Flash or Thunder might not always be there to save them. You disagree?" Scott explains.

"I think that they've saved a lot of people in this city." Iris argues.

"Yeah, together. But where is the Flash now? I need to run a real story." Scott informs her.

"Okay, uh... what if I could get you an exclusive with the meta-human that fought Geomancer? This... this other Flash." Iris suggests.

"What, you friends with him too?" Scott wonders.

"Just, um, give me a little time." Iris tells him.

"Fine, but if it's the same as the other crap that you wrote, I'm gonna run something about how The Flash may not be the hero we all dreamed he was." Scott admits as he turns and walks away.

Back on earth two, Iris-2 walks into CCPD where Barry-2 was waiting for her and she sighs. "Iris... Hey, Iris." Barry-2 greeted as he walks down the stairs.

"Barry, where were you last night?" Iris-2 asked.

"Oh, my God." Barry-2 whispers.

"My father died yesterday, and you never even came home." Iris-2 reminds him.

"I know, I know. I heard. I'm so, so sorry." Barry-2 apologised.

"You... you heard? You were there, Barry." Iris-2 told him.

"I actually was not there. I'm... I'm gonna... yeah, okay. Okay, look. Come to my lab. Just come up to my lab. I'm gonna explain everything, okay? I'm gonna explain it." Barry-2 said. He then grabbed her hand and walked up stairs. Cisco and Harry were also there.

"So the Barry from yesterday was not you?" Iris-2 asked.

"No." Harry scoffs.

"No, look, I... I know that this is hard to believe, but I mean, it is just like that sci-fi series, 'Commander Carl, Space Marshal of the Galaxy,' where Carl gets sucked into a black hole and ends up on another planet that he thinks is Earth, but really it's Earth... of another universe. Have... have you guys not s... oh, it's a seminal episode. You should check it out." Barry-2 explains.

"So that's why you weren't wearing your wedding ring yesterday." Iris-2 realised.

"Well…" Barry-2 mumbled.

"And... and that... that kiss was... was so…" Iris-2 stutered.

"I'm... I'm sorry. He got frisky with you?" Barry-2 wondered and Iris sighs. "No, no, no, no, no. Okay, I'm gonna have to find this guy and give him a piece of my mind."

"Don't give him too much." Harry said.

"Not to metion, his girlfriend will probaly chew him out anyway." Cisco told him.

"Your husband tells us you've been tracking Zoom." Harry said.

"Yeah, I've been trying to, had some help as well. Why?" Iris-2 questions.

"We need to find his lair." Cisco tells her.

"Lair?" Harry wonders.

"He's a bad guy; I'm calling it a lair." Cisco replied.

"Zoom is looking for you. Why are you going after him?" Iris-2 asked.

"Zoom has my daughter and our Barry, and we need to rescue them both." Harry answered.

"Look, I want to find Zoom just as much as anybody, but no one can track him, not even my friend. The only person who would know where he would be hiding someone would be a meta that's worked with him." Iris-2 explains as she sends a quick text to someone.

"A meta like Killer Frost?" Cisco suggested.

"Yeah, maybe." A voice calls and everyone turns around to see Atchaco-2 standing there. "But Zoom kept her alive yesterday because she always obeys him. There is no way that she's gonna tell you where he is."

"I'm not so sure about that. If she loved Deathstorm as much as my Caitlin loved Ronnie, I think she'd be more than upset at Zoom for killing him." Cisco tells them.

"Look, finding her is gonna be just as hard as finding Zoom. But if anyone can do it... My husband can." Iris-2 tells them.

"Right, yes. I can, actually. Um, all right." Barry-2 stumbles over his words as he types on his computer. "Okay, well it looks like Patty Spivot was a CSI tech on most of the Killer Frost cases. She's pretty thorough, so…" Barry-2 starts to say.

