Episode 23 - The Runaway Dinosaur

Everyone was standing in the breach room after Barry evaporated into thin air and Atchaco ran away only to appear a few seconds later, she faced the fall and continued to cry, her voice hoarse from screaming. Joe walked up to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Atchaco turns around with anger on her face. "Barry... he's gone." Atchaco growled. Joe pulls Atchaco into a hug as her body threatens to fall and sparks start popping all over the room.

"This wasn't su... I didn't... I'm so sorry." Harry apologised, his voice showing that he generally meant it.

"We lost him." Henry stated with sadness in his voice.

"No, no, no, no, he... He could've got knocked somewhere or maybe even run there." Cisco said, not wanting to believe what just happened. He runs over to the computer and starts searching. "Nothing on the GPS." His voice is filled with regret.

"There were strikes all over the building. Jesse, come down here, please." Harry pressed a button on the computer but no one answered. "Jesse? Wally?"

Harry and Joe then quickly run out of the room with Atchaco and Iris right behind them. Moments later, they run into the hallway and they find Wally and Jesse laying on the ground. "Oh, God, Wally!" Joe runs over to him.

"No, no!" Harry runs over to his daughter.

"Wally! Wally, wake up! Can you hear me?" Joe said to Wally.

"No! Jesse, Jesse! Jesse!" Harry yelled to her.

"Wally!" Joe shouted.

"Jesse!" Harry screamed.

"Stop yelling, please." Wally grunted as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Her heart stopped." Harry checks her pulse. "Her heart stopped!" Harry starts doing CPR. "Jesse…"

"Are you okay?" Joe asks as Wally sits up slowly and he nods.

Harry's eyes were watery as he looked down at his daughter. "Jesse!" Jesse suddenly lets out a gasp but her eyes are still closed. "Oh…" Harry pants as he checks on her. "It's beating. Her heart's beating." Harry then sighs in relief.

"Henry's a doctor. He should see her." Atchaco told him.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Joe's eyes were also watery before he ran off.

"Hey, what's with him?" Wally questioned.

"It's Barry. Barry's gone." Iris informed him as Atchaco also walks away. "Are you good, Wally? Okay, we should get you home, get some rest, okay?" She helps him up.

"I don't understand." Wally admits.

"No, it's okay. Let's go." Iris takes him away.

"Jesse." Harry looks down at his daughter.

Back in the breach room, Henry hadn't moved from the steps on the platform when Joe walked in. "Henry, Wells' daughter is upstairs. The energy hit her too." Joe informed him. Cisco walked over to the piece of Barry's suit. "Her heart stopped beating. Henry!"

"All right." Henry stands up.

Cisco then touches the piece of Barry's suit and vibes. He sees Barry surrounded by energy. In seconds, Cisco comes out of the vision. "I saw him! I saw Barry. He's alive." Cisco tells them.

Somewhere else, Barry wakes up in a bed. When he sits up he looks around and sees that he is in his old bedroom, the one from when he was a kid and in his childhood home. Barry chuckles slightly as he walks downstairs. He then walks into the living room and his face falls when he sees the crime scene tape and Joe was there in his cop uniform. "Joe?" Barry questions.

"Good to see you, Barry. But I'm not Joe." Joe turns and smiles.

"You're not?" Barry asked.

"No." He repeated.

"And all of this? It's not real?" Barry wonders.

"How do you feel, being back here?" He questioned.

"I feel awful." Barry eye's water.

"We thought you'd be more comfortable talking to someone who looked familiar and in a place you knew." He admits.

"'We'? Who's 'we,' exactly?" Barry asked.

"That's a little hard to explain. Sit, Barry. Sit." He replied and they sat down in the living room. "How much do you know about the Speed Force?"

"It's the source of my power. It's what makes me a speedster." Barry told him.

"Yes... and no. When the first subatomic particle sprang forth from the Big Bang to form reality as you know it, we were there. When the last proton decays, stops vibrating, and plunges the universe into heat death, we'll be there too." He explained.

"I'm talking to the Speed Force? Isn't that like saying I'm having a conversation with gravity or light or…" Barry gets up and looks overwhelmed.

"You need a minute. It's okay if you do. It's a lot to take in." He reminded him. "Talking to a god is one thing, talking to me is another."

