Chapter 421 Immortal

Walking into the entrance, the three saw a long tunnel leading to a deeper underground. On both sides of the tunnel are light bulbs glowing with yellow luster, extending to the depths of the tunnel.

The three walked a few steps and found a Shinobi dressed in Anbu's attire collapsed on the ground.

Shisui carefully stepped forward to check, and then shook his head: "He's dead."

"Let's hurry up, maybe there's still someone alive!" Kakashi's expression turned serious, and he was about to rush in when suddenly, a series of mournful howls came from the depths of the laboratory.

Kanpū's group of three immediately rushed in at the fastest speed.

Rushing all the way, under the dim light, they saw an Anbu's Shinobi fell in the tunnel, his life and death is unknown.

Finally, the three came to the place where the screams came from.

This is an operating room with more than 30 square meters, with an operating table in the middle, a long wooden table against the wall on the left, which is full of surgical instruments, and a closet on the right, but the things inside have been turned into a mess.

When Kanpū's group of three arrived, Orochimaru was dismembering an Anbu's Shinobi, and the scalpel in his hand had already cut into the right arm bone of the Anbu's Shinobi!

"Orochimaru!!!" Seeing this scene, the honest man Shisui felt his blood boil, and the three tomoe in his eyes immediately spun uncontrollably, gradually changing into a windmill-like pattern!

Orochimaru raised his head slightly, his golden vertical pupils were full of anger, bloodthirsty and violence. He seemed to have guessed that Anbu would have reinforcements, so he was not surprised to see Kanpū's group of three.

"I didn't expect you to be the one coming, Kanpū-kun!"

Orochimaru's mouth slowly cracked into a cold smile, "There is also Kakashi and… Uchiha Shisui!"

When he left with Eagle before, Orochimaru recognized Kakashi's white hair, but did not recognize Shisui, but now that he is facing Shisui