Twenty One- A chat with Lucille

Being someone who liked to pride herself on her little strength, Chloe was hating the fact that her illness was barely getting better. And since she refused to go to a hospital, Amir and Gabriel had her put on absolute bed rest for the whole day placing restrictions on her movements.

And, that made her hate the illness even more.

Sniffling as she helped herself up, her mind traveled to Nathaniel who hadn't been lurking in the house since Gabriel's little... confession. Perhaps declaration was a better word to use.

Even though she always felt that she had no use for human relations, she felt kind of sad that Nathaniel did not even peep into her room once. She had a slight expectation that he would come at some point. But it seemed she expected too much.

She was letting just two dates and a few encounters and a kiss lead her mind into thinking too much.