"So you're saying I'm... I'm talking to the source of my power, and my girlfriends, which just so happens to look like... my adoptive dad? That's trippy." Barry said.

"We pretty much invented trippy here." The Speed Force chuckles.

"Look, I'm... I'm not sure why you brought me here, but you need to send me back. My friends are in danger from Zoom." Barry said. Suddenly there was a whoosh as a shadow passed by the window. "Did you see that?" Barry wondered as the shadow passed the window again.

"You're not going back. Not until…" The shadow passed again.

"Till what?" Barry asked.

"Until you catch that." He points outside and Barry runs to the door and sees a shadow run down the street. Barry exhales before going after it.

Back in reality, at STAR Labs, Cisco, Henry, Joe and Atchaco walked into the infirmary where Harry was standing by Jesse's side. "Cisco says Barry's still alive. Where is he?" Henry questioned.

"I don't know." Harry admitted.

"Harry, I vibed him in the centre of a storm. It was, like, in, like, a vortex or something." Cisco explained.

"He's in... He's in the Speed Force." Harry realised.

"Get him out, damn it." Henry ordered.

"I…" Harry tried to say.

"You can get him out, can't you?" Henry asked.

"I don't know if I can." Harry admits.

"Henry, come here." Joe said and they both walked out of the infirmary and into the Cortex. "Listen, you are the only one that can help Jesse. Let me sit on Wells till he figures out what the hell he did to Barry. I think we can get him back."

"Joe, I know you love Barry, okay? But you have Iris, and you have Wally. Barry's all I have left." Henry reminded him.

"I promise. We'll find him." Joe reassured him.

Moments later, Henry is checking on Jesse as Cisco, Atchaco and Iris stood in the room as well. "Thank God you're here. Caitlin's usually the one doing this, but…" Cisco voice trailed off.

"Heart rate's normal. Reflexes and breathing are fine. She should be waking up. She's just not." Henry told them.

"It was the same with Barry and Atchaco. Um, after the first accident, they were in a coma that no one could explain." Iris admitted.

"What did you do with them?" Henry asked.

"They brought us here." Atchaco answered.

"Well, Wells brought them here." Cisco corrected.

"The other Wells." Iris finished.

"Right, the Wells who was actually Thawne." Cisco sighed.

"Eobard, not Eddie." Iris reminded him.

"Right." Cisco agreed.

"It's... it's complicated." Atchaco admitted.

"Anyway, we took care of Barry and Atchaco while Wells... Thawne... treated them." Iris said.

"Are there any records of that treatment? We might find clues how to help Jesse." Henry wondered.

"Uh, yeah, they'd be downstairs in the storage room, in the morgue." Cisco answered.

"Ew, we have a morgue?" Atchaco wonders.

"Well, it's not like a morgue morgue. It's not... it's like a poor man's morgue, really. Morgue-ish." CIsco explained.

"Would one of you go get them, please?" Henry asked.

"Okay, well, I'm not going alone." Cisco tells them and Iris sighs. Atchaco rolls her eyes as she and Iris walk out of the infirmary. "Thank you." CIsco follows right behind them.

Later down in the morgue. "Okay, so it's a morgue morgue. But, you know, we had to keep the dead meta-humans somewhere." Cisco reminds them.

Atchaco and Iris walked over to a table with different types of equipment to use on a human body. "Yeah, looks like you did a lot more than just store them." Iris noticed.

"Fake Wells might've done a few dissections for study purposes." Cisco replies.

"And this didn't tip any of you off that he might be secretly evil?" Iris wondered.

"It was a crazy time, okay? We had a lot going on. I'll tell you what... It's a good thing Thawne was so organised." Cisco then starts looking through the records.

They hear a thud and clatter of something being knocked down. "Would you stop knocking stuff over?" Iris wonders.

"You stop. I didn't touch anything." Cisco admits.

"Okay, whatever you say." Iris said.

"Okay, this is it. This is Barry and Atchaco's ex-file." Cisco finds the file. Suddenly, the freezer door comes crashing off the hinges and a dead Tony comes walking out. "A zombie? For real?"

"You have to be kidding me." Atchaco groaned.

Cisco backed away as Tony started knocking things out of his way. "Tony?" Iris wonders.

