Episode 16 - King Shark

Everyone was still in front of the speed cannon for a few minutes after Zoom had killed Jay and pulled him into the breach. "He's not dead. He's not dead." Caitlin begged in denial.

"Caitlin…" Atchaco said softly.

"He's not dead. He's not." Caitlin repeated.

"Caitlin…" Iris tried.

"This isn't happening. This isn't happening again." Caitlin cried as Cisco walked up to her.

"Hey, I got you. Come on." Cisco reassured her as they walk out of the basement.

"Open it up." Barry ordered.

"Allen…" Harry tries to say.

"I need to go back." Barry tells him.

"I can't do that." Harry replies.

"Open it up!" Barry yelled.

"Allen! The breaches are closed. All the breaches are closed." Harry reminds him.

"Why can't we just open one of 'em?" Joe asked.

"The quark matter energy that we used to seal the breaches, it prevents them from being opened, ever again. There's no going back to our world." Harry answered.

"Wait. We're trapped here for good?" Jesse questioned.

"Yes." Harry replied.

"No, we can't just let Zoom get away with this. He just murdered Jay right in front of us." Atchaco reminds them.

"There's got to be something we can do." Barry said.

"There's not. Not this time. It's over." Harry told them.

"No." Barry storms off.

Later at night in the Cortex, Cisco was looking at Reverb's goggle as he watches over Caitlin who was sleeping when Barry walked in. "How's she doing?" Barry asked.

"Not good. We tried to get her to go home, but she refused to leave, so, you know, I just sat with her until she fell asleep." Cisco answered.

"First Ronnie, now Jay." Barry said.

"Yeah." Cisco scoffs. "I'm afraid what this double dose of grief is gonna do to her. I mean, she's pretty shell-shocked."

"She'll be fine." Harry reassures them as he walks in. "Snow's strong. She'll get past this. But in the meantime, I would not say anything to her about her counterpart from my Earth. That goes for Atchaco, Joe and Iris too."

"Why?" Barry questioned.

"Because you don't want to influence their reality in ways that should not be influenced." Harry said.

"Like in the same way as when Barry time-travels?" Cisco asked.

"Exactly, but also, what's the point? Those people are not your people. Their lives are not your lives. Never were, never will be. Bury it. Move on. Yes?"

"Yeah. That I can do." Cisco said, looking over at Caitlin.

"Allen?" Harry wonders.

"I gave Atchaco something I was told to give her by her doppelganger and I told her that, is that okay?" Barry wonders.

"I don't know." Harry sighs. "Knowing her as goddess of the multiverse, it will be, but you won't tell her anything about the other Atchaco. Got that?" Barry nods.

Later, Barry was running around the city as Harry and Jesse get settled at STAR Labs. "So that's what we did." Barry said to himself as he ran. "We didn't talk about Earth-2. We kept what happened there between the three of us and got on with our lives knowing there was nothing we could do now to stop Zoom. Instead, we tried to just adjust to our new circumstances and cope with our losses."

Caitlin was working in the lab but not before she stopped for a moment to look at Jay's helmet. "Jay's death took its toll... left scars on all of us, some more than others." Barry continues as he runs. "And so to try and keep my mind off thoughts of the surreal other life I experienced that wasn't my own, I kept running, waiting for some other metahuman threat to rear its ugly head and distract me from the frustration I was feeling, and as fate would have it, I did not have to wait long."

Laterat Starling City at ARGUS, it was feeding time in King Shark's cell. "Hey, ugly! It's time for dinner." The lead guard called out.

"I think Bruce has gone belly up." The other guard admitted.

"Power down the grid." The lead orders and they switch off the lasers off the stp of King Shark's tank. "We're gonna have to fish him out." They started getting electric prods ready but what they didn't notice was bubbles coming out of the water.

Later in the hallway at ARGUS, Diggle and Lyla were talking. "So this is where Waller kept all her secret projects, huh?" Diggle asked.

"One of many sites, I'm learning." Lyla answered.

"I'm sure the new Director of A.R.G.U.S. will clean up the mess that Waller left behind." Diggle said.

"Easier said than done, honey." Lyla replied.

"Hey. My wife can do anything she puts her mind to." Diggle smiled. They lean in to kiss when alarms go off.

"Code seven in Aquaria Three. I repeat, code seven in Aquaria Three." A voice annouched.

"There's been breach in the aquarium!" Lyla said as she takes out her gun and runs off.

"You have an aquarium? Why?" Diggle wonders as he runs behind her, his gun also drawn. Once they arrve at the aquarium they see that all the guards were dead. "What the hell?" They see King Shark eating a guard and then it turns and looks at them. King Shark roars at them before jumping over a fence and escaping. "Are you kidding me?"

Later at the West house, Barry was zoned out as Iris was timing Wally as he was cup stacking. "Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one." Iris counted.

"Whoa! Yes!" Wally cheered.

"Time." Iris called and she and Joe laugh.

"Ain't nobody faster than me. Whoo." Wally smiles.

