Episode 24 - Invincible

It was night time in Central City. The city was ablaze due to the meta-humans who had come here with Zoom from earth two. Every police officer, including SWAT, were fighting off, or trying to fight off, the meta-humans but they were fighting a losing game. Joe and Singh were behind a police car and taking shots at the metas as well. "Reloading!" Singh informed them. Then when he went to reload, one of the metas, one that was like Firestorm but green, threw a mild fireball at Singh, which sent him flying back. "Ah!"

"David!" Joe shouted, running over to him. "Back door! Captain's down." Joe and another policeman helped Singh into the police car and so they could get him to the hospital. "Go, go, go, go, go!" They are ready to get out of there but a metahuman blocks their way and sets the car on fire, they are blocked from the front and back. "Down, down! Down, get down!" The Meta humans start swarming the cop car Joe, Singh and another cop were all in. Suddenly, however, two streaks fly by and take out all the metahumans that were near or on the cop car.

"Some people are calling it the metapocalypse, the days when Central City was overrun by an army with powers beyond imagination. But in these dark times, we must never forget our own strength, our own power to fight back." Iris said from where she was sitting in Central City Picture News writing her story.

Wally was sitting at home, watching everything play out on the news before he decided to walk out of the house.

Zoom, however, was watching the destruction of the city from the top of one of the buildings. This was until he saw two streaks running around the city putting out the fires that he helped create.

"That it is only in the blackest of nights that we can truly see the light... and know for sure we are not alone. We are never... ever... alone." Iris reassures them from where she continues to write.

Later at STAR Labs, Barry and Atchaco are back in normal clothing and walk out of the elevator with Iris. "We usually take these guys down one at a time, not 100 at a time." Barry reminds them.

"And yet, you don't seem overwhelmed." Atchaco notices. "Even I am."

"Yeah, you seem calm." Iris points out.

"I know we can do it." Barry smiles as Cisco comes running up to them.

"Guys. You have to come see this." Cisco tells them and minutes later they walk into the Cortex.

"Cisco, what are you…" Barry trails off when he sees Caitlin being checked out by Henry.

"Caitlin?" Atchaco questions.

"She's in shock." Henry sighs. "A little... dehydrated and malnourished, but I think she'll be fine."

"I'm okay." Caitlin's eyes water.

"What happened?" Barry kneels in front of Caitlin.

"How did you get away?" Atchaco asked.

"He... let me go. I didn't think he would; I thought it was a trap. But... he told me you were dead." Caitlin admitted.

"I'm not. I'm right here. We're all here, together." Barry reassured her. Caitlin nods as she exhales heavily.

"Snow. Jay's not here. You're safe." Harry tells her.

"He's gonna overrun the city. You can't stop him." Caitlin starts sobbing a little as she shakes her head.

"Yes, we can. Listen to me, he's not going to succeed. We've got this. This is our Earth." Barry replies.

"You don't know that. You don't know what he is capable of." Caitlin warns.

"I know from being in the Speed Force that the universe is with us, not Zoom. And if the universe is with us, how could we possibly lose? Right, guys?" Barry said.

"Yeah, yeah, right." Jesse hesitates.

"You've been through a lot. You should get some rest, come on." Barry helps Caitlin on her feet and they start walking.

"You were in the Speed Force?" Caitlin wonders.

"I... when you were gone. It's hard to explain, but we tried to get my powers back and when the dark matter lightning…" Barry simplified and they walked out of the Cortex and into the infirmary.

"Okay, I'm gonna say it. Um, we don't think he's being just a little too…" Cisco starts to say.

"Overconfident?" Atchaco suggests.

"Yeah." Cisco agrees.

"Yeah, maybe it was his time in the Speed Force. I mean, he's acting like he's invincible now or something." Iris said.

"Yeah, I mean I have the same powers if not more and even not invincible." Atchaco reminded them.

"Yeah, like nothing fazes him anymore, which isn't…" Henry sighs.

"Realistic, no. Somebody needs to talk to him before letting his guard down gets him hurt or worse." Harry implies.

"He did bring me out of my coma. That's bound to make someone a little overly chipper." Jesse suggests.

"Well, like I said, somebody needs to talk to him." Harry repeats.

Later at Mercury Labs, Dr McGee was with someone. "Amazing job, Anupam. This is exactly the kind of groundbreaking thinking I built this company for. Well done." Dr McGee congratulates.

Outside the building, a woman in black leather was walking up to Mercury before stopping and standing in front of it. Suddenly the woman lets out a loud sonic wail which causes Mercury Labs to start to collapse.

Inside, they all feel the whole building start to shake. "Everyone, evacuate! Now!" McGee ordered. People then scream as they run away as objects around then start crashing to the ground.

Back at STAR Labs, Caitlin was asleep in the infirmary as Barry was watching over her, Cisco walks in. "Hey." Barry greets.

"She's out like a light, huh?" Cisco wonders.

"Yeah. Jay really did a number on her." Barry said.

"It's not like he exactly used kid gloves on the rest of us." Cisco scoffs.

