Episode 17 - Trajectory

A few days later Team Flash were at a canyon over two cliffs. Cisco throws a rock over the edge and it falls down into the water. "Whoo-hoo-hoo. Uh, it didn't look this deep on the map." Cisco gasped.

"That's 'cause maps are flat, Cisco." Macanese reminds him.

"This is, like, 1,000 feet deep." Barry noticed.

"Well, you two wanted to get faster. Maybe plummeting to your death is the motivation you need." Cisco said as he walks away as Harry walks up to them.

"So to reach escape velocity, you both are gonna have to go…" Harry shows them a number. "That fast."

"Well, that fast is impossible. I can promise you that." Barry tells him.

"Ah, 'Nothing in life is promised except death'" Harry replies.

"Edgar Allan Poe?" Macanese asked.

"Kanye West." Harry corrects as Cisco walks back over to them.

"If it makes you feel any better, Evel Knievel cleared a line of cars that was twice this long, and he didn't even have superpowers, unless you count that sweet-ass ride." Cisco reassures them.

"Do you hear yourself?" Barry wonders.

"What? Look, you're gonna be fine. I'm 80% sure of it." Cisco said.

"Okay." Macanese replied.

"76." Cisco corrects as Harry does a death sign across his neck. "Like, a strong 72. I can't stop, Caitlin, help."

"If you both don't feel ready, you probably shouldn't do it." Caitlin informs them.

"Not helpful." Cisco complained.

"Look, Zoom's still out there. And once I find a way back to Earth-2, I have to be faster than him. And, I mean, right now... I wasn't even fast enough to save Jay. I have to try." Barry reminds them.

"Okay, but maybe I should go first. Just in case." Macanese smiles and Barry nods. Macanese then takes a couple of steps back before getting into a running position, electricity running through her eyes as she takes off. She jumps really high into the air and she does a flip midair before she lands on the other side of the cliff and waves at the rest of them.

"You did it." Caitlin smiles.

"Okay, Barry. It's your turn." Macanese called. Barry then does the same thing Macanese did and does a huge jump over the cliff.

"He's gonna make it." Caitlin said. But then Barry looks down as he is in mid air and starts falling. "No!"

"Oh, damn." Harry groans. Then just as Macanese went to go and save Barry, four drones fly up caring Barry in a net.

"'Why'd you have to bring those drones along, Cisco' 'Oh, I don't know.' You're welcome, everyone." Cisco said as he holds up the remote control for the drones. Barry exhales and shakes his head in disappointment.

Later at STAR Labs, Jesse was sitting at Cisco's desk looking at the news on the computer. "Signed projects, including releases of solo albums. Pop music would never be the same after Beyoncé left Destiny's Child." The newscaster said.

"Wait, that doesn't make any sense. They mean Senator Knowles?" Jesse said as she eats a bowl of popcorn. Suddenly there was a loud whoosh sound as Barry and Atchaco walk in wearing normal clothes.

"Scooch." Cisco tells Jesse as he walks up to his desk.

"What? So how'd it go?" Jesse asked.

"Well, they're not a red splat on the side of a mountain." Harry tells her.

"That's our new definition of success?" Cisco wonders.

"It's one of them." Harry asked.

"So, you guys didn't make the canyon jump?" Jesse questioned.

"No, I did. Barry not so much." Atchaco chuckled.

"What else can we try?" Barry sighs.

"A bigger canyon?" Cisco said with a mouth full of popcorn. "Okay, fine, no more canyons."

"I know I crack this. I've just been going about it wrong. I need to find my leg up. Have we factored in drag? Wells, can we rerun the simulation?" Barry said.

"Let it go for now." Harry tells him.

"Zoom's still out there. He's terrorizing a whole world full of people, your world. You know, I'm not doing this for fun." Barry reminds him.

"Barry, we've been working on this all week. You're tired, we're tired." Caitlin tells him.

"Yeah, what we need is some downtime. Downtime leads to increased productivity, ergo we have to have fun. And the best way to have fun is for us to go out to the club. Am I right, Team Flash? Let's get turnt!" Cisco said and Atchaco chuckled. "No, but seriously, we need a break." Barry laughs and smiles.

"You know, I think Cisco's right, and if I'm saying we need a break, then you know it's serious." Caitlin tells them.

"All right, let's go out tonight." Barry replied.

"Oh, yeah. Can I go?" Jesse wonders.

A few minutes later, Jesse and Harry are outside the elevator. "Over my dead body." Harry tells her.

"Look, just 'cause you're stuck in this lab all day doesn't mean I should be too." Jesse complains.

"Over my rotting corpse." Harry replied.

"Look, what happened to trying new things, meeting new people? You said I should start a life here, right? And Zoom's over there, and we're over here, so there's nothing to worry about." Jesse reminds him.

"There's always something to worry about." Harry retorts.

