Chapter 325 Close Call

"Doton: Doryūsō!" (Earth Release: Earth Flow Spears)

"Doton: Retsudo Tenshō!" (Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm)

"Doton: Doryūsō!"

"Doton: Doryūdan!!!" (Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet)

In the forest, Iwagakure's Shinobi is getting closer and closer, and Earth Release Ninjutsu poured out wildly.

The earth trembled and cracked, all split up and separates towards Konoha and Kusagakure's allied forces, ferocious stone dragons roared loudly, mud and stone bullets fell down like meteorites from the air, and the densely packed sharp stone guns shot up from the ground like crazy!

Konoha and Kusagakure's allied forces hurriedly dodged. Under Crow's command, everyone retreated while using Ninjutsu to resist the fierce offensive the opposite Iwagakure's Shinobi.

"Fūton: Daitoppa!" (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)

"Raiton: Jibashi!" (Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder)

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)

The hurricane whizzed away in mid-air, lightning burst on the ground, and fireball swept across the sky. However, due to the difference in numbers, the offensive of the Konoha and Kusagakure's allied forces could barely resist the opposite Iwagakure's Shinobi.

Kanpū was also mixed in the crowd, and his hands were like phantoms when forming hand seals. When the last hand seal was completed, nearly half of the Chakra inside Kanpū's body had already turned into Lightning Attribute Chakra and gathered in both of his hands.

Lightning Release: Heavy Thunderstorm!

Kanpū pushed his hands forward lightly, and the dazzling blue thunder light shot away in an instant. Dozens of ferocious lightning were entangled and flickering in the air, and in an instant, it destroyed dozens of sharp stone spears, and then exploded among the Iwagakure's Shinobi's group.



Seventeen-eighteen Iwagakure's Shinobi were entangled by the violent thunder on the spot, smoke billowing from their bodies, and those who were close to them fell to the ground while foaming at the mouth.

Kanpū had no time to see the result of his attack after using the Heavy Thunderstorm. He followed his group back, and at the same time, he quickly refined Chakra, and took the time to use two Lightning Release to kill an Iwagakure's Shinobi.

As Iwagakure's Shinobi gets closer and closer, the casualties on both sides gradually increased, but in general, the Konoha and Kusagakure's allied forces have suffered more casualties.

Finally, when the Konoha and Kusagakure's allied forces withdrew from this forest, Iwagakure's Shinobi finally caught up with them.

The two sides instantly entered a melee battle from the Ninjutsu battle.

Kanpū was overjoyed when he saw this. Without saying anything further, he took out the Kusanagi Sword, and in a flash, his figure appeared in front of the Iwagakure's Shinobi, and no one can resist the Kusanagi Sword. Under the amplification from extraordinary strength, the Kusanagi Sword was like a high-voltage cutting machine, and whoever touches it will die!

In just a few short seconds, Kanpū has already killed seven Iwagakure's Shinobi.

"Konoha Release Kenjutsu user, report your name!"

Kanpū was about to harvest another soul when an Iwagakure's Shinobi suddenly flashed in front of him and looked at him with a majestic expression. He is none other than the leader of Iwagakure's Shinobi army, Elite Jōnin, Takuya!

Kanpū didn't say anything, and he just wants to kill Iwagakure's Shinobi!

Konoha-Style – Moonlight!

Kanpū's figure blurred in an instant, and dozens of afterimages dragged out behind him like moonlight, and the real and the fakes can't be distinguished.


Takuya frowned, and instantly retreated, while slamming his palms onto the ground, "Doton: Doryūheki!" (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall)


A huge stone wall rose from the ground in an instant, stood tall in front of Kanpū.

Kanpū raised his brows, tip-toed a little, and immediately dragged a series of afterimage over the earth wall, but what appeared in front of Kanpū was actually another taller and thicker earth wall!

Kanpū looked up and found that after the tall earth wall, another taller earth wall had already been erected!

He immediately turned to the left, but Takuya's Earth-Style Wall mastery was already at its peak and the wall was formed instantly.


An instant stone wall rose from the ground, once again blocking Kanpū's path.

'The Moonlight can actually be defeated in this way?'

Kanpū was stunned for a moment, but had no choice but to put away his 'divine ability', and his figure flashed back quickly.

"Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon!"

When Takuya noticed Kanpū retreating, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Yesterday, when the army led by Takuya met with the ten or so Iwagakure's Shinobi who had fought with Kanpū and the others, those Iwagakure's Shinobi already explained Kanpū's information without omission and in detail to Takuya.

'Unparalleled sharp sword, terrifying power far surpass Chunin, Body Flicker Technique comparable with genuine Jōnin, and Konoha Release Kenjutsu!'

'And judging from the battle just now, he is also good at Lightning Release Ninjutsu!'

'What a terrifying guy.'

'However, in front of me, you are meeting your end here!'

The ferocious stone dragon with the thickness of a water tank savagely smashed the tall earth walls in front of Takuya and slammed into Kanpū in mid-air.

Kanpū's expression changed slightly, and his thoughts revolved rapidly. He immediately turned most of the Chakra in his body into Wind Attribute Chakra, and poured it into his sword.

Konoha-Style – Slashing Wind!

When his figure flickering, the azure sword light in Kanpū's hand instantly changed into cyan sword light, and then, with the help of the powerful inertia of his flicker, he fiercely slashed the cyan sword light in his hand.


A huge cyan sword light flickered in the air at a speed visible to the naked eye, and slashed heavily on the stone dragon's neck!

The sword light was unparalleled in its sharpness, cutting into the stone dragon's neck like a broken bamboo, and cutting the stone dragon's head in half a second!


The huge dragon's head fell to the ground, forming a deep hole in the grass.


Kanpū looked up at the stone dragon, who had lost its head, with a startled look on his face.

"It's useless!"

Takuya sneered again. At this moment, his palms were still firmly pressed on the ground. As his Earth Attribute Chakra quickly poured in, another dragon's head grow on the stone dragon's neck in an instant!

Kanpū looked at Takuya, whose palms cannot be lifted off the ground, and his eyes lit up: "Konoha-Style – Thunder Dance!"

The Chakra inside Kanpū's body instantly transformed into Lightning Attribute Chakra, condensing on the Kusanagi Sword in his hand. Kanpū's figure then flashed directly from the stone dragon, and instantly appeared in front of Takuya. The Kusanagi Sword in his hand was flashing with lightning at this moment, and the dazzling azure lightning filled the sword body, and slashed towards Takuya's head thunderously.

"What a pity!" Takuya looked at Kanpū with a faint smile.

When he saw this, Kanpū frowned, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart, but the thunder blade in his hand has already been speeding to the peak, and he can't stop it at all.

In the next instant, Kanpū's thunder blade has already cut Takuya in half!

At this time, Kanpū saw that inside Takuya's severed body, there are… Explosive Tags!

'This is… Earth Clone?'

Kanpū turned pale with fright.

Different from Water Clone and Lightning Clone, Earth Clone is a clone made of mud, so some hidden goods can be hidden in the clone's body, such as… hundreds of Explosive Tags?

At this moment, Kanpū's desire to survive exploded wildly, and the only remaining Chakra inside his body poured into his feet frantically, but the Explosive Tags inside the Earth Clone has already emitted a dazzling fire, and an invisible air waves moved at a 'very slow' speed and crushed the mud inside the Earth Clone into a lava-like substance, and spread out little by little!

'Can I make it?'

Kanpū felt like he was caught in slow motion. His consciousness was very fast, but his body seemed to be shackled, and every move was difficult.

The Explosive Tags' explosion speed is 'very slow', but his speed was even slower!

'If I continue like this, can I run away safely?'

At the critical moment, Kanpū suddenly felt a sharp and piercing sound behind from his ears, like a kunai lasing, and in the next instant, a hand suddenly touched Kanpū on the shoulder.

Kanpū quivered, and time seemed to return to normal. The Explosive Tags exploded immediately, and the violent air wave instantly swept a hundred meters radius with the scorching fire!

A huge black mushroom slowly rose into the sky like a firework.

Kanpū stared blankly at the black mushroom several hundred meters away, feeling like he's in a dream.

"Fortunately, I make it in time."

A clear and gentle voice came from behind Kanpū, and there seemed to be a little smile in the voice, which made people feel like a spring breeze was blowing them softly.

Kanpū turned his head, and there was no one behind him.