"She'll be okay. She just needs time. And for us to finally bring Zoom down. Which we will." Barry reminds him.

"Yeah, because the universe is with us, right? Listen, man…" Cisco sighs before he suddenly starts to vibe and he sees dead birds.

Seconds later, Cisco comes out of the vision. "Cisco? Hey. You okay? You just vibe?" Barry asked.

"Yeah." Cisco nodded.

"What'd you see?" Barry questioned.

"I saw a bird. Like, a dead bird." Cisco explains. Suddenly an alert starts beeping as they walk into the Cortex and look at the screen.

"Mercury Labs." Barry informed him.

"It's under attack." Cisco said.

"All right. I'll get Atchaco." Barry then speeds out of the room.

Moments later at Mercury labs, people were evacuating the building. Most people had gotten out of the building but McGee was still inside. She gets thrown against the wall and falls to the floor, which collapses underneath her. Before she fell to her death she was Macanese and Barry caught her and placed her down safely on her feet before the building finished collapsing. "Thank you, Lady Macanese, Mr. Allen." She said. "I'm not stupid." Macanese chuckles softly.

Then as they were busy looking at the damage, the woman in black leather walks away, it turns out to be earth 2's Laurel Lance. "Boom." She smiles before laughing softly.

Later, they were at STAR Labs. "So how did you know?" Barry asked.

"Your real identity?" McGee questioned.

"Yeah." Barry nodded.

"Come on, Barry, I'm a scientist. We're paid to be perceptive. And you're always a little too well informed when things go pear-shaped in this city." McGee then notices Henry standing there. "But I don't believe we've ever met before." She holds out her hand. "Dr. Christina McGee."

"Doctor Henry Allen. I'm Barry's father." Henry shakes her hand.

"Okay, now that the cat's out of the bag, did you happen to see who it was that cause your building to collapse?" Atchaco wonders.

"I didn't see anything. It happened so fast." McGee answered.

"Maybe the security cameras caught something?" Caitlin asked.

"Can we access them?" Henry questioned.

"Mercury Labs does have a Crash-Survivable Memory Unit." McGee informed them.

"A what?" Henry wondered.

"Virtually a black box for buildings. It will have stored all the security footage right up until the building collapsed." McGee told him.

"Okay, great, Atchaco and I will go find it. This wasn't some random meta-human. Whenever Mercury Labs has been targeted in the past there's always been a specific reason." Barry reminds them.

"Yeah, someone's after something." Cisco realised.

"Yes, and that someone is probably Zoom." Caitlin told them.

"There may be one more possibility. A few months ago, I saw Harrison Wells running out of my facility. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm certain it was him. Is there any way he could have anything to do with this?" McGee questions.

"A few months ago? Sure. Now? No." Harry walks in with a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, there are a few more things that we could catch you up on, Dr. McGee." Barry admits.

Elsewhere, Wally tries to stop a random street crime and finds himself face to face with a metahuman. Luckily, Joe comes to the rescue with the boot which shocks the meta and brings him down to his knees. "Dad?" Wally says as Joe motions for the two policemen and they take the meta away.

"Wally. What the hell were you doing?" Joe questioned.

"That guy just jacked a bunch of people so I had to go after him." Wally admitted.

"You could have got yourself killed!" Joe warned him.

"I'm not just gonna let these guys get away with this. I have to do something." Wally told him.

"Wally, these are not just guys! These are meta-humans! Leave this to the cops and The Flash and Thunder." Joe replied.

"The Flash and Thunder can't be everywhere at once. I... I have to do what I can to help. I have to show him I was worth being saved." Wally reminded him.

"Wally... You are... worth it." Joe reassures him.

"Really? Am I?" Wally wonders. "'Cause last time I checked, I'm the guy who avoided his dying mother for weeks. I'm the guy who shamed a bunch of other guys and illegally took their cars from them. I'm the guy who caused The Flash to lose his powers and start this whole damn 'metapocalypse' in the first place."

"Wally…" Joe sighed.

"Last time I checked, I've a whole lot to make up for. That's what I intend to do." Wally then walks away.

"Damn it." Joe whispers.

Back at STAR Labs, Jesse was having Caitlin run tests on her, trying to see if there were any physiological changes after she was hit by the particle accelerator. "Snow." Harry walks in.

Caitlin turns around and sees him. "Oh. I didn't know you were here." Caitlin admitted.

"What you doing?" Harry asked.

"Uh... Jesse asked me to run some tests to see if her genetic structure had changed." Caitlin informed him.

"Why did you ask Dr. Snow... to run tests on you again?" Harry wondered.

"Because I got hit with a dark matter, okay? I mean, that must have affected me somehow." Jesse suggested. Caitlin looked between the two and walked away when she realised they needed to talk in private.

"You're not a meta-human. What you are is a young woman with a genius-level IQ that we could use in our fight against this new wave of meta-humans." Harry told her.

"Okay. All right, fine." Jesse sighed.

"Fine." Harry replied. Caitlin smiles as she watches them but when she turns around she sees Zoom, however he wasn't actually there and she gasps. "Snow? You all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Caitlin answers.

