Episode 22 - Rupture

It was late at night and the police were in the middle of a high speed chase. Cisco was sitting inside STAR Labs as he looked at the chase. "Macanese, Barry, there's a high-speed chase heading south on Milton Ave." Cisco informed them.

Tires screech as the police lose the thieves. "We lost 'em." One of the criminals said. They laugh but that quickly stops when they see electricity behind them. "Not gonna lose them, though."

"You wanna bet?" His partner grins and they start going faster.

Back at STAR Labs, Cisco is watching this happen. "Oh! Oh! You wanna play? Okay! All right. Get ready to bring it!" Cisco said as Barry ran on the treadmill.

"They're not slowing down." Iris noticed.

"Of course not!" Barry told her.

Meanwhile back on the road. "There's our out... the tunnel! Take the tunnel!" One ordered as he pointed to in front of him.

Back at STAR Labs. "They're headed for the Fifth Street tunnel. Satellite can't project in there." Cisco warns.

"What? You just thought of this now?" Iris said.

"I didn't think he'd actually try to outrun The Flash!" Cisco admitted.

"It's okay. I'll get them." Macanese said through her ear piece.

"Maz, you sure?" Cisco wonders.

"Yep, but I'm gonna need a plan." Macanese replied.

"Okay." Cisco said.

"Lightning. Lightning toss!" Barry called out.

"He wants to do the lightning toss." Iris told them.

"Nope. No lightning. It's a hologram. Remember?" Cisco reminds him.

"Just…" Barr grunts as he motions the toss.

"No. No, no. The wind-up!" Iris realised.

"So we can block their field of vision. Yes! Of course. All right, Cisco. This is where all those countless hours gaming in your basement are about to pay off. Fingers, don't fail me now. Leerooooy...!" Cisco pulls on the joystick.

Back on the street, Macanese starts to run around the thieve's car as the flash hologram does the same thing. "Ah, my eyes! What is this?" They complain. They stop the car and try to make a break for it but why get cornered by Macanese and the flash hologram from the front as the police pull up.

"Hands in the air!" The Police order and the thieves comply. Macanese and the hologram then super speed away.

Back at STAR Labs, Barry was taking off the equipment he used for the hologram and walked in the Cortex. "I need a breather." Barry goes and sits down and Cisco chuckles.

"I didn't think this hologram thing was gonna work, but so far, so good." Iris admitted as she high fives Cisco.

Macanese then comes speeding as she takes off her mask. "Good work, guys." Atchaco smiled.

"I mean, I figured if they could get 2Pac rapping again at a concert, we could definitely get The Flash running around Central City." Cisco laughs.

"It's not gonna last." Harry walks in.

"There it is." Cisco sighed.

"It's not gonna be long before someone figures out, 'Oh, wait. You never say anything. You never touch anything. Oh, wait. You never go indoors.'" Harry reminds them.

"Okay, well, without Barry's speed, this is as good an idea as any." Iris tells him.

"Actually, I beg to differ. I think a better idea, instead of playing 'Hoodlums and Holograms' would be to rebuild the particle accelerator to get Barry's speed back." Harry suggests.

"Yeah, Wells, that's what you keep saying." Barry replies.

"That's right." Harry confirmed.

"Look at what that explosion did to this city." Barry told him.

"Not to mention, last time we tried something like that, we blew a hole in the universe and created, like, 50 portals to your Earth." Cisco reminds him.

"Which is exactly how Zoom and his henchmen got here in the first place." Atchaco finished.

"I told you. I know how to contain the explosion." Harry replied.

"Really?" Barry wonders.

"Yes." Harry said.

"You know how to contain a dark matter explosion that, last time, just radiated all of Central City? You tried this on your Earth, remember? Didn't go so well." Barry accused him.

"And, even if you could contain it, I thought you said that Barry couldn't tap into the Speed Force anymore." Iris told him.

"It wasn't connected the first time he got his powers." Harry reminds him. "Look, I have your Wells's data. The Harrison Wells from this Earth, I have his science. I know what chemicals need to be in your body. I know how the lightning needs to bond with the dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion. I can recreate the circumstances to get you your speed back. This will work. Your subterfuge... is not gonna last. But more importantly... it's not gonna save Snow. It's not gonna bring your Caitlin back. You wanna be ready should Zoom return... if Zoom returns... when Zoom returns... there is only one way to do it, and that's by getting your speed back."

Later, Barry goes to visit his father at the cabin he was living in. "Hey." Barry greeted him.

"Hey." Henry returns as he hugs Barry.

"How are you?" Barry asked.

"You made it." Henry answered.

"Yeah." Barry agreed as they pulled out of the hug.

"Look at this. Come inside. Get warm." Henry greeted/

"Yeah. Wow." Barry said before they both walked into the cabin. "Sure is a pretty drive up here."

"It is that. I can't help but wonder why a speedster needs a car." Henry pondered.

"Because I am no longer a speedster." Barry admitted.

"You've lost your powers?" Henry asked.

