Episode 21 - Back to Normal

"It's a regular day in Central City. Nothing out of the ordinary." Barry said as his alarm clock started beeping, signalling it was time to get up. "People wake up. Roll out of bed. Suit up for the day. Get to work as fast as they can. Make sure they get a caffeine fix along the way so they can make it through the mountain of work that awaits them." When Barry had his speed he used to get through everything so fast. But now, since it's gone everything is much slower for him. Normal.

He slowly got out of his bed and looked for clean clothes though he was having a hard time finding some. He also used to super speed around the city to get to places but now since that was no longer an option, he had to ride on the bus and deal with all the noisy passengers. Barry also couldn't get his coffee as fast as he normally did, now he had to wait in line like the rest of the normal people.

At work, he couldn't read through the files fast like he used to be able to with his speed. He had to read it at a normal, regular pace. "Yup, it's just a regular day." Barry continued. He then accidentally dropped his mug. Because he didn't have the speed to catch it, it fell off the table and shattered into pieces. Barry sighs with an annoyed expression on his face. "And I'm just a regular guy."

Later at STAR Labs, Cisco walks holding onto Hunter's helmet. He uses it to vibe to see if Caitlin is okay and she was… for now. "I really wish we didn't have to keep Jay's helmet around. I hate this thing." Cisco complains as he takes his goggles off.

"Cisco, did you see Caitlin in your vibe?" Iris asked.

"Zoom's got her in his lair. She's scared, but she's okay." Cisco sighs.

"Oh, thank God. All right, we need to get her back." Barry reminds her.

"I know. But without your speed, there's no way any of us can get through that breach that Cisco found at the hospital." Joe tells them.

"I can." Atchaco tells them. "I can go through the breach.

"Atchaco." Barry said. "I don't think you should." Atchaco looks down at the floor. "I can't lose another person I care about because of my stupid and reckless mistakes."

"Which means I just don't think there's anything we can do right now." Joe admits.

"He's right." Harry said as he walked in wearing a hat and a bag slung over his shoulder. "And it's thanks to you, Al."

"Enough. We're all suffering here." Joe said.

"That's right. That's right, Detective. We're all suffering. We've lost Snow, Barry's lost his speed, and now... now Zoom can come through that breach anytime he wants. And that, Allen... that's on you." Harry argued.

"Hey, that's on all of us, okay? We made these decisions as a team." Atchaco reminds him.

"No we didn't." Harry huffs as he starts to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Barry asked.

"I'm gonna go find Jesse before Zoom does... again." Harry answered.

"Wait, you found her? How?" Cisco questioned.

"Cellular dead zones, remote... People from my Earth vibrate at a different frequency than people from your Earth. They leave cellular dead zones wherever they go." Harry points to Atchaco. "She's the only one immune."

"That's why I'm always dropping calls around you?" Cisco wonders.

"Okay, so... so wait, how did that help?" Iris asked.

"I track the dead zones created by Jesse since she got here and I follow the trail. It's easy." Harry picks up his gun.

"What, so you think you're gonna need that gun to convince her to leave with you?" Iris questioned.

"You're full of questions today, aren't you, West? The gun is not for my daughter. She's not the only person from a different Earth, hiding out on this one. If I run into them, I'm gonna need this." Harry holds it up.

"Okay, but you're also gonna need some help." Cisco tells him.

"No I do not. I can do this on my own." Harry then walks out.

"He's just a pocket of sunshine." Atchaco says sarcastically.

"Great. I'll be in my workshop." Cisco then also walks out.

"Don't listen to Wells, Barry. This ain't all on you." Joe reassures him.

"Yeah, I know." Barry replied.

"You need a ride back to the station?" Joe asked.

"No, I'm good. I'm gonna stick around, actually. Finished all my cases this morning." Barry answered.

"Damn, that was fast." Joe said and Atchaco glared at him. "That was a poor choice of words. You do know it's okay to ease back into the way you used to do things, right?"

"Well, this is the only way I can fight crime. If I'm not The Flash, that's what I got to do." Barry then turns and walks away.

Later in Zoom's lair, Caitlin chained to the cot she was sitting in. She was looking at the plate of food on it when Hunter whoosed in dressed like Zoom. "You need to eat. Caitlin." Hunter reminds her.

"If you want to speak to me, then take off that mask." Caitllin replies.

Hunter then super speeds away and comes back in his normal clothes. "Does this make you feel better?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing you could ever do would make me feel better." Caitlin answered.