"Nope, not Tony... Not anymore. Get behind me." Cisco ordered.

"You get behind me." Iris argued.

"How about you two get behind me." Atchaco suggests and they quickly get behind Atchaco, since she's the one with powers and built like a human tank. "Tony!" She flashes her flashlight at Tony and blinds him. Tony then looks up at the light and sees his reflection, this makes him even more angry. He smashes the lamp and runs off.

"Ooh!" Cisco said.

"Oh." Iris repeated.

"Didn't see that one coming." Cisco admitted.

"No." Atchaco agreed.

"Zombie Girder." Cisco chuckles. "This…"

Tony then breaks out of STAR Labs completely powered up but he powers down as he staggers down the street.

Meanwhile, Barry was still chasing after the shadow when he stopped and took a break. He looks up and finds himself in front of the West house and he sees a familiar person sitting on the steps. "Atchaco." Barry said.

"We're glad you made it, Barry." She replied.

"Not Atchaco. It's just you again." Barry sighed.

"Sit, Barry. Sit." She points to the steps. "You're always on your feet." Barry then takes a set next to her. "You remember this place, Joe and Iris's place, where we first kissed?"

"Yeah, of course, except that wasn't you." Barry told them.

"We thought you'd find this place and our appearance less upsetting. Yet you seem upset." She noticed.

"My friends, my city... my whole world is in danger. Zoom is on a rampage with the power that he stole from me, and you are keeping me here." Barry replied.

"You were given a rare and precious gift, just like Atchaco, and you rejected it." She reminded him.

"No, I did not reject it. I gave up my powers to save someone's life... To be a hero. I nearly killed myself trying to get them back, when you brought me here, wherever here is." Barry spat angrily.

"That's not what we meant." She said.

"Okay. If you would rather have given these powers to somebody else, why did you give them to me?" Barry asked.

"Because you're The Flash, Barry." She answered.

In the real world, Atchaco, Cisco and Iris come running into the infirmary. "We got a new problem. Our accelerator experiment seems to have reanimated one of the dead metas in our morgue." Cisco informed them.

"'Reanimated,' like brought back to life?" Joe asked.

"Life-ish. You ever seen 'The Walking Dead'? It's 'The Walking Dead,' but without higher brain function and with major rage issues. Still unsure if our brains are on the menu, though." Cisco answered.

"Which one?" Joe wondered.

"Tony Woodward." Iris said.

"The bully from school who turned into the metal man?" Joe questioned.

"Yeah, the very one." Atchaco confirmed.

"That's not good, Cisco." Joe admits.

"History repeats itself. First as tragedy and then as farce." Harry was sitting next to Jesse.

"Wells, as a parent, believe me, I have nothing but sympathy for what you're going through." Joe walked over to Harry. "Listen to me closely when I say to you, we got a lot of fires burning at the same time, and if we all work together, we just might be able to put them out. Let Henry take care of your daughter. Me, Atchaco and Iris will handle this Girder situation, but you and Cisco are the scientists. You're the only one who can bring Barry back from wherever the hell he is right now."

"Ramon... give those medical records to Henry, and meet me in the Breach Room in five minutes. We've got work to do." Harry gets up and starts walking away.

"Now we just need to find Tony." Joe said.

"Yeah, hopefully before he kills someone." Atchaco replies and she, Iris and Joe walk out of the infirmary.

Later in the city, Tony wrecks a guy's truck outside of a Big Belly Burger because it reminded him of a car he stole once.

Back in the breach room, Cisco and Harry were working with the machine that Barry was attached to. They had come up with the idea that started with Cisco trying to vibe with the machine and Barry's shirt. "So how do we know this is safe?" Cisco asked.

"Well, define 'safe.'" Harry replied.

"Safe, as in my brain's not gonna melt." Cisco told him.

"No." Harry puts a device on Cisco. "It's a simple feedback loop, Ramon, all right? When you vibe on Barry, your brain waves send me the necessary data to pinpoint whatever dimensional pocket or corner of the universe that Barry is stuck in. And then we electrically stimulate your prefrontal cortex while opening a breach, which gives you physical access to Barry and lets you be the beacon to guide him home. Simple feedback loop."