"I don't know about that." Joe said and Iris laughs. Joe then notices that Barry was zoned out. "Earth to Barry." Barry snaps out of it and looks at them. "It's your turn, dude." Joe slides him the cups.

"Yeah, it's time to show this little punk who the fastest stack attacker alive is." Iris said.

"One of you guys go ahead. I'm gonna pass." Barry replied.

"You're afraid of a little competition?" Wally asked.

"No, just not in a gaming mood right now." Barry admits as he stands up.

"Okay, well, I guess that makes me champ. Right? Anyway, I'm gonna go meet up with some friends." Wally tells them.

"All right." Joe said as he gives him a high five and a hug.

"Bye." Iris said as she hugs Wally.

"Bye." Wally returns before looking at Barry. "Maybe next time." He then grabs his jacket and walks out of the house.

"And I thought you were the competitive one in the family." Iris said.

"I know, right? What's up, Bar?" Joe asked.

"Nothing. Just... I don't know, I don't think Wally likes me too much." Barry admits.

"Well, we can fix that. I mean, you been so busy running between alternate realities, you two haven't had a chance to spend any time together." Joe tells him.

"What you want us to do together?" Barry questions, laughing softly.

"Get to know each other, find something that you guys have in common." Iris suggests.

"He's part of the family now, Bar, You're gonna have to give it a chance." Joe reminds him.

"I know. All right, well, look, I'm gonna head to bed, all right?" Barry said.

"Mm." Joe hums.

"Good night." Barry said walking upstaris.

"Good night." Iris returned.

"Something is up with him, and I don't think it's just Jay's death. He's been acting weird ever since he came back from Earth-2." Joe told Iris.

"Did he say anything to you about what happened over there?" Iris asked.

"No, not a thing. I don't even think he's talked to Atchaco about it and you know her… You?" Joe wonders and Iris shakes her head. "Hmm."

The next day at STAR Labs, Cisco and Caitlin were in the Cortex together as Caitlin was trying to stay busy by working. "Hey, so... I been thinking. You've been working around the clock. Maybe you want to get some rest, go home. You know, a good night's sleep wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." Cisco tells her.

"I'm fine." Caitlin told him.

"Look, I get it. You're having a hard time with what happened. It's a lot to take so soon after…" Cisco tries to say.

"I said I'm fine." Caitlin interupts coldly, walking out of the Cortex as Barry walks in.

"Hey." Barry greets.

"Did you hear that?" Cisco asked.

"No, what?" Barry wondered.

"Caitlin just bit my head off. She's been all business, no emotion lately. She's been... cold." Cisco said.

"Cold? Come on, Cisco." Barry sighed.

"This could be the beginning of her becoming evil. You're not worried about that?" Cisco questions.

"I'm not worried about that. Caitlin's not gonna become Killer Frost." Barry reassures him.

"Hm." Cisco huffs.

"You haven't mentioned anything about Earth-2, have you?" Barry asked.

"No, 'cause I know how to keep a secret." Cisco replies.

"What secret." Atchaco smiles as she walks into the room.

"Nothing, we were just talking about Caitlin and how it's gonna take some time for her to heal." Barry said.

"Right, of course. Well, we just got to be there for her, keep her busy." Atchaco replied.

"That shouldn't be a problem." Diggle tells them as he and Lyla walk in.

"Oh." Cisco said.

"Hey, Dig, Lyla. What are you guys doing here?" Barry questions.

"We came to give you both the head's up, Barry." Diggle tells the two speedsters.

"About what?" Atchaco asked.

"A meta-human who escaped from A.R.G.U.S. custody, goes by the name King Shark." Lyla answers.

"King Shark? You mean the half-man/half-shark that tried to kill you months ago. I thought he was dead." Cisco said.

"That's what A.R.G.U.S. wanted you to believe when they snatched him up, but believe me, this half-shark is very much alive, and his biological imperative is telling him to do one thing. That's kill you, Barry." Diggle said and Barry scoffs.

"We're gonna need a bigger Flash." Cisco said and Atchaco sighs.

Minutes later, everyone is now in the Cortex. "So how do you know about King Shark?" Atchaco asked.

"Well, as the new Director of A.R.G.U.S., Lyla's job is to clean up Amanda Waller's messes. King Shark was one of the bigger and weirder ones." Diggle answers.

"And it appears under her directives, A.R.G.U.S. had been monitoring meta-human activity for the past two years." Lyla informs them.

"Why?" Caitlin questioned.

"Well, to see if any of those powers could be exploited." Diggle replied.

"Weaponized." Harry corrected.

"How do you know that he's coming after me?" Barry asked.

"While in our custody, he kept saying the same thing. 'Zoom wants The Flash dead' And although he removed the tracker we had in him, the readings we did receive show that he was headed towards Central City." Lyla explains.

"Let him come." Barry said.

"Barry, this thing is a killing machine. We just came here to warn you, man. Let A.R.G.U.S. handle it." Diggle replied.

"Nah, I can't do that, Dig. I'm sorry, but all year, we've been sitting ducks for Zoom and his Earth-2 henchmen. This is the last one. I'm not gonna just wait for him to attack. I'm going after him first. I owe that to Jay." Barry told him.