"You don't need to be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you. I care too much about you to do that." Hunter admits.

"You only care about yourself... Hunter." Caitlin argues and he has a flashback of his parents but quickly shakes it off.

" I know you think that I'm a monster. I understand why. But that'll change. Please, Cait…" Hunter tried to say.

"Do not call me that. Why are you keeping me here? You're cured. You don't need me for anything." Caitlin tells him.

"You're here because I love you." Hunter explains. "It may take a while, but someday, you'll start feeling that way about me again, too." Hunter vibrates his hand and unlocks Caitlin's. "Make yourself at home. You're gonna be here a while. Okay?" He then smiles before speeding away.

Caitlin looks down at her hands and takes the chains off. She then slowly gets off the cot and starts looking around. She ends up finding the man in the iron mask knocking on the glass of his cell. "I-I don't understand." Caitlin says.

"Well, hello, doppelganger of mine." A voice calls out. Caitlin turns around and comes face to face with Killer Frost who was in the cell in front of her. "What do you know? I can still pull off brunette."

Later at CCPD, Joe was walking down the stairs when Wally came in. "Dad." Wally said.

"Oh, hey, son. What a surprise. What's up?" Joe wonders.

"Uh, I wanted to ask you about something. Someone, actually. Uh, The Flash." Wally replied.

"What about him?" Joe asked as they walked over to his desk.

"Well, he showed up at my street race when Iris's friend, Atchaco, got hurt. Then, when that man-shark thing attacked our house. And when Zoom took me, he said, 'Someone The Flash knew cared about me' Yeah, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that that's you." Wally answered.

"You want me to tell you who he is? I can't do that." Joe tells him.

"No, I know. I know. I was actually hoping that you could set up a meeting for me." Wally admitted.

"A meeting? Between you and him? I don't know if I can do that either, Wally." Joe replied.

"Well, why not?" Wally asked.

A police woman then walks out of Singh's office. "Joe? Singh wants to see you." She said.

"Okay. Um... Look, maybe one day, but, I mean, not now. I got to get to work. See you at home?" Joe told him and Wally nodded. "All right."

Meanwhile, Harry was knocking on the door of an apartment and a girl opened the door. "The laser tag club's in 2D." She said.

"The?" Harry looks down at his gun. "Oh, no. Uh, I'm looking for Jesse."

"Come on in." She tells him.

"Thanks." Harry walks in.

"Jesse! You're, like, the first person who's ever come to visit her." She admits.

"What? Oh." Harry said.

"How'd you find me?" Jesse asked, walking into the room.

"Jess... Uh, cellular dead zone. I told you, I'd find you wherever you went." Harry explains.

"Wait, so you're a runaway? So you're her dad? Great, let me know if I need to find a new roommate." She said as she grabbed her purse and walked out of the apartment.

"Listen. We need to go." Harry tells her.

"So, what? You think I'll be safer with you?" Jesse wonders.

"Yes." Harry replies.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna pass." Jesse admits.

"Jesse. We need to leave." Harry repeats.

"No, okay? No, I'm not going anywhere with you ever again." Jesse argues.

"You are... you are in danger. Do you understand? You are in grave danger." Harry warns.

"I know! I'm in danger because of you." Jesse replies.

"Because of me?" Harry said, confused.

"Yeah!" Jesse agreed. "Okay, everything that's happened, it's your fault. Zoom hunting us, the metas... moving here. I'm done with it. Okay, you wanted me to start a new life, and that is exactly what I'm trying to do." Her eyes start to water.

"No, Jess... Jess…" Harry tries to say.

"You killed a man!" Jesse interrupts him. "I can't just forgive you for that. And I may be afraid of Zoom, but... but I am just as afraid of you. Please, just... just go." Jesse then walks back into her room.

Seeing no other choice, Harry sighs as he leaves the apartment. Moments later, Harry was on the road and a guy walked onto the middle of the road. Harry tries to swerve out of the way but he ends up hitting the guy. They guy had not moved because of the impact but he had made a huge dent in the van that Harry had been driving. Harry was disoriented when the guy ripped the driver side door before taking him.

Later at STAR Labs, Barry was watching the news. "And a new report shows that petty crimes have been low this month thanks to Thunder, but this is sparking concerns to where The Flash…" They start to say.

"Don't watch that." Cisco muted the TV as he walked in.

"Cisco, everybody's gonna realise sooner or later that I don't have my speed." Barry tells him.