"What's that?" Cisco asked as he points at the computer screen. "Oh, this is Killer Frost meta-data collected from numerous crime scenes... DNA trace movements, facial recognition, temperature fluctuations specific to her. My algorithm compiles all the data and gives us an approximate location. It works on most metas, except for Zoom, of course. He's too fast... never leaves a trace." Barry-2 explains as his computer zooms in on the location.

"Okay. Looks like the best bet's the woodlands." Barry-2 said.

"Best CSI in Central City." Iris-2 compliments and Barry smiles.

"You know where that is, right?" Cisco asked Harry.

"Yeah." Harry replied.

"Let's go." Cisco said and he and Harry start walking towards the door.

"Wait, I'm going with you guys. You're gonna need some help." Iris-2 said.

"Okay." Harry replied.

"Iris, I…" Barry-2 tried to say.

"Barry, Zoom and his followers are the reason that my father is dead. If I can stop him from killing anyone else, I'm gonna try." Iris-2 argued.

"Okay, then I'm coming too." Barry-2 said.

"Me three." Atchaco-2 informs them. "I'm cyborg superhuman on this earth too."

"No, Barry." Harry shakes his head.

"Barry, this is not what you do." Iris-2 said. "Atchaco and the rest of us do."

"I know that. But I also know Joseph didn't like me too much, but he was my father-in-law. If you're going, I am coming with you." Barry-2 replied and Iris-2 nods.

"All right. You can come, but you stay out of our way." Harry tells him.

Back at Zoom's lair, the man in the iron mask was still tapping on the glass of his cell. "That's not Morse code." Barry realises as he continues to tap. "I know he's trying to tell us something. We just have to find the pattern."

"There's no pattern, Barry." Jesse said.

"You know, your dad, who I'm pretty sure is one of the smartest people to live on either of our Earths, told me the only person smarter than him was you." Barry admitted.

"He said that?" Jesse wondered.

"If that's true, we work together... I know we can figure this out." Barry replied. "Worth a shot?"

"Okay." Jesse nods as he starts tapping on the glass. He stops momentarly before continuing again. "Well, he never goes past five."

"What?" Barry said.

"He never goes past five knocks without pausing. Right? Listen." Jesse told him as the man taps, doing just as Jesse said.

"Hey, you're right. I think... I think I know what that is. It's a five-by-five tap code used by POWs." Barry noticed as he listens.

"That would only get us to 25 letters, and there's 26 in the alphabet." Jesse reminds him.

"Not if you combine C and K. They sound the same. Let's try it out." Barry told her.

"Worth a shot." Jesse replied.

"All right." Barry said. The man starts tapping again and the other two listen.

Meanwhile, back on earth one Caitlin holds up a vial of something. "There it is." She said.

"Looks different than before." Jay points out.

"That's because I realized that there was a flaw with Velocity-8, so I reformulated the extracellular matrix, and…" Caitlin replied.

"Velocity-9." Jay realised.

"You know what they say, ninth time's the charm." Caitlin replied.

"Hey." Atchaco greets as she walks in with a sad look on her face.

"Hey, Atchaco. You okay?" Jay wonders.

"Yeah, I'm just a little worried about the time." Atchaco admits.

"Well, don't worry. They'll make it back before we close the breach." Jay reassures her.

"I know, but it doesn't help me worry any less." Atchaco said as Iris walks in.

"Hey." Iris greeted.

"Hey." Atchaco returned.

"Hey, Iris." Jay returned.

"Jay can I talk to you about something." Iris wonders.

"Sure." Jay replied and Atchaco and Caitlin walk out of the room. "What is it?"

"Well, my new editor wants me to write a scathing article on The Flash or Thunder not being able to protect Central City from Geomancer." Iris answers.

"Really?" Jay questions.

"Yeah. I was hoping to write an article about you instead... something that would calm people until Barry got back." Iris admits.

"You know, Iris, I don't know if that's the best idea." Jay tells her.

"Well, I think that if people knew that there was someone that was helping Thunder, that could protect them, it would... it would really help. Would you just think about it?" Iris questions when an alarms goes off.