Later, Barry and Atchaco come back with the black box from Mercury Labs. "Is this it?" Atchaco wonders.

"That's the one." McGee confirms.

"All right, great. Dad, Dr. McGee, Cisco. Why don't you guys crack this open, see what you can find?" Barry tells them.

"Sure." Henry said.

Harry then walks in with Jesse. "We'll go see what kind of meta-human powers can take down a building like that and how to stop it." Harry said.

"Great." Atchaco smiled.

"Sounds like fun." Jesse then walks away with Harry.

All right, Atchaco and I are gonna go see if Joe needs any help in the streets. Everybody cool here? Should be a piece of cake, right?" Barry then walks away. Atchaco shrugs slightly before also walking away.

Moments later, Henry runs up to Barry in the hallway. "Hey, slugger!" Henry greets him.

"Hey." Barry returned.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Henry asked.

Atchaco looks at Barry with a smile. "I'll be outside." She tells him.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" Barry says, turning and looking at his father.

"Well, I know you said that what happened to you in the Speed Force changed the way you see things, but you seem very optimistic, you know, with a lot of meta-humans running around tearing up the city. What, did you see the future in there?" Henry questions.

"No…" Barry laughs softly. "um... not this time. No... I... look... What I was shown in the Speed Force didn't just change my mind, it changed me. I don't know... what you're seeing as optimism is, for the first time, I'm just not afraid anymore."

"Great, that's... But... You know you still have to be careful, right?" Henry told him.

"What do you mean?" Barry asked.

"Well... I don't... why are you trying to take something from me that I fought so hard to get to?" Barry starts walking towards the elevator.

"Barry!" Henry calls after him.

"I... you... you don't know everything that I've been through, Dad. You haven't been here long enough to know." Barry then sees the hurt look on his dad's face. "I didn't mean... I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that."

"I think I do. Hadn't been around. Teach you how to drive or take you to look at colleges." Henry walks up to Barry. "But I've done everything in my power to know who you are. Barry, I don't want to take anything from you. I believe in you. This isn't about my not believing in you."

"I know that. And I'm fine. Okay? Thank you, thank you very much for worrying about me. I love you. But I'm fine." Barry reassures him.

Suddenly, they hear an alert and that's when Atchaco comes running in. "Didn't you hear that? Come on." Atchaco told him and they ran back into the Cortex where everyone is seeing a fire in the shape of a lightning bolt on the CCPD building. "What is that?" Barry asked.

"It's CCPD." Cisco informed him.

"Zoom." Barry realised.

"Barry. Don't do it." Henry told him. Barry never responded to Henry, instead he sped out of the lab in seconds.

Seconds later, Barry arrives at his and Atchaco's lab. When he gets there he sees Hunter looking at the board where the crime scene for Nora's murder was still up. "You know, I never saw the crime photos of my mother's murder. Well, I guess I didn't need to. I have a ringside seat while you got whisked away. Too delicate, I suppose." Hunter admits and Barry glares at him. "Not just a hologram after all, are you, Flash? Interesting."

"I know you didn't call me up here just to banter. Let's finish this. Right now." Barry tells him.

"Actually, I did. I called you up here to tell you that you and Atchaco can't keep running from one meta to the next. Around and around, like a dog chasing its tail." Hunter mocks.

"I'll do whatever it takes to stop you." Barry admits.

"If only that were good enough. 'Cause here's the thing. I know you. I know you, I know what's holding you back. You and me... we're really just the same person." Hunter tells him.

"Yeah, you keep saying that, but it's not gonna make it true." Barry scoffs.

"You'll see. We are. Same tragic background. Same reason for running. Same desire to be the fastest, to be the best. The difference? You think your anger is dirty somehow. You want to be seen as pure, the hero. Doesn't it get exhausting? Doesn't it get exhausting, Barry! It was exhausting playing Jay, believe me." Hunter explains.

"I'm not pretending." Barry reminds him. Then, just as Barry was about to run over the Hunter a loud rumbling sound was heard coming from outside. Barry then looks out of the window and sees a building a few feet away come crashing down.

"Now if it were me, I'd let that building tumble without a second thought. But you, you'll never let that happen, will you? That's why I'm gonna beat you, Barry. Because you always have to be the hero. And while you're playing the good little boy... I'll be busy winning." Hunter smiles. Barry glares at him before taking off leaving Hunter to smirk.

Back at STAR Labs, Barry comes rushing in. "We can't let Zoom destroy another building. We need to take him down. Now." Barry informs them.

"And how do you propose we do that with an army of meta-humans laying waste to Central City? We couldn't stop Zoom on my Earth. What makes us different?" Harry wonders.

"We're a team. We start with the meta-humans, they're his armor. We take them down first, then Zoom's more vulnerable." Barry tells him.

"Barry, we don't even know how many of his minions there are." Caitlin reminds him.

"There could be hundreds, a thousand." Atchaco suggests.

"And all of them, they're all working with different powers." Cisco tells him.

"It could take weeks to track them all down." Joe explains.