"Okay then. Wells, he's from your Earth. What do you know about him?" Atchaco said.

"Real name, Shay Lamden, he was a... get this... marine biologist before my particle accelerator changed him into King Shark, and Zoom put him under his control." Harry informd them.

"So how did you track him when he attacked Barry?" Caitlin asked.

"Zoom sent him to this Earth to kill Barry. I just followed." Harry admits.

"Yeah, but you did track Grodd down. Can you find King Shark too?" Barry questioned.

"I can try." Harry replies, walking out of the Cortex.

"All right." Barry said.

Atchaco pulls up a progection on one of the monitors. "Okay, well, all these locations are next to a body of water." Atchaco tells them.

"There must only be a few hours before he needs to get back into the water to re-oxygenate his blood." Caitlin said.

"Atchaco and I can take the waterfront. Can you have your team handle the rest?" Barry replied.

"I'll get them on it." Lyla told them.

"All right." Barry said.

"What about Dr. Lamden's doppelganger? Maybe he could help us somehow." Atchaco said.

"Or not. Looks like he died when the particle accelerator exploded." Cisco informs them as he pulls up his file.

"What about next of kin?" Caitlin asked and Cisco types on the computer.

"He's got a widow, Doctor Tanya Lamden. She's a research scientist at Nautilus Labs, and she studies... wait for it... sharks." Cisco answered.

"Maybe the two of you can go and see if she's discovered anything in her research that could help us." Barry suggested.

"Sure." Caitlin agreed.

"Great." Cisco said as Caitlin walks out of the Cortex. "Hey, Digg."

"Yeah?" Diggle wondered.

"How's that helmet treating you?" Cisco asked.

"Could use some improvements." Diggle admits.

"I'll get to work on it." Cisco replied, walking out of the Cortex as Barry's phone rang.

"Hey, Joe, what's up?" Barry said.

"Hey, Bar, I talked to Wally, he wants to meet up with you." Joe replied.

"All right." Barry said.

"He's working on his engineering project at our place tonight. He would love some help from that big brain of yours." Joe tells him.

"Okay, Joe, look, I'm sorry, right now is kind of a crazy time." Barry admits.

"What? What's going on?" Joe asked.

"Remember that meta-human shark that Patty was after and attacked me and Atchaco?" Barry wondered.

"He's back? I thought Wells... you know." Joe implied.

"Yeah, me too, but apparently, A.R.G.U.S. had him and he escaped, and now he's heading for Central City." Barry informed him.

"I get it. I'll tell Wally some other time." Joe sighed.

"Hey, you know what? It's all good, I'll make it work. Tell him tonight should be fine." Barry said.

"Are you sure?" Joe questioned.

"Yeah." Barry told him.

"Thanks, Bar." Joe replied.

"Yeah, bye." Barry sighs as he hangs up. "Why?"

"Okay, what is going on with you?" Atchaco asked.

"Nothing." Barry lied.

"Really? Because you have been acting weird as of late." Atchaco points out.

"I'm okay, honest. It's all good." Barry tells her.

"Hm." Atchaco huffs as she turns and walked away.

Meanwhile, Cisco and Caitlin visit Nautilus labs. "It's been two years since your particle accelerator exploded. Seems a little late to be asking questions about my husband, doesn't it?" Dr Lamden said.

"Your husband passed away from cancer, correct?" Caitlin questionde.

"I suppose you could say that. It only took three days for every cell in his body to grow uncontrollably. Whatever cancer he had, it turned him into something... not human." Dr Lamden replied.

"Well, that's why we're here, actually." Cisco admits.

"There's a meta-human in Central City whose body seems to be mutating in the same way as your late husband, but he didn't die, he became a dangerous monster." Caitlin said.

"My husband was no monster." Dr Lamden tells them.

"That's not what she was implying." Cisco replied.

"What does this have to do with me?" Dr Lamden asked.

"We've read about the research you're doing here on sharks." Caitlin answers.

"Mm-hmm, yeah, I've had some encouraging results, although still preliminary." Dr Lamden informs them.

"We need to see it." Caitlin tells her.

"I beg your pardon?" Dr Lamden replies.

"Your research, all of it." Caitlin said harshly.

"What my colleague means to say is that if you could please let us take a look at your findings, it could help us stop this metahuman from hurting anyone." Cisco said.

"You're with S.T.A.R. Labs. I'm just supposed to trust you?" Dr Lamden wonders.

"Please, Mrs. Lamden. This could help save lives." Cisco reminds her.

"I'll email you what I have." Dr Lamden tells them.

"Thank you." Cisco said and Dr Lamden walks away. "Little harsh."

"I was being direct." Caitlin tells him.

"Yeah, well, that's one way to describe it." Cisco replies.

"You've been acting differently toward me ever since you got back from Earth-2. What's your problem, Cisco?" Caitlin questions.

"Nothing. Let's just go." Cisco answered as he walked away. Caitlin rolls her eyes and walks away along side him.

