Chapter 394 The Birth of Naruto

On the small mountain top ten kilometers away from Konoha.

Shiranui, with Iwashi and the newly joined Kanpū and Shisui, is searching for hidden dangers in the dense forest behind the wooden house.

"I still don't understand."

Shisui used 3-Tomoe Sharingan to patrol the neighborhood while asking, "Why didn't Yondaime-sama put his wife in the hospital?"

'Whether it is medical equipment or safety, the hospital is obviously better, right?'

"Hokage-sama probably has a reason."

Kanpū calmly left his own Flying Thunder God Technique's imprint behind a tree, and said, "It is also possible that he intends to fish."


Shisui turned his head abruptly, "Could it be that Yondaime-sama arranged this on purpose? He wants to lure enemies hidden in the dark to come out?"

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Genma spit out the senbon in his mouth and nailed a hedgehog to the ground, and then said, "It was originally just a very simple matter, but you say it's all a conspiracy."

"I don't think we can relax our vigilance no matter what Kanpū said is right or not!" Iwashi's voice came from not far away.

Genma smiled wryly and took out another senbon from his Ninja Tool bag and put it in his mouth, and then said: "Anyway, let's finish this work quickly."

The four of them chatted while working, and one hour later, they finally finished checking all the hidden dangers in the dense forest behind the wooden house. After that, Genma sent a signal, and it didn't take long for a few Anbu to come and station here.

Then Genma took the group back to the wooden house and reported to Hiruzen about their work.

Kanpū and Shisui stood behind, their eyes looked towards the wood house intentionally or unintentionally.

"What's wrong?" Shisui asked strangely, noticing Kanpū's sight.

"The wooden house has not been inspected yet." Kanpū said seriously.

Shisui chuckled when he heard this: "With Sandaime-sama here, there will be no problem with the wooden house."

"You think so, and the other Anbu also think so, and in the end, no one will check the wooden house."

Kanpū looked towards Shisui, "If I am an enemy, and I will definitely take advantage of your thinking and do something in advance in the wooden house!"

Shisui froze when he heard this: 'Although I don't know why, I feel that Kanpū made a good point!'

The two speak quietly, but Hiruzen, who is not far away, can still hear it clearly. He is not annoyed, and just said in a muffled voice: "Shiranui, you can check the wooden house too."

Genma was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, but Kanpū had already slipped into the wooden house.

The wooden house is not big, only a few tens of square meters, with a wooden bed in the middle and solid wood under the bed, so no one can hide there.

Kanpū quickly walked to the end of the bed, put his palm under the edge of the bed, and quietly left his Flying Thunder God Technique's imprint.

Just as Kanpū finished his small movements, Shisui, Genma and Iwashi also walked in.

"Kanpū, you were too rude just now." Genma reprimanded feebly.

That being said, Genma's body was still very honest, as he checked the surroundings, and of course, no abnormality was found in the end.

After coming out, the group quickly apologized to Hiruzen who had been guarding outside the log cabin.

Hiruzen smoked his pipe, and said with a smile: "I am very happy to see you guys being so cautious. There is no need to apologize."

"We're really rude, I'm really sorry, Sandaime-sama." Genma said seriously again apologized.

Kanpū also bowed and apologized hypocritically, with a very correct attitude.

"Well, at this time, Kushina should be almost here, you guys should go and guard around." Sarutobi waved his hand.


After the four of them responded, they immediately enter the nearby dense forest, hid their figures and watched the wooden.

Not long after, under the escort of a team of Anbu, the pregnant Kushina finally arrived at the wooden house.

At this time, Kushina's amniotic fluid had not broken, and she is very vigorous and lively, without the panic and worry of ordinary women before giving birth.

"The environment here is not bad, but why Minato hasn't come yet? He's so slow." Kushina was quite dissatisfied.

"Even if Sandaime arrives, he can only wait outside."

Sarutobi Biwako, the midwife who followed Kushina, worriedly said, "Kushina, you will give birth at any time, so go in and lie down!"

"He's making me go around, so I feel like Naruto is still waiting for his father." Kushina touched her belly with a happy smile on her face.

Hiruzen extinguished his tobacco pipe and stepped forward to say something, but just as he approached, Biwako sniffed the smoke and stared at him with disgust.

Hiruzen didn't know whether to cry or laugh and took two steps back.

"Sandaime-sama." Kushina smiled and nodded in respect, as her stomach was too big to bend over.

"Just ignore this old fellow, let's go in first."

After saying that, Biwako helped Kushina into the wooden house, and at the same time, there was a female Anbu also following inside.

Kanpū hid in the nearby dense forest, watching this scene solemnly.

The sun overhead gradually slanted westward, and the sky gradually darkened.

At about five o'clock, a slight muffled sound gradually came from the wooden house.

At the same time, Minato finally arrived on the scene.

The Anbu, Kanpū and the others hiding in the dense forest silently nodded to him, and then continued to guard the surroundings.

"Yondaime, you are here." Hiruzen said with a smile, "Congratulations, you're going to be a father soon."

"Thank you."

Minato thanked him softly, but there was an indelible sadness between his eyebrows, "Sandaime, has Kushina started giving birth yet?"

He tried to push the door, but there was a sound from the female Anbu from behind the door: "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, but Kushina-sama is delivering the baby at this moment, so it is not convenient for you to go in now."