"Okay, well, you said Barry and them are good people and I should get to know them." Jesse informs him.

"I did." Harry sighs.

"Yeah. And you know they'll keep me safe no matter what. Look, I have a life to live, Dad, and whole world to explore. Please? Please?" Jesse said.

"Fine." Harry gave in and Jesse smiled. "But if you're gonna go, you should take protection."

"Oh, Dad, I don't need... I don't know what you thought I was gonna be doing, but I…" Jesse mumbled as Harry puts his meta alert watch on her. "Oh, right. I mean, is it necessary? It's kind of, you know…"

"Or I could always build you an inescapable daughter cube." Harry said.

"Funny. You know I'd get out though, right?" Jesse replied and Harry chuckles. "All right, fine. I'll do it." They then hug each other. "Thank you."

Later, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and Jesse were all at a night club. Everyone was sitting at the bar and Cisco was watching two people make out next to him, which made him uncomfortable. Barry reaches out to grab a bowl of pretzels for himself when Jesse's watch starts beeping. "Oh, God, sorry. It keeps doing that. My dad made me wear it." Jesse apologises.

"Don't worry about it. It's all good." Barry reassures her.

"I'm really glad you came, Jesse, even though this place is less than ideal." Caitlin said as the bartender puts 4 shots in front of them.

"Hey, toast?" Barry suggested.

"To Jay." Cisco said as he raised his shot glass.

"I wonder what Jay would say if he was here right now." Caitlin admits.

"'What's a Kamikaze' And then you'd spend ten minutes explaining it." Cisco replied.

"And he'd say, 'Just kidding. We have those on Earth-2.'" Caitlin finished and Barry laughs.

"Yeah, well, we don't have those, so…" Jesse said as she grabs a shot but Barry takes it from her.

"Eh-eh, I'm sorry, Miss Underage. None of us plan on getting murdered by your father tonight." Barry tells her.

"Oh, whatever, he's all talk." Jesse tells him.

"Mm-hmm." Barry replied as Atchaco walks up.

"Hey." Atchaco greets them.

"Atchaco, hey." Barry returned as he hands her Jesse's shot. "Have a shot."

"Oh, thanks. Don't mind if I do." Atchaco said as she drinks it as Iris and Wally walk in.

"Yo, guys, what's up?" Iris said.

"Hey." Barry greeted her.

"Hey." Iris repeated.

"Glad you could make it." Atchaco said hugging Iris.

"What's up, Wally?" Barry wonders.

"Hey, interesting choice of venue. The tic-tac-toe theme is cool." Wally admits.

"Barry picked it." Cisco told them.

"Cisco picked it. I…" Barry tries to argue.

"For real?" Cisco sighs.

"Yeah, I picked it. I don't go out much. It had four stars on Yelp, so…" Barry said as Atchaco chuckled.

"Okay, fair enough." Wally replied.

"So who's this?" Jesse asked.

"This is Wally. He's my... foster, or step... adopted... My new... this is... he's my new friend. This is Jesse." Barry said.

"Oh, hi." Jesse said as her watches beeps because Atchaco was next to her.

"Hey. So, Jesse, are you new in town?" Wally questioned.

"Yeah, you could say that." Jesse answered.

"Yeah, me too. Are you from far away?" Wally wonders.

"Like you wouldn't believe." Jesse replies. Iris, Atchaco and Barry all smile as they watch them. "Oh, you know what? Would you just excuse me? I just need to go powder my... watch." Cisco chuckles at this.

"Hey, so I know I'm practically your brother, and I'm, like, half Jay's size, but you want to dance?" Cisco suggests to Caitlin.

"Sure." Caitlin agrees.

"Come on, let's go." Cisco said. He then grabs Caitlin's hand and pulls her onto the dance floor.

Meanwhile, Jesse was inside a bathroom stall tinkering with the watch. "Stupid watch. All right, buddy, you have beeped your last beep." Jesse tells it. When she had finished tinkering with it she managed to unlock Harry's journal.

"Something else rising also, some dark instinct about what I would do to the person who had taken you, the things I would do." Harry's recording said.

On the dance floor, Caitlin and Cisco were dancing. Well, Caitlin was dancing and Cisco was dancing like the 11th doctor. Wally then grabs a drink from the bar and walked away as Iris and the two speedsters walked over to a table. "So how's Wally doing?" Atchaco asked.

"Yeah, he's good; he's just diving into his schoolwork." Iris answered.

"Good." Barry said.

"Yeah." Iris agreed.

"I'm glad." Barry replied.

Atchaco then turns and sees Cisco and Caitlin dancing. "Oh, God." Atchaco gasps. Barry laughs and gives Cisco the thumbs up.

"Promise me if you two ever do get married, you will not do that dance at your wedding." Iris told them.

"Oh, I can promise you that." Barry reassured her and Atchaco glared at him. "I mean, not the wedding, the dancing."

