
Mortha or Mark felt weak because he is not really born as a man or human. He is a pure bread of angel and he can't live longer on earth because he is a spirit that lives and only created for God and to serve, fight and protect humans for God's glory.

Angels are supernatural and immortal beings that can't be mortal and can't live as a mortal forever. Belle knows about this since Mark explained to her about his identity and his whole story. Belle felt lost and she is sad that she will lose her beloved husband, best friend and only love, forever that's why she was emotional and quite hysterical or a bit out of it, earlier. Deny, dad will be gone for a while and I need you to be strong for me, okay!, Belle said crying, though she already regained her sanity back, she hugged and kissed me on the cheek, then slept. I hugged mom and kissed her back. I pity her but I know dad will be fine. I tried to communicate with him through my mind and he immediately contacted me back. I went out of their bedroom and talked with dad through telepathy.

Are you okay dad?, I said while tears started to fall down my eyes. Yes baby!, daddy is fine. Don't cry, be strong and help mommy while I'm gone, he added feeling emotional too, while he let his presence be felt putting his arms around me, then on moms' like his in two places at the same time. I love you dad, please hurry back okay!

You bet yah, honey! I wouldn't' miss your play and I heard from mom that you are great in that show!, I will see you soon!, Mark cried reassuring me that he is okay and that he will be back as soon as possible. Goodnight dad!, I love you!

Goodnight baby, I love you too and mom!, Mark added and kissed me on the cheek, then kissed mom on her lips, and disappeared.

I couldn't help but worry. I know this is something serious, not because I have the power to feel things but because as his daughter he never leaves without saying goodbye to me, unless it's really life threatening. And mom knows it too.

I ate a bit since I don't really feel like eating. I placed the leftovers back to the fridge and checked on my phone if Becca already replied to my texts, still no. Hmm…maybe she is busy with her uncle and all.

I went back to my mom and dad's room and slept beside mom wrapping my arms around her back. I fell asleep crying my heart out for what had happened and the house felt gloomy, empty and sad without dad. And it's frighteningly cold and scary without him.

It is indeed horrifying for starting tonight Lurkers and night suckers are roaming in each and every town not only in Auckland but the whole of New Zealand. These dark spirits have been travelling from one place to another to suck souls and energies including the devils and angels that Lucio and Mark thought have already left the cities of the world. But they came back and now fiercer and stronger. They won't stop at nothing or anyone without sucking them dry, soulless, and dead. Now, they appear as black slimy things that can lurk in and out of manholes, or plumbing pipes, comfort room openings, sewerages, building cracks, and all that they could squeeze themselves into. They looked like blacker than black oil spill but with life and moves. When a person is covered by this black monster, it'll suck the life out of him and die.

Auckland seems quiet and peaceful tonight. But the world is already being invaded by this black lurking suckers and they will not back down and will kill everyone they encounter upon. United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East have been spreading the news about this and the Lurkers roaming at night. Cities and the government of America advised and warned the citizens to stay at home and cover the holes they have anywhere inside their houses, garages, attics, offices and whatever structures that these Lurker suckers can lurk and suck people's souls.

Auckland seems too naïve and country enough to know about the news. People here are nature lovers and God fearing that they are confident in everything they do and plan to do. Everyone are psyched and prepared for the upcoming theatre show at Papakura High School and Becca has just found her cell phone with Destiny's gazillion messages on her voicemail. Oh, man!, Uncle I need to go to Destiny's place, but I haven't completed my rest time that I couldn't teleport to her room now. Can I borrow your Lambo?, I said and my Uncle hesitatingly wanted to say no but, Okay, for your friend ah girlfriend I would allow it. But please be careful it's very expensive, though I could buy another one or two but this is a very special car so care for it. Off you go!, don't let your damsel in distress waiting!

Thanks Uncle!, Becca added and drove the car east at first and still trying to feel that vibe of the wheel, clutch, stick shiftings and all. Then, when she finally know everything she riveted away from Lucio's mansion to Destiny's home.

In heaven, legions and battalions of angels have been dispatched by Noriel while Mark is recuperating from the Grace and Divinity Room where all angels are being blessed by God's powers day in and day out, 24/7 so that the supernatural beings He created would not lose their strength, powers and supernatural abilities to protect the people and souls of the earth, purgatory and the heavens. The Lurkers has grown stronger since they have sucked many souls in the Americas, Europe and Asia already. But Noriel and his team have been able to stop the dark schemes of Stacey and the Lurkers that roamed in the alleys, streets, homes and buildings or offices. Those homes, offices and places with trees and plants, Lurkers couldn't pass or survive since they can be melted by the Carbon Dioxide that the plants and trees or vegetation has. Nobody knows about this secret, only Stacey and her dark lurkers.

Lucio got off from a friend devil advising him that there had been an attack in many countries in the U.S., Europe and Asia and the Lurkers are now on their way to New Zealand. He disbanded the Lurkers from his minions since they tried to kill him though he can't be killed, they wanted to suck his powers and that they tried to do when Becca and him were having their dinner at the Bistro. He explained to Becca earlier about Stacey and he also didn't have any idea who tipped her and her colleagues where to find them then. He told his minions in utmost order not to disturb them in their quality time together at dinner as Uncle and Niece but someone still disobeyed him and that pissed him off totally. He ordered his dark spirits to find the culprit and it was Stacey who shape shifted as Becca one time when I was talking with her about Destiny.

Lucio suddenly thought of Destiny and that Stacey wanted to own Becca for herself as her wife to control the world with her powers and he will not let her have his niece. For if she is able to get her hands of Becca, she will definitely be the worst in all of the devils and even God wouldn't be able to stop her. Becca isn't just my niece but she is an angel born in heaven. She was an angel's daughter who became my partner when we were assigned down on earth. Since angels couldn't have an affair because we are heavenly and pure beings we were banished from the Kingdom and stayed on earth like snakes on hiding every time. I not only renounced my faith in God but pledged an oath to have my revenge when my wife Irena, died due to childbirth and blamed her passing to God. I hated him then until now.

But Becca is my own flesh and blood and I can't afford to lose her, not her too. I tried to message her telepathically. Oh, shit! She hasn't fully regained her powers since she needed to stop the process and help Destiny. Lucio ordered his dark spirits, vampires, goblins, zombies, wolves, monsters in the dark and all devils to help the angels in the fight against the Lurkers. All responded and graves opened, caves underground, shackles and prisons of the dead and the blood suckers came out of their shells, shelves, secret hide-outs on abandoned buildings, some on shackles tore and broke them down to help the legions and battalions of angels once and for all.

Lurkers are hard to defeat but there's nothing impossible if all will help each other to crush them, Lucio thought hopeful. He messaged Mark and finally he was able to answer him in hid mind. He fully recovered and feeling strong, great and ready to fight even the undying ugliness of the Lurkers. Yup!, I know they're that ugly but Mark, remember that they were my minions and I couldn't help but think I'm joining your team as an ally, Yuck! My bones, if have one are puking from disagreement and disgust while mentioning the word "working together" Aha!, Lucio feeling the bad vibes of the team up.