"The later the better. The last thing we need is every criminal in the city thinking they're untouchable, right?" Cisco said when suddenly the computers start beeping.

"What is that?" Barry asked.

"Case in point." Cisco walks over to the computers.

"What? What is that?" Barry questioned.

"It's Harry." Cisco answered.

"What about Harry?" Atchaco wonders as she walks in.

"The camera in the lab van recorded an accident. See, this is my version of crash assist. It's like those Russian dash cams, but, you know, without attack helicopters and bad pop music on the radio." Cisco said. They all look up at the screen and see Harry get taken. "That does not look like an accident."

"First Caitlin's taken, now Wells." Barry complains.

Cisco then tracks down where it happened. "This is where he got taken, but there aren't any traffic cams in that area." Cisco informs them.

"Barry and I are gonna head out there, see what we can find." Atchaco said.

"I'll analyse this footage and see if we can figure out who this is." Cisco replied.

"All right. Wait, what was the last place the van stopped?" Barry asked.

"Woodmen and Shore for about 15 minutes before heading back to Central City. Why?" Cisco wondered.

"That's where Jesse must be. She should know if something's happened to her dad." Atchaco answered.

"Yeah, let's go." Barry agreed. Barry and Atchaco then walked out of the Cortex.

Back in Zoom's lair, Caitlin was standing in front of Killer Frost's cell. "You're... Killer Frost." Caitlin noticed.

"And you're Caitlin Snow." Killer Frost returned. "Your little friend, Cisco, wouldn't shut up about you. Made you out to be some kind of a saint. So tell me, why hide the girls? I mean, you've seen our body, right?" The man in the Iron Mask then continues knocking on his cell. "If I could get my powers to work through this carbine wall, the first thing I would do is shut him up!"

"Who is he?" Caitlin asked.

"Don't know, don't care." Killer Frost answered. "But if he's here, Zoom must need something from him."

"So what does Zoom need you for?" Caitlin questioned.

"That is an excellent question, Caity." Killer Frost admitted. "You know, I've been asking myself the same thing. But doesn't matter now. I'm not gonna stick around much longer."

"Wait, I thought you said your powers don't work inside this cell?" Caitlin reminded her.

"They don't. You're right. So you're gonna help me get out of here." Killer Frost smirked.

"Why would I help you?" Caitlin wondered.

"Listen, honey, there's no way you are making it down that cliff all by yourself. So let's make a deal. You get me out of this box, and I'll help you get home. Might even throw in some wardrobe tips for free. So what do you say, Caitlin? Do we have a deal?" Killer Frost answered.

Back with Barry and Atchaco, they were at Harry's crash site. Atchaco had sped herself and Barry there before they started collecting evidence. "I don't understand. There's nothing around here. What did the van hit?" Atchaco questions.

"I don't know. Something strong enough to exert an equal amount of force back on the van." Barry takes a closer look at the huge dent on the van. "Someone was definitely here, though."

"You think maybe a meta-human?" Atchaco asked.

"Yeah. And if it's a meta that's after Wells…" Barry trials off as he takes a sample from the dent.

"Then they could be from Earth-2." Atchaco finished.

"Probably. We got to get Jesse. Find Wells. Fast." Barry said. Atchaco grabs Harry's gun that was left in the van as Barry grabs his kit. Atchaco then super speeds him away.

Meanwhile, Harry wakes up in an abandoned warehouse. His watch was beeping and he was chained up while his kidnapper stood a few feet away from him.

"Dr. Harrison Wells." He greeted him.

"Yup. And who are you?" Harry wondered.

"Name's Griffin Grey." Griffin introduced himself.

"Griffin Grey? Do I know you?" Harry asked.

"Nope. But you should. I'm one of your mistakes. One of your sins coming home to roost." Griffin answered.

"All right, you think I... I'm from... I'm not... I'm not who you think I am." Harry tried to tell him.

"I know exactly who you are. And you're gonna fix what your particle accelerator did to me." Griffin told him.

"What did the accelerator do to you?" Harry asked.

Griffin walks over and picks up a metal circle. He then crushes it with his hands and tosses it to the side. "That." Griffin answered.

"Well, that's impressive. And all things considered, I don't know that having that kind of strength is the worst thing you could have been given." Harry told him.

"Yeah, that's what I thought at first. And it was a lot of fun. Till I learned it did something else to me, too." He takes out a picture of a teenager from his pocket. "That's me. Last year."