Meanwhile, Barry and Macanese were running around the waterfront with Diggle, Lyla and other Argus agents. "Grid one, negative." A voice said.

"Grid four, negative." Another said.

"Status check, grid two." Lyla ordered.

"Grid two, negative." An agent informed her as Barry shows up and walks up to Diggle.

"Anything?" Diggle asked.

"No, man, nothing yet." Barry answered.

"Yeah, so far, nothing on our end either." Diggle replied.

"Let's just hope Wells is doing better than we are. Hey, how's Felicity doing?" Barry wondered.

"Well, I'm not gonna lie, Barry, it was pretty rough there at first, but you know Felicity, she's tough." Diggle said. (In the Arrow, by this point Felicity is now paralyzed after being shot)

"Yeah, she's just not returning any of my calls." Barry tells him.

"She has a lot going on right now. Buddy, I'll ask if she can give you a call when this is all over." Diggle said.

"Just want to catch this thing, man, have everything to do with Zoom and Earth-2 put behind us, so we can just move on with our lives." Barry admits.

"Starting to do that thing Oliver does, Barry, carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Got to stop that, man, it's gonna slow you down." Diggle warns as Layla walks up.

"Still nothing." Lyla tells them and then Macanese runs in.

"I have nothing either." Macanese informs them.

"Status check, Grid six." Lyla said into her earpiece.

"Hold on, I think we got something." One of the agents said. Two of the agents went to go and check it out, this lead to them coming face to face with King Shark. And what do you think King Shark did? He ate them.

Later, Lyla had ARGUS clean up the massacre that King Shark had made. "So much for cleaning up after Waller's messes. We don't find King Shark soon, someone's gonna be cleaning up after mine." Lyla complained.

"We'll find him, Lyla." Diggle reassured her as Macanese and Barry came up to them.

"All right, we searched the whole area. He's gone." Barry informed them.

"Couldn't have gotten far." Diggle said.

"Still, he knows we're here now. We lost the element of surprise." Lyla reminds them.

"Not if Wells can figure out a way to track him." Atchaco smiled.

"All right, we'll meet up with you guys later." Barry said.

"I've got plans to hang out with Iris." Macanese admitted.

"And I 've got to go see Joe's son." Barry replied.

"Okay, I thought our relationship was hard to follow." Diggle sighed.

"See ya." Macanese chuckles before she and Barry super speed away.

"They're fast, John, get over it." Lyla reminds him.

"Never." Diggle replies.

Later at the West house, Wally puts his backpack onto the the table. "Joe thought I should have you take a look." Wally said as he takes out his laptop and opens it up to his essay. "So, this is what I got so far for my project essay to get into CCU's engineering program.:

"Turbine supercars?" Barry notices.

"That sounds highly intersting." Atchaco smiles.

"Turbines? Like jet engines?" Iris asked.

"Yeah, yeah, it'd use an engine like the ones they have in some helicopters, only it'd run on bio-diesel." Wally explained.

"Cool." Iris and Atchaco say in sync.

"It's very cool." Joe admits.

Barry was looking at Wally's laptop without realising that he was being rude by doing so. "Yeah, you're gonna want to address the fuel economy issue here. It is a jet, so it's gonna burn through a lot of fuel." Barry reminds him.

"Yeah, that's why I want to use bio-diesel. It'll run off of anything that burns with oxygen." Wally replies.

"No, okay, but you also got a sound issue. Gonna wake the neighbors…" Barry laughs softly. "For sure."

"Anything else?" Wally growls angirly.

"Um... Well, I just... want to help, you know. I'm just trying to make sure they don't have any reason to say no." Barry said.

"Okay." Wally laughs a little.

"Sorry, Wally, I didn't mean that... it looks really good. All right, let's start over, okay?" Barry chuckles. "Is it... why don't we go through it all together, work it out?" Barry suggests.

"Sounds good." Wally agreed.

"Cool." Barry replied as Joe, Iris and Atchaco leave them alone to work in private.

Later at STAR Labs, Caitlin was going over Dr Lamden's research in the Cortex when Cisco walked in. "This is a complete waste of time. We're not gonna find anything in Doctor Lamden's research to tell us how to find King Shark." Caitlin complained.

"Maybe I should take a look." Cisco suggested.

"Oh, yeah, 'cause you're the doctor with a specialty in bio-chem." Caitlin said sarcastically.

"I'm just saying maybe you could use another set of eyes, considering." Cisco went to say.

"Considering what?" Caitlin asked.

"Considering the way you've been acting lately." Cisco answered.

"What does that mean?" Caitlin questioned.

"You are not yourself, Caitlin, and it's freaking me out, 'cause you have this icy look in your eye just like you did over there." Cisco explained.

"Over there? You mean Earth-2?" Caitlin wonders.

"No. Uh, no. Um, what I meant to say was…" Cisco start to lie.

"You met my doppelganger, didn't you?" Caitlin asked as she stands up and walks over to him.

"What? No." Cisco laughed softly.

"Cisco." Caitlin said.