"Guys, we don't have weeks. So what we need to do is come up with a way to stop them all at once." Barry replies.

"Again? How?" Harry asks.

"Cisco, your goggles, your camera, they didn't work on Earth-2, right?" Barry questions.

"Yeah, it was a whole different frequency." Cisco answers.

"And the way you took down the Time Wraiths, that was based on frequency. Hartley's entire shtick…" Barry suggests.

"I think I'm smelling what you're stepping in." Cisco realised.

"Yeah." Harry agrees.

"So basically, we create some vibrational tech that can take down the Earth-2 metas." Cisco smiled.

"Basically." Harry smiles.

"Oh, I gotcha." Atchaco grins.

"Me too." Cisco agrees.

"I'll help." Caitlin said.

"Okay." Barry nods.

"I'll let you know if I hear anything from CCPN." Iris informs him.

"Thank you." Barry said.

"You're welcome." Iris then walks out of the Cortex.

"You guys... we got this." Barry smiles.

"Barr, Maz, can I talk to you for a second?" Joe wonders.

"Yeah." Barry said.

"Sure." Atchaco replied.

In the hallway, Cisco vibes again and sees dead birds, but this time he sees them hit the building before dropping dead on the ground. Cisco then comes out of the vision. "Birds. Why? It's like a Hitchcock movie in my head. He then continues to walk down the hallway.

Meanwhile, Joe is talking with the two speedsters. "What's up?" Barry asked.

"Man, it's Wally." Joe sighed.

"Is he okay?" Atchaco questioned.

"Not really. Earlier, he thought it would be a good idea if he used himself as bait against a meta-human psycho. Thought he could do things the way The Flash and Thunder would." Joe answered.

"Joe, I mean, he... he did tell me that he wasn't gonna waste the opportunity The Flash gave him. I don't know if you can stop him." Barry admits.

"I'm gonna have to or he's gonna get himself killed. Look, he ain't you guys. He can't just go Mach 50…" Joe reminds them.

"Mach 50 isn't a real thing." Atchaco informed him.

"It's true." Barry agreed.

"The point is thinking you're invincible isn't any kind of armour. Wally's already at a higher risk than I'm comfortable with, and him throwing caution to the wind on top of all that? No. We got to keep him safe. So... in the Flash, talk to him. Again. Only this time with a little help." Joe told them.

"Yeah, we'll talk to him." Atchaco said.

"We'll try, I promise." Barry replied.

"Yeah." Joe nodded.

"Mm-hmm." Atchaco hummed.

"Thank you." Joe sighs in relief before walking out the room.

Later in the Cortex, Cisco was looking over an equation, as he does so he gets frustrated and throws the marker that was in his hand. "I thought throwing things was Harry's preferred method of dealing with stress." Caitlin said.

"That is how frustrated I am right now. I'm... just running out of ideas as to how to make this work. Where's Barry? I need a taste of that 'Walking on Sunshine' thing he's got going on right now." Cisco admitted.

Caitlin smiles but when she turns around, her smile fades when she sees Zoom in the reflection of the glass in front of her. Upon seeing him, she turns around and sees him there and gasps. "No... No!" She whimpers.

Cisco notices that Caitlin was looking at nothing and whimpering. "Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's me, okay? Breathe. Breathe. You're okay, all right? You're shaking." Cisco told her.

"I... I thought I saw him... Zoom... I thought I saw him right there." Caitlin takes deep breaths.

"It's just me, okay? Look at me, he's not here. He's not here." Cisco reassures her.

"I see him everywhere." Caitlin informs him.

"Look, you literally just escaped a psychopath who kidnapped you, all right, so I think it's normal for you to have a severe reaction like this." Cisco reminds him.

"This is so much worse than that. I... I'm afraid all the time. I don't think I can ever move forward." Caitlin admits.

"You will." Cisco tells her.

"When? Jay took everything from me. My confidence, my trust, my sanity. I don't think I'll ever be whole again." Caitlin argued.

"Of course you will." Cisco gives her a hug. "I promise."

Later that night, Barry and Macanese go and check on Wally, who's listening into a police scanner. They use their speed to obscure their identities from them. "Stealing is illegal, you know." Barry tells him.

"Detective West tells me that you've been fighting Zoom's army on your own." Macanese informs him.

"Yeah. I want to help." Wally admits.

"We admire what you're trying to do, but the best way to help is to just leave this to the police." Barry replies.

"Like you two did." Wally scoffs.

"We do have powers, Wally. It is a little different." Barry reminds him.

"This isn't your fight. It's ours." Macanese continues.

"No, it's all of ours. This is my city too now. It's up to all of us to protect it." Wally retaliates.

"Guys, we got a major meta-human alert at 5th and Main... get there." Cisco informs them through the comms.

"5th and Main. Got it." Barry looks over at Wally. "We'll continue this later." They then both speed away.

Seconds later, they both arrive at the address and see earth two Laurel waiting for them. "Why is it always so difficult to choose?" Laurel-2 wonders.

"Barry, Maz, what it is?" Cisco asks.

"It's... Laurel Lance." Barry tells him.

"Laurel." Macanese said.