Atchaco then notices that Iris was not looking at Barry but rather staring off into space. "What?" Atchaco wondered.

"I don't know; I just think it's weird that Barry and I are married on Earth-2." Iris admits.

"Hmm. I wonder what our married doppelgangers are doing tonight." Barry said.

"Probably Earth-2's equivalent of 'Netflix and chill.'" Atchaco replied and they laugh.

"That sounds nice for them." Barry said. Suddenly there was an intense whooshing sound as a bright blur goes around everyone in the club and steals from them and from the cash register before taking off.

"It was The Flash!" Someone gaspsed.

"No, it was Thunder." Another argued.

"My wallet's gone." One realised.

"Someone took my purse." Caitlin tells them and then Barry and Atchaco run after the person that had just robbed everyone. As they were running they see a figure of a person before they take off. Barry stops and starts breathing heavily as Atchaco also stops.

"Who the hell are you?" Atchaco wonders.

The next day, the police were all over the club as Barry and Atchaco arrived. "Hey." Joe greeted them.

"Hey." Barry replied as Atchaco smiled.

"What happened last night? I know you two didn't rob these people." Joe said.

"No, we were bored. Thought we'd have some fun." Barry admits.

"Well, look, whoever did this, they got everyone within a ten-block radius in under six minutes. You two couldn't catch them?" Joe wonders.

"No, this speedster's faster than us, I guess." Atchaco complains.

"Unbelievable." Joe sighs before he sees Iris walking up to them. "Hey, babe."

"Hey, so I spoke to that girl over there. She snapped a photo of the blur." Iris shows them a photo on her phone. "Look familiar?"

"This is not good." Barry tells them as Joe takes her phone and loks at the photo.

"I know, it looks exactly like the photo I took of you two last year. Don't worry, we'll figure it out. We always do." Iris reassures them.

"Hey." Joe said as he shows Iris her phone.

"Oh, it's work. I've got to go. Keep me posted, okay?" Iris said as she walks away.

"Joe, we don't want people thinking The Flash or Thunder are petty thieves." Atchaco reminds him.

"Well, most think that The Flash is the petty thief, but yeah, I don't want people thinking that." Barry agrees.

"Well, we need to get to work squashing those rumours before they spread." Joe replies.

Later at Central City Picture News, Iris's boss holds up a photo of the red blur. "Here it is, people: evidence that The Flash has gone rogue." Scott told them.

"Couldn't it be the speedster in the helmet? Or Thunder?" An employee wondered.

"The photo speaks for itself. No helmet glare, no mouthpiece, confirming that this is The Scarlet Speedster. We're gonna expose him as a fraud. McKay, I want you at the police department getting any interview you can." Scott replied.

"Okay, on it." McKay said.

"Williams, eyewitness encounters. The people of this city need to know what it feels like to be robbed by a hero. West, I want you to do a piece on it from your perspective. You were there last night. You've seen him in action." Scott orders.

"Okay, but why would The Flash need to make off with a couple of hundred bucks when he's saved so many lives? I mean, he is actually a hero. Just like Thunder is." Iris argues.

"Iris, you're a smart woman. You can't be that naive. We live in a city full of metahumans who continually do whatever they want, The Flash included. Write it up, his journey from streak to freak, due on my desk tomorrow." Scott tells her. Everyone then walks away, leaving Iris by herself.

Later at STAR Labs, Jesse walks into the workroom where Harry is and he sees her. "So... fun night? Before all the chaos broke loose?" Harry wonders and Jesse turns on the watch, playing Harry's entry.

"Then I would do anything to get you back, including killing a man." The recording admits.

"Tell me I'm not hearing this right." Jesse tells him.

"No, that's true. Zoom had you. Zoom needed The Flash's speed. And it was him or you. And I was not going to lose you." Harry replies.

"You know, you were my hero. My dad, the brilliant scientist who could accomplish anything he put his mind to. He taught me I could never dream too big." Jesse's eye get watery. "But now... now you're a killer, and I barely recognize you at all."

"Jesse…" Harry sighs.

"No, no, no. Don't... don't worry. I'm not going far." Jesse then walks out of the room.

Later at night, Cisco, Barry and Atchaco were walking down the hallway. "I mean, where did this speedster even come from?" Atchaco asked.

"I don't know, man. All I know is that blur made 60 smackeroos off of me. Ridiculous." Cisco complained as they walked into the Cortex.

"Maybe it's another one of Zoom's henchmen somehow?" Barry suggested.

"The breaches are closed." Cisco reminds them.

"The only other way to become a speedster is from a particle accelerator explosion." Atchaco said.

"Okay, but then why only make yourself known now? You see what I'm saying? We'd have had to seen them in action before." Cisco tells them.

"We're not saying it makes sense; we're just saying that's the only other way to become a speedster." Barry reminds him.