"Some crazy alarm's going off." Jay pointed out.

"Yeah." Iris agreed.

Caitlin and Atchaco walk into the Cortex as the news pops onto the screen. It was Geromancer. "Don't even think about running." Geromancer broadcasts. "There's a new Flash in town. You know, the one with the shiny helmet. Not the speedster I was hoping to crack, but let's see just how fast he is, Central City." They watch as Geromancer slams his fist into the ground causing it to break and a building to start rumbling.

"Give me the Velocity-9." Jay said.

"Jay, we have no idea how long it will last." Caitlin reminds him.

"We don't have time to figure that out, Caitlin." Jay tells her.

Caitlin hands Jay the gun and Jay injects himself with the serum. It works instandly and eletricity crackles and runs through his eyes.

Minutes later, Jay and Macanese are suited up and they super speed out of STAR Labs. They race over to the building that was about to collaspe and save all of the people inside. Jay was panting as he was a little out of breath. Macanese gives Jay a smile as she sees who happy he is to run fast again. They both the super speed back to STAR Labs. Macanese stops at the enternace of the Cortex as she disengages her macanian form and Jay bumps into the side of the entry way and falls to the ground.

"Jay?" Caitlin questions.

"You okay?" Atchaco asks as she helps him while scanning for injures.

"I'm okay. That just took a lot out of me." Jay pants. "But it sure felt good."

"That was amazing, Jay." Iris told him.

"Thanks. I kind of surprised myself, to be honest. Caitlin deserves all the credit. Looks like your Velocity-9's a winner." Jay tells her.

"I still need to run some tests." Caitlin said.

"Iris, about the interview, um…" Jay tries to say.

"I think that I have everything that I need." Iris interupts him.

"Great. 'Cause I could really use a nap. I'll, uh, be downstairs." Jay said as he takes of his helmet and walks out of the Cortex. Caitlin, Atchaco and Iris smile as they watch him go.

Back with Barry and Jesse in Zoom's layer on earth two, the man in the mask was still tapping on the glass. "Two down, five across." Barry said.

"It's J." Jesse told him as she looks down at the alphabet for the tap code.

"J? That's what you're tapping... the letter J?" Barry said and he nodded. "All right, what's next?" The man taps again.

"A." Jesse said and he nods.

"All right." Barry replied as he continues to tap.

"Five down... Four across. Y." Jesse told him.

"J-A-Y? You're spelling 'Jay.'" Barry realised and he nodded. "As in Jay Garrick?" The man nods again. "He's... he's alive. But he's on my Earth." The man starts banging loudly on the glass. "Hey, hey... Stop, stop... hey... Stop... look, I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean. Jay Garrick didn't come with us."

"Look, just keep tapping, please. We don't understand." Jesse informed him.

"Please." Barry said when Zoom suddenly appeared.

"Don't talk to them again." Zoom orders the man in the iron mask.

Zoom then appears in front of Barry's cell and phases through it. He then grabs Barry by his throat for a few seconds before throwing him onto the floor. "I'm gonna get out of here. And I'm gonna destroy you." Barry warns.

Zoom then grabs Barry again. "All I need from you is your speed, Flash. And you only need to be barely alive for me to get it." Zoom reminds him before he starts beating Barry up.

"Stop!" Jesse yelled. At this Zoom stops beating Barry up and drops him on the floor before zooming out of there. "Barry... Barry, are you okay?"

"Yeah." Barry pants. "I'm okay." He grunts as he sits up right. "Zoom just showed me how to get out of this thing."

Later in the woods with Cisco, Harrym Iris-2, Barry-2 and Atchaco-2. "You're sure this is the place?" Cisco asked.

"This is definitely the place." Harry exjales as he sees his breath.

Killer Frost them comes out from behind a tree. "You lost?" She smirks as Harry, Cisco, Atchaco-2 and Iris-2 point their guns at her. "Or just back for more fun?"

"We just came here to talk." Harry tells her.

