Confused Angel

Noriel, hi, it's been a long time since I saw you, thank you for checking up on me. Yes, what can I do for you? Mortha added smiling now.

Ah, well, Sir, Our Lord is asking if you can report what you have found out on Earth and I saw you are still resting so I wanted to leave you in peace for now, Noriel said comforting him.

Yes, I'll be in right in a minute. I am just thinking about….Mortha hasn't finished talking when Noriel interrupted.

When you fell for a girl named Belle!!! Noriel added with a tearful grin looking at Mortha confidently.

How did you….Mortha asked but suddenly realized that they are all angels here and can even read each other's minds what more a human's thought, feeling and desire.

Hmm…you caught me there. I just don't understand the feeling anymore. I thought that love is just love and I guess it's more complicated than what meets the eye, hmm!!! Mortha added, patting Noriel's head when he moved closer and like admiring someone's battle scars. Noriel is still a teen ager and Mortha is his idol.

Boss, Sir! You know if you love this Belle, why not, go back and tell her. Maybe you can spend your days with her. Why not, right? Noriel whispered when Guard Angels came walking pass Mortha's room.

How can I? I'm the Head of the Army angels, who will man the brigade, you? Hehe!!!, I added jokingly but Noriel is determined.

Why not? Your general now is Bedoin and he is doing well with his position. I am young but I can do a lot of things with my wit, wisdom and charm, Noriel added proudly.

Besides you trained me well like Bedoin, so we are the pride of the heavens now, Noriel added tapping Mortha's shoulder. Do what you have to do and we'll do ours from here.

At the Courts of Heaven. Lord God is so happy to see me and he is glad that I saved many with the time I spent helping souls and people on Earth.

I told him about the pains, the changes that the world experienced. The reasons why many forget to pray or call his name and how the world revolves without him on the picture. And well,I guess I still feel the hurt of what Belle and Shoji did, I am in remorse now. But God saw it, of course he is the all- knowing King, how can I hide my feelings from him.

Mortha, or Mark, I know you have been in a lot of pain lately and been loving, supporting the people I gave you on Earth, so I will send you back and learn more from them. This time, I won't let you return until you found what your heart desires most.

What…My Lord and Greatness, How and why???? I want to stay and serve you Master…Mortha added pleading for mercy since he really doesn't want to go back and feel the pain Belle caused him.

No Mortha, you are to return to Earth and you will never come back until you have found the one that makes your heart come alive. Just like what I have experienced. I love them all why I gave my life to save them. But you have a mission to fulfil to one girl named Belle, am I right? Jesus said smiling at me.

I…Am unworthy Lord, but if that is your wish, then I will follow, Mortha said very much confused and after giving his respects he walked out of the courts and hisheart is still covered with jealousy and ….HURT!!! I never realized how painful a heart ache is, much more a broken heart. Now I do, more than I could ever imagine and I hate it.

GOD THE FATHER: What do you think of Mortha? Will he make it?

JESUS smiling at God the Father and Mama Mary: I know he would, he is strong, kind and compassionate. He'll be able to forgive and love again. I just worry he won't be back with us for a very long time. Thank you Mother for the advise.

VIRGIN MARY timidly smiling: Hmm!

It's been six months since storm Jebi hit Shinano and the nearby districts such as Kyushu and Fukouko. Belle is still hurt missing Mark and she still hasn't forgiven Shoji about what happened in the factory. The textile factory was now submerged with waters that the District of Shinano called for a meeting on how to use the rubble as additional metal to build more sewers to be placed deep on the ground for safety precautions, and to prevent happening again in the future, like the horrifying experience she, Mark, the rest of her friends went through. Because of the incident, Auntie Maki now is more appreciative of Shoji. Fixing him meals and kissing his cheeks just like when we were kids, which he totally hated. Shoji asked for an apology to Sayaka and I, which Sayaka automatically accepted and gave my silly friend another chance by courting her and promising to never lay eyes on other girls again including me. I soon forgave Shoji when he sent a screaming 12 dozen of roses and boxes of chocolates which I gave to Shita and Mama since Valentines Day is up and about, anyway.

I sadly keep on thinking and wishing Mark will come home soon and that I wanted to explain to him what happened that night at the factory, that night when I was tempted but not because I love Mark so much. And it was a big mistake. My mistake that I will forever pay for, a debt from my childhood fantasy turned misery or nightmare, since I know how much Mark loves me. I definitely blew it, but I am not totally to blame for it, Shoji is the culprit. Well, maybe I liked it to happen too, to test me whether my love for Mark is greater than the infatuation I had for

Shoji a long time ago. I am definite that I love my angel more than anyone else, more than myself, even. I know deep in my heart that I love Shoji as a friend, more like a brother and nothing more.

In the Clouds near the Courts of Heaven

Bedoin seeing Mortha standing looking at the grandeur of the Sun seriously, in deep thought in one of the clouds near the Courts of Heaven:

Sir, Mortha, as a friend, I would definitely want you to forget about the girl and move on. We are happy here in heaven, no hassle and no heartaches. But as an angel inspiring an angel feeling like a human, ah, it's different!!!, I would not condone it but I would advise you to forgive and forget, know the reason why and get the girl back.

Mortha: Haaa….why does this feeling, of love, so hard to understand. I am confused and love is not the usual emotion when I help or motivate people to love or fall in love. But if you are the one feeling it, like what I am experiencing now, I don't know what to do. Haha! It's so ironic, really. Yes, I love her and I haven't asked her what happened that night either.

Bedoin: Since we have the power to walk through the past and see the future. Why not try to find out what really happened that night? I think this is important not only for you but for Belle, as well. And you need to know what really happened to her and that boy. Right?

Mortha: I don't think I can and I want to see what really happened. What if she did want it to happen and what if she was really tired of me or???

Bedoin: Listen to yourself. Remember when I was so afraid to lead the Army Angels and you wanted me to be the General? I turned to you and you inspired me to take the challenge. Since you believed in me I never had a slightest doubt that I would be able to lead the team. And I did well and still doing well because you believed, you believed in me! I think Belle needs to have that faith too. For you to believe in her. And to believe with your love for her, and her love for you, right?

Mortha lay silent and thought it through, Bedoin is right and my love for Belle is greater than anything or anyone in the world: .........…and went back to the past, the night when Belle and Shoji were in front of the production room at the factory.

I flew like a wind, faster than the speed of light, lighter than a swift gazelle. I wanted to clear my head, so I flew invisibly around the world that it took me a day to scout the seas, lands, cities and people of the Earth. I feel like my strength went back and the sun heating the world is like firing me up inside with desire and light that I wanted to share with Belle. It's not long when I thought of her I am suddenly in front of the Sun house in the middle of the night. I believe that is it 12 midnight now and it's colder than the usual since, snow have been melting from December until February, the winter season is almost over.