"I gave them up to save Wally, Joe's son. Zoom had him, so it was either give him my speed, or... I couldn't let Wally die." Barry answered.

"No. You couldn't." Henry agreed.

"Now Jay has taken Caitlin, and we have no idea how to save her." Barry informed him.

"Jay took Caitlin?" Henry questioned.

"Jay. It's... yeah. Turns out Jay Garrick is not the Flash from Earth-2. He's Zoom." Barry explained.

"Garrick?" Henry wondered.

"Garrick, yeah. Why?" Barry told him.

"My mom's maiden name." Henry shrugs.

"Maybe... maybe Wells is right. Maybe I should try to get my powers back." Barry admits.

"How would you do that?" Henry asked.

"By recreating the particle accelerator explosion." Barry answered.

"And getting struck by lightning again? That doesn't seem like the safest option, does it?" Henry pondered.

"No." Barry shakes his head.

"I've watched you grow ever since you became The Flash, and I am so proud of that man. But ask yourself, do you really need powers in order to be that person?" Henry wonders.

"It just feels like every time something good happens in my life, it's taken away." Barry tells him.

"Well, maybe it's time we did something about that." Henry replied.

Later at STAR Labs they were all looking at the magine that was going to help Barry get his speed back. "It looks like the Vacuum." Cisco noticed.

"Uh, what's the Vacuum?" Jesse asked.

"No 'Fringe' on Earth-2. Noted." Cisco said.

Atchaco looks at the machine. "What is that thing?" She wondered.

"That is how Barry's gonna get his speed back." Harry replied.

"This is what you've been working on in the workshop?" Cisco questined.

"Someone has to worry about Zoom." Harry reminds them.

"Okay. Barry cannot do this." Cisco replies.

"He has to, Ramon." Harry said.

"You keep calling me that, but that's…" Cisco's voice is cut off when he suddenly has a vision of his brother being pissed off. "Dante?" Seconds later, he comes out of his vision with a surprised look on his face.

"What did you see? Zoom? Did you see Zoom?" Zoom asked.

"No. I saw my brother. I got to go." Cisco then walks away.

A second later, Henry and Barry walk into the room. "See where everybody is. Hey." Henry greets them.

"Henry?" Atchaco questions.

"Atchaco. Hi." Henry greets her.

"It's so good to see you." Atchaco replies as she hugs him.

"Aw, you too." Henry admits.

"I guess Barry dragged you back for a bit, huh?" Atchaco pointed out.

"Looks like maybe for good." Barry said.

"Wait, what? Seriously?" Atchaco wonders.

"Yeah, yeah, I figured I spent enough time away from my son." Henry lays his hand on Barry's shoulder.

"Have you told Joe? Iris?" Atchaco asked.

"I've called Iris and no, I wanted to tell him in person." Barry answered.

"Yeah. I think he's with Wally at CCPD. I'll have Iris give him a call." Atchaco told him.

"Good to see you." Henry repeats and Atchaco smiles.

"Yeah. Let's get settled." Barry replied as they both walked away.

Later at CCPD, Joe is standing with Wally. "Your sister called, checking in when we'd be home." Joe told him.

"As in, we need to get going?" Joe asks.

"Thanks." Joe hands a file over at the front desk before turning to face Wally. "You know your sister."

"Okay, move it. Let's go. Do you ever get sick of this job?" Wally wonders as he sees an officer walk in with a perp. "Being a cop?"

|Oh, looks like someone inherited the West I-need-to-help-people gene." Joe smiles.

"Ever since The Flash saved me, I just... I don't know if designing cars is what I'm meant to do with my life." Wally admits.

"Well, I'm sure there's something out there that'll satisfy your need for speed and helping people, but, until then, you should stick with engineering. It's much safer. We should get going before Singh comes up with something for me to do." Joe replies and Wally chuckles. Suddenly, Zoom appears with Caitlin and he leaves her on the top of the stairs. He then stands in front of the police officers. "Zoom!" Joe holds his gun up to the criminal.

"Hello, old friend." Zoom said.

"Stay away from him." Joe pulls Wally behind him.

"Do not move." Singh orders as he draws his gun.

"Or what? You've tried your guns on me once before." Zoom reminds them.

"No! Don't hurt them. Let them go, please." Caitlin begged.

Zoom looks up at Caitlin before looking back at the police. "Tell everyone that this city is mine. Anyone who disobeys me will meet their end." Zoom informs them.

"All right. Clear out!" Singh said. Joe looks up at Caitlin and she nods as everyone starts leaving.

Later at STAR Labs, Joe tells everyone what happened. "Caitlin's with Zoom." Joe informs them.

"Why would he bring her here?" Iris asked.

"To show power. That's exactly what he did on my Earth." Harry answered.

"What are you talking about?" Joe questioned.

"The first thing he did was murder people. Slaughtered a bunch of policemen. Then recruited every meta-human he could find. And those that disobeyed, he killed too." Harry explained.

