Chapter 326 Yellow Flash Arrives

After rescuing Kanpū, Minato entered battlefield again.

When he walked into the battlefield, the surrounding battles all stopped for a while.

Konoha's Shinobi was overjoyed when they saw him.

"Yellow Flash!!!"

"That's great, the village has sent the Yellow Flash to support us!"

"We're saved, we're saved!"

The Kusagakure's Shinobi were still confused.

"He is the Yellow Flash? The Konoha's Shinobi who forced Iwagakure to issue that order?"

"The terrifying Shinobi who killed fifty Iwagakure's Jōnin in a flash?"

"He looks like a very gentle person."

As for Iwagakure's Shinobi, their reaction was particularly… intense?

"Yellow Flash? You really appeared again!"

"I knew you would appear again!"

"A mere Chunin actually wanted to use Transformation Technique deceive us again and again?!"

"Don't underestimate the elites of our Iwagakure!!!"

"Go to hell!!!"

The nearby Iwagakure's Shinobi directly left their opponents, and rushed towards Yellow Flash while screaming furiously.

Minato was a little confused when he saw this.

'What's going on with these Iwagakure's Shinobi?'

'When I met them on the battlefield before, these people either escaped into the ground or used Earth-Style Wall, but now… are they not afraid of death?'

'However, this is better.'

Minato smiled slightly, and with a flick of his hands, he threw dozens of specially-made Flying Thunder God Kunai!

The Iwagakure's Shinobi, who rushed dozens of meters away, looked at these kunai and snorted.

"Hmph, you're indeed even better than before."

"Yeah, there was only one kunai last time, but this time, there are so many."

"Us Iwagakure's Shinobi have been fooled once, and we will never be fooled the second time!"

The Iwagakure's Shinobi either dodged or parry the kunai, completely ignoring the Flying Thunder God Kunai, then, at the next moment.

Minato disappeared in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, an extremely blurry shadow suddenly appeared beside these dozens of Iwagakure's Shinobi like a ghost. Looking at it, the blurry figure is like a illusion, and didn't look real at all, and only the golden hair is clearly reflected by the warm sunlight in the sky can be seen.

"That, that is..."

"...Yellow Flash?!!"

"So strong..."

More than two hundred Kusagakure's Shinobi and Konoha Shinobi, who have never seen Minato taking action, have an expression of excitement, shock, and surprise!

A moment later, Minato appeared on his previous location, and the dozens of Iwagakure's Shinobi in front of him were already lying dead on the ground. Their faces still had the expressions of sneer, pride or disdain, and they still didn't know what happened in the last moment until they died.

The leader of Iwagakure's Shinobi army, Takuya was standing in the distance. He was originally looking at the Yellow Flash with a smirk, and it was not until dozens of his subordinates lay dead that the smirk on his face froze.

'What happened?'

'What is going on here?!'

'This Yellow Flash he he he he… he turned out to be the real Yellow Flash?!'

The corner of Takuya's mouth twitches wildly, his pupils shrank in shock, and he stared at Minato in shock and anger.

The rest of the Iwagakure's Shinobi also froze in place, and the crazy expressions on their faces slowly disappeared at this moment, replaced by fear, horror, and the great terror between life and death!!

Seeing the expressions of the Iwagakure's Shinobi, Minato nodded secretly: 'This is the Iwagakure's Shinobi in my impression.'

Then he took advantage of the horror the Iwagakure's Shinobi's army are feeling to quickly recover the special kunai on the battlefield, and then threw the kunai at the Iwagakure's Shinobi again.

"Doton: Doryūheki!" (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall) *20

"Doton: Dochū Senkō!" (Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage)

"Doton: Dochū Senkō!!"

"Doton: Dochū Senkō!" *50

When the special kunai was thrown, except for some Iwagakure's Shinobi who has not mastered Subterranean Voyage and used Earth-Style Wall, the rest of Iwagakure's Shinobi immediately escaped into the ground, not daring to emerge.

Seeing this, Minato felt very helpless and had no choice but to recover the special kunai on the ground again.

Takuya, who is in the distance, has his eyebrows twitched faintly when he saw this: 'This is not good!'

'As soon as the Yellow Flash arrives, the Iwagakure's Shinobi's army has completely lost their morale!'

"Yellow Flash is only one person. Everyone, kill all those Konoha and Kusagakure's Shinobi!!" Takuya shouted out loudly. He didn't believe that Minato could protect all Konoha and Kusagakure's Shinobi all by himself!

As long as he can't do it, this victory will be theirs!