"Well…" Atchaco sighed as she looks over at Caitlin.

"Actually, there's another way." Caitlin admits. A few moments later they all walked over to a containment locker and Caitlin pulls out a vial of Velocity 9. "It's called Velocity-9."

"Ooh, that's a sexy-ass name. What is it?" Cisco questions.

"It's a speed drug. Jay took it when you were on Earth-2 to save the city from a metahuman." Caitlin answers.

"What? How could you not tell me this?" Barry wondered as they walked back into the Cortex.

"I promised Jay I wouldn't." Caitlin tells him.

"Jay, what do you... why?" Barry asked.

"Because Jay knew how dangerous this drug is. I should know, Barry; Snow and I worked on it together." Harry admits.

"Guys, I have been busting my butt out there, pushing myself to the limit, trying to get better, trying to be faster, and you're telling me that there's been something this whole time that could've helped me? This could've helped me take down Zoom. It could have helped me save Earth-2 Joe, save Jay." Barry argues.

"Jay was sick. The drug that he took to regain his speed was also causing cellular degeneration. It was killing him. I tried to help, I tried to find a cure, but in all my experiments, the effects were just temporary. The V-9 is deadly." Caitlin warns as he walks over to the glass case holding Jay's helmet and touches it.

"Why not tell me this? Why keep me in the dark?" Barry questioned.

"Caitlin." Cisco said as he puts his hand on his shoulder. Instantly, Cisco vibes and goes into a vision where he sees Zoom before coming out of it.

"Are you okay?" Atchaco asked.

"Did you vibe?" Harry questioned.

"Uh…" Cisco stammers when suddenly the computer starts beeping. "Metahuman. Yeah, social media app for the win. Bad Flash is back." Barry and Atchaco suit up and speed out of the room. "Bad Flash... what? No. I'm losing my touch over here."

The other speedster was destroying everything in their path. "He's coming up on Fifth and Everett. You can use the alley to cut him off." Cisco informs them. Barry then takes off running just before Macanese. This lead to him getting hit by the other speedster. When Macanese went and helped Barry up they both managed to get a good look at the speedster who happened tp be a girl. The other speedster smiles before taking off.

Later at STAR Labs. "Another lady speedster?" Cisco said before looking at Atchaco. "First human one though. It only took us two years, but we finally got one, a human lady speedster. Hey, here's a question for you, purely scientific, was she good-looking?" Atchaco cleared her throat. "I mean, not as pretty as you are because…" He stutters. "You're gorgeous, perfect almost."

"Cisco." Atchaco sighs.

"Yeah." He wonders.

"Shush." Atchaco tells him.

"You got it." Cisco replies. "But seriously, how did she looks. You know purely scienistifc of course."

"You know, I was a little busy getting my ass handed to me, so I didn't really notice. Not to mention, I have a girlfriend." Barry replied.

"Right, right, right, but, you know, next time, for science?" Cisco said.

"Okay, yeah, next time she punches me in the face, I'll be sure to get her number for you." Barry sighs.

"There you go." Cisco chuckles softly.

"But the question remains, who is she?" Joe asked.

"We have no idea." Barry admits.

"We could run her through the facial recognition." Harry suggested.

"She had a mask on." Atchaco tells him. "Anyway, Triton couldn't even get a match."

"What was her suit like?" Cisco questioined.

"Hey." Caitlin groaned.

"Hey, it's a valid question." Cisco argues.

"It is, actually. How was her suit constructed?" Harry wonders.

"It was good. It was very good. It was like ours." Atchaco replies.

"It was made by somebody who understands the needs of a speedster." Barry tells him.

"So that would be someone with access to tech and a lab." Joe said.

"Oh, no. I'm having a very bad thought." Caitlin admits. A few moments later, Caitlin pulls up a file on the computer screen. "When I designed V-9, I was having trouble formatting the extracellular matrix, so I called a colleague of mine at Mercury Labs for some assistance, Eliza Harmon."

"She knows how to make this speed drug?" Atchaco asked.

"No, I followed the protocols of information compartmentalization. I only gave her three of the eight components necessary for V-9's structure." Caitlin informs them.

"Okay, so she didn't have the full recipe." Barry said.

"Unless she reverse engineered her own V-9." Harry realised.

"Eliza's a genius, but that's way out of character for her." Caitlin argues.

"Well, it's worth taking a look." Joe reminds them.

"I'll go see her." Caitlin said as she grabs her jacket.

"Hey, I'm coming too." Joe tells her and they walk out of the Cortex together.

"Great." Atchaco sighs.

"I'm gonna go train." Barry tells them, walking away. Harry looks over at the table and sees that the V-9 was gone and he knows who took it.

Later at Mercury Labs, Eliza was working in her lab when Caitlin and Joe walk in. "Knock-knock." Caitlin called.

"Am I hallucinating, or is that disgraced ex-Mercury employee Caitlin Snow?" Eliza wondered.