"Look, I'm not supposed to say anything." Cisco admitted.

"Why not?" Caitlin questioned.

"Because I'm not supposed to say anything." He repeated.

"Francisco Ramon, if you don't start talking…" Caitlin warns.

"Okay, fine, yes, I met your doppelganger." Cisco sighed. "She's a coldhearted ice queen named Killer Frost, a meta-human who enjoyed killing a lot. There, great. Now Harry's gonna k*ll me and throw myself across the room."

"Cisco, I'm not a metahuman." Caitlin reminds him.

"Okay, I hear you, but you're acting just like she did over there. You're being shut off. You're being detached. You're being cold." Cisco explained.

"Because I have to be right now." Caitlin replied. "I just watched Jay get killed right in front of my eyes, just when I was starting to feel normal again, just when I was beginning to love. So if I let myself feel, if I let all of that pain and anger out, it's never gonna stop, and that's not gonna help me either, so let's just get back to this research and figure out how to find King Shark."

"Okay." Cisco said. Caitlin nods and then walks back to her computer.

Meanwhile, Harry was standing in the workroom, working on an equation when Jesse walks in. "Here you are. Yup, just like back home, always working." Jesse sighed.

"I'm trying to locate this King Shark." Harry told her.

"He's here? On this Earth?" Jesse asked.

"Yes, it turns out our friend Zoom brought him here to kill The Flash." Harry informs her.

"Looks like he's stuck here just like we are." Jesse replied.

"It looks like he is, and so I need to figure this out before more people get hurt, Jessie, so…" Harry tries to say.

"Probability distribution algorithm?" Jesse interrupts him as she looks at the equation.

"Partial matching strategies, yes." Harry agreed.

"Based on what?" She asked.

"Semantic trajectories... water, Central City, The Flash, Thunder." Harry answered.

"What about mobility behaviors?" Jesse suggests.

"Jesse." Harry said.

"Look, you wanted me out of that room, but now that I am, you don't want me here. Just let me help, please." Jesse said.

"Grab a marker." Harry sighs.

"Yeah." Jesse said as she erased an equation of the board.

Back at the West house, Barry was still helping Wally with his project. "Hardest part was amping the torque without increasing drag. A heavier engine would only slow things down, but this streamlined version should optimize both the torque and the horsepower." Wally explained.

"Yeah, I'm just worried it's... won't be enough still. Here, let's do this... use a one-to-one transfer gearbox to drop the output shaft of the engine, reverse rotation and send more power to the torque converter." Barry said as he starts fixing Wally's project for him.

"I didn't come for you to just do it for me. I thought we were gonna work on this together." Wally reminded him.

"Yeah, we are, I'm... I'm just trying to speed up the process." Barry replied.

"Why? What, you got somewhere better to be?" Wally asked.

"No, Wally, I'm... Wally. All right." Barry chuckles softly. "Do you have a problem with me?"

"Who could have a problem with you? You're Barry, right? You're perfect. Never do anything wrong. Always this, always that." Wally complained as he packs up his stuff.

"Wally." Barry tries to say.

"I mean, take a look around you, man. You're in every picture in this room. You know, thanks for your help, but I'll just take care of this myself." Wally tells him. Just as Wally was about to walk out of the house, part of the ceiling gives way and King Shark's arm bursts through.

"Where's The Flash? I know The Flash is here." King Shark roars as joe comes downstairs with his gun and Iris and Atchaco come in from the kitchen. "I can smell him."

"Everybody get out!" Joe ordered.

"Come on. All right, come on." Atchaco said. Barry rushes Iris upstairs as Joe and Atchaco shoot at King Shark while Wally stays on the steps. Then Atchaco and Barry super speed out of the house with Wally seeing them.

"Where is he?" King Shark growls.

"Right here!" Barry calls as he enters the house in his suit.

"And he isn't alone." Macanese told him.

"Flash, Zoom wants you dead!" King Shark said as he walks over to them.

"Yeah, I know. Then you get to go home, right? Well, guess what, man. The breaches that Zoom used to bring you here, they're all gone." Barry informed him.

"We closed 'em, for good! There's no more Zoom. There's no way back to your Earth." Macanese tells him and King Shark growls at them.

"You're gonna be locked up here for a very long time." Barry said.

Barry and Macanese then start running around King Shark but then he sends them both flying. Suddenly they hear tires screeching as cars were coming towards them. "You two might be fast, but not as fast as I am in water! You're not gonna catch me, Flash!" King Shark said before taking off.

Some of the cars go after King Shark but one pulls up next to the speedsters. It was ARGUS. Diggle and Lyla then comes out of the car and walk over to Barry and Macanese. "You both okay?" Diggle asked.

"Oh, yeah, I'm good." Macanese answered.

"Think he broke a few things, but I'm good." Barry said.

Minutes later, Atchaco was now helping Joe, Iris and Wally clean up the mess King Shark had left. "I don't suppose my homeowner's insurance covers a 'Sharknado' attack." Joe wonders.

"Probably not." Atchaco replied.