It's just that as soon as Takuya opened his mouth, his position in the Iwagakure's Shinobi's army was exposed.

Minato's blue pupils are like the sky and the sea, shrouding him instantly.

Takuya's muscles tensed up, and then he saw a kunai instantly lased in front of him.

So fast!

Takuya's eyes widened, and his hands turned into afterimages as he quickly formed hand seals: "Doton: Doryūheki!"

As the leader of Iwagakure's Shinobi's army, Takuya can't escape directly into the ground, otherwise, the army's morale will plummet to the bottom. Fortunately, his Earth-Style Wall can be used in an instant, 'As long as the Earth-Style Wall is used continuously, the Yellow Flash can be blocked like the Konoha-Style Kenjutsu user just now… If it is me, I can definitely do it!!'

Takuya slammed his palms onto the ground, and a tall earth wall burst out of the ground in an instant.


In the next moment, the middle of the earth wall was suddenly destroyed by a powerful spiral energy, and a blond figure descended like a God. Holding the special kunai with one hand and a whistling and spinning Chakra Ball with the other, he passed through the earth wall cleanly among the splashing dirt.

The veins on Takuya's forehead were completely shown. At this time, his desire to survive exploded. He immediately flickered to a hundred meters away, but even if his speed is fast, Minato's speed is even faster!

After flickering for one hundred meters, Takuya was surprised to find that Minato arrived one step earlier than him!

When Takuya's figure appeared, Rasengan in Minato's hand was only a fist's distance from his chest!

'Are you a devil?!'

Takuya's face was as pale as snow. At this moment, he burst out with the desire to survive again. He tip-toed and flickered a hundred meters away again, and then, he lowered his head and found that Rasengan was only two fingers' width away from his chest!

'How is it possible?!'

'He was still one step ahead…'

Takuya flickered a hundred meters away again, lowered his head, and found that the Rasengan was only a fingernail gap away from his chest!

'This is it…'

Takuya mechanically flickered to a hundred meters away again, and then felt a sharp pain on his chest, as if there was a fist pressed against his chest, and then it spun crazily, savagely and rudely penetrated into his chest, shattering all his internal organs!

Takuya's vision turned black, and he could only see a faint glare of golden light reflecting the dazzling light of the sun: 'So bright…'

Once Takuya died, Yellow Flash's deterrence power of Iwagakure's Shinobi soared again. Even if Iwagakure's Shinobi's army were twice as large as the Konoha and Kusagakure's allied forces, they no longer have the will to fight at this moment, and they all retreated and fled.

Konoha and Kusagakure's allied forces wanted to pursue them, but Minato stopped them.

Although it is his duty to support his companions on the front line, he knows what his real mission is: Destroying Iwagakure's Shinobi's logistics supply channel, the Kannabi Bridge!

"Everyone, next, please cooperate with me in destroying Iwagakure's Shinobi's the logistics supply channel, the Kannabi Bridge. Then, I will set off first." Minato nodded slightly at the Konoha and Kusagakure's allied forces, and then used Flying Thunder God Technique directly.

At the moment when his figure was about to disappear, Kanpū flickered from the distance: "Wait…"


Minato's figure has disappeared.

'Wow, so fast.'

Kanpū stood still with a look of helplessness.

After being rescued by Minato just now, Kanpū's Chakra was exhausted, so he immediately hid to rifine Chakra. In less than half a minute after he started refining, Minato has already killed dozens of Iwagakure's Shinobi in an instant, then he single-handedly killed Takuya, the leader of the enemy's army, and ended the war!

'If we are comparing the speed, all men in the world are no match for Minato, this guy is too fast!'

'If it is changed to a normal person, they must not fight for a few minutes, then exchange cruel words, then start a fight, knock down the other side, and then make a few taunting remarks. If they want to playing a pig to eat the tiger, they must show weakness first, after a while, when the other side is making fun of them, they will come back with a shocking counterattack. In the incredulous eyes of the other side, they will reach the peak, and after that, they will finish with a stab at the other side, this is the correct way of normal experts fight!'

'However, without saying a word, Minato compressed these things in less than half a minute, and finished it straight away.'

At this moment, Kanpū vaguely understood why Kishimoto wanted Namikaze Minato to die an untimely death. With such a protagonist that does everything neatly and quickly, without being sloppy and watered-down story, how could he make a long story?

If there is no long story, how can Kishimoto make money?

'So, this is the reason why Naruto can be a protagonist, because that Naruto can say a lot of things, causing the story to become longer. With so much story, Kishimoto could make a lot of money!'

Kanpū sighed in his heart as he thought of this.