"Eliza Harmon, burning the midnight oil. Don't you ever take a break?" Caitlin questions.

"Well, you know what they say, these thiocyanate ions won't bond themselves." Eliza replies and they both hug.

"Hi." Caitlin greets properly.

"Hi." Eliza returned when she noticed Joe. "Who is your handsome friend?"

"Detective Joe West, ma'am." Joe told her.

"Detective? What brings you around these parts?" Eliza asked.

"Well, that's a funny story." Joe admits.

"You know how there's a speedster that's been wreaking havoc on the city?" Caitlin said.

"Yeah, I heard The Flash went nuts. Thunder might need to find a new partner. Fame will do it to you. I guess some people can't handle the limelight, right?" Eliza replied.

"Well, we happen to know it was someone else. That's why we're here looking into this." Joe informs her.

"Wow, how very 'Law & Order' of you, Caitlin." Eliza retorted.

"Do you remember that formula that you were helping me with a few months ago?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah, vaguely." Eliza asked.

"We think that it was somehow involved." Caitlin admits.

"How? What did you have me working on?" Eliza questioned.

"It's classified, but let's just say it was some kind of enhancement, and we're afraid that my research was stolen." Caitlin tells her.

"Not from this lab." Eliza reples as he turns to face Caitlin. "Okay, between you and me, the place is pretty vulnerable. Ever since that break-in a few months ago, some of us think McGee hasn't sufficiently stepped up security, but I kept my research on lock and destroyed the originals when it was given back to you. But hey, you're free to look around my lab if you want."

"I don't think that'll be necessary." Joe tells her.

"Sorry. I wish I could be more help." Eliza said.

"It's okay. It's actually kind of a relief. Will you call me if you hear anything, though?" Caitlin wonders.

"Of course. That's what friends are for." Eliza reassures her and they hug.

"Thank you." Caitlin replies and then she and Joe walk out of the lab. "So what do you think?"

"For now, we take her at her word." Joe answered.

At Central City Picture News, Iris was still working as it started to rain outside. "West, how's your article coming?" Scott asked.

"Um, great. I have a source who knows for a fact that this speedster is not The Flash but an imposter." Iris tells him.

"Ah, who's your source?" Scott asked.

"I am not at liberty to say." Iris answers.

"Well, if you can't tell me your source, I'm running the original story." Scott replies.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're right; what's one unnamed source compared to dozens of eyewitnesses? Honestly, I'm just... I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around your vision for the story. Something isn't adding up. How about we talk about it some more? Grab some coffee? What you say?" Iris wonders.

"Coffee? Right now?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I mean, a little caffeine never hurt anybody, right?" Iris answered.

"Sure." Scott agreed before Iris grabbed her coat and they walked out the door.

At Mercury Labs, Eliza was still working. "I'm so tired." Eliza complained.

"Oh, well, you've been pushing yourself too hard." A voice inside her head said.

"No, not hard enough. I'm sick of always being passed over for the grant, for the promotion. I'm underpaid and understaffed and six months behind on my research. That's why I started all of this." Eliza replied.

"Your problem is you're too much of a perfectionist. You don't have to be. There's beauty in chaos." She told her.

"I don't have time for chaos. This was supposed to fix things, and it ended up making it worse." Eliza argued.

"Oh, silly girl. You know it makes you feel better to blow off some steam." She chuckles.

"You will say anything for a fix. It's your fault we're hooked." Eliza complained.

"It's Caitlin's fault; if she didn't want us to find out what she was working on, she shouldn't have made it so damn easy." She tells her. Eliza then walks over to her containment case and pulls out her version of Velocity-9.

"There's not enough for both of us. We... we need to save it for an emergency." Eliza informed the voice.

"You take it now; worry about getting more later. You'll thank me." She replied.

Elisa the grabbed a syringe and puts in the Vial of her V9 and injects it into herself. She had lied to Caitlin about having it and was in fact addicted to it. Eliza then walked over to the glass window and sees the reflection of her dressed in her speedster suit. "I know what's best for us and where to get more." Eliza said.

Meanwhile at STAR Labs, Barry was walking down the hallway with his suit as he held a vial for Velocity 9 and puts it away when he sees Harry walk up behind him. "Whatcha doing?" Harry asked.

"Training." Barry lied.

"Training? Allen, don't be stupid." Harry told him as they walked down into the basement with the speed cannon. "I know you took the V-9, Allen."

"No I haven't." Barry replied.

"Oh, no?" Harry said.

"No." Barry repeated as he holds up the vial. "I took it, but I haven't taken it yet."

"Good." Harry tells him.

"Tell me why I shouldn't." Barry replied. "Figure it out. If the game is already rigged, why can't I level the playing field? I mean, if everybody else is cheating, how can... I want to be fast enough to stop Zoom and any speedster that tries to hurt my friends. Shouldn't I use everything in my power to do that?"