"I don't understand you people. Jaws busts through your house like the Kool-Aid Man, The Flash and Thunder show up, and y'all just act like it's no big deal." Wally said before pointing to Atchaco. "And you have an alien cyborg in the house and act like it's nothing."

"Yeah, well, we've had a lot of weird things happen in Central City over the past two years." Iris admitted.

"Weirder than a talking shark wearing pants?" Wally wonders.

"Man, you'd be surprised." Joe replied.

"Hey. Hey, you guys. Everybody okay?" Barry questions as he comes down the stairs out of breath.

"Yeah, yeah, we're fine." Iris tells him.

"What'd you go hide under your bed?" Wally taunts.

"Wally, come on." Joe sighed.

"You know, Joe and Iris told me a lot about you, made it out like you could walk on water, or something, but they never mentioned anything about you being a coward." Wally retoreted.

"Okay, enough!" Joe said angrily.

Wally glares at bary before grabbing his stuff and walking out of the door. "See you guys later." He called.

"Dad, you need to talk to him." Iris tells him.

"No. It's fine, I get it." Joe sighs. "Look, I know you guys love me, but please stop telling Wally all this great stuff about me. Start telling him the truth. I'm not perfect. I make mistakes that even The Flash can't fix."

"Okay. What happened with you on Earth-2?" Joe asked.

"The truth this time, please." Atchaco replied.

"I shouldn't... tell you guys this, but... I met your doppelgangers." Barry admits. "You were the cop in the family, a good one too."

"I told you I would've made a good cop." Iris laughs softly.

"Don't get any ideas. What about me then?" Joe wonders.

"You were a lounge singer. Yeah, you had this amazing voice, actually, but you didn't like me at all. You actually blamed me for Iris becoming a cop, said that she only became one to help her selfish husband's career." Barry explains.

"Wait. We were married?" Iris scoffs.

"Mm-hmm." Barry agreed.

"I am so sorry, Atchaco." Iris apologised.

"It's okay, different earths, different lives." Atchaco reassures her.

"That must have been weird." Iris told him.

"Oh yeah." Barry nods.

"So, who was I on earth 2?" Atchaco asks.

"You worked at the lounge where Joe sang while being a Bician ambassador but you really just wanted to be a reporter." Barry answered.

"See, I knew you should have taken journalism in college." Iris told her.

"Ah, no." Atchaco replied. "Beside that's your thing. I'm fine where I am." Atchaco reassured her.

"Anyway." Barry repled. "And we went to go see Joe perform. And that's when everything went wrong. Um, some metas that worked for Zoom showed up, they were looking for me. They knew I wasn't supposed to be there, and they attacked." He looks over at Joe. "And you got caught in the crossfire, and... you died. I knew that it wasn't you, that none of that was this life, but... I mean, watching it happen in front of me, living that, it didn't feel any different, because it was all still real. And Jay warned me not to get emotionally sucked in when I went there, and then that's exactly what happened. And now Joe West on Earth-2 is dead, because I showed up."

"Barry, that... that's not your fault." Atchaco reassures him.

"Yeah, it is my fault. It's all my fault. Zoom, this King Shark, Jay's death, it's all because of me. And then I just left an entire world at Zoom's mercy." Barry reminds them as tears run down his face. Atchaco sits down next to him on the stairs. She holds his hands as she lays her head on his shoulder.

Later, Barry and Atchaco were in the Cortex of STAR Labs with everyone else. "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the suburbs, King Shark shows up at your house." Cisco complained.

"I mean, I don't even know how he found me. It's not like I was The Flash while I was at home." Barry reminded them.

"Must be a reason." Harry tells him.

"Yeah." Barry agreed.

"Have you figured out a way to track King Shark yet?" Atchaco asked.

"No, I don't have enough information to create an accurate location algorithm." Harry answered.

"What about Dr. Lamden's research? Anything that can help us?" Barry questioned.

"I didn't think so at first, but then I found something that I think might help us." Caitlin pushes a button on the computer screen. "Sharks are predators. In order to track their prey, they use what's known as passive electrolocation."

"Passive electrolocation?" Diggle repeated.

"Yes, it's how they sense the bioelectric potential around a fish's body." Caitlin explains.

"King Shark senses electricity in Barry's system." Harry simplifies and Caitlin nods.

"Okay, that explains how King Shark can track Barry, but how is that going to help us track him?" Lyla asked.

"We flip it. Instead of King Shark being the predator, we make him the prey, and track him using active electrolocation." Caitlin tells them.

"We reprogram our satellite to generate a specific electric field and then measure any electrical distortions that correlate with a 1-ton walking shark." Cisco informed them.

"That'll help us get him." Harry laughs softly. "You help me out?"

"Sure." Jesse smiles and they both walk out.

"Great. Let us know when you locate him and we'll take it from there." Lyla tells them.

"Okay." Barry replied.

"Let's get the team ready." Lyla said and she and Diggle then walk out as barry sighs.

Later they were all at the water front and it was raining. "What exactly is that?" Diggle asked and the looked over at the Flash dummy that was on a buoy in the ocean.