"You're... you're ageing." Harry realises.

"If this keeps happening, I'll be dead in a few months." Griffin explained.

"How old are you, Griffin?" Harry questioned.

"I'm 18." Harry replied.

"Look." Harry sighs. "I'm sorry this is happening to you. But there's nothing I can do to fix it."

"Well, that sucks. 'Cause if you can't figure out a way to help me, Dr. Wells... You're gonna die soon, too." Griffin warned.

Later at STAR Labs, they had found Jesse and brought her back and showed her the footage of Harry's accident. "I never should have left." Jesse said.

"No, this isn't your fault." Atchaco replied.

"Do we know what took him?" Jesse asked.

"That's where things get interesting. That fingerprint that you guys brought in, the one from the van, I mean." Cisco walked over to his computer.

"Yeah, yeah." Barry nodded.

"Belongs to this guy." Cisco pulls up a picture of a teenage Griffin.

"Griffin Grey. A senior at Central City High School?" Atchaco wonders.

"No, wait, I've seen this kid's picture before. He went missing, like, six months ago." Barry told them.

"That's right." Cisco confirmed.

"That doesn't make any sense. An 18-year-old didn't kidnap Wells." Barry replied.

"That's what I thought at first, but feast your eyes on this." Cisco pushes a button on the computer and the pictures match.

"Whoa. It's the same guy." Atchaco realised.

"Yeah, the blood sample confirms it." Cisco agreed.

"How is that even possible?" Atchaco asked.

"I'm not sure yet. Without Caitlin here, I can't really analyse the cells on a molecular level to see what we're dealing with here." Cisco admitted.

"You know, I might actually be able to help." Jesse said.

"How?" Cisco questioned.

"Bio-chem was one of my majors in college." Jesse answered.

"One of your majors? How many did you have?" Barry wondered.

"Five." Jesse smiled and everyone looked at her, shocked. "What, is that not common here?"

"Girl, no, that is not common anywhere." Atchaco told her and they laughed.

"All right, let's search for that Grey, see what we come up with. I'll see if facial recognition brings him up and I'll have Joe check CCPD's database." Barry said.

"Cool." Cisco looks at Jesse. "See what you can do."

Back on earth two, Caitlin was trying to figure out how to free Killer Frost and currently she was connecting wires to Killer Frost's cell. "Tick tock, tick tock." Killer Frost said.

"I'm going as fast as I can. Well, you better go faster. Zoom will be back any minute." Killer Frost warns.

"I could just leave you in there, you know." Caitlin reminds her.

"Oh. But you want to go home so badly." Killer Frost replies.

"So how did this happen to you?" Caitlin asked.

"Woke up one day, cold, pale. Thought I was sick. Turns out it was something else entirely." Killer Frost starts making her hands colder.

"You got hit by the dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion?" Caitlin wondered.

"Yes. Right after I flunked out of med school. Had to move back in with my mother." Killer Frost answered.

"That couldn't have been fun. If she's anything like mine, I mean." Caitlin admitted.

"Why? Is yours a frigid narcissist, too?" Killer Frost asked.

"Cold as ice." Caitlin replied.

"Yeah. Mom was like that ever since Charlie died." Killer Frost said.

"Who's Charlie?" Caitlin questioned.

"My brother." Killer Frost told her.

"I never had a brother." Caitlin informed her.

"No? Then why was Mom such a bitch on your Earth?" Killer Frost wondered.

"Honestly, I couldn't say." Caitlin admitted.

"So... how is this going to get me out of here?" Killer Frost asked as she examined the wires.

"The electrical current in the cable should heat up the carbine, which in turn should speed up the electrons and the faster they go…" Caitlin started to say.

"The weaker its molecular structure becomes." Killer Frost realised.

"Exactly." Caitlin conformed.

"I studied every once in a while." Killer Frost smiled.

"Well, when it gets hot enough, it should make the carbine as fragile as glass." Caitlin explained.

"And then we can both get out of here." Killer Frost replied.

Late at night, Joe was up in Barry and Atchaco's lab. He was looking through the CCPD database when Wally walked in. "Wally." Joe greeted him.

"Hey, Joe." Wally returned.

"What's up? You look like you got something on your mind." Joe noticed.

"Yeah, I do." Wally admitted.

"Please don't tell me you drove all the way over here to ask about The Flash again. It's... it's not happening, Wally." Joe tells him.