"Atchaco isn't cheating, Allen. She is using her own speed." Harry reminds him.

"Atchaco is faster than I am. You saw, she made the canyon jump when I didn't. I know that right now she is going slower so I don't feel bad about myself. But I'm not a cyborg, she is and that seems like cheating to me." Barry argued.

"You want to take a shortcut; is that right?" Harry sighed. "You want to take a shortcut? Remember this. You lose a chunk of your humanity every time you compromise your values."

"Sorry, that's really good coming from you." Harry laughs.

"So don't be like me. Be better. Be like Atchaco. Be like Jay." Harry replied as he walked out of the room. Barry sighs as he looks down at the vial in his hand before dropping it onto the floor and it smashes into a million pieces.

Moments later, everyone is in the Cortex. Atchaco notices that Jesse locked upset. "Are you okay?" She asks her.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." Jesse answered as Harry and Barry walk in.

"Hey, any luck locating our speedster since Eliza checked out?" Barry questioned.

"I'm still working on it, but…" Cisco goes to continue but then electricity starts zapping around them. Barry puts on his mask as Atchaco quickly puts on her suit. Then without anytime for them to react, Macanese and Barry are grabbed and shoved into a cell in the pipeline.

"Hey!" Macanese yells as she hits the glass.

"Time to have some fun." Eliza laughs.

Barry then stands up and bangs on the door. "Hey! Cisco! Hey, Joe! Hey, she's got us in the Pipeline!" Barry calls.

Meanwhile in the Cortex, Joe takes out his gun but gets shoved into a glass door and knocked unconscious before he can do anything. Eliza then quickly grabs Joe's gun before and points it at Harry. "What do you want?" Harry asked.

"Where's the V-9, Caity? I need a fix." Eliza tells her.

"Eliza, is that you?" Caitlin questioned.

"Oh, Eliza's not here right now. My name is Trajectory." Eliza answered.

"Oh, why do the crazy ones always name themselves?" Cisco wonders.

"Look, Eliza, Velocity-9 is very dangerous, okay? It made a friend of mine very sick, and he already had the speed force in him. Look, your cellular system…" Caitlin tries to say.

"Enough! You are boring me to death. Hand over the V." Eliza orders.

"I'm a physician. I took an oath. I can't give you anything that will hurt you." Caitlin reminds her.

"Right, so either hand over the V, or the cat guy gets it." Eliza threatens. She then shoots at Cisco and he ducks behind the case holding Jay's helmet and instantly vibes Zoom but is quick to come out of it. "Hey, move, now."

Cisco then quickly walks over to the others. "Look, all the flasks are gone. There's nothing left." Caitlin tells her.

"Hey, I was really hoping you wouldn't make me do one of those 'I have to kill you each one by one until you give me what I want.' Oh, well." Eliza warns as she grabs Jesse points and points the gun at her head.

"Wait. Wait. You want V-9? We'll make it for you." Harry tells her.

"Dad, you can't." Jesse replied.

"We have all the ingredients." Caitlin said.

"I'm not a patient person, so better move fast." Eliza tells them. Caitlin and Harry then get started on making it as Eliza shoves Jesse to the ground as she continues to point the gun at her.

Later at Jitters, Iris was with her boss. "Ah, latte for me, and a Flash for you. Wow, this guy even gets a drink named after him." Scott points out.

"Yes, he does; he's saved a lot of people's lives alongside Thunder. They just want to show their appreciation." Iris replied.

'A little too much, if you ask me." Scott admits.

"Why can't you see what everyone else sees?" Iris asked as they walk over to a table and sit down.

"A few years back, I won the Dornfeld Award for Investigative Reporting for my story on corruption in the mayor's office. I investigated a man that everyone loved. The mayor was young, telegenic, a former war hero. He was voted in with overwhelming popular support. It was…" Scott chuckles softly. "But... but I knew that his campaign was bought and paid for by the mob."

"Okay, but not everyone is a corrupt mayor." Iris reminds him.

'But I saw him for what everyone else was too blind to see. Everyone wants a hero." Scott tells her.

"Yeah, but in this case, The Flash actually is one." Iris argues.

"Iris, Iris, it's our job to ensure that people, even heroes, are held accountable for their actions." Scott informs her and they both chuckle. "So I'm guessing on your list of dating pros and cons, being anti-Flash is a major dealbreaker."

"Dating pros and... did you think that this…" Iris starts to say.

"Oh, what? No, no. No, forget what I said. I get it. You just wanted to talk about the story some more... To stall." Scott chuckles. "Right, because you're trying to get out of writing this article altogether." He then gets up from the table and starts walking away.

"Scott, wait, please don't leave. I'm sorry, I didn't know that this was…" Iris tries to say.

"Why would you? Excuse me." Scott then leaves from Jitters.

