Twenty- Must be out of his mind

Chloe's head was banging as though she had downed thirty pints of alcohol the previous night. Groaning slightly as she sat up, Chloe wondered what could be the cause of her discomfort.

Something on her bed made a buzzing sound before she could figure that anything.

As she reached for the satchel tucked within her sheets, a loud sneeze came causing her more distress. Sniffling, she took out her smartwatch, and with the quick decision of taking a risk at that moment, she didn't bother to get off her bed.

She was feeling too weak anyway.

"Agent Pepper here," she said faintly when she connected her headset.

"What on freaking bollocks earth do you think you are doing, Pepper?"

"Agent Markings?" Without a fail, she was able to recognize that angry voice anywhere. She hated that familiar hoarseness and the man who yielded it, he always got on her nerves.