"But... it's just one time. That's all I'm asking." Wally said.

"It's impossible." Joe replied.

"He saved my life, Joe." Wally reminded the older man. "I owe him a thank you. Look. I've been reckless my whole life. Racing cars, pushing limits. I did everything at full speed without a care in the world. But it wasn't until Zoom took me that... that I really thought I was gonna die. And I was going to die, if The Flash didn't do what he did. He gave up his powers to save me. A guy he didn't even know. No one's ever done anything like that for me before. I need to tell him how much that means to me."

"Well, all right. Uh... just give me a little while. I'll see what I can do." Joe informs him and Wally nods. Joe's phone then vibrates and the detective stands up. "I need to go."

Wally gives Joe a hug. Joe laughs before returning it. "Hey, Dad. Thanks." Wally told him and Joe left the room.

Back at STAR Labs, Barry and Atchaco were in the Cortex when Cisco and Jesse walked in. "Yo!" Cisco called.

"In here." Atchaco replied.

They walked into another room where Barry and Atchaco were. "I got your text. What's up?" Cisco wondered.

"All right, facial recognition just picked up Grey breaking into Ace Chemical down on Newbury Road." Barry told them.

"Is my dad with him?" Jesse asked.

"I don't know yet. But we have to go." Barry answered.

"Uh, you sure about that?" Cisco questioned.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Look... we can't just sit here. Regardless of whether I have my speed or not, I have to try to help. That's never gonna change." Barry told him.

"Okay." Cisco sighs. "I'm with you, but we're gonna need some backup."

"I'm coming with you guys and Joe's on his way." Atchaco reassures them.

"I'm coming with." Jesse said.

"No, look, please just stay here. We don't know what we're dealing with yet. Just finish running the test on the blood sample. I'm sorry. Thank you, Jesse." Barry told her. Atchaco then quickly puts on her suit before they all walk out of the Cortex leaving Jesse alone, who sighs.

Later at Ace Chemical, they all arrive to see someone taking something from the warehouse. "Griffin Grey, CCPD! Stay right there." Joe ordered as he pointed his gun at them.

"The man that you kidnapped, Harrison Wells, you need to let him go." Macanese tells him.

"I can't do that. Not yet." Griffin argues.

"Then we'll have to do this the hard way." Joe warns.

"I guess so." Griffin replies. He then picks up a metal container and throws it at them. The guys shoot it as Macanese speeds out of the way before whatever was in it exploded.

"Okay, He-Man's got some power." Cisco noticed.Griffin then threw another container at them. "And accuracy."

"All right, keep him distracted, okay?" Barry then gets up and sneaks off.

"What? Barry! Barry!" Cisco tried to call on him.

"Don't worry, I'll help him." Macanese then super speeds to the other side of the room.

"I can do this all night." Griffin throws yet another container.

"We just want Wells. Just let him go." Joe told him.

"Not until I'm done with him!" Griffin yelled as he continued to throw things. Barry then steps out and shoots the gun at Griffin but it doesn't work. Griffin then throws a metal container at Barry but Macanese intercepts it and groans slightly. "Too slow." He then starts ageing again before their eyes before he takes off.

"Barry! Macanese!" Joe called as he and Cisco ran up to them.

"Maz, you okay?" Barry questioned.

"I'm just fine." Macanese replied.

Later they were all back at STAR Labs. "So his genes have actually mutated. I ran the DNA from the blood sample Barry found, and the functional myostatin in his cells is essentially gone. I mean, giving him super-strength." Jesse explained.

"Guys, there's something else. Um, we saw him age. Right in front of us." Barry admitted.

"He's suffering from oxidated stress. It means the protein in the DNA in his body are being ravaged by oxidants." Jesse informed them.

"So, what, he needs to up his blueberry intake?" Joe wondered.

"No, it means, uh, the more he exerts himself, the faster he ages." Jesse laughs softly.

"So if we can get him to exert too much energy…" Barry starts to say.

"Then he'll become old and weak." Atchaco realised.

"And how do you think we're gonna do that? I can't watch you both be a human punching bag until he turns into Grandpa Simpson." Joe tells them.

"I think we can fix that. Jesse, I'm gonna need some of that quick thinking of yours." Cisco told her and he and Jesse walked away.

"Atchaco." Joe motions to Barry who was looking at his suit. "I got to get back to the station. Then I have to fill Iris in on what is happening." Joe then also walks out of the room.