"Laurel Lance is dead. On this Earth, anyway. Poor Black Canary. Bye-bye, birdy." Laurel-2 laughs.

Meanwhile in the Cortex. "Earth-2 Laurel." Cisco observed.

"You knew her doppelganger?" Harry questions.

"We didn't just know her, we loved her." Caitlin answers.

Back with the two speedsters. "So... what do we call you?" Barry wondered.

"You can call me Black Siren. Zoom mentioned that you might be showing up. Just, I didn't know if you were bringing your girlfriend too." Laurel-2 said.

"If he told you what I can do… what we can do, you should look more afraid." Barry told her.

"And so should the two of you." Laurel-2 admits.

"Tell us, why did you take down Mercury Labs?" Macanese asks.

"Because I like to watch things crumble and fall. Guess what. You two are next." Laurel-2 informs them before letting loose a sonic wail.

In the Cortex the others are watching it unfold. "You okay, Barry, Maz?" Caitlin asks.

"Look. Anything over 200 decibels will kill a human not to mention a Bicain." Harry sighs.

Back with Barry and Macanese, both of them were groaning in pain on the ground as Black Siren walked towards them. "Was that too loud? Perhaps we should quiet things down a bit." Laurel-2 mocks. Both Barry and Macanese were disoriented as they stood up. They both manage to get kicked and punched by Laurel-2, and only succeed in placing a couple on Laurel-2. "You know, the sad thing is, I think Zoom's actually afraid of you. And I didn't think that he feared anything." Laurel-2 chuckles. "And you two, you're hardly worth the chills. How many metas did he send to try and kill you guys? Well, it's too bad. He should have just sent me because that way, you two would have already been…"

She gets cut off when she gets hit by a car that is being driven by Wally. "Get in." Wally swings open the passenger door. Barry and Macanese clamber into the car and vibrate their faces so Wally can't identify them. "Thought you two might need a lift."

"Yeah. Thanks." Barry replies as Macanese breaths heavily before they then speed out of it.

"You're welcome." Wally smiles.

Later at STAR Labs, Caitlin was cleaning the blood from Barry and Atchaco's ears. "Why do so many villains that we go against use sound as a weapon?" Caitlin asked.

Atchaco is silent for a moment before chuckling. "It's a useful weapon, sonics." She replies.

"What?" Barry wonders, having no idea what they are saying.

"Nothing. You're gonna be fine." Caitlin laughs softly.

"Thanks." Atchaco then stands up and walks to stand with Iris.

"So Wally just drove on up into the thick of it?" Joe questions.

"Mm-hmm." Barry nodded.

"Must have been some conversation you two had, seeing as though he did literally the opposite of what we wanted." Joe said angrily.

"This I can hear." Barry admits.

"It's not funny." Joe reminds him.

"I'm sorry." Barry apologies.

"I'm in no laughing mood." Joe informs him.

"Look, Joe, we tried. We told you we would try, right? I... Wally's a determined kid." Barry tells him.

"Yeah, determined to get himself killed." Joe retorts.

"Or determined to help people. And be glad, or you know, Atchaco and I would not be standing here right now." Barry reminds him.

"Well, he was lucky tonight. I don't want to see the day when he isn't." Joe admits.

"We've got more than luck on our side, Joe." Barry replies, walking into the infirmary and Joe sighs, walking out of the Cortex.

Atchaco and Iris look at each other, Iris then motions to Atchaco to talk to Barry before leaving. "You know you're not invincible, right? Even I'm not." Atchaco tells him, walking into the infirmary.

"Yes, of course, I know this." Barry sighs. "Joe's being overprotective, but I get it."

"Yeah, but it's like you think that nothing can touch you. Like nothing bad can get in your way. That's not true for any of us." Atchaco reminds him.

"What are you saying?" Barry asked.

"Look, I know that you had an experience in the Speed Force. Who knows, I may have had the same experience if I was in your shoes. And I'm happy that you think we're gonna win the day. But I think a little fear can be a healthy thing. It helps you determine which risks are worth taking. I think that's something for both you and Wally to take to heart." Atchaco tells him. Barry smiles softly and nods.

Back at CCPD, Hunter was looking out of the window, at the rain, when Black Siren walked in. "I met your little speedy friends tonight. Aren't you going to ask me if I killed him?" Laurel-2 told him.

"You didn't. You're good but not that good." Hunter replies.

"And yet I seem to be the only one of your top lieutenants still standing." Laurel-2 reminds him.

"Like I said, you're good. So why don't you go knock down a few more buildings? Like I ordered." Hunter wonders.

"What's the point?" Laurel-2 questions.

"The point is so that it seems random. That way The Flash and his merry band won't realise what I'm up to till it's too late." Hunter explains.

"What are you up to?" Laurel-2 asks.

"No good." Hunter answers.

Later in the breach room, Harry was sitting on a chair in front of the door, he was getting hit with sound waves through his ears that Cisco was sending through a machine. "Ow." Harry complained.

"Sorry." Cisco apologised as he pressed the button on the machine again.

"Ow!" Harry repeats.