"Oh, really? Do you bring your little toys to every conversation you have? Or do you just want to see me burn again?" Killer Frost wonders.

"Considering you killed my father, the thought has crossed my mind." Iris-2 said.

"Tell us... where does Zoom keep his prisoners?" Harry questions.

"You really don't know how to use your abilities, do you, breacher?" Killer Frost smirks.

"It's a work in progress, Elsa. Zoom killed the love of your life. This hurts, even for somebody with a heart as cold as yours." Cisco reminds her.

"And you think that would make me turn on Zoom?" Killer Frost questions.

"Enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?" Cisco said and everyone, bar Atchaco-2, give him a weird look. "What... don't tell me it doesn't work like that over here."

"If I tell you, he'll kill me. But if I kill you and take you to him, I bet he'd be pretty pleased with me." Killer Frost said as her hands get colder. "Maybe even let me off my leash. So take a wild guess. What do you think I'm gonna choose?"

"Move!" Atchaco-2 ordered. Killer Frost then shoots ice at them and they all duck behind a fallen tree.

"Argh! That did not go as planned!" Cisco complained.

"Her name starts with killer. This comes as a shock to you?" Barry-2 said.

Cisco sticks his head out and quickly ducks when Killer Frost shoots ice at him and shatters the tree. "We got to move now!" Cisco tells them.

"Yeah, yeah." Barry-2 agreed.

"I will cover you." Harry said.

"Okay." Iris-2 replied.

"No, no, no, hey, that's a horrible idea. Hey, no! Hey, hey, no! Hey, guys…" Barry-2 tried to say. Harry stands up and shoots at Killer Frost but she blocks it with her powers. Then everyone else jumps up from behind the lug and starts fighting her as well. "Where are we going? Where are we going?"

While Barry-2 runs for his life and ducks behind a fallen tree, Killer Frost shoots ice at him. Killer Frost then keeps shooting icicles at everyone, Harry hides behind a tree and Atchaco-2 materialised next to him. Iris-2 goes to do the same but Killer Frost grabs her and pins her to a tree. Cisco then steps out and points his gun at her. "Stop... or you'll never make another icicle again." Cisco threatens.

Back on earth one, Caitlin was running tests on Jay's DNA after he used Velocity-9. Iris meanwhile was working on her story with the help of Atchaco. "I can't believe it." Caitlin gasped.

"What is it?" Iris asked.

"I think I figured out how to save Jay's life." Caitlin then talks into the microphone. "Hey, Jay... uh, wake up. Come to the cortex. It's important."

"It certainly is." Geromancer said as he walked into the Cortex.

Atchaco wasn't in her suit so she couldn't use her main powers because then Geromancer would know she was Thunder, but her super strengh she could show as it was a cybernetic one. "What do you want?" Atchaco questioned.

"I like to watch heroes fall and never get back up." Geromancer admittes.

"He always gets back up." Caitlin tells him.

"Hard to do that when the Earth swallows you whole." Geromancer replies. He slams his fist into the ground and it cracks the floor as everything starts to rumble. Once they were in the hallway, Atchaco grabs Caitlin and Iris and super speeds them into the workshop.

"Where is it?" Caitlin wondered as he looks around.

Meanwhile, Geromancer was in the hallway. "Aw, don't go. We're having so much fun." Geromancer called. He then slams his fists into the ground, causing the shelves in front of Caitlin to become unsteady. "Caitlin!" Atchaco yelled before pushing her out of the way. The shelves fall ontop of her and she crashes to the ground.

"Oh, my God! Atchaco!" Caitlin shouted.

"Athcaco, are you okay?" Iris asks and the cyborg moans. Iris then gets pulled back by her leg by Geromancer.

"Looks like this new Flash isn't much of a hero after all. Let's see what a seven will do to S.T.A.R. Labs." Geromancer said. He was about to slam his fist into the ground when he gets hit by eletricty from a gun molded from Atchaco's lower arm, this causes him to fall down completely knocked out.