"I'm sorry. Did you say electrically stimulate?" Cisco wonders.

"Ramon, do you want to bring Barry back or not?" Harry asked.

"Okay." Cisco sighs. He then touches the piece of Barry's suit and starts vibing.

"And we have a lock." Harry starts tracking Barry.

Meanwhile, Barry was still sitting next to the speed force that had manifested itself in the form of Atchaco. "I don't understand. If I'm The Flash, then why are you doing this to me? Why do I have to catch this... this thing before you let me go back? Please, look, I will do whatever you want. Just let me go back right now, so I can help my friends." Barry wondered.

As this was happening, Cisco appeared in the speed force storm and Bary was standing in it. "Barry!" Cisco yelled. Barry has his back turned away from the engineer. "Barry, turn around! Barry!"

Barry sees a vortex appear in the middle of the street. "What is that?" Barry stands up. "What is that?"

"Those are your friends. They want you to come back." She informs him.

"Can I?" Barry asked.

"Of course. But if you do, it'll be without your powers." She answers.

In the storm Barry turns around and looks at Cisco. "Take my hand! Do it. Take my hand." Cisco reaches his hand out to him.

"The choice is yours, Barry." She tells him.

"Barry!" Cisco calls out as he slowly, reluctantly, places his hand down. Barry suddenly sees the vortex but runs off and goes after the shadow.

Back in the real world, Cisco was groaning as he continued to hold onto the machine and the piece of Barry's suit when Atchaco, Iris and Henry walk in. "What is going on in here?" Iris asked.

"Just hang on a little longer, Ramon... A little longer." Harry ignores her.

"Hey, you're killing him!" Atchaco ran up to Harry, who stopped the machine. Cisco exhales sharply and then starts breathing heavily as he leans forward. Atchaco sees this and runs over to him. "Cisco! Hey, Cisco, can you hear me?"

Cisco nods. "I saw him. Barry... he turned to me." Cisco sighs. "I'm sorry. I lost him." He shakes off the device on his head.

"No." Atchaco said quietly.

Later in the Cortex, the computers start beeping on Tony's location. "Whoa, Cisco's meta-human alert app is going crazy." Iris noticed.

"Oh, Tony just trashed the hell out of Jitters." Atchaco read.

"Now, that is strange. He knocks over a hydrant on 4th and Stevenson, doesn't go in the building, then smashes a Humvee in front of the Big Belly Burger, but doesn't go in the building. Gets to CC Jitters... He actually goes in." Joe said.

"Yeah, it's like Jitters was his target, but why?" Iris wonders.

"When I was in Iron Heights awaiting trial, I had a cellmate who always swore he was gonna break out. At a pre-trial hearing, he stole a deputy's gun and escaped in a police cruiser. There's a point to this, Joe, I promise. Now, the poor, dumb bastard could have gone anywhere, right? But he was apprehended two hours later. Do you know why? 'Cause he went to his old girlfriend's house looking for her." Henry told them.

"So you think that's what Tony's doing, even in the state he's in now?" Joe asked.

"I think people are creatures of habit, sometimes at a level stronger than conscious thought." Henry replied.

"No, I don't think that Tony had a girlfriend. I mean, not the way that he was hitting on me and Atchaco when he... He came into Jitters." Iris realised something.

"He's after us again." Atchaco pointed out.

"So, when he was after you the first time, where'd you see him next, after Jitters?" Henry asked.

"Home. He came to our house when he took you both. Wally's there now." Joe reminded them.

"No, no, Dad, this is good. We know where he is, and we know what he wants. That means we know how to beat him." Iris informs him.

"How do you propose we do that?" Joe questioned.

"We use Iris and I as bait to lure him back to S.T.A.R. Labs, where Cisco and Wells can kill him... again." Atchaco answered.

"Mm-mm, mm-mm." Joe agreed.

Meanwhile, Barry had stopped running as he had gotten really tired while chasing the shadow around. Barry looks around and notices that he is in a cemetery. He sees someone standing in front of a headstone, someone which he knows is the speed force in another form. "Who are you pretending to be now?" Barry wondered. The speed force turns around and it has made itself look like Henry, Barry's father. "I don't have time for this."

"Yes, you do, Barry. You have all the time in the universe... literally." He reminds him.