"There we go." Cisco laughs.

"Are you kidding me with this?" Harry questions.

"Hey, at least it works." Cisco replies.

"Tremendous." Harry replies.

"What is it exactly?" Barry asked.

"It's just a small source of joy, but more importantly, it's how we're gonna stop Zoom's army." Cisco told them.

"By giving them all electroshock therapy?" Joe wonders.

"By giving them all dimensional shock therapy." Cisco corrects.

"This is where I play stupid and you explain science." Joe tells him.

"Okay. Fair enough. So all matter vibrates at its own unique frequency, right? You disrupt that frequency, you disrupt the matter." Cisco simplifies.

"Like how an opera singer shatters glass with her voice." Iris suggests.

"Exactly. So we found out that all Earth-2 people vibrate at their own, more erratic frequency." Cisco explained.

"Higher frequency." Harry tells them.

"Different frequency." Cisco replies.

"Higher." Harry corrects.

"Higher frequency than we do." Cisco agrees.

"Right." Joe replies.

So I ran this all past Hartley, right? And he postulated that we could create a sort of dimensional tuning fork... Voila…" Cisco points to the chair that Harry is sitting in.

"Okay, you didn't do it yourself." Harry gets out of the chair.

"Just let me have this one, okay?" Cisco replied.

"Have it, have it." Harry tells him.

"Thank you." Cisco then draws a dot and circles around it. "So if you run around the city fast enough to create a refracting field, the device can send out a pulse that'll bounce off of it, split apart, and collide with itself over and over."

"Amplifying it to an erratic frequency on the Earth-2…" Barry realised.

"Higher. Higher frequency." Harry corrects.

"Higher frequency on the Earth-2 spectrum." Barry said.

"And when that pulse hits anyone from Earth-2…" Cisco starts to say.

"It'll disrupt their nervous system." Caitlin continued.

"Earth-2 metas go night-night." Cisco tells them.

"Even Zoom?" Atchaco asks.

"Even Zoom." Cisco confirms.

"Harry and Jesse are from Earth-2. How do we keep the pulse from hurting them?" Joe wondered.

"Oh, Detective, I didn't know you cared." Harry said.

"Yes you did." Joe retorts.

"Uh, we designed these headphones to protect us from the pulse." Harry puts on a pair of headphones.

"Beats by Wells." Cisco replies and Joe laughs.

At that moment, an alert of Black Siren's location starts beeping on the computer screen. "Cisco, it's your meta-human alert app." Caitlin informs him.

"That's the high-rise development on the west side." Joe realised.

"Hundreds of people live there." Iris tells them.

"Ramon, we're up. Let's go. Set that pulse off right now. Allen, you and Atchaco need to start generating that refracting field right now." Harry said.

"But Black Siren can take down this building at any point. Wha... all those people, Wells." Barry tries to argue.

"How many more people are gonna die while we wait?" Harry retorts.

"Guys, which is it?" Joe asked.

"I think I just got the worst idea of all time." Cisco admits.

Later with Black Siren, she was looking out of the window in the high rise development. "I don't think I've taken down so many buildings at once." Laurel-2 admits.

"Maybe you're not as powerful as you think!" A voice calls out.

"What are you two doing here?" Laurel-2 asks. Standing a few feet away from her was Reverb and Killer Frost, or so she thought.

"Why should you have all the fun?" Cisco, disguised as Reverb, questioned.

"I thought you two were dead." Laurel-2 told them.

"Zoom thinks that too. And we'd like to keep it that way." Cisco replies.

"For now." Caitlin, as Killer Frost, tells her.

"You think you two can pull one over on Zoom? Well, enjoy being dead." Laurel-2 said.

"I told you." Cisco said.

"Give her a chance." Caitlin replies.

"What chance?" Laurel-2 asked angrily.

"She's not ready." Cisco tells Caitlin.

"Excuse me. Do you know what I'm capable of doing?" Laurel-2 wonders.

"Try it, and I'll shatter your entire nervous system without breaking a sweat." Cisco warns.

"Wow, you really think you can take on Zoom." Laurel-2 scoffs.

"We can." Cisco walks up to her, Caitlin beside him. "You don't even know how powerful you are. With a single call, you can take down a building. I'd call that impressive. But why... stop... there? Why serve a master when you can be a master, when you can be a god? We... could be gods."

Back in STAR Labs, everyone was getting ready in the breach room. "All right!" Barry said.

"All right. We're synced up with whatever the heck that thing is." Harry points to the picture of the device on screen.

"Finally something we're both baffled by." Joe said.

"I'm kidding. That, my friend, is a 75KTSB 40,000-watt reverberating sound amplifier designed to single out the operating frequency of every single Earth-2 being on this planet... which, when contained and magnified by The Flash and Thunder creating a sound pressure wall around the city, will render all of us Earth-2 beings unconscious. Hence…" Harry hands Jesse some headphones. "...the safety precautions."

"I'm baffled by it." Henry admits.

"Are we ready?" Macanese laughs softly.

"Yes, we are." Harry replies and he and Jesse put on their headphones.