"Nice shot." Iris compliments as Caitlin stands there shocked.

"I was aiming for his leg." Atchaco admits as she heaves the rest of her body from underneath the shelves.

"You okay?" Caitlin asked.

"Yep, I'm a fast healer." Atchaco reminded them.

Back on earth two they all had Killer Frost surrounded. "Where is Zoom's lair?" Iris asked as she points her gun at her.

"Where is it?" Harry repeats, his own gun pointed at the meta.

"If I tell you, he will kill me." Killer Frost tells them.

"He'll kill you anyway, Caitlin." Cisco informs her.

"Stop calling me that. It's not my name." Killer Frost said.

"Yes, it is. You just don't want to hear it because it reminds you of someone you used to be. Trust me, I know that person very well." Cisco admits.

"You don't know anything about me." Killer Frost reminds him.

"I know the Caitlin Snow on my Earth." Cisco tells her. "I know that when she loves someone, that person is her world. That person was Ronnie Raymond. And he died too. It devastated her, and I can see it's doing the same to you. Zoom took that. His daughter... my friend... he's gonna take them away from us, just like he took Ronnie from you. Caitlin... all you have to do is tell us where he's keeping them. And then you'll never hear from us again, and you can go. Please."

"Fine. I'll show you where it is. But that's it." Killer Frost replies.

"Uh, where are we going?" Barry-2 asked.

"Ascension Cliffs." Killer Frost answers.

Back in Zoom's lair, Barry tries to phase through his cell like Zoom had, but he just keeps smashing into the glass over and over again. "Look, are you sure you want to keep doing that? You know, if Zoom catches you, he's gonna hurt you again." Jesse warns.

"I don't understand why I can't phase through this." Barry said.

"Well, your body would need to have the same resonance as the glass walls." Jesse tells him.

"I should be going more than fast enough. It's something else." Barry sighs.

"Maybe you're resonating at a different frequency." Jesse suggests.

"Yeah, your Earth vibrates at a different frequency than mine. Same reason Cisco can't vibe." Barry realised.

"Is there any way to make up the difference?" Jesse asked.

"Only if I can go faster." Barry replied.

Back in the woods, they all make it to outside of Zoom's lair, which was high up in the mountains with no way up. "Wow, wow, wow." Harry gasped.

"We're going up there?" Barry-2 asked.

"That's where Zoom's lair is." Killer Frost tells them.

"A place only a speedster could get to." Harry said.

"There are like the Cliffs of Insanity. So how do we get up there?" Cisco wondered.

"I can make you something to climb on, darling." Killer Frost suggests.

"Are you serious? You want us to... what, just climb to the top of those cliffs... on ice?" Barry-2 said.

"Got any better ideas?" Killer Frost questioned.

"No, ma'am, I'm just, you know, I... I've got... you know, I'm wearing wingtips here. They, um, don't have much tread." Barry-2 complained.

"At least you don't have slipery, metal feet." Atchaco-2 retorted.

"Barry. Barry, um, maybe you should stay behind. Yeah?" Iris-2 said.

"No... hey, no. I'm not letting you go up there by yourself." Barry-2 replied.

"It is okay if you don't want to go... if you don't want to do this." Iris-2 reminded him.

"You are my wife. I'm not leaving your side." Barry-2 tells her.

"Okay." Iris-2 said.

"Can we go?" Harry wonders.

"Yeah." Iris-2 answered.

"I'm ready." Barry-2 said.

"Let's go before I change my mind." Killer Frost said. She then shoots up into the air and makes a rock climbing wall made of the ice that leads to Zoom's lair.

Back on earth one, Joe had arrived to take Geromancer away and Macanese was there as well. "You really think handcuffs can stop me?" Geromancer questioned.

"I know they can... just like this boot on your neck. It dampens your power." Joe informs him.

"Same goes for the six-by-six cell you'll be calling home at Iron Heights." Macanese tells him.