Atchaco then walks over to Barry. "You okay?" Atchaco questions.

"No, not really." Barry sighs. "You know, you were the first person I saved after we got our powers? We were out on a walk and we were talking about Eddie and how Iris was with him, and I was thinking to myself how I missed a lot while I was in that coma. And then all of a sudden, those cars came at us. And it was like the world froze. And even though Iris was with us… it was like... you and I were the only two people in the world. I didn't even know what I could do yet… we didn't know what we could do, but I knew that I could save you. And I did. And Iris too." Barry sighs again. "And now, I don't know. I don't... I just don't even know who I am anymore or who I'm supposed to be."

"Barry, you're supposed to be the same guy that you've always been. Suit or no suit... that guy is a hero." Atchaco reassures him.

Later, Harry was putting things into test tubes that Griffin had gotten for him. "That's everything you asked for. How do you sleep at night? Knowing you've destroyed so many people's lives?" Griffin wonders.

"I don't." Harry admits.

"Do you have anyone in your life that you care about?" Griffin asked.

"I have a daughter." Harry answered.

"I used to have someone in my life that I cared about." Griffin told him. "My girlfriend, Jenny. We were gonna get married, have kids someday. But after I got hit by that wave from the particle accelerator, all my dreams ended. You know, I see her sometimes, walking down the street. She doesn't even recognize me. But why would she? I look as old as her dad. You robbed me of her."

"Griffin. Stop talking. So I can concentrate." Harry said.

"Wake up, man." Griffin continued. "This city is screwed up because of you. It was quiet and normal. Until you rode in on your high horse, talking about science and changing the future. You didn't stop to think about what your particle accelerator could do to others. You only thought about what it could do for you."

"Enough!" Harry throws a glass container. "Enough."

"I hope it was worth it. Doc." Griffin then walks away.

Back with Caitlin and Killer Frost on earth two, Caitlin was about to set her doppelganger free. "Stay away from the wall." Caitlin said.

"Let's give it a whirl." Killer Frost replies, backing away. Caitlin walks over to the lever. She then pulls it and electricity hits the glass of Killer Frost's cell. After this was done, Caitlin packed up a mallet and smashed the glass of the cell and Killer Frost was free and Caitlin laughed softly. "Well... looks like you have a little badass in you, after all." She then steps out of the cell.

The man in the iron mask starts knocking on his cell again. "What are we gonna do about this guy?" Caitlin asked.

"Oh, Caity. I don't think he's ever going home. And neither are you." Killer Frost admits. She then shoots ice towards Caitlin but she manages to move just in time.

"What are you doing? I thought we had a deal." Caitlin reminded her.

"Ugh, is everyone on your Earth this gullible?" Killer Frost mocked. Caitlin then tries to make a run for it but Killer Frost makes the floor icy which causes Caitlin to fall and slide across the floor. "Heels aren't the best on ice, are they? You know, once I saw you, I realised why Zoom didn't kill me. Because I look just like you. Now he won't need me anymore." She then shoots an icicle at Caitlin. Zoom phases through Caitlin and grabs the icicle. Once he grabs the icicle he speeds over to Killer Frost. He then grabs her by her chest and stabs her in the chest with her own icicle.

"No. I don't." Zoom growled. He then drops the dead metahuman on the ground and takes off his mask before facing Caitlin. "Try that with him... he dies, too." He then speeds away.

Back at STAR Labs they were all searching for the rapidly ageing metahuman. "Not picking up anything from facial recognition." Barry informed him.

"The only cellular dead zone I can find is the one in here. No offence." Cisco said.

"No, wait a second, was he wearing his watch when he left to get me?" Jesse asked.

"Already tried that. GPS isn't working." Cisco answered.

Jesse pushes Cisco out of the way as she starts typing. "Okay, no, but the meta-human activity would be. I mean, the watch is designed to track metas, right? And since Griffin Grey is one, it'll keep sending a message to a server till it goes through." Jesse explained.

"But since we're on a different Earth, it'll never go through." Cisco reminds her.

"So it just keeps sending the same signal." Atchaco realised.

Cisco then tracks the signal. "There he is, Central City Amusement Park." Cisco informed them.

"Yeah, and I'm coming with this time." Jesse tells them.

"Okay, great, we've found Harry, but how are we gonna stop Grey?" Atchaco questioned.

"I'm so glad that you asked." Cisco laughs. "Jesse and I upgraded the internal lining of the suits. Felicity hooked us up with some dwarf star alloy." Cisco replied.