"Where are the police now?" Atchaco wondered.

"Outside the precinct." Joe answered.

"He'll kill them, Joe. He'll kill them all." Harry informed him.

"Not with Caitlin with him. She talked him out of killing everyone when he took over CCPD." Joe said.

"That's what we're gonna rely on? Snow talking him out of it? Joe, you need to get those guys out of there." Harry warns.

"What if they set up at Jitters?" Barry questioned.

"That's a good idea... it's just a block away from the precinct." Joe replied.

"And then what? What happens next? You saw what Zoom did on my Earth. He will do the exact same thing here. Barry, we need to get you your powers back." Harry told them.

"There must be another way." Henry argued.

"There's not. There's not." Harry walks away.

"I'm gonna get word to Singh. Get him to set up a task force at Jitters." Joe informs them.

"And then what?" Atchaco asked.

"I don't know yet, but I'm gonna make sure Wally and Jesse are safe." Wall then walks out of the Cortex.

Later at night, Caitlin was handcuffed to a metal pole in CCPD when Hunter walked up. "You know they're gonna figure out a way to stop you, right?" Caitlin said.

"Who? Barry? Atchaco? Wells? The police? No. Nobody can stop me now. Not anymore." Hunter told her.

"So...what's your plan? You're just gonna kill everyone?" Caitlin wonders.

"Not everyone." Caitlin replies.

"Then why are you keeping me here?" Caitlin asks.

"'Cause I don't want to be alone anymore." Hunter answers as he gets quick flashes of his life.

"I am never going to be with you." Caitlin informs him.

"You think that you're not like me, but I've seen the darkness inside of you, Caitlin. Just like it was inside Killer Frost. All you have to do... is unlock it." Hunter then speeds away. Caitlin then notices a box under a desk and begins to reach for it.

Later at a Tarven, Cisco walks in and spots his brother. Dante was up at the bar and he walked up to him. "Hey." Cisco greets him.

"There she is. Still refuse to dress like a grown-up, I see." Dante motions to the bartender. "One grape soda."

"Ah, no. I'm good. Thanks." Cisco said.

"So... what's wrong?" Dante asked.

"What? Something has to be wrong for me to want to catch up with my brother?" Cisco wonders.

"Yeah, that's usually the way it works with you, isn't it?" Dante mocks.

"Actually, I had this... feeling that I should come see you and make sure you're okay, so…" Cisco trails off.

"Don't tell me I'm gonna be kidnapped by Snart and his pyromaniac friend again." Dante moans.

"Us. You. Me. Us. They kidnapped both of us." Cisco reminds him.

"Yeah, well, you're not the one who almost had his hands frozen off. Lucky I can still play the piano. Well, my octaves haven't quite been the same, but not that that matters to you." Dante replies.

"Dante, I called you, more than once, but, of course, you didn't answer." Cisco said.

"Like I said. Only when something's wrong." Dante repeated.

"Yeah." Cisco scoffs. "Okay. I don't know why I thought that whole experience... that was it. That was gonna bring us closer."

"Cisco, we haven't been close since we were kids. I don't think anything's ever gonna change that." Dante admitted.

Back at STAR Labs, Wally and Jesse were in the time vault. "All right. We'll bring down some more supplies later." Joe hands Jesse a tablet. "How you can reach us."

"And exactly how long are we supposed to be in here?" Jesse asked.

"Until someone lets you out. This isn't ideal... none of it... but Zoom's here, and until he's taken care of, this is what we're doing. This is the safest place for the two of you right now." Joe informs them.

"What are you gonna do?" Wally questioned.

"Whatever we can." Joe answers.

"Joe, let me do something." Wally said.

"Wally, there isn't anything you can do right now. Sit tight." Joe then walks away.

"Okay, well, what about the…" The door shuts as soon as Joe leaves and Jesse momentarily stops talking. "...bathroom?" She and Wally then chuckle.

"This room have Wi-Fi at least?" Wally asked. Jesse smiles as she sighs slightly before shaking her head.

Moments later, Joe walks into the work room where Harry was working on an equation on the board. "Wally and Jesse are all good." Joe informs him.

"Thank you." Harry sighs.

Joe looks up at the huge machine in front of him. "So this is what it takes to get Barry his speed back." Joe ponders.

"Yeah, yeah. It's not uncomplicated, but almost there." Harry told him.

"I told you before, once Barry makes up his mind, it's impossible to change it." Joe reminds him.

"Well, then we need to convince him that this is the only way, before he decides not to do it, right?" Harry wonders.

"Shouldn't have to convince anyone to do anything against his will. Joe, we're talking about Barry, right? I mean, I can't... I can't imagine you don't feel the same way." Henry walks in.

"I mean, right now, I don't know what the right thing to do is." Joe admits.

"Seems clear to me." Henry replied.

"This isn't just about your son. Henry, this is about the people in Central City. About saving those people. This is about stopping Zoom." Harry tells him.

"Your daughter is safe. This could kill my son." Henry reminds him.