"All right, let's go." Joe said and he Iris and Macanese take Geromancer away.

Jay was looking around the Cortex and then walks over to Caitlin. "Caitlin. So sorry I didn't come sooner." He apologises.

"That's okay, um... can I show you something?" Caitlin brings up a diagram of Jay's cells on the computer screen.

"My cells... they've stopped degenerating? How is this even possible?" Jay questions.

"It appears that when the Velocity-9 is in your system, it kick-starts your latent regenerative capabilities, and your cells repair themselves." Caitlin explains.

"And do you think you can get this to work permanently?" Jay asked.

"I don't know, but I think we're on the right track." Caitlin smiles at him.

"Caitlin, I don't know what to say. This is... you are…" Jay stumbles over his words. Caitlin smiles and then leans in and kisses Jay, who kisses her back when and alarm starts blaring. "What was that?"

Caitlin goes over and looks at the computer screen. "The speed cannon. Geomancer's tremors must have damaged it." Caitlin told them.

"Okay, come on. Come on!" Jay said.

A few minutes later they walked into the room with the speed cannon. Sparks where flying all over the place and Jay puts most of it out with the extinquisher. "The breach isn't stabilized. We need to fix this fast." Jay tells her.

"Otherwise they're never gonna be able to come back." Caitlin realises.

The breach was flickering in and out when Joe, Iris and Atchaco walked in. Atchaco was in her suit but she didn't have her mask on. "So that was the sound that we heard." Atchaco said.

"Please tell me it's not as bad as it looks." Joe said.

"Uh…" Caitlin hesitates.

"Come on, seriously?" Joe said.

"They still have an hour left." Iris said, looking at her phone.

"What if they're trying to get through the breach right now and they can't?" Atchaco wonders.

" Okay, the jolt disrupted the quark matter. The electromagnetic insulators are failing." Jay tells them.

"How do we fix this in time?" Joe asked.

"I don't know if we can." Jay admits.

Back on earth two, they all had made it up to Zoom's lair. "Barry? Barry?" Cisco whispers, he sees Barry in his cell and laughs softly.

"Cisco?" Barry said once he saw him.

"Dude, we made it." Cisco smiles.

"How did you find this place?" Barry asked.

"Had some help." Cisco points over to Killer Frost, then Atchaco-2 and then Barry-2. "Don't even get me started on this guy. Oh boy."

"Dr. Wells…" Barry said as he sees the man walking over to his daughter.

"Stand back." Harry told Jesse before opening her cell door and hugging her. Jesse cries as he hugs him. "I'm here. I'm here. Come on, let's get you out of here."

"Okay." Jesse said.

Harry tries to break the chain around Jesse's wrist but to no luck. "Frost?" Harry suggested.

"A little help?" Cisco wonders.

"Not part of the deal." Killer Frost told them.

"Frost!" Harry repeated.

"Hey, hey, hey. Bringing us up here wasn't part of the deal, either, but here you are. Something tells me you're not as cold as I thought you were." Cisco tells her.

"Maybe, maybe not." Killer Frost replies before freezing Jesse's chaain which snaps and falls to the ground.

Killer Frost then walks over to Barry's cell and tries to freeze the glass. She keeps trying to freeze it but nothing happens. "What's going on? Why... why isn't it working?" Iris-2 asked.

"I don't know. I've never had this problem before." Killer Frost admits.

"Dr. Wells…" Barry said as he turns to face Harry.

"Carbyne." Harry said as he looks at the cell. "It's some form of carbyne. This cell's made out of some form of carbyne. You'll never be able to freeze him out of there."

"You can't phase out of there?" Cisco asked.

"Just go, all right? Before Zoom comes back." Barry tells them.

"We're not leaving you here." Cisco tells him.

"I can't get out of this cell. I've tried a lot. I'm not fast enough to phase through this. You got... just leave, all right? Just leave." Barry replied.