"No, I don't." Barry disagrees, walking over to him. "And how can you stand there in judgement and accuse me of rejecting my gift? Do you have any idea how much I've done since I was first struck by lightning, how many people I've helped with the power that you gave me... what I've sacrificed?"

"Of course we do. You've saved countless lives." He walks over to a headstone. "And now you're the only thing standing in between your world and unspeakable evil. And yet, for all of that, you've never been here." Barry follows him over to the headstone and his face widens when he realises he was standing in front of his mother's headstone.

Back in the real world everyone was at Joe's house. "I can't believe he's coming here." Joe admitted as Wally walks into the living room with coffee. "Wally. Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Wally replies as he hands him the coffee. He then turns to leave but Joe stops him.

"Wait. I've been meaning to ask you. Uh... How are you feeling?" Joe asked.

"Tired, but fine, I guess." Wally said.

"So you don't notice anything different?" Joe questions.

"Uh, no." Wally answered.

"I mean, I want you to know you can come and talk to me if you're scared or... you have questions about how your body's changing." Joe replied.

"Oh." Iris said.

"Yikes." Atchaco shakes her head.

"I think you're a little late for the puberty talk, Dad. I've seen the Internet." Wally tells him.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way." Joe chuckles softly. He then drops his coffee mug on the floor and it shatters.

"Are you okay?" Wally asked, confused.

Suddenly they hear a distant clatter as a car alarm starts wailing and then they hear Tony screaming. "Wally, go upstairs. Please, go upstairs, now." Joe orders. Wally didn't like this but went up the stairs nonetheless.

"Dad, do you really think that he's a meta-human?" Iris asked.

"Iris is right, the chances of him being a meta are very low." Atchaco reminds him.

"Well, he got zapped by the particle accelerator, and he was unconscious. It was worth a shot." Joe replied.

"I gave you that mug." Iris told him.

"He's coming." Joe said, looking out of the window where Tony is staggering down the street towards the house. "You two sure about this?"

Iris and Atchaco place earpieces in their ears. "You know what? Two minutes ago, I would've said yes, absolutely. But now... what the hell?" Atchaco replied.

They both then quickly walk out of the house and onto the street. "Tony! Hey!" Iris calls out and Tony looks up at them.

"Come on, over here." Atchaco shouted. Tony starts grunting as he sees the two and they start running away, Atchaco not using her speed so he can keep up.

Joe was on the phone with Iris as he was looking out of the window. "You getting towards S.T.A.R. Labs?" Joe said.

"On our way." Iris replied.

"I'll meet you guys there." Joe told them. He then hangs up and grabs his keys. "Wally, stay here! I'll be right back!" Joe ten walks out of the door.

Meanwhile, Barry was looking at his mother's headstone. "Why did you bring me here?" Barry asked, tears running down his face.

"Your mother's death happened to you, Barry. It made who you are, but have you accepted it, really accepted losing her? Maybe that's why you couldn't come here... 'cause that would make it real." He suggested.

"I know it's real. Every day I know it. I had a chance to save her. You saw what I chose." Barry reminds her.

"And you're at peace with that decision?" He wonders.

"'At peace'" Barry scoffs. "How could someone ever be at peace with letting his mother die... Deciding that his life was more valuable than hers?"

The speed force kneels next to Barry. "Do you really think your mother would've wanted you to die for her? And out of all the people the Flash saved as a result of that decision, what about them? Do their lives have value too?" He questions.

"I don't have to listen to this. I have to get home." Barry stands up as he sees the shadow running away and he follows it.

Back at STAR Labs, Joe, Iris and Atchaco all run into Cisco's workroom where he was standing in front of a machine. "Cisco!" Atchaco caught his attention.

"Is that zombie still behind you?" Cisco asked.

"Good news is we lured Tony back to S.T.A.R. Labs." Joe answered.

"Bad news is we lured Tony back to S.T.A.R. Labs." Iris said.

"No, no. This is good. Okay, sidenote…" Cisco points behind him. "You three might want to be on this side of the room, especially if you're wearing any jewellery or you have any metal plates in your body." He glances at Atchaco. "You might want to leave the room though."

"Huh?" Atchaco wonders.

"Excuse me?" Joe questions.