"That, my friend, is bait." Macanese answered.

"You made a Flash lure?" Lyla questioned.

"It's the best I could come up with given the time frame. It's rigged to mimic and enhance the electric field Barry's body generates. King Shark takes one whiff of that, cue the 'Jaws' soundtrack. Also stuffed it with enough tranqs to knock him out for a month." Cisco informed them through their ear pieces.

"Should make him a lot easier to reel in." Barry replied.

Diggle then points to the truck holding a container for King Shark. "And that container. Strong enough to hold him once he's sedated?" Diggle wondered.

"It's made of promethium metal. It's impenetrable." Harry replies.

"Meanwhile, we'll be able to keep track of King Shark with this, and the cameras that are on the lure. Whatever he does, we'll have eyes on him." Caitlin tells them.

"All right, then. Let's go fishing." Lyla said and Barry chuckles.

"Caitlin, I don't understand why I can't be the one playing Quint in this scenario. I should be the one out there, not you." Cisco complains.

"I need to do this." Caitlin argues.

Harry looks over at Cisco. "You know Quint dies, right?" Harry questions and Cisco looks at him in annoyance.

Diggle then walks over to Barry. "Water is this monster's natural habitat. He's gonna be a lot stronger here. You sure about this?" Diggle asked.

"This ends tonight." Barry replies.

Hours later, they are all still waiting for King Shark. "Maybe he's not gonna fall for this." Diggle tells them.

"He's a shark. He'll come." Barry reassures him.

"Anything, Cisco?" Macanese wonders.

Meanwhile in the Cortex. "Uh, nope, nothing that looks like it could be him." Cisco replied.

"You programmed the satellite though, right?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Harry." Cisco sighed.

"I mean, you punched in the correct parameters?" Harry corrected.

"You're insulting my intelligence." Cisco realosed.

"But they've been waiting for hours. Did you punch in the correct parameters?" Harry asked again.

"I know they've been out there for hours, but you're insulting my intelligence with this, okay? I know." Cisco complained.

"Okay." Harry sighed.

"Hey, you set the right distortion scope, right?" Jesse questioned and Harry smiles.

"Oh, for real? Okay. You know what, we're gonna play a game here. It's called, if you're from Earth-2, you're gonna be quiet, okay?" Cisco tells them.

"Yeah." Jesse smiles.

Back at the waterfront, Caitlin and Macanese noticed the serious look on Barry's face and walked over to him. "Hey, Barry, are you okay?" Macanese asked.

"Ever since Zoom beat me here and on Earth-2, I've been running away from things, instead of towards them. That needs to change." Barry answers.

"We'll get you back there." Caitlin reassures him.

"I know." Barry replied.

"Think of this as your first step. Or swim." Macanese smiles and Barry laughs softly.

Back at the Cortex, they start hearing beeping and Jesse sees something fast on the computer screen. "Uh, hey, guys. What is that?" Jesse questioned.

"The big kahuna. Guys, incoming. He's headed for the bait!" Cisco said.

Back at the waterfront, Caitlin's device starts beeping when suddenly King Shark jumps out and eats the flash dummy. "He ate the lure!" Caitlin tells them.

"Reel him in, all right?" Barry replied as Diggle pulls the lever on the lure. "Come on."

When the lure reaches the dock, King Shark wasn't there. The only thing that was left was parts of the flash lure. "Where'd he go?" Diggle asked.

"He's headed for the docks." Cisco informs them as he lks at the computer.

"Go, go, go." Macanese ordered Caitlin and she quickly walks off the docks.

"Get ready to fire!" Diggle warns.

Suddenly, King Shark jumps out of the water and lands in front of them. "Those guns won't stop me, Flash. First I'll kill you, then I'll kill them." He roars.

"Oh, yeah? Let's do this then! Come on!" Barry tempted before he takes of running on the water with King Shark swimming right behind him. King Shark does a giant leep out of the water and once he was back in Barry starts running around King Shark as Macanese runs out to help him.

"What is they doing?" Jesse asked.

"They're electrifying the water." Harry answered.

Electricity starts crackling around King Shark as he gets lifted up into the air and starts getting shocked by lightning. Barry and Macanese then jump out of the twister and shoot a small bolt of electricity at King Shark, knocking him out instantly. In mere seconds, Barry and Macanese (the latter leaning on the former) are back on the docks with Diggle and Lyla and they were all wet.

"Ohh." Macanese groans.

"Now we can reel him in." Barry grunts and they all laugh and smile.

Minutes later, King Shark is locked up in the container and taken away by ARGUS agents. "Hell of a catch, you two." Diggle compliments.

"Yeah." Macanese agreed.

"Let's just make sure he doesn't become 'the one that got away.'" Barry said.

"Won't let that happen again." Lyla reassures them.

"What are you gonna do with him?" Caitlin asked.

"I don't know yet." Lyla admitted. "But one thing's for sure, A.R.G.U.S.'s plans to turn King Shark into a weapon died with Amanda Waller. I think our time would be better served learning about how he came to be and how to cure him."