"I understand, I will leave Kushina to you." Minato withdrew for a few meters with a solemn expression.

"Yondaime, don't worry, it's okay." Hiruzen smiled and comforted.

Minato nodded, and then he looked up at the sky, and said hesitantly: "Sandaime, it's fine for me to guard here, you should go back first."

Hiruzen shook his head slightly and said: "Let me stay with you."

"Sandaime, in fact... Because of Kushina's matter, I can't work at ease this day, so I left a lot of work behind."

Minato showed a rare embarrassed expression, and said softly, "Can I trouble you?"

Hiruzen was startled, and said with a smile: "So that's how it is… I understand, then, I'll leave this place to you."

"Thank you." Minato thanked him softly.

Then Hiruzen's figure flickered and disappeared quickly.

In the dense forest.

Kanpū, who is hiding in the shadows, frowned slightly when he saw this, 'It's about this time, why did Hiruzen go?'

But he has no time to care about these, and his whole body is focused on feeling two of his Flying Thunder God Technique's imprints.

These two Flying Thunder God Technique's imprints, one is deep in the dense forest behind the wooden house, and the other is under the edge of the bed in the wooden house. Once an 'accident' happens, Kanpū is ready to teleport into the wooden house, grabbed Kushina, teleport to the dense forest, and then teleport back to his home!

Although this place is more than ten kilometers away from his mansion, it happens to be within his sensing range!

Although Kanpū's plan is perfect, but accidents can happen at any time, so he didn't dare to relax.

As time passed, the slight muffled sound in the wooden house gradually turned into a painful groan, and the sound became louder and louder. Minato stood outside the door and walked back and forth, his heart seemed to be tied up with hemp rope, and it gradually tightened as he can't breath.

At a certain moment, a powerful and suffocating Chakra suddenly burst out from the wooden house, exuding a ferocious evil aura, violently spreading all around!

Minato was shocked when he saw this: 'Kyubi's Chakra! The seal really broke!!'

He stared at the wooden house without blinking, his hands clenched, and he kept praying for Kushina's safety in his heart.

In the dense forest, Kanpū felt the chakra aura swept by, and his eyebrows suddenly jumped uncontrollably: 'This Chakra is not only powerful, but also exudes ferocious malice!'

'Thus is definitely Kyubi's Chakra!'

Because there is no distinction between good and evil in Chakra, but Kyubi has!

Kyubi is the life created from Chakra gathering. Once it is full of malice towards humans and the world, then its Chakra will also emit evil intents. Anyone who comes into contact will be affected by this evil intent will be shocked, and then they would feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Kanpū was alarmed, and there is an inexplicable feeling of falling into the depths of Ryumyaku!

He took a deep breath and was ready to teleport at any time!

Not far away, Shisui, Genma, Iwashi and Anbu's Shinobi were also disturbed by the sudden emergence of this Chakra. They immediately took out their kunai and prepared for battle. But Minato, who is outside the wooden house, didn't say anything, so they could only stay where they were and wait for orders.

The bright moon gradually rises, hanging on the night like a grinding disc, sprinkling silver brilliance.


At the foot of the hill, invisible ripples suddenly spread out in the air in a spiral shape, and a black figure gradually appeared from the ripples.

Obito was dressed in a black robe and wearing a one-eyed mask with yellow background and black stripes on his face. He slightly looks up at the hill in front of him.

"How is it?" Obito asked softly.

"It seems she has a dystocia."

Tobi, who wrapped Uchiha Obito's right body, said with a chuckle, "Maybe it will kill her without you interfering. Hehehe."

"In that case, I won't be able to appreciate the despair expression of the Yellow Flash!" Obito clenched his teeth and said ferociously.

At this moment, Kyubi's Chakra, which is full of evil intent, swept down from the mountain top like ripples.

"It's Kyubi's Chakra." Tobi exclaimed excitedly, "The seal is broken, very good!"

"It seems that Kyubi can't wait." Obito trembled with excitement.

As time passed, the moon above the head became brighter and brighter, and finally, a cry suddenly came from the wooden house on the mountain top.

"It was born, it was born!"

Tobi was so excited, looking even more excited than Minato, and then he called out strangely, "Get ready!"


Uchiha Obito raised his head slightly, and under the moonlight, a touch of scarlet light overflowed from the eye hole in the mask. His powerful pupil power gradually boiled, and an invisible ripple slowly spread out from the mask.


At the mountain top.

When a baby's cry was heard in the wooden house, Minato rushed in impatiently: "Kushina!!!"

"I... I'm fine, where's Naruto? Let me see, I want to see him."

Kushina is lying on the bed while sweating profusely, and dense black seal symbols had already spread from her abdomen, but it still can't stop Kyubi's Chakra from spilling out.

"Don't worry, Naruto is healthy."

Biwako carefully wiped off the blood on Naruto's body, then took the swaddle from the hand of the female Anbu next to her, and carefully wrapped Naruto in it.

Naruto cried loudly the whole time, and the crying was touching.

Minato glanced at Naruto, and immediately came to Kushina's side. Looking at the seal symbols that constantly emerged from her abdomen with a solemn expression, he said: "Kushina, I will reinforce the seal for you first!"