The Storms

Anyway, I need to sleep, Hmm, I haven't had rest since two days ago when, hehe, when Mark and I….you know had that magical moment. Haaay! Oh, maybe he is like worried or jealous about …yeah why his face was as if questioning me. I opened my bedroom door and there I saw Mark still standing in front of it. Ah…haaaa, you scared me, why are you standing there, and have you been ….I said frantic and almost had a heart attack when I saw a huge guy in the dark standing in front of my door. Hahaa!,sorry Belle, I was hearing what you're thinking and I am kind of jealous about this Shoji, but when you thought of me and what happened with us recently, I'm relieved. I love you, Belle!, Mark added now not more than 5 inches away from where I'm standing. I love yo…., I said when he kissed me on the lips without finishing my line. And I don't want to tell what exactly happened next, hihi!. Mark decided to sleep in my room all night long.

Storm Jebi came inside Japan and hit Kyushu. It's not a bit long now that it'll deliver havoc to Shinano. Though Mark, Belle, Shoji and Sayaka knew the storm will come at the day, the news later said that Jebi will come at the exact time when Shoji and the gang went to the abandoned textile factory near Lake Nijori, near an iconic shrine called Shinano Shokonsa. Wow! This factory have been here for decades but since made out of iron and clay it stood mighty, but I wonder if it'll stand against the storm. Anyway, Shoji introduced Sayaka and I, Mark and bought with us food for a time to hide away, as per Shoji, his time off, since now a renowned artist. He wanted to get away from the crowd and just have a bit of peace with himself or with us for a change. It's been a long time since I visited Auntie Maki . She still seemed distant after all these years that Papa tried to save Uncle Taka from drowning on the fishing trip they did last. Shoji esteemed us and showed the new house he bought for her. Auntie is glad but she still has that scar written all over her face about Uncle's passing and I too still have that mark when Papa died along with him. But Mark changed everything. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. Mark saw me looking at him seriously and he smiled with the handsome grin which my make my heart melt always.

Time to visit our childhood spot, the textile factory. Mark asked where it is and advised us not to go there since there was a storm coming and it's been reported that high tides are coming in soon. A strong gust of winds gave me the chills but I ignored it. We still went ahead since Sayaka and Shoji seemed to miss adventures like this such as when they went mountain climbing one time almost reaching Mt. Fuji but since frost bites pretty painful, they decided not to pursue and just chilled in Toe Bar.

Mark and Sayaka went ahead and checked on the infrastructure. Though it's been two decades, the factory still stood strongly. But I saw that the huge sewer built a couple of years ago is still in use. I think the flood waters flow through there, about a hundred feet or so from where the factory lies. Hey! Belle, come look at this, Shoji shouted and waved at me to look on something inside a room, I think it's the textile production room. I can still smell the old rugged and sort of like burnt machine run with oil but a little less now compared to when we were younger 20 years ago.

I was about to head to open the door when Shoji grabbed my arm and reached for my face kissing my mouth. Hmph!!!, Sho….what are……, me trying to talk while he was kissing me and not stopping at all. I loved you ever since Belle and I still do until now. Please, just one last time, I want you and been thinking about you, about this moment every day, Shoji added, still locking both of my hands now on top of my head. His knee is in between my legs and I can't get out of this fit. Are you crazy! Sayaka and Mark are in there and why now, still, after all these years? Shoji, I told you that I love you but as my best friend and not someone I….Shoji held my hands tightly, still kissing me, now he went far as unbuttoning my sleeveless shirt, exposing my breasts and like a mad dog, he was totally turned on now. Shoji, please, stop this, I said in a whisper, so Mark and Sayaka won't here. But little did I know, Sayaka was about to fetch us, she was shocked seeing us together and saw Shoji doing those crazy things to me. Ahh….Mark is fixing us dinner….care to join us, Shoji???, Sayaka said blankly and her head facing the ground. Um….yup yeah, we will join you soon…we are just checking on the production room, it brings old memories back. I didn't know if Sayaka really saw us since the area was a bit dark, but I know with the sound of her voice she definitely saw something out of the ordinary. When Shoji released my hands, I slapped him hard on the face and didn't speak to him, I walked past him while I button my shirt, I hated him now. Fixing my hair as if a guilty cat, I joined Sayaka and Mark who was smiling at me while heating the porridge he made at home. F*ck you Shoji!!! Sayaka with looks that could kill, said, murmuring at him when he came back all smiley and as if won a lottery, sitting close to her. I, on the other hand, was, still, surprised how Shoji acted and it bothered me, because even if he was sadistic, it felt exciting and tingly inside. Haaa, what am I thinking? Shoji, grrrr!!, what have you done to me? But this is just an infatuation and he is a friend. Anyway, Mark is who I love and ...I suddenly went out of my day dreaming when Sayaka hesterically shouted …aahhhhh, the storm is coming…I saw the water gushing out of the sewer, Shoji… I saw Shoji is frozen and I think he is panicking now. Mark then grabbed Sayaka and I toward a room wherelarge machines are kept. You'll be safe here, Mark said and kissed my forehead.

Mark and Shoji looked for a way to escape the waters. But the factory is flooded now and the only way to get out of here is to swim across and get to safety. Mark had a plan and he wanted Shoji to protect Sayaka and Belle out of the factory. Since Mark is strong he carried the log out of the way and pushed it out of the flooded factory. Shoji, Sayaka and I were on top of the log like a boat and Mark paddled in and out to support it. The water was so strong that it pulled and pushed us to and fro like we were in a water fall. I was looking at Mark while he is saving us from this crazy situation, all the while I was so caught up in the moment and lost track of time, we were at the lake and Mark is nowhere to be found.

Sayaka was crying and Shoji was in total shock. Ojichan picked us up and sent us to the nearby hospital, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep crying, worrying about Mark. I know he is an angel but can he survive this even if. Shoji gave me a sad and worried look, while I still can't forgive him for what he did in the factory. Sayaka gave me a hug and said that I am lucky to have Mark in my life. She mentioned something about Mark (when he went out of that side of the area where Shoji and I were and when Sayaka asked where he was going, he said, somewhere and he was really mad) when Shoji was taking advantage of me. Oh no! Mark saw everything, so he thought….he thought, No, no!!! Mark…I shouted in my head and cried so hard, Mama and Shita wasn't able to contain me. Mama fetched for the doctor who gave me a doze of reliever medicine for the pain since I had a wound causing a splitting head ache, but not as painful as missing and losing Mark.

In heaven. Mark came through and as if in a dream, he breathed so deep like he was drowning and then was saved from the waters and lifted up to live. He felt like waking up from a bad dream with his wings a little broken and his suit changed to being the Chief of the Army Angels. My body seemed to have been used to the pain like in battles we fight against the dark forces on earth but not the pain I felt when I saw that Shoji doing the things I did with Belle. It ripped through my heart and I think until now I still can't breathe well. I didn't understand why Belle would do that to me. I want to hate Belle but I couldn't, I love her, I am truly in love with her. Noriel came in to etch him, since The Lord Almighty is asking from him and his reports on Earth. But seeing Mortha sadly occupied, he wanted to leave and almost closing the door.