"All right." Barry said.

The device activates as soon as Barry and Macanese speed out of there and start to run around the city. "Here... we... go." Harry told them.

Back with Cisco and Caitlin, it looked as though they were fooling Black Siren. "If I were interested in forming an alliance with you two, what's your plan? Exactly?" Laurel-2 asks.

"We ambush Zoom at CCPD. With our three powers combined, he'll be no match for us." Cisco explains.

"Hmm. Well, I like the sound of that." Laurel-2 replies.

"Great. Then let's go." Caitlin said.

"There's just one more thing. Reverb... catch." She throws him something and he catches it. "You know, all doppelgangers... they're mirror images of themselves. But you two, you didn't know that, did you?"

"Reverb is left-handed." Caitlin realised.

"Well, I just... I just happened to... catch it with my right... run!" Cisco then takes off running with Caitlin.

Barry and Macanese, unaware of what was happening, were still running around the city as the device was powering up.

Meanwhile, Cisco and Caitlin run into a dead end. "Oh, no. What are we gonna do?" Caitlin wonders.

"I don't think that there's anything you can do." Laurel-2 tells them.

Then as soon as she was about to let out a loud wail, Cisco shot a wave of vibrations from his hand, which surprised him and Caitlin, which threw Black Siren backwards. "What the what?" Caitlin said.

"I don't know." Cisco admits.

"Well, do it again!" Caitlin replies. Cisco tries again but this time nothing happens. "Cisco…"

Back at STAR Labs, an alert beeps as the device reaches up to 100, meaning that the device is ready. "We're a go." Iris said. Then, the frequency starts amplifying around the city as the vibration shoots out and hits all the metas from earth 2.

"There's nothing on this Earth that can stop us!" Laurel-2 tells them, before the frequency hits her and she drops to her knees instantly.

"It's working." Caitlin said.

At CCPD, Zoom gets hit with the pulse but it just pisses him off.

Back in the breach room, the headphones don't seem to be helping Jesse. "Dad? Dad, it hurts." Jesse complained. Harry runs over to her. He checks her headphones before giving her his own. "No... no... stop…"

"It's okay." Harry groans in pain.

"No…" Jesse whimpers.

"It's okay, honey." Harry tells her.

Meanwhile, Zoom manages to escape the pulse by jumping into a breach and leaving earth one. Everyone else from earth two, apart from Jesse, passes out, this includes Harry.

"Turn it off! Turn it off, it worked!" Jesse shouted. Joe then switches off the device and the sound from the pulse stops along with it. Jesse cries by her father's side.

"It's okay, it's okay, we'll take care of him. It's okay, Jesse. He's gonna be okay." Henry reassured her.

"Barry. Atchaco. We did it. Bring them all in." Joe tells them.

"Copy that." Barry replied.

"We're on clean up." Macanese said.

Later in the pipeline, they had Black Siren locked up and she was pissed. She screams, but it doesn't do anything. "What's that? I can't... I can't hear you through the double-paned soundproof glass. It's... it's kind of hard to make out what you're saying." Cisco tells her and she glares in return.

"So should we tell Sara and Captain Lance about her?" Caitlin asks.

"No, I've seen what interacting with your family's doppelgangers can do." Barry replies.

"And it's not even Laurel." Atchaco replied.

Cisco closes the pipeline door. "No. It's just a poor imitation." He turns to Caitlin. "Speaking of, that was a pretty good Killer Frost you did back there."

"Guess I was in the right headspace to play a cold, vicious killer." Caitlin replies.

"How you doing, are you okay?" Barry asked.

"No. But I think I'm gonna be. Being out there with you guys, fighting meta-humans, saving people... It's the first time I felt normal in a long time." Caitlin admits.

"Come here." Atchaco said and she and Barry gave Caitlin a hug.

"This is a group hug moment." Cisco said.

"Yeah. It is." Barry agrees as he pulls Cisco into the group hug.

The next day, the police were back at CCPD after Barry and Macanese took all the earth two metahumans to Iron heights. "So all of Zoom's meta-humans are locked up in Iron Heights?" Singh asked.

"Most of them. Some are somewhere else." Joe answered.

"I don't want to know." Singh tells them.

"No you don't." Joe replies.

"And Zoom?" Singh questioned as the Flash and Thunder appeared in front of them.

"The metas we spoke to said Zoom created a breach and escaped." Macanese informed him.

"And how did he do that again?" Joe wondered.

"Who knows, but he's back on Earth-2 now." Barry replies.

"Earth-2? That something else I don't want to know about?" Singh asked.

"No." The other three say in unison.

"All right. Well, Flash, Thunder, thanks. The man and woman who saved Central City once again." Singh said.

"No, we're all just part of the same team." Macanese tells him.

"Speaking of teams, where the hell is Allen? And Cornwall? She's normally early." Singh wonders.

As Singh was talking, Barry and Macanese speed away and seconds later, they come back dressed in their normal clothes and Barry bumps into a cop. "Ooh... Sorry, man, sorry... hey. Heard our names." Barry said.

"Uh, what's up?" Atchaco asked.

"Good, well, you've both got about 100 meta criminal cases to get through, so I would get to cracking if I were you two." Singh informs them.

"We will get right on that." Barry tells him and Singh walks away.

"Captain." Joe snickers and then whispers. "Well done."

"Thanks." Atchaco replied.

"Listen, uh, I've been thinking about Wally some more." Barry admits.

"Are you guys gonna talk to him again?" Joe asked.

"No, we're not." Atchaco answers.

"Why not?" Joe questioned.

"Because he's your son, Joe." Barry reminds him.

"I know he's my son." Joe tells him.

"I... look... what we mean is he's got your values. He's got your inner drive to help people do what's right. We're supposed to think we're something we're not until we become that thing. That's the path that Wally's on." Atchaco informs him.

"We're not gonna stop him from being the hero that he's gonna become. I really don't think you should either." Barry finishes.

" I can't wait till you have kids and they torture you. I'ma laugh in your face." Joe smiles and Atchaco laughs.

"All right, gramps." Barry joked.

"Poppa." Joe corrected.

"What?" Atchaco wondered.

"My grandkids are gonna call me 'poppa'." Joe tells them.

"All right." Barry laughs.

Later at night, Barry and Henry walk into the West house when he notices everyone inside. "What in the world?" Barry walks in. "What is this?"

"Blame Atchaco." Iris said.

"Okay. I just figured that since Henry is officially back for good, we should celebrate. And since Zoom is gone and the city is quiet right now." Atchaco tells him.

"Oh, I appreciate it, Atchaco. Thank you." Henry told her and he took a seat on the couch next to Dr McGee. "Hi, Tina."

"Hello, Henry." McGee replies.

"Good to see you." Henry told her.

"Good to see you too." McGee returned.

"You look... great." Henry compliments.

"Thank you." McGee said.

Meanwhile, Atchaco and Barry were in the dining room. "I hope you don't mind that I invited Dr. McGee." Atchaco told him.

"Seems like somebody's glad you did." Barry looks over at his dad.

"Mm-hmm. So I guess you are invincible." Atchaco admits.

"Told you. We both are." Barry informs her and Atchaco chuckles softly. "The Speed Force is with us."

"Cute." Atchaco laughs before Barry gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Meanwhile, Jesse walks up to Wally. "So is it true? You saved The Flash and Thunder's life?" Jesse said.

"Oh, I mean, I was just in the right place at the right time." Wally replies.

"Proud of you, Wally. You did good." Joe tells him.

"Thanks, dad." Wally said and Jesse laughed. "What?"

"I'm just... I'm proud of you too." Jesse admits.

Caitlin then walks in and sets a turkey on the table. "Soup's on." She informs them.

"Hey! Taking out a city full of monsters makes a man hungry." Cisco chuckled.

"First, a toast." Joe raises his wine glass. "To family."

"To family." Everyone repeats.

"That's my kind of toast, short and sweet. Let's eat." Cisco said and Joe smiled.

Suddenly, Cisco vibes again and sees the dead birds. "Oh. You guys. Great." Cisco sighed. Cisco then notices overlapping screams coming from around him and he sees people running away. He turns around and sees that it was Earth 2 and everything was collapsing. "Earth-2." Cisco realised, then in seconds he comes out of visions.

"Cisco? What... What is it?" Barry asked.

"What'd you see?" Atchaco questions.

"What do you mean 'see'?" Wally wondered.

"Cisco gets visions." Caitlin simplifies.

"I don't understand." Cisco admits.

"What Cisco?" Joe asked.

"Earth-2 splitting in half. Straight down to the poles. Tell me I didn't just vibe the future. Please tell me I did not just see the end of the world!" Cisco said.

Zoom then appears and grabs Henry. "Our story continues, Flash." Zoom informs him. He then speeds away with Henry and Barry runs after him, exposing his powers to Wally.

"Henry!" McGee shouted.

"Oh, my God." Iris gasped.

Barry follows them all over the city, until finally Zoom leads them into Barry's childhood house. "Dad? Dad?" Barry calls.

He finds them standing where Barry's mother was killed. "It's poetic, returning to your childhood home." Hunter said.

"Jay. Don't do this. I'm begging you. I'm begging you! Take me. kill me!" Barry told him.

"No!" Henry shouted.

"You still won't believe me that you and I are the same." Hunter tells him.

"Come on." Barry begged.

"Barry, look at me, son. Look at me…" Henry said and Barry does.

"So I'm gonna have to make you believe me." Hunter replies.

"Whatever happens you have made me the happiest father…" Hungry starts to say.

"Dad…" Barry cried.

"This time, you're gonna watch your parent die just like I did." Hunter tells him.

"No, no!" Barry screamed.

"And this is what's gonna make you just like me!" Hunter tells him.

"Your mother and I love…" Henry doesn't get to finish what he said, just like how Hunter's mother didn't.

"Jay!" Barry begged, but Hunter ignored his plees. Hunter then vibrates his hand and rams it through Henry's chest, killing him.

"No!" Barry yelled, and just like that he was alone.