
I only want to be known and have the attention I needed, to be recognized, acknowledged and accepted. But hell, the angels and God forsaken me for I am too bright, beautiful and too clever for them, Lucio added while flying his way across the globe to clear his mind from Alexis. Now she is everywhere and I feel that she is anywhere, because her scent, her beauty and smarts are luring me to be with her. Damn! I am hooked and I think I would have a hard time shaking her off from me, this time, Alexis is the One. The woman that I have been wishing for, in my entire existence and boring, evil life.

I have been touching my skin and as if I'm scaling, changing and scathing. It's like I'm becoming more and more human, but as an immortal and Lord of Darkness, I couldn't believe I'm about to become the monster that I feared I would become. I have been lurking, roaming, living and not dying in this world for more than thousands of centuries and it's becoming so dull, lonely, lifeless, cold and dark every time I remember the people I encountered before, the friends I have made who passed along before me.

It's depressing, seeing them die one by one while I watch myself go with life as usual, alive and still breathing without a heart or soul to worry about. Like most of the humans I see, tempt or lure to evil and die with their souls bound to eternally live with in the dark and farthest recesses of my kingdom, I don't pity them but I pity mine. I don't know what will happen to me now or in the future. But will I still be doing these same old ruckus forever? Well, I stopped hoping and thinking that I will one day die and get over with hate, violence, chaos and ruckus. I have been so accustomed to war and noise that I forgot what peace feels or looks like. In my dreams as if I am seeing myself covered in clouds and light,

Alexis is holding me in her arms and calling for my name. But I was so tired and I longed for calm, silence and rest, I closed my eyes to join my Lord in his kingdom. That was a wishful thinking but when I wake up I would always end up in the same rotten and cold place I first fell into when I was cursed out of heaven and lived wandering in the dark for centuries until now, Lucio recalling his bad memories and his cruel, cold life after being thrown out of heaven. He had been longing for peace all his life but as if it'll never happen and he will never experience it again, maybe if he dies, but will he ever die?

That's very uncertain and He never die, based on the many times that he has been hit by bombs, missiles, plane crashes, storms, earthquakes, meteorites, and the like. I am invincible but in a bad way, and that sucks! I love women, sex and all the tricks I can pull under my sleeves, but with the centuries I have been doing the same things over and over again, it's starting to get boring and I want to have a different feel of the world.

Then, came , Alexis. Now, I'm back, my inspiration to move on and get on with my life as 'the' Devil, is on. Come on baby, light my fire!!!. Hehe!, I have all the hots for you and you make my body lit with burning desire. I am literally burning in flames because I like you!, Lucio whispered to Alexis when he was on top of her levitating, his face at about a few inches away from hers. Alexis, slapped Lucio when she realizes that he was checking on her while she was asleep. And that is violating her privacy and rights as a person. Don't ever do that again! Lucio I am human and you're, you're …. I said not being able to continue what I wanted to say since he is the devil and the Lord of Darkness. I was scared to say that he is evil and that he can burn me to death if he felt like it and that's scary.

I am what? I am the devil, Say it, I can accept the truth. But I wasn't violating your rights. I was just merely appreciating your beauty and your flair as a human and as a woman. No one has ever made me feel this way and I think I am falling for you!, Lucio said without hesitation, now standing up but still elevated at about five feet from where Alexis is sitting on her bed.

Oh, my God!, Now what. A devil is falling in love with me . And what's next a vampire or wolf or ghost lurking at my window or closet checking up on me as well, Alexis added thinking about this crazy thing happening to her, then her door closet opened and a ghost falling from there and apologizing for his intruding in their conversation. Her window also opened and a vampire appeared sort of like listening to them as well, but appeared to go unnoticed and moved along her way crawling on the side of the hotel building.

My God, Lucio! Look, this is crazy, you're a devil and to top it all off, the Lord of Darkness. You couldn't fall for a human, you shouldn't, especially falling for a woman like me. Okay, off you go, I have a lot of things to do and book to finish writing. Scoot and thanks for the visit, See you later!, I added pushing Lucio's back to my front hotel door.

Lucio was dumbfounded and couldn't speak. He felt sad and was about to cry, when the hotel maid smirked on him and laughed. He looked at her and she stopped laughing, then turned into dust after. Lucio felt better and blew the dust off his shoe, and he disappeared in the view.

Alexis still wanted to sleep. She had a rough night when she couldn't rest since Lucio seemed to control her thoughts and kept on interfering with her work. So, just to shut the devil up, she decided to listen to music and was able to take a nap.

Alexis, Alex…hey, you're at it again. What are you doing, writing about those stuff. You know that you're stupid and couldn't even speak or write proper English!, one teen ager mock her, and then another came to bully her. Saying that she is a no good for nothing girl. Alexis had been bullied all her life and couldn't forget about the people who hurt her. But instead of succumbing to self-pity, remorse and revenge, she outdid herself and others to succeed in her craft and always aimed the highest mark in her grades, to reach the top in every single thing that she did until she finally got an important spot at a local newspaper in New York and now in Times magazine.

Alexis swore to her mom's life and honour that she will be the best writer, no. 1 author for best-selling books or stories in Times and other platforms online and in paperback/print or book industries. Since business are all done online, she made herself a website and SEO so her works would be promoted there and in other applications online and in all the bookstores worldwide. Her old schoolmates, classmates and bashers didn't believe what she has accomplished.

It's not a good enough reason to be hateful or be hard on others since I have been bullied or laughed at when I was younger. Respect begets respect and I decided to put my setbacks, my hurts, scars and pains to good use. I became kinder, loving, respectful, understanding and compassionate. But I am more clever now, knowing who the people I can trust and those who I couldn't but to teach them a lesson on goodness and kindness. I learned that it's okay to keep silent when others are yapping on their achievements. It's okay not to retaliate when someone is anxious or depressed. And it's okay not to comment or ignore people hating, bullying, bashing and belittling you or others online or in real life, for, the time will come that they will realize their mistakes and that your silence, peace is more valuable than them or their personal concerns or grievances. That most of the time, these people who hate or get jealous of you are the ones having issues on themselves. They don't really hate you or others but themselves. They just need someone to blame for their own mistakes, pains and failures. Don't let them ruin your day or your life because they feel miserable and lonely with their own lives.

Haaa… that Lucio is something. How I wish that I can fallin love again. When mom died I promised not to fall in love with the same man mom fell in love with, my dad. But the arrogant, self-centered devils isn't my type at all. However, my dad is exactly the same as Lucio, and I think the more I hated my dad the more I loved him. And I think it would be the same with Lucio. Oh no! this is definitely bad!, I added while trying to get off bed and walking towards the shower to get a warm and wonderful bath alone, in the peace and quiet…. Ahhhhh...I shouted when I saw a man on my mirror and finally realizing that it was Lucio. You're going to give me a heart attack. I am naked and please, stop doing this!, I said covering my breasts as they were bare, and Lucio is sizing me up or them up as he is looking at me through the mirror.