Chapter 395 Two Mangekyo

"Gogyō Fūin!" (Five-Elements Seal)

Minato stretched out his right hand and pressed his five fingers on Kushina's abdomen, and began to repair the seal.

At the same time, amidst Naruto's sonorous and forceful cry, an invisible ripple suddenly appeared behind Biwako and the female Anbu. In the rapid vortex, a black figure twisted and appeared silently, landing lightly. Everything was covered by Naruto's crying, so none of the people in the room noticed him!

Under the mask, Obito grinned and inserted his hands directly into the back of Biwako and the female Anbu!



With the screams, the two were killed instantly, with blood in the chest and abdomen.

Hearing the scream, Minato and Kushina have their faces changed at the same time.


Minato turned his head in disbelief, and saw a masked man in black picking up Naruto from the ground.

"Yondaime Hokage-sama, get away from the Jinchuriki!" Obito starts to speak coldly, with no emotion in his tone!


Outside the wooden house.

When the screams of Biwako and the female Anbu came out, Shisui's complexion changed slightly. He rushed out of the dense forest in an instant, and appeared outside the wooden house immediately.

At the same time, Genma, Iwashi, and the rest of the Anbu also noticed the abnormality, and they rushed out of the dense forest to surround the wooden house.

But Kanpū is still huddled in the dense forest, and his face is getting paler and paler. He realized that he had made an unforgivable mistake!!



Inside the wooden house.

Realizing that her son was being held hostage, Kushina's heart was shaken, and the seal in her body was suddenly broken by Kyubi!

Dense seal symbols emerged from Kushina;s body, frantically extracting Kushina's Chakra, trying to suppress Kyubi again, but at this time, Kushina has just finished giving birth, so whether it is Chakra or stamina, is at the lowest bottom, and there is no way to support the consumption of the seal!


With the invisible roar, thick and scarlet Chakra slowly drilled out from Kushina's abdomen, and the evil aura instantly flooded the wooden house!

"Kushina!" Minato looked at the Chakra that filled the air, and his pupils shrank: 'Damn, the Kyubi's seal has not been repaired yet!'

"Get away from the Jinchuriki immediately!"

Obito took out a kunai and threatened while putting the kunai on Naruto's neck coldly, "Or, do you not care about this child at all?"

"Wait a minute, who are you? Calm down!"

Minato's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. On one hand was his son who was facing a life-and-death crisis when he was just born, and on the other hand was his wife who would also face death if he didn't repair the seal, so at this time, he had completely lost his usual calmness!

"Naruto!!!" Kushina didn't pay any attention to the fact that Kyubi was coming out of her abdomen, as her mind was only focused on Naruto.

Obito looked at the panicked Minato, and his heart was full of joy, 'But this was not enough, far from enough!!'

He violently threw Naruto up to the ceiling, and then slowly jumped up, as if he was going to stab Naruto to death with the kunai.

On this split second, Shisui, who is outside, immediately broke into the door!

At the same time, Minato disappeared in an instant, and picked up Naruto before Obito.

But in this way, Minato also left Kushina's side.

"As expected of the Yellow Flash!"

Obito squinted at Shisui, who broke in, but he didn't panic at all, and said in a leisurely tone, "But what about the next one?"

Minato was startled, and at the next moment, he found out that the swaddle wrapping Naruto was actually covered with Explosive Tags!

"Explosion!" Obito coldly shouted.

Minato's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly took off Naruto's swaddling with lightning speed, and teleported away from the wooden house with Flying Thunder God Technique at the same time.

Boom boom boom!!

A series of explosions instantly blasted the roof and walls of the wooden house into fragments. The surging air wave carried countless broken wooden boards and blasted it all around like bullets. Genma, Iwashi, and Anbu's Shinobi's complexion changed, and they quickly retreated.

In the thick smoke, only seven or eight Shisui flashed alternately and quickly exited, their faces are grim.

"Shisui, where is Hokage-sama?" Genma asked anxiously.

"Quickly leave this place!" Shisui shouted loudly.


Genma was startled, and the rest of Anbu couldn't figure out the situation. The accident happened so fast that they couldn't react at all.

The thick smoke slowly drifted away and lifted into the sky, revealing a mysterious masked man in black.

At this time, Obito stood blankly in front of the broken bed, but unfortunately, there was no one on the bed.

"What... what's going on?"

The muscles around his eyes twitched slowly, feeling that he had encountered a mysterious incident!

He obviously used Naruto to move Minato away from Kushina, and then dragged Minato back with the Explosive Tags on his baby. As for Shisui, who had just rushed in, he was also blown back by the explosion from the Explosive Tags.

At this time, he should have enjoyed the fruits of victory alone and transfer the powerless Kushina to a predetermined safe place!


'Where's Kushina?'

Obito stood motionless in front of the bed, frowning tightly under the mask, trying hard to recall everything that happened just now.

But… there's nothing. Everything that just happened is exactly the same as he expected, 'But why did Kushina disappear mysteriously at the last moment?!'

'Is this a joke?!'

'Incomprehensible, incomprehensible, incomprehensible!'