Barry-2 then walks up to Barry's cell with Atchaco-2 in tow. "Do you know what we did to get here, Barry?" Barry-2 wonders. "We convinced her... Killer Frost... to show us the way. Then we climbed some insanely steep cliffs outside on footholds made of ice... ice! And all of us risked our lives, knowing Zoom was after us, to rescue Jesse... and you. Now, I don't know you, and you don't know me, but I can tell you that today, I... I did things that I never thought possible, because I needed to prove to my wife and to myself that I could. Now, if I can do the impossible today, so can you." Barry sighs. "I'm just Barry Allen, but you're The Flash. If you tell yourself you can phase out of there, you'll do it."

Barry takes a deep breath and then vibrates his hand. He touches the glass and feels it working. He looks over at the other Barry, who nods. Barry then takes another deep breath and phases through the cell. "Okay, let's go." Cisco laughs softly.

"Go, come on." Harry said.

"Wait, wait! Hey, hey, hey! We're not leaving him." Barry pointed to the man in the iron mask.

"Barry, there's no time." Harry said.

"He's not going anywhere, and neither are any of you." Zoom said as he appears. At this Harry stands protectivly in front of Jesse. "Thank you for bringing them to me." Zoom said to Killer Frost.

"You double-crossed us? He killed Ronnie!" Cisco reminded her.

"Guess my heart is as cold as you thought after all." Killer Frost replied.

"I can't believe you. Just so you know, you would be very disappointed in you right now." Cisco informs her.

"Zoom. Let them go." Barry said.

"All you need is me and Barry." Harry reminds him.

"You're right. I may not be able to kill you yet, but I can kill them." Zoom said.

He then speeds over to Jesse and grabs her. "No, no! No…" Jesse whimpers.

"I told you I'd kill you in front of your father." Zoom said.

"No! No!" Harry yelled.

"No…" Jesse gasps.

Just as Zoom was about to kill Jesse, he gets shot at with ice by Killer Frost. "Get out of here." Killer Frost tells them. She walks up to Zoom, whom was stil on the ground, and continues to shoot at him with her powers.

"Caitlin." Cisco said.

You were right. He killed Ronnie." Killer Frost said.

"Thank you." Cisco tells her and everyone starts running away.

"I'm not leaving without him." Barry repeats as he motions to the man in the iron mask.

"Barry, there's no time. There's no time!" Harry reminds him as the ice starts cracking around Zoom.

"I can't hold him forever." Killer Frost warns.

"Hey, I'm coming back for you when this is over, all right?" Barry told him.

"Go!" Killer Frost yelled.

"I'm coming back!" Barry said and the man in the iron mask nods before Barry gets out of there.

Back on earth one, everyone was in front of the speed cannon. "Jay, we need to do something." Caitlin said.

"Our only chance is to reboot the electromagnetic insulators and hope the quark matter redistributes equally." Jay told her.

"How do we do that?" Atchaco asked.

"We have to do it manually." Jay answered.

"But you can't be near the stabilizer rings when they power on, or you'll get sucked into the breach." Caitlin warns.

"Not if I create a vortex to counteract the pull." Jay replies.

"You can't do both at the same time." Caitlin tells him.

"Cait... I have to try." Jay said.

"I'll help you." Joe told them.

"What?" Iris said.

"Joe, no." Atchaco replied.

"Look, if it brings Barry back to this Earth, I'm doing it." Joe argues.

"Are you sure?" Jay asked.

"The more we talk about it, the less sure I'll be, so let's just do it." Joe tells him.

"Okay." Jay said as they walk over to the speed cannon. "There's an override switch on every stabilizer ring. I'll create the vortex."

"Yeah." Joe replied.

"And you flip all of them. They should all reboot." Jay informs them.

"Got it." Joe said.

"Once that's done, you power up the cannon. The breach should stabilize." Jay explains.

"And what if it doesn't?" Iris asked.

"We're all out of luck." Jay answered.

"Good pep talk." Atchaco said sarcastically.