"I'm not gonna let that happen." Harry reassures him.

"The last time he was struck by lightning, he was in a coma for nine months, Atchaco was in one for 7. How did that happen?" Henry wonders.

"I know what I'm doing." Harry repeats.

"You are messing with something that is out of your control. And what if it did work? I mean, what then?" Henry looks at the detective. "Joe? He goes up against Zoom, the monster that snapped his back and almost killed him, and then took the one thing that he's convinced now that he needs in order to make him whole?"

"This is the way. This is the only way. The people of Central City need The Flash, not just Thunder." Harry argues.

"Guys." Joe sighs and they all turn to see Barry standing in the doorway.

"I know that you care about me, each of you, in your own way, and you all have your own point of view on this, but this decision is mine. I have to make it on my own." Barry then turns and walks away.

Back at the tarven. "Can you put the Diamonds game on?" Dante asked the bartender.

"Ah, sports. That's my cue. All right, well, this was fun. Um...good hang." Cisco said.

"Whoa. Wait." Dante moves the bill over to Cisco. "Gonna take care of that, right? Dude, you invited me."

"Unbelievable." CIsco shakes his head. Cisco then pays the bill and was about to leave when Zoom came on the news. "Hey, hold up!" Cisco then sees what is on the news and his face widens. "Oh, no." He then runs out of the tarven.

"What? Cisco? Hey, wait." Dante follows him.

Minutes later, Cisco was walking down the street as Dante ran up to him. "Yo! I need a lift home." Dante admits.

"You still don't have a car?" Cisco wonders.

"Some of us don't have a fleet of company cars at our disposal. Dude, it's on the way." Dante reminds him.

"Yeah, okay. Come on." Cisco replied when suddenly, an explosion hits in front of them sending the brothers flying backwards. "You okay?" Dante nods.

They look forward and see a masked man holding an electrical scythe. "Hello, Vibe." He said in a disguised voice.

"Simmer down, Reaper. We got no beef with you." Cisco said.

"Maybe not, but I've got beef with you, Vibe." He replied.

"Why does he keep calling you that?" Dante asked.

"I don't know." Cisco lied.

"You killed my brother, so, now, you die." He told him.

"Oh, my God. You're 'Princess Bride'-ing me right now! You must have me mixed up with somebody else, Inigo." Cisco tells him.

"I don't think so. My brother was Reverb." He informs him. He then takes his mask off to reveal that he is Dante's doppelganger from earth two. "Remember now?" Dante-2 goes to shoot his scythe at them but Cisco notices.

"Move!" Cisco orders.

"He looks…" Dante starts to say.

"Get... get... get in the van!" Cisco helps Dante get onto his feet.

"He looks like…" Dante repeats.

"Now!" Cisco hissed. They ran into the van just as Dante-2 shot his scythe at them.

"I knew there was something wrong. Every time I see you, we get attacked by lunatics with crazy weapons!" Dante complained as Cisco tried to start the van. Dante-2 hits the back doors of the van with his scythe before yanking the doors off the van. "Come on! He's gonna blast us with that thing!"

"No, he's not!" Cisco reassures him. He then puts the van into reverse and backs the van into Dante's evil doppelganger.

"Go! Go!" Dante tells him and Cisco pulls out of there and drives away. "You want to tell me exactly what you've gotten us into this time?"

Later at STAR Labs. "He calls himself Rupture. Another meta-human under Zoom's control from my Earth." Harry told them.

"Great, so he's bringing more of his friends over." Atchaco noticed.

"That's what I told you he would do." Harry reminds them.

"Okay, well, Zoom must've lied to fake-Dante and told him I was the one who k*lled Reverb, 'cause dude wants me dead. We got to do something." Cisco said.

"What else do you know about him?" Barry asked.

"He gets his power from that scythe he wields." Harry explained.

"Thing's legit too... it almost took half the van with him." Cisco informed them.

"All right, then that's what we need to do. We need to figure out a way to get it away from him." Atchaco realised.

"Right. Okay, all right. I'm sure I can come up with something. I just have to figure out a way to not tell Dante why this psychopath looks exactly like him." Cisco then walks out of the room.

"You know what you need to do." Harry said to Barry.

"I need a minute." Barry breathes deeply before turning and walking away/

Moments later, Barry was standing in front of the machine that was going to give him his speed back. "Hey." Atchaco walks in.

"Hey. It should be an easy decision. Why isn't it?" Barry wonders.

"I mean, it's not like you're picking out what sweater you're gonna wear. Getting hit by another particle accelerator explosion? I mean, come on. What if something goes wrong? What if…" Atchaco stops talking and looks at him. "Sorry, this is not helping."

"It's okay. I thought bringing my dad here would make this easier." Barry chuckles softly. "It's just made it a lot harder."

"Yeah, I can understand him not wanting you to do it. He just wants you to be safe." Atchaco told him.

"What about you?" Barry asked.

"Well, last time I had went through it with you and this makes me knowing you're going to do it again, especially without me, harder." Atchaco admitted.

"I know." Barry sighed.

"If you do not want to do this, then I can give you mine, I can give you my speed. I can't influence your decision, but I can give you another road to take to get where you have to be." Atchaco informs him.

"Atchaco…" Barry starts to say. "No, I can't ask you to do that."

"Yeah, I knew you'd say that." Atchaco chuckles. "But you have to know that the original me didn't have these powers. I'm still powerful without them so it wouldn't hurt to try, right?" Barry shakes his head. "Barry." Atchaco sighs. "I need you to know that it doesn't matter to me if you are the Flash or not. You, Barry, that's who I want to see if I have a future with. Or do you think I forgot what Gideon said about us being married in the future last year."

"I really thought you did." Barry tells her.

"I should go see if Jesse and Wally need anything." Atchaco smiles. She then walks away and Barry watches her go.

The next day at CCPD, it was early in the morning and Caitlin was still trying to reach for a box under a desk next to her. "Come on." Caitlin groans. She finally reaches the box and looks through it and finds a cellphone. "Yes!" She hears a door open and quickly pushes the box away and puts the phone in her pocket.

Rupture, Dante's doppelganger walks in as Zoom speeds in front of them. "And?" Zoom wonders.

"He got away, but I'll find him." Rupture tells them.

"Later." Zoom replies.

"He needs to pay for what he did to my brother!" Rupture reminds him.

"And he will. Later, Rupture!" Zoom ordered.

"What do you want me to do?" Rupture added.

"The police have gathered again. They think I've spared their lives. Tonight... show them they're wrong." Zoom answers. Rupture then nods before leaving.

Hunter turns arounds and sees Caitlin watching. "You disapprove?" Hunter wonders as he takes his mask and walks over to her.

"You said you would spare them." Caitlin replies.

"I need to teach them a lesson." Hunter kneels down.

"Is that why you change your voice? So that everyone will be afraid of you?" Caitlin asked.

Hunter quickly gets a flashback of his past before snapping out of it. "As you once said…" Hunter growls as his eyes turn black and his voice becomes deeper. "I'm nothing but a monster." He then speeds away. As soon as he is gone, Caitlin takes out the phone and sends a text that says 'RUPTURE ATTACK JITTERS 2NITE'.

Later at STAR Labs, everyone was in the Cortex when Jesse and Wally contacted them from the time vault. "Can we come out now?" Jesse asked.

"No!" Joe and Harry say in sync.

Suddenly the computer starts chiming. "Something's blinking over here." Joe pointed to the computer.

Harry walks over to the computer and sees Caitlin's message and tracks it. "From CCPD." Harry told them.

"That's Caitlin." Joe realises as Barry and Atchaco walk into the Cortex.

"What about Caitlin?" Barry questioned.

"She sent us a message. Rupture is gonna attack Jitters tonight. We got to move, Barry." Joe tells him.

"What are you gonna do, slugger?" Henry asked.

Barry sighs and looks over at Atchaco. "You know I can't make that decision." Atchaco reminds him and Barry nods.

"Having The Flash might be the best way to stop Zoom and all the metas he's sending over. But, look, until we know for sure that setting off the accelerator will work, it's too risky. Not just for me. For the entire city. Countless others that would be affected if the expl*si*n is not contained." Barry tells them.

"Yes, but Allen…" Harry tries to say.

"Stop, Wells. Look, I'm sorry. I've made up my mind. Sorry. We're gonna have to figure out how to do this with just Thunder." Barry interrupts him.

Later at Jitters, everyone was waiting for Rupture's attack. "Joe, did you reach The Flash and Thunder?" Singh walks up to Joe.

"They'll be here." Joe tells him.

"Great, these guys are almost ready. Put it on '1.'" Singh hands Joe a device and then walks away.

"Hey, we're all set up. Are you sure this is the best plan?"Barry comes walking down the stairs.

"Look, I know you can't help as The Flash, but stopping one of Zoom's cronies sends him a message that we won't be intimidated." Joe informs him.

"You think I made the right decision?" Barry asked.

"I don't know, Bare. Whether you made the right one or not, you're gonna have to live with it." Joe reminds him.

"Yeah. All right." Barry turns around and walks away.

Back at STAR Labs, Cisco was in his workshop when Dante walked in carrying a letter. "What is this?" Dante holds up a letter. "You went to another Earth?"

"You weren't supposed to read that." Cisco takes the letter.

"It was on your desk. It was addressed to Mom and me. So, yeah, I read it." Dante admits.

"Look, I got to go, okay? We'll talk about this later." Cisco tries to tell him.

"No, man, we're gonna talk about this right now!" Dante argues.

"Okay, let's talk about this now. What did you want me to say? 'What up, fam? I know you probably don't care, but I'm going off to another Earth for a hot sec. If I don't make it back in time for dinner, it probably didn't go so well.'" Cisco said.

"Why did you even go in the first place?" Dante asked.

"Because my friends needed my help." Cisco replies.

"What kind of help?" Dante questions.

"They needed me to vibe." Cisco answered.

"Vibe? That's what that lunatic called you, who attacked us. What aren't you telling me, Cisco?" Dante wonders.

"I have powers." Cisco looks Dante in the eyes.

"Powers?" Dante laughs softly and Cisco looks at him seriously. "What, you're, like, a meta-human?"

"I was affected when the accelerator went off two years ago, and now I see things, vibes... of people." Cisco explains.

"Like visions? So that's why you called me." Dante realised.

"Yeah. I had one of you, or at least I thought it was you, until your 'World of Warcraft' doppelganger showed up." Cisco admitted.

"You killed his brother?" Dante asked.

"No, I didn't kill his brother. Of course not." Cisco said.

"Why wouldn't you tell me any of this?" Dante questioned.

Because you're right. It's just like you said. We haven't been close in years and... and there's nothing we can do to change that. Look, I got to go. Um... just wait for me here, okay?" Cisco grabs his stuff and walks out of his workroom.

Back at Jitters, everyone was getting ready for Rupture. "You all set, Cisco?" Joe asked into his radio.

"Yeah, we're set." Cisco answers from where was in the truck and was about to turn on the Flash hologram.

"Here he comes." Joe informs them.

Rupture then walks up to the door of Jitters and breaks down the door with his scythe. Rupture walks in and looks around. "Now, where has everybody gone?" Rupture wonders. Cisco then turns on the hologram and The Flash appears in front of Rupture. "Flash?" Macanese then speeds behind Rupture. "Thunder? Not who I was expecting, but you'll both be a nice warm-up."

He throws a laser blast from his scythe and Cisco makes the flash hologram quickly move away. "Too slow, Rupture." Cisco smiles.

Rupture then turns around and blasts Macanese. She uses her speed and bends backwards and completely avoids the blast. The blast explodes behind her and she immediately gets up and speeds away from him. Macanese and Flash's hologram keeps dodging all of Rupture's attacks. "Come on, Flash! Thunder!" Rupture yelled. Macanese throws a small lightning bolt. Rupture ducks from it and it hits the TV behind him.

"All right. Time to win an Oscar." Cisco said.

"Let's do it." Barry replied. Barry's hologram keeps dodging Rupture until he gets hit with Rupture's scythe. Barry gets thrown backwards in the truck while the hologram falls to the ground.

Rupture was about to finish the flash hologram off when he gets tasered by Joe and Singh and falls to his knees. They kick his scythe away and take his mask off as the rest of the policemen come out of their hiding spots. Joe grabs Rupture and halls him up. "Get up. Are we the guys you were looking for?" Joe wonders.

"Hope you like being alone, 'cause you won't be talking to anyone at Iron Heights." Singh tells him as he starts putting cuffs on him.

Macanese walks up to the camera that Barry had set up for him and Cisco and smiles at them and Barry laughs. "Cisco, we got him. All good." Joe said into his radio.

The reporters then start pointing their cameras at Rupture. "Get back! Get that camera back." Singh ordered.

Meanwhile, Caitlin was watching the news. "Breaking news coming out of Jitters coffee shop. CCPN has learned that a meta-human was just apprehended after an altercation with The Flash and Thunder." The newscaster says. Caitlin sighs while smiling softly.

"You told them Rupture was coming. How? How?" Hunter was standing next to her. He then looks over at the half opened box where Caitlin had gotten the phone from. "Oh, you... are smart, aren't you? You betrayed me!"

"You said you would spare them." Caitlin reminds him.

"I guess…" His voice distorts and deepens as he puts the mask on. "...now we're even."

"Jay, no!" Caitlin tried to say.

"My name... is Zoom." He growled. He then speeds away and seconds later he arrives at Jitters and the police point their guns at him.

Caitlin watched in horror back at the CCPD. "Oh, my God. No!" Caitlin begged.

Back at Jitters, Zom looks over at the reporters. "Make sure you get this.: Zoom told them.

"What the...?" Cisco gasps from where he and Barry were watching.

"They got to get out of there." Barry tells them.

Inside Jitters, large amounts of energy start surging through Zoom's body. "Everybody move!" Joe yelled. In seconds however, Zoom runs around and snaps the necks of all the reporters and policemen, leaving only Joe and Singh alive. He then speeds in front of Singh and grabs him by his neck. Barry sees this and runs out.

"Barry, don't!" Cisco called.

Macanese goes to help Singh but she just wasn't quick enough and Zoom grabs her as well.

"No!" Joe shouted.

"I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me." Zoom reminds them.

"Hey, stop! Stop! God... you've made your point." Barry told him as he rushed in.

"Not quite yet." Zoom replies. He then lets Singh go. He tightens his grip on Macanese momentarily before chucking her onto the floor with a sickening crunch and she screams in pain. Zoom then quickly runs his arm through Rupture's chest and slams him down on the counter. "You're an even bigger disappointment than your brother." He pulls his arm out of Rupture which kills him instantly. Cisco's face widens at what he had just watched.

Zoom then leans down and picks up the camera from the dead cameraman and points it at himself. "Central City... the Flash you've seen in your streets is a fake. A hologram meant to give you hope. But there is no more hope, there is no more Flash, and there's no one left to protect your city... from me." Zoom points the camera from where Macanese tries to get up. "Not even Thunder can save you now, she's failed her duty." Zoom then chucks the camera to the side.

"Tell the rest of your force, Captain, that their policing days are over." Zoom looks over at all of them. "You're only alive because of Caitlin. Try something like this again, and my affection for her won't stop me from killing you... or the rest of this city!" Zoom then speeds away. Cisco was still in the truck as he looked sad upon seeing the site of the dead body of his brother's doppelganger.

Later, Cisco was into his workroom where his brother, Dante, was. Dante, who had seen what had happened through the news, looks over at Cisco. "Did you see this? That's what you left to go do, wasn't it? Look, man. I know you're mad at me. We haven't been close in a long time." Dante is cut off from what he is saying when Cisco walks over to him and gives him a hug and Dante hugs him back.

"I want things to change. You're my brother." Cisco tells him.

"Okay. Okay." Dante mumbled, his eyes starting to go watery with tears.

Meanwhile Wally and Jesse were still in the timevault. Jesse was reading a book about theoretical physics as Wally was trying to figure out how to open the door. "You know that wall's not just gonna open for you, right?" Jesse wonders as she puts her book down.

"It might." Wally replied.

"Yeah, trust me. It won't." Jesse told him.

"We shouldn't be in here. We should be out there with them." Wally argued.

"Why? So Zoom can take us again?" Jesse questioned.

"No, so we can help stop him." Wally answered.

"What are we gonna do? I mean, we don't have any powers." Jesse reminds him.

"I don't know. Hey, you're pretty quick at solving unsolvable problems. Let's figure it out." Wally said.

"I will see what I can do." Jesse sighs as she picks up the tablet.

Later in the Cortex, everyone was dealing with what had happened at Jitters. Atchaco was sitting on a stool as Cisco was fixing something in the base of her neck. "It won't be long now. He's moving faster than he ever did on my Earth." Harry informed them.

"So what's next?" Atchaco asked as Cisco finished fixing a damaged circuit.

"Next, he'll recruit every meta-human he can find, and then force them to do what he wants." Harry answers.

"How many could be left? We defeated most of them, didn't we?" Joe questioned.

"No. You're not even close. This…" Harry holds up a USB and plugs it into a computer and a list pops up. "Is a list of meta-humans from my Earth. Ones that are known, anyway. The particle accelerator explosion was contained on my Earth. That didn't happen here."

"Then why wouldn't we know about other meta-humans here?" Henry asked.

"Because of The Flash and Thunder." Joe answered.

"And now that everyone knows that they're not around…" Iris starts to say.

"They'll start coming out of the woodwork." Cisco realised.

"We don't know that. What more do you need? I told you he'd recruit meta-humans. We've seen him do that. I told you he would kill those officers. We saw him do that too. What more do you need?" Harry questioned.

"Let's do it. I want to do it. One of the cops that Zoom killed tonight, he had a son. Same age I was when Mom was murdered. Same age Atchaco was when her father was murdered. And now, another kid has to grow up without one of their parents because The Flash wasn't there to stop that monster. I left Atchaco on her own, for her to protect this city by giving up my powers to Zoom. I enabled him to rule this Earth. I need my powers back. Let's do it. Let's set off the particle accelerator." Barry tells them.

Minutes later, they were all in the breach room and they were all standing in front of the machine that was going to give Barry his powers back, Barry was also wearing his flash suit. "So how does this work?" Atchaco asked, looking at the machine.

"It's an abbreviated version of the accelerator evil Wells built, except Harry is isolating the antimatter and dark energy to direct it to Barry instead of the entire city." Cisco explains.

"Good. Last thing we need is more meta-humans running around Central City." Joe replied.

"So... Barry just gets in, we turn it on, and that's it?" Iris wondered.

"Yeah. No. Not exactly. In addition to recreating what happened with the particle accelerator explosion, we also have to recreate what happened to Barry on that night." Harry informed them.

"Getting struck by lightning." Barry said.

"That's right." Harry agreed.

"Wait, so how are you gonna do that? It's not even raining outside." Atchaco reminded them.

"Well, Ramon, you have the wand." Harry said.

"The one I made for Mark Mardon?" Cisco asked.

"No, the one you built for the Harry Potter convention. Yes, of course, the one you built for Mardon." Harry told him.

"How do you know about the Harry Potter convention?" Cisco questioned as he squinted his eyes.

"Get the wand. Get on the roof." Harry ordered.

"Why the roof?" Joe asked.

"Because we're gonna need a lightning rod, and that, Ramon, is gonna be you." Harry said.

Minutes later, Cisco climbed onto the roof. "All right, I'm on the roof. Wow. I've never actually been up here before. I think I can see my apartment from here." Cisco said into his earpiece.

"Now head straight to the satellite, Ramon. When I give you the signal, you're gonna create a lightning storm above you." Harry informed him.

"So I'm just supposed to stand here in the middle of a lightning storm?" Cisco questioned.

"Really, Ramon. Chances of being struck are slim, indeed." Harry reassures him.

"Yeah, not when you're the one causing it." Cisco argued.

"All we need is one lightning bolt to strike the satellite. The satellite circuitry's connected to the breach room. Barry's in the breach room. Just do it." Harry replied.

"Yeah. I'm doing it. Mozart better watch out. Cisco Ramon's about to conduct something nasty." Cisco said.

In the breach room, Barry had climbed into the machine and was getting strapped in. "You're gonna feel these clamps, but they're necessary." Harry warns him as the clamps start locking and Barry grunts.

"You good?" Joe asked.

"Yeah. You?" Barry returns and Joe stays silent. "I'll be fine, Joe." Joe nods and walks away.

Atchaco then walks up and looks at him. "Barry, whatever happens, it will never change the way that I feel about you." Atchaco tells him. Barry smiles softly and Atchaco repeats the motion before walking away and standing next to Iris.

Henry then walks up to Barry. "Son... you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Henry reminds him.

"Being The Flash…" Barry shakes his head as tears start to run down his face. "That's the best version of me. If I don't have my speed, I'll never be that person anymore. I have to do this."

"Okay." Henry smiles softly before walking away.

"You ready, Allen?" Harry wonders and Barry nods. "All right, then. Here we go." Evertone steps away from the machine and stands on the platform with Harry as he shuts the glass door in front of Barry.

In the time vault with Wally and Jesse. They were trying to open the door. "Think of it as hotwiring a car, right? So there's a motor inside the wall." Jesse told him.

"So all we have to do is provide electricity to make it turn on." Wally realised.

"Exactly. So we just do a little here…" Jesse starts to say. She starts tinkering with the door and it opens instantly. "And voila!" Suddenly there was a deep rumbling all around them.

"Do you feel that?" Wally wondered.

"Yeah, what's happening?" Jesse questioned and they quickly walked out of the time vault.

Back in the breach room. "Particles are becoming unstable. Ramon, get ready! I'm gonna release the chemicals into his system." Harry releases them.

Barry grunts as the chemicals are injected into his bloodstream. Atchaco couldn't handle seeing Barry like this and turned to the others. "Why are you doing this?" She questioned.

"The night Barry was struck by lightning, he was doing fingerprint analysis. Those chemicals got in his system then, and they are going in now." Harry informed them.

"So you're injecting them into him?" Atchaco questioned worryingly.

"We have to recreate everything that happened to Barry that night." Harry reminds her.

"I'm okay, Atchaco!" Barry pants.

"Hold on, Barry." Joe tells him.

"God!" Barry yelled as he started shaking.

"He's going hydrostatic." Henry warned.

"Almost there. Almost there." Harry replied.

"Wells!" Henry said.

"Almost there. Ready, Ramon?" Harry questioned.

Meanwhile, Cisco was up on the roof. "Ready!" Cisco holds up the wand.

"Now!" Harry ordered.

"Expecto Patronum!" Cisco yelled. The lightning hits the wand and goes into the satellite. "Great Scott! It's working!"

At CCPD, Hunter looks out of the lab of Barry and Atchaco and sees the lightning going into STAR Labs. "No!" Hunter screamed.

Back in the breach room, Barry gets hit by lightning again and he screams. "Initiating collision." Harry informs them. He turns on the accelerator and the particle from it hits Barry. Barry gets engulfed in what looks like flames and his whole body starts breaking apart.

"Barry!" Atchaco yelled. In seconds, Barry explodes into energy. Electricity crackles as everyone ducks out of the way as the energy from the particle accelerator flies out of the room. Wally and Jesse were running down the hallway when they got hit by it which knocked them out instantly.

Back in the Breach room, Cisco walks in. "It worked! Is everyone okay? What happened?" He questions.

"No… no, no… No!" Atchaco starts crying as her knees buckle and she kneels on the floor.

"No. What did you do to my son?" Henry asked.

Suddenly, Zoom super speeds in and is standing in front of the machine before picking up a piece of Barry's suit, the only thing left of him. "You thought you could give The Flash his speed back? Well done. You killed him instead." Zoom said. Zoom then drops Barry's suit on the ground and speeds away. Everyone was heartbroken and devastated.

Atchaco was sobbing harder as she continued to keel on the ground. Iris gives her a hug as she cries and grasps the suit. Atchaco shakenly stood up and dropped the destroyed suit on the ground. She turned to the others momentarily before zooming off in her suit. She finally stopped running when she reached a large open stretch of land. Her knees gave way as she fell to the ground. Then she did the only thing that felt right. She screamed because her boyfriend was dead.