"The stray energy from the accelerator reactivated Girder's brain... Well, parts of it, anyway." Cisco turns to face the machine. "So I disassembled our MRI machine to set up these... Electromagnets. So, when Girder walks through that door and gets caught in the field that they generate, it should disrupt the energy wave that turned him Abby Normal."

"Like wiping a hard drive." Iris realised and Atchaco's eyes widened before leaning behind the machine.

"Lah-kah-tah! Cisco said. In the hallway, Tony is walking around the halls trying to look for Iris and Atchaco. Back in the workroom, everyone is standing behind Cisco's machine. "Okay, now, I can only maintain full power for a few seconds, so I can't actually turn this on until he's in the room." Tony growls as he staggers into the room. "There he is. Hi!" Cisco then turns on the machine and electricity starts humming from it, to which Tony starts growling again. Then humming then slows down and Tony looks unaffected by it.

"Why don't it look like it's working?" Joe asked.

"Because it's not." Cisco answers as Tony staggers towards them. "Uh, let's get out of here."

Back in the breach room, Henry and Harry are wheeling Jesse inside. "This is the safest place for her for now." Henry said.

"Not safe enough." Harry admitted as Joe, Iris, Cisco run in, Atchaco hobbling in afterwards and closing the door.

"Plans A through G did not work." Cisco told them.

"Do we have anything in here that can stop him?" Joe asked.

"Well I would, but Cisco's machine did a doozy." Atchaco admitted.

"I told you to leave the room." Cisco reminded her.

"Guys, stop." Henry orders. "Barry could stop him if we could bring him back."

"We tried that already, Dr. Allen." Harry said.

"We need to try it again." Joe replies as Tony makes his way to the door of the breach room.

"Somebody needs to try something. That door's not gonna hold." Cisco warns them as Tony starts punching the door and denting it.

Back with Barry, it was now nighttime and he had followed the shadow back to his childhood home. Barry exhales as he walks over to the house. Once he is inside, he chuckles because he's had enough and is over talking to the speed force. He then sees someone sitting in the dining room that he didn't expect to see, his mother. "Mom." Barry said, shocked.

"Hi, Barry." She greeted him.

"You're not my mother. Why are you doing this to me?" Barry wonders.

"We're not doing anything to you, sweetheart. You're just so tired. Sit, Barry. Sit." She tells him.

"You were right all along. I haven't accepted it... not for a second. I don't think I ever will." Barry sits down. He places his hand on the table and she holds it.

"My beautiful boy... You have to find a way." She replies.

"How?" Barry asked.

"I don't know. But I know this. What you've become... It's wonderful…" She tells him and Barry starts crying. "...a miracle even, but it won't make bad things stop happening to you. Even the Flash can't outrun the tragedies the universe is gonna keep sending your way. You have to accept that. And then you can truly run free."

"I know. I just miss her. I miss you so much." Barry's voice breaks as he continues crying.

"What if I told you that she's proud of you? And of the man that you've become?" She questioned.

"Who's telling me that... the Speed Force or my mother?" Barry wondered.

"Both." She then strokes the side of his face before kissing his forehead.

Back in the real world, Tony was still trying to break down the door to the breach room. "Is there any other way out of here?" Joe asked.

"No, the Breach Room was designed to be sealed off." Henry answered.

"All right, look, if it's me and Atchaco that he wants, we'll just lead him away." Iris told them.

"No, you won't. You'll never even make it past that door. If he came back from the dead and still wants you both, what makes you think he's gonna let you go now?" Joe wonders.

"Wait. I saw Barry. He had this look. What if we couldn't get him out of the Speed Force because he didn't want to come back?" Cisco informed them.

Meanwhile, Nora holds up a book called 'the runaway dinosaur'. "Do you remember this book? It was always your favourite." She reminds him. "'Once there was a little dinosaur called a Maiasaur, who lived with his mother. One day, he told his mother, 'I wish I were special like the other dinosaurs. If I were a T. rex, I could chomp with my ferocious teeth!'"