Jay starts super speeding around the breach as Joe flips the switches on the speed cannon. "The Velocity-9 is running out!" Caitlin warns. Joe has trouble reaching the final swich so Atchaco speeds over and flips in for him before pulling him out of the way. Caitlin then pushes a button on the panel and powers up the speed cannon as Jay stumbles away from the breach. Jay, Joe and Atchaco were all sprawled out on the floor as the speed cannon starts working. "Jay!"

"I guess now we know how long the Velocity-9 lasts." Jay tells her.

"Are you guys okay?" Iris asked Joe and Atchaco, and Atchaco nods.

"Yeah. Yeah. I just hope they are." Joe answered.

Back on earth two, Barry and Harry arrive at the Cortex of STAR Labs with everybody else and Iris-2 was checking on Barry-2. "I'm fine. I'm just a mess." Barry-2 told her.

"You need to get out of Central City, all right? Any place you think you'll be safe from Zoom." Barry tells them.

"Yeah, we, um... we have some family in Atlantis that can help us." Iris-2 said.

"Yeah, okay, good." Barry replied as he faced his doppleganger. "You may not have been struck by lightning over here like I was, but today, you risked your life to save somebody you didn't even know. That's a hero, Barry. Thank you both."

"Barry... is my father still alive on your Earth?" Iris-2 asked.

"Yeah, he is." Barry answered.

"Give him a hug for me, will you?" Iris-2 smiled.

"I will." Barry told her as he walks over to Atchaco-2. "Bye."

"Goodbye, Barry." Atchaco-2 returned as they hugged each other. She then handed a small box over to the speedster. "Give this to your Atchaco and tell her it was from me, she will know what to do."

Harry finaily gets the piece of cuff from the chaine of Jesse and hugs her. "Hey. You guys need to get someplace safe too. Where are you going?"

"The only place we can." Harry said as he walks into another room, Jesse right behind him.

"Dad, we can't just leave." Jesse tells him.

"We have to, honey." Harry replied.

"What, you want me to leave everything I have here? My friends, my family... I mean, my life." Jesse said.

"You don't have a life here anymore. Either do I. Zoom is too powerful. I can't stop him. And as long as he is here, he's gonna hunt us down until we're dead." Harry reminds her when an alarm goes off and Barry and Cisco walk in.

"Wells, if you're coming with us, we have to go." Barry said as the alarm continues.

Back on earth one, everyone else was waiting for them to return. "It's almost time." Iris said, looking at her phone.

"I don't care what time it is." Atchaco admits.

"I agree. After all we did to stabilise this breach, we're not closing until they show up. Y'all hear me?" Joe said and a few seconds later Cisco and Jesse jump out.

"Cisco!" Atchaco said.

"Get ready to close the breach for good... Zoom's coming!" Cisco warns.

Back with Barry, he jumped out of the breach to Harry who was still in earth two when he sees Zoom has him. "Forgetting someone, Flash?" Zoom said.

"Let him go." Barry replied.

"Close the breach." Harry said and Barry shakes his head. "Tell Jesse I love her." Harry then slowly starts taking out a syringe.

"Tell her yourself." Barry replied. Harry suddenly stabs Zoom with the syringe and escapes his grasp and with Barry's help they jump through the breach and were on their way home.

Back on earth one Jay was getting ready to close the breach. "It shouldn't be taking this long." Cisco said and seconds later, Barry and Harry jump out.

"Close it! Close it now!" Barry orders to which Jay throws the bomb and the breach starts closing.

"You did it... you made it!" Caitlin said.

"Barry." Atchaco smiles.

Barry walks over to her and gives her a big hug before handing her the box. "From your other self, she said you'd know what to do." Atchaco nodded.

Just as the breach was about to close and it seemed like everything was going to be okay, something goes wrong. Jay, who was standing in front of the breach gasped as he was pulled into the breach by Zoom. "No!" Caitlin yelled. As they all try to save Jay, the breach closes and everything was left horrifed as they had just watched Jay get murdered in front of them.