"You know, you should really talk to Dr. Lamden. She's done a lot of research, and I think it could be helpful to you." Caitlin told her.

"I'll do that." Lyla replied before turning to face Barry. "Nice to see you again."

"Mm-hmm." Barry hummed before Caitlin, Macanese and Lyla walk away. "Well, thanks a lot, Dig."

"Hey, I got to thank you, Barry. Got Lyla get her first win, I got to watch you and Atchaco run on water. It was biblical." Diggle admits and Barry chuckles. "Look, Barry, when I was in Afghanistan, I lost a lot of friends... brothers. So losing Jay, I know what it feels like. Question yourself. Blame yourself for his death. And that guilt, it can tear you apart, but trust me, man, you got to get control of it, or it'll rip you up inside. Use this, man, let it guide you, so it never happens again."

"All right, thanks, man." Barry told him.

"You got it." Diggle said.

"Say hi to everyone for me, all right?" Barry replied.

"I will." Diggle reassures him. Barry sniffs and then walks over to Macanese, holding her hands before super speeding away. Diggle then walks up to Lyla as he phones starts vibrating.

"Yeah, okay. That's kind of freaky." Lyla admits.

"Yeah, yeah, see? I told you." Diggle tells her as he answers his phone. "Hey, Oliver, what's up?"

The next day at Jitters, Joe was with Wally and was looking over his project. "You're a really slow reader." Wally notices and then they start laughing. "So?"

"I want one of these super cars. I mean, especially if I can run it off the bacon grease I collect? I mean... Man, Wally. I'm so impressed." Joe compliments.

"Thanks. But Barry gave me a lot of help, so…" Wally said.

'Yeah, he did, but this was all your idea, this is your hard work. It's all you. Barry'd say the same thing." Joe tells him.

"Would he?" Wally wondered.

"Look, Wally." Joe sighed. "Iris and I took Barry in when he was 11, and the reason he came to live with us is because his mother was murdered, and his father was wrongfully imprisoned for it. And I have been overprotective of that kid since that day. We gave him all the love and support he needed to get through that tragedy and become the man he is now. So that... that pride you see when Iris and I are talking about him, is because... things could have gone very differently. But he's not perfect, and he's not favoured over you or Iris or anybody else. So you have nothing to worry about. He's my son... just like you are." Wally then smiles.

Later at STAR Labs, Cisco was working on Reverb's goggles in the workroom when Caitlin walks in. "What are you doing with those?" Caitlin asked.

"I'm adjusting the wavelength trigger, see if I can get these to work over here." Cisco explains.

"So you can catch some breachers?" Caitlin replied as she touched Cisco's arm.

"Dear God! Caitlin, your hands are freezing." Cisco gasped.

"Caitlin. I've always hated that name." Caitlin said coldly.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, it's starting. You're starting to become…" Cisco started to say.

"Killer Frost?" Caitlin suggests before breaking into a smile and laughing.

"That ain't right. That ain't right, that's just rude. Who put you up to this? Barry put you up to this, didn't he? Oh, I should've known you two were…" Cisco said.

"Cold?" Caitlin said.

"Yeah." Cisco agreed.

"You deserve it for thinking that I could ever become like her." Caitlin admits. "Cisco, you need to stop worrying about me. I may be sad, I may want to be alone for a little while, but I promise you, Killer Frost will never exist on this earth, okay? Besides, you tested me. I don't even have the metahuman gene, so please stop worrying about me, okay?"

"Okay." Cisco replied and they both chuckles.

"Come on, Barry wants us upstairs." Caitlin told him as they walk out the door.

"For real, though, you got to work on that circulation. You might have Raynaud's or something. You know what Raynaud's is?" Cisco said.

"I'm a doctor, Cisco." Caitlin reminds him.

Minutes later, Cisco and Caitlin walked into the Cortex where everyone was. "Hail, hail, the gang's all here. What's good?" Cisco wonders.

"Uh…" Barry sighs. "I need to apologise to you all. Um... Last year I made a choice to go back in time and save my mother, and that choice had a lot of consequences that will haunt me for the rest of my life, just like I know it haunts all of you too. Zoom, Jay's death... It's all because of me, but I own those choices. We're the ones who opened the door to Earth-2. We're the ones who brought Zoom here, but we are also the ones who are gonna stop him."

"How? How are we gonna stop Zoom, Allen?" Harry asked.

"I don't know yet. But those breaches aren't closed forever, and we're not done with Earth-2." Barry said. He then walks over and pulls of a cloth that was covering a glass case and inside was Jay's helmet. "Jay's death was not in vain. We will meet Zoom again, and the next time, I will beat him, whoever that monster is."

Back on earth two in Zoom's lair, the man in the iron mask was in his cell when he hears and sees Zoom come out of a breach, holding Jay's body. Zoom drops Jay's body on the floor as the man in the iron mask starts breathing heavily and takes it off, revealing Jay. Jay was Zoom the whole time and had been deceiving everybody. "Well, this is a complication." Zoom said.