Barry smiles. "'But if you were a T. rex,' said his mother, 'how would you hug me with your tiny little arms?''" Barry continued by memory. "Nora chuckles as she turns the page, and Barry continues to read. "''I wish I were an Apatosaurus,' said the little dinosaur, 'so with my long neck I could see high above the treetops.' 'But if you were an Apatosaurus,' said his mother, 'how would you hear me in the treetops when I told you I love you? What makes you so special, little Maiasaur?' said his mother. 'Is it your ferocious teeth or long neck or pointy beak? What makes you special is out of all of the different dinosaurs in the big, wide world, you have the mother who is just right for you and who will always'"

"'Love you.'" They said in unison.

"You're ready." Nora tells her. Barry nods before standing up. He then closes his eyes and grabs the shadow when it enters the room. When Barry opens his eyes, he is surprised to see himself in the flash suit, smiling as they became one.

Meanwhile, Cisco puts the device on his head that connects him to the accelerator. "Turn it on. We got to try again." Cisco says and everyone looks at him, unsure of the plan. "Any of you got a better idea?"

"When you look into the Speed Force, can someone else see into it too?" Henry asked.

"Well, as long as you're in physical contact with Ramon while he's vibing, then... yes." Harry said.

"Let me do that. I can get Barry to come back." Henry told him.

"No. Let me do it. Please." Atchaco replied. She then walks up to Cisco and places a hand on his shoulder. Cisco then turns everything on as Cisco touches a piece of Barry's suit. Cisco then vibes and they go into the speed force, causing Atchaco gasp.

Meanwhile with Barry, a vortex appears in the dining room in front of him. "Barry." Atchaco calls out to him. Barry hears Atchaco's voice and starts walking towards it before seeing her. "Barry, come home to me."

Barry turns and looks over at his mother. "Run, Barry. Run." She told him.

Barry turns around and holds out his hand as he reaches for Atchaco. They were both standing in the speed force together. They reached out of each other before they finally grabbed onto each other's hands. As soon as they were holding hands they were pushed out of the speed force and back into reality. Back in the real world, they were standing in the real world.

"Barry!" Henry said.

"Barry!" Atchaco smiled as she gave him a hug and he hugs back.

"Ha ha!" Henry and Joe said, as they hugged Barry as well.

"I'm so glad you're back, 'cause we're about to die." Cisco told them.

"Wait. What?" Barry replied as they heard Tony banging on the door.

"So…" Cisco said.

"Girder." Harry informs him.

"Girder came back to life, and he's all Young Frankenstein now, and he only recognizes Atchaco and Iris, and they lured him to my workshop so we could demagnetize him, but the machine shorted out, so he's about to come through that door and smush us all into chunky salsa and possibly eat our brains out. I don't know. Jury's still out on that." Cisco simplified.

"All right, I got it. Atchaco and I will lure him to your workshop, and we will figure out a way to turn the power back on, okay?" Barry said.

"Plan H." Cisco and Harry said in sync.

The banging on the door continues as Tony grunts and screams. The door then comes flying open and then he starts fading in and out of his steel form. Barry looks at Barry and Atchaco, he then grabs them and they speed out of the door. "Hey, Tony!" Iris called.

Barry and Atchaco then get Iris to grab onto them as they super speed away, Tony following behind. "He's taking him the long way." Harry and Cisco noticed.

"Come on!" Cisco said.

Tony follows them as Barry, Atchaco and Iris arrive in the workshop where Harry and Cisco were. "I hope you're ready. He's almost here." Atchaco told them.

"Nope, not ready." Cisco admitted.

"Power needs at least two electromagnets… Too much for this wiring to handle." Harry informed them.

"We're gonna need a really big extension cord!" Cisco simplified.

"All right, I'll... I'll see what I can do." Barry said, glancing at Atchaco.

Tony then arrives and he automatically eyes Atchaco and Iris. Barry then starts fighting him before he gets thrown across the floor. "Barry!|" Atchaco shouts as Tony starts staggering towards Barry, who stands up.

"Tony, Tony... look, you were never my favourite person, but let's end this... so you can finally rest." Barry looks at Atchaco again. "Follow my lead."

He starts running around Tony and Atchaco follows suit and runs behind him. Tony then turns to steel as they run around them. "They're using the spin to charge the magnets." Cisco realised.

"Like an electric turbine." Harry said.