Obito's chest was stuffed with anger. At this time, he felt that his whole body was about to explode!!!


In the dense forest behind the wooden house.

The moonlight was cut into pieces by the lush branches and leaves, and only the mottled light and shadow fell, illuminating the ground in a bizarre way.

"Are you okay?"

Behind a big tree, Kanpū appeared silently while holding Kushina, with a look of fear on his face.

Kanpū is still too careless!

When Obito appeared in the wooden house, Kanpū found that he had made a huge mistake, that is, under the obstruction of the wall of the wooden house, he was completely unable to judge the development of the situation inside. If he teleported too early, Naruto would still be being held hostage by Obito, but if he teleported too late, Kushina would be teleported away by Obito!

Just as Kanpū was unable to advance or retreat, he suddenly saw Shisui flickering outside the door of the wooden house. And at that moment, Kanpū saw hope again!

That's right, Kanpū cannot judge the situation inside the wooden house, but Shisui, who is standing outside the wooden house, can!

As Shisui of the Body Flicker, whose reputation shakes the Shinobi World, his grasp and analysis of the battle situation should not be weaker than Minato.

Kanpū believes that Shisui will choose the best time to rush into the wooden house, and that moment is the best time for Kanpū to use Flying Thunder God Technique!

He stared at Shisui closely, and then at a certain moment, Shisui's figure broke through the door in a flash!

Kanpū's pupils shrank and he decisively teleported into the wooden house with Flying Thunder God Technique, and in a blink of an eye, Kanpū happened to see Obito detonate the Explosive Tags under Naruto's swaddle, but he had no time to pretend, and he grabbed Kushina's feet with both hands and teleported away!

Although Kushina landed on her back, she was finally rescued without anyone noticing!

It wasn't until this moment that Kanpū realized that his back had been drenched with cold sweat, which was very uncomfortable!

"Naruto! Naruto... Eh?"

Kushina, who was facing the crisis of her husband and child being bombed to death just now, suddenly found that she was in the jungle in the next instant.

'What happened?'

But before she had time to think, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. The seal has been broken by Kyubi for the most part, and if this continues, Kyubi will definitely break out!

Kanpū also saw more and more Chakra pouring out from her abdomen, blackening the air like ink. His complexion changed and he hurriedly asked: "Can you still use Fuijutsu?"

Kushina clenched her teeth, and looked at Kanpū with the help of fragmented moonlight, and her expression moved slightly: "I remember you."

"Now is not the time for small talk, I will take you back to the village first!" Kanpū didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately grabbed Kushina.

At the same time.

Outside the wooden house.

Tobi, who is wrapping Obito's right half, suddenly said softly: "I found it, Kushina is in the depth of the dense forest behind the wooden house, about three hundred meters away from you."

Obito's eyes were very fierce, full of anger. As if he had found a catharsis, he turned around to rush towards Kushina.

At the critical moment, a vague figure appeared in front of him in an instant.

"It doesn't matter who you are!"

Shisui stared at the black clothed mask man coldly, "This is the end!"

While speaking, Shisui's pitch-black eyes have turned into 3-Tomoe Sharingan.

"Uchiha Shisui..."

Obito naturally recognizes this person. Although he is not very familiar with him, but this one is Uchiha Clan's strongest Genjutsu user, a super genius with the nickname of Shisui of the Body Flicker.


'Before Mangekyo Sharingan, the so-called genius is nothing but a clown!'

Obito raised his head slightly, revealing the black 3-Tomoe in his right eye, and said coldly: "You are not my opponent, step back."

'I really didn't feel wrong!'

Shisui stared at the Sharingan of the black clothed mask man, "Who are you? Why do you do such a thing?!"

'After so much difficulty, there is finally a chance to ease the relationship between the clan and the village's higher-ups. If it is destroyed by this guy who has Sharingan…'

Shisui's chest is burning with anger.

"The gap between you and me is just like the heaven and earth, we're not on the same level at all."

The 3-Tomoe in Obito's right eye slowly spun, gradually condenses into a three-sided pinwheel pattern.

Although he wanted to kill Minato directly, Obito had to admit that the speed of Yellow Flash was extremely fast, so he didn't dare to delay, and immediately showed his trump card!

After activating the Mangekyo, the surging pupil power immediately oppressed Shisui like an overwhelming mountain.

Shisui's complexion changed again, and his mind was full of thoughts, but he has no time to think about it. He closed and opened his eyes, the three tomoes are also slowly revolving, and his 3-Tomoe also slowly spun, and then turned into a windmill-shaped pattern.


Obito stared at Shisui in disbelief, with a black question mark on his face, but immediately shook his head in denial, "As expected of Shisui of The Body Flicker, you can actually make me fall into Genjutsu, you…"


In the next moment, a Mangekyo's pupil power far surpassed him was pouring down like a surging sea, violent squeezing his pupil power back, and the night wind roared like a cold wind blowing on his body.

'It 's not a Genjutsu…'

'Shisui also awakened Mangekyo?!'

Obito didn't feel so good at this moment!