Back at STAR Labs, Harry and Caitlin had finished making V9 for Eliza and she grabs the 4 vials that Harry was holding. "It's what you wanted. Now let her go." Harry said as Eliza grabs the syringe gun off the tray.

"How do I know the two of you didn't lace this with a sedative to put me on my ass?" Eliza questions.

"We wouldn't do that." Harry tells hre.

"You can never be too safe, right?" Eliza said as she injects the V9 into Jesse.

"No!" Harry yelled as he knocks the syringe out of Eliza's hand.

Eliza sees that nothing bad happened to Jesee. "Thanks for the fix, Snow." Elise smiles before speeding away with the vials of V9.

"Get Barry and Atchaco." Caitlin ordered and Cisco runs over to the computer and releases Barry and Macanesefrom the cell. "Are you okay?" Caitlin asked Jesse.

Moments later Barry and Macanese arrive, both of them with their masks off. "Well, good job on the cell, Cisco." Barry says sarcastically when Jesse drops on the floor and starts seizing as foam comes from her mouth.

"Jesse." Caitlin called as Harry runs over to her.

"What happened?" Atchaco asked worryingly.

"Turn her on her side." Caitlin instructed.

"Eliza shot her up with V-9." Harry answered as he does what Caitlin said.

"She's going into shock. It's too pure." Caitlin tells them.

"Stay with me, Jesse. Stay with me." Harry begged.

"What do we do?" Cisco questioned.

"We've got to get the V-9 out of her system." Barry tells them.

"She needs a blood transfusion. The new blood will flush the drug out of her system." Catlin explains.

"What blood type is she?" Atchaco asked.

"PZ negative." Harry answered.

"Yeah, that's not a thing on this Earth, man." Cisco said.

"I'm a match. Jesse." Harry said.

Minutes later, Jesse was getting a blood transfusion from her father. Jesse then wakes up and looks over at him. "Hey." Harry said.

"What happened?" Jesse asked.

"We... you're fine. You're... you're gonna be fine. We got the drug out of your system." Harry answers.

"Oh. Looks like you saved the day again." Jesse said sarcastically.

"Look, honey, I know that this isn't enough. I promise you, though, I'm going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you for the... for that terrible thing that I did." Harry promised.

"Yeah?" Jesse replied.

"Yes." Harry agreed.

"And how many more terrible things are you gonna do to protect me?" Jesse asked.

"What does that mean?" Harry questioned.

"I mean, everything that you do and everything that you have done for me, it's so dark, and... and you don't even see it. I mean, you didn't even hesitate out there." Jesse reminds him.

"Of course not. I'm not going to lose you, Jesse." Harry tells her.

"Okay, but you just gave that crazy speedster everything she wanted without even blinking, without even thinking what other lives could be at stake." Jesse said.

"It is my job to keep you safe, to protect you; that's my job. That's all that matters." Harry replied.

"Well, maybe it shouldn't be." Jesse said as she turns to face away from him.

Meanwhile in thee Cortex they were all cleaning up the mess. "Caitlin, I know she was your friend and all, but homegirl has gone cuckoo bird." Cisco said.

"Now she's out there with more V-9." Atchaco tells her.

"What she doesn't know is, I put in micro tracker in the drug." Caitlin said as she treated Joe.

"Hmm, that's a brilliant idea." Joe said and a few moments later, Cisco starts tracking her.

"You can run, but you can't hide." Cisco said.

'I'm the one to blame for all this, so I need to help fix it." Caitlin tells them.

"There's plenty of blame to go around, Snow. What's her location?" Harry questioned.

"Central City bridge." Cisco answers.

"Why is she running back and forth?" Caitlin asked.

"Villains gonna vill." Cisco replied.

"She's creating friction." Barry realised.

"And at that vibration and speed…" Hary continued.

"What?" Joe wondered.

"Complete chaos. She could destroy that whole bridge." Cisco told him.

"And everyone on it." Atchaco replied.

At Central City Bridge, the people were all getting out of their cars and started screaming as they ran away. Macanese and Barry then show up in their suits as the bridge starts collapsing. "Guys, this bridge is coming down." Barry warns.

"Barry, Atchaco, there's about 200 people on that bridge right now." Cisco informs them and the two speedsters quickly get everyone off.

Eliza then comes up behind Barry and punches him in the face. "You're ruining all my fun." Eliza moans. She then tries to hit Macanese but the cyborg blocks it and then Eliza takes off. She runs over the bridge which then collapses just after she got onto the otherside.

"Trajectory's too far away. You won't get to her running across the river." Cisco tells them.

"We will if we jump." Macanese pointed out.

"Barry, Atchaco, to make that jump, you'll need to go Mach 3.3, but only for a second." Harry explains.

"Okay." Barry said.

Barry and Macanese then get into position. As electricity goes through their eyes they take off running and jump really high and this time, they both make it across. "Yeah, buddy!" Cisco cheered.