"Wait, dwarf star alloy?" Atchaco ponders.

"It's the same compound that's used to protect Ray's A.T.O.M. suit." Barry said.

"That's right. Super strong, super lightweight. Only thing is, we couldn't get much of it." Cisco admitted.

"All right, what does that mean?" Atchaco asked.

"We could only cover the chest portion of the suits." Cisco answered.

"Oh." Barry sighed.

"Yeah, sorry." Jesse apologised.

"Uh, here's the other thing... Probably not a big deal... Um, I'm guessing the suits will only absorb one of Grey's punches." Cisco informs them.

"Mm." Barry hums.

"Anything more than that, you'll be like a piñata. Only it won't be candy coming out, it'll be…" Cisco starts saying.

"Me." Barry finished.

"You're... yeah, you." Cisco agreed.

"Yeah. All right. Hopefully, one gimme punch is all I'll need." Barry sighs.

Later at the amusement park. "All right, then. Finished." Harry hands Giffin a test tube.

"This is gonna cure me?" Griffin asked.

"As we say in science, I'm cautiously optimistic." Harry answered.

"You know, I learned a lot about chemistry in the past two years." Griffin admitted.

"Is that right?" Harry wonders.

"And I know all you've been doing is diluting that compound for the past half hour. You don't know how to help me, do you?" Griffin questioned.

"There is no helping you." Harry informed him.

Griffin gets pissed and smashes the table. "I told you you were gonna fix me or you were dead!" Griffin reminds him. He hits Harry across the face, this sends him flying to the ground. Griffin's surveillance feed then starts beeping and he sees someone was coming.

Moments later, Joe, Barry, Cisco and Macanese were all standing outside. "Why is it that bad guys always insist on having the creepiest hideouts?" Cisco asked.

"'Cause they crazy." Joe answered.

"Right." Cisco replied.

In the van, Iris was sitting with Jesse after they had both been caught up to speed on everything. "Hey, Barry, Maz. Grey's headed your way." Iris informed them.

"Come on. Hey, come on." Barry said. They then quickly ran and got into position as they saw Griffin walk up.

"You ready?" Cisco questioned and the two speedsters nod.

"Okay, Iris. On my mark. Three... two... one. Now!" Cisco ordered. Iris then pressed a button in the van that turned on all the lights in the park.

Macanese the super speeds up to Griffin and flips him over. When he stands back up, Barry walks up to him and throws a few punches at him. "That all you two got, Flash, Thunder?" Griffin taunts.

"We just want Dr. Wells." Macanese admits.

"And I wanted him to fix me. But he can't. So once I finish you two, I'm gonna finish him." Griffin informs them.

"Freeze!" Joe shouted as he pointed his gun at him as Cisco stood beside him. Griffin picks up a small cart from one of the rides and throws it at the two. However, Macanese speeds over and moves Cisco and Joe out of the way before they could get injured.

"Come on!" Barry yelled as Griffin starts to age again and the lights turn off.

"Okay. I think one more punch, and we get this guy a walker." Cisco told them.

"Hey, guys, we got him. He's over by the Ferris Wheel." Iris informed them. The lights then turn back on and Griffin looks much older than he did seconds ago and the speedsters walk up to him.

"Look. We can help you." Macanese tells him.

Giffin holds up his shaking hands. They were old and wrinkly. "It's too late for that. Not everyone got the powers you two did. Some of us weren't so lucky." Griffin reminds them.

Griffin then hits Barry in the chest and sends him flying against a metal trash can. He then does it to Macanese and she slides along the ground instead. Joe and Cisco then come running in. "That was the gimme." Joe warns them.

Barry stands up and faces Griffin. "Griffin. Please stop." Barry says .

"I might be getting older, but I'm stronger than ever." Griffin walks over to Barry.

He then throws another punch at Barry. Luckily, Barry ducks out of the way. Griffin then starts to age even more as he tries to punch Barry again. This time, Griffin managed to hit Griffin in the chest and it sent him flying back. "Barry!" Macanese yelled. With that final hit, Griffin got so old that he collapsed to the ground.

Joe, Cisco and Macanese then run over to Barry. "You okay?" Joe asked as they help Barry stand up.

"Ugh." Barry groans. "Yeah, I'm good. Could've used more of that dwarf star alloy."