The electricity then starts crackling while Tony yells. Barry and Atchaco then stop running and Tony goes back to his unsteel self. He looks at Atchaco with a look of betrayal before he collapses to the ground. Barry looks at Atchaco how is massaging her head and mutter something under her breath. "Sorry... I got lost." Barry apologies.

"It's okay." Atchaco chuckles softly. "We found you."

Minutes later, Barry walks into the infirmary where Jesse was. Harry then clears his throat. "Barry. You should rest. You don't need to be here." He tells him.

"No, that's just it. I think I do." Barry admits before walking over to the other side of Jesse's bed. Barry then grabs Jesse's hand and electricity crackles as soon as he touches it.

Jesse then wakes up as if she had woken up from a nap. "Hi." She looks around and is confused. "How did I get here?" Everyone was shocked that Barry was able to wake Jesse up, Atchaco however wasn't as she knew what was happening.

Harry was happy that she was awake and promptly hugged her. "How did you do that?" Harry asked.

"Are you, like, magic now?" Cisco questioned.

"Did you know that was gonna happen?" Iris wondered.

"Maybe. It's hard to explain. It's…" Barry trials off.

"It's the Speed Force." Harry smiles.

Later, Barry had changed clothes and his father was checking him out in the infirmary. "It's been quite a day, huh? Not so much 'one damn thing after another' as 'every damn thing all at once'." Henry said.

"It all worked out okay in the end." Barry replied.

"No, you worked it out okay in the end." Henry reminded him.

"It's funny." Barry admitted. "I never really understood where you were coming from with your whole 'fate' and 'everything happens for a reason' point of view, even with Atchaco. But now... I think that maybe I was wrong. Everything that's happened to us... Good and bad... It made us who we are. And I don't think that I would change it even if I could. Does that make any sense?"

"Perfect sense. And since we're on the subject of changing our minds about important things, you know that part where I told you I was gonna leave Central City so that you could be the Flash without being concerned about me all the time? Forget all of that. You're stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere." Henry told him. Barry chuckles as he hugs his dad and Henry hugs him back.

The next day, Barry goes to the cemetery with Atchaco to visit Nora. Barry kneels down and lays flowers on her headstone. "Joe offered to take me so many times. I always found an excuse to say no." He takes out The Runaway Dinosaur from his backpack. "My mom and I read this when I was little. Do you know it?"

"Yeah. It was my favourite book when I was a child. After dad died, I was in a terrible state, I wanted things to change. And my mum told me that our neighbour recommended this book to me. Said it would help get over what happened." Atchaco explained.

"My mum?" Barry wondered.

"Yeah, she was right with her recommendation. I did love it, and it did help. It made me realise that my mum was enough but now, I realise we never had anyone who was 'just right' for us." Atchaco replied.

"Didn't we? I'm seeing things a lot differently now. I wasted so much time being angry about what I'd lost, when I had so much... My dad, Joe, Iris and you. The truth is, Atchaco, I don't know what this is between us or where we go from here. All I know is you're everything to me, and you always have been. And the sound of your voice will always bring me home." Barry told her. Atchaco smiles at Barry as her eyes water and she gives him a hug, one which she returns.

Late at night, Caitlin was in Barry's and Atchaco's lab in CCPD, sitting in one of the chairs when Hunter walked in. "Cait, please." Hunter tried to say.

"I asked you not to call me that." Caitlin reminded him.

"Caitlin… we've been through this again and again, and we've gotten nowhere. Now, I need to know... Are you with me, or are you against me? Don't answer that yet. I'm gonna go out there, spend a moment speaking to my friends, and when I come back, you'll give me your answer. If you're still here, I'll know you've chosen to stay with me. But if you're not here… I'll know you've chosen your friends instead. And I will show you exactly as much mercy as I will show them when we next see each other. So there you have it." Hunter sighs. "I need to go."

He then grabs his mask and speeds out of the lab. He then appears on the balcony in front of the elevators. As he starts talking Caitlin listens to what he is saying. "My brothers and sisters... my friends…" He starts in a demonic voice and his mask on. "I've brought us to this new world which lay before us, defenceless, ours for the taking. The humans think that this planet belongs to them. Whose world is this?"

"Our world! Our world! Our world! Our world! Our world! Our world! Our world! Our world! Our world! Our world! Our world! Our world!" All the meta-humans chant.