Once Barry and Macanese make it to the otherside, Macanese tackles Eliza to the ground. "It's over, Eliza." Barry tells her.

"It is never over." Eliza said as she takes out a syringe with another vial of V9.

"Wait, hey! Stop doing this to yourself. You don't actually want to hurt anyone." Macanese tells her.

"You two don't know anything about me." Eliza argues.

"No, I know you're not a bad person. This is the V-9 in your system. I also know what it feels like to want to be the best. It makes you feel like there's not enough time to accomplish things the right way, but it's a cop-out. And this is killing you. Look at yourself, Eliza. You're not well." Barry tells her and she gasps.

"Let us help you, please." Macanese said.

Eliza then injects herself with another dose. "That is all the help I need. How does it feel to know that I am faster than you two will ever be?" Eliza laughs. "See you around."

When Eliza takes off running the lightning on her body changes colour. "The lightning, it's turning blue." Barry realised. As Eliza was running she screams as she starts to evaporate into nothing. When Barry and Macanese reached her al that was left of Eliza was her suit.

The next day at Central City Picture News, Iris walks over to Scott's office with the newspaper of her article titled: Flash and Thunder Stop Evil Lady Speedster. "Your article was well-written." Scott compliments.

"Thank you. You know, it's a lot easier to write when it's the truth. Not every hero is a fraud. It's okay to believe in them." Iris tells him.

"So I've been told." Scott replies.

"And sometimes, even great journalists, smart and brilliant journalists, can misread situations. And sometimes they can be caught off guard. Look, about the other night, it... it just surprised me. But once the surprise went away, I, uh... Not a dealbreaker." Iris said.

"Noted." Scott told her.

"Okay." Iris smiles as she walks away.

Back at STAR Labs, Harry bumps into Cisco in the hallway. "Hey, have you seen Jesse?" Harry asked.

"No." Cisco answered.

Harry almost walked past the workshop when he sees his watch that he gave Jesse on the table and it was beeping He picks it up and pushes a button and then a message from Jesse plays. "Hey, Dad. It's me. Listen, your job over the years has been to shield me from harm. But now it's my turn to go out into this new world on my own, no shield, and discover what this Earth can offer. You know, you are the best teacher I've ever had, but I don't know what more you can teach me. I love you. Please, don't come looking for me." Jesse said.

Jesse had gone to a bus station and bought a ticket and went on the bus for Opal City. It was time for her to start a life on her own.

Meanwhile in the Cortex. "So Eliza just evaporated from running too fast?" Iris asked as he looked at Eliza's suit.

"Looks like cellular degeneration, same as Jay's." Caitlin said.

"Jay warned us V-9 was dangerous. At least now we know why." Joe told them.

"You find Jesse?" Cisco questioned.

"She went out." Harry answered.

"Barry, what is it?" Atchaco wondered when she noticed Barry looking serious.

"It's just right before Eliza disappeared, her lightning, it turned blue." Barry told them.

"Right. What if it's a side effect of the V-9?" Cisco ponders.

"Yeah, but Jay took Velocity-9, and his lightning didn't turn blue." Caitlin reminds them.

"About how fast was he running?" Barry asked.

"Not as fast as Eliza." Iris said.

"All right, so what if V-9 is what turns your lightning blue?" Atchaco suggests.

"I mean, that would explain why Zoom is so much faster than me." Barry told them.

"If that's true, then that means he's sick, right?" Cisco said.

"He's dying. That's why he wants both your speeds. He's dying, and he needs a cure." Harry realised.

"Same as Jay." Atchaco replied.

"No." Caitlin shakes her head.

"Jay? No. See, he died right in front of us. Zoom killed him right in front of us." Cisco tells him.

"Cisco, we've seen a speedster be in two places at once before." Barry tells him.

"Then I guess there's one way to find out." Harry said, looking at Cisco.

"I guess now would be a good time to tell you all I've been vibing Zoom." Cisco admits.

"What? You... for how long?" Harry asked.

"It started when we closed the last breach. And every time it's happened, I've been near that thing." Cisco looks over at Jay's helmet.

Barry sighs as he walks over to the glass case and shatters it. He then picks up the helmet and holds it out to Cisco. "We need to know." Barry told him.

Cisco touches it and he vibes. He sees Zoom takes off his mask, revealing him to be Jay. Cisco comes out of the vision with a horrified look on his face. "Oh, no. No, no…" Cisco gasped as he dropped Jay's helmet on the ground. "I saw Jay. He's Zoom." Cisco eyes were watery.

Everyone felt shock and betrayal, especially Barry. Barry then gets in his suit and takes of running out of the Cortex. "Barry!" Joe yelled. Barry then runs throughout the city and stops at the canyon. Barry then takes off his mask and does the only thing he felt like doing. He screamed.