"Next time, let the cyborg handle it." Macanese told him and Barry smirked. Barry and Macanese then walk over to Griffin. Barry bends down and turns him over and they are all surprised to see that Griffin was back to his 18 year old self.

Moments later, they all find Harry in the warehouse of the park and they all look relieved. Jesse runs over to father and hugs him tightly and Harry hugs her right back. Jesse then unties him and he stands up. "I'm so sorry." Jesse apologised.

"I'm sorry, too." Harry admits.

Later, Harry and Jesse were back in their room at STAR Labs. "Home sweet home." Jesse said.

"Yeah, well... to be honest, it hasn't felt much like a home in a while. At least, certainly not since you left." Harry told her.

"Yeah. Look, I'm sorry, Dad, for just leaving like that. But... I mean, you have to understand, I'm the reason you killed that man. And that's a really heavy burden to bear." Jesse replied.

"I know. I know... I also know that what I've done, it's unforgivable." Harry sighs. "When your mother died, honey... something inside me broke. I couldn't protect her. And I swore... I swore on her grave, no less, that I would protect you, and then Zoom took you, and I snapped. I just snapped." His voice starts breaking. "I couldn't breathe, I... I couldn't lose the only other person that I love."

"Yeah. Yeah, I get that. I understand why you did everything you did to protect me. I mean, you were only missing one day, and I would have done anything to find you." Jesse's eyes start watering and Harry laughs softly. "But, I mean... I need to know that that's never gonna happen again. Okay? Every time I stay out late or get in trouble, you can't track me down or hurt someone 'cause you're trying to save me."

"Yeah, but you're in danger." Harry reminded her.

"I know." Jesse replied.

"Okay. I will make you a promise. I promise you, I will be the kind of father that you can be proud of. If you promise me you will never run away from me again." Harry offered.

"Okay. Okay, deal." Jesse laughs and they then give each other a hug. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you, too. My little Jesse Quick." Harry returned.

Later at the rooftop of Jitters, Wally and Joe are standing and waiting. "Relax, he'll be here." Joe chuckles once he sees how nervous Wally is.

"What should I say? I don't even know where to start." Wall admitted.

"Just be honest. Speak from your heart." Joe told him.

"Okay." Wally replied.

"Wally West." A voice called. They both turn around to see The Flash standing on the rooftop of the building.

"I'll see you at home." Joe then walks away.

"You wanted to see me." Barry reminds him.

"Yes. I did. I mean, I... I do." Wally mumbled before he clears his throat. "I just wanted to thank you for saving my life. And I know that that came at a huge price for you. And I don't know how I'll ever repay that. I guess, what I wanted to say was that... I'm not gonna waste this chance that you've given me. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Wally." Barry tells him. He then smiles and walks away. Wally laughs with a smile on his face, he had just met the scarlet speedster and he was so excited.

Back on earth two, Caitin was back to being chained to the bed in Zoom's lair. "You okay?" Hunter asked.

"Stay away from me." Caitlin told him.

"Killer Frost tried to kill you, Caitlin. I saved your life. You should thank me." Hunter replied.

"I just want to go home." Caitlin admitted.

"No. Stay." Hunter said.

"I want to leave!" Caitlin argues and Hunter gets flashbacks of his mother's death. "Please. Take me back to my Earth."

"You know… I've always measured my success by counting the number of victims I've had. But now I think I'm going to widen my scope. Start counting the number of Earths I conquer, instead. You want to go home? Then let's go. After all, this Earth has already been brought to its knees." He laughs before speeding away with Caitlin.

The next day, Barry was standing in the Cortex and looking at his suit when Harry walked into the room. "Wow. You're here early." Harry pointed out as he drank his coffee.

"Yeah. I couldn't sleep." Barry admitted.

"Me neither." Harry told him.

"I know that we just took down Grey without my powers, but... I have no idea how to get Caitlin back without them." Barry said.

"We can't, Allen." Harry replied.

"Then what are we gonna do?" Barry asked.

"You know, Grey... Grey kidnapped me because he thought I was the Harrison Wells from this Earth, and I know he was talking about another guy, but I just... I can't help but think... I still haven't paid for what I've done." Harry informs him.

"What does that mean?" Barry questions.

"I thought, you know, when you... When we closed the breaches, I could just forget about everything I've done, but I can't. I realise what I can do. You are gonna get your speed back, Allen. And I'm gonna help you do that." Harry reassures him.

"How?" Barry asked.

"By creating another particle accelerator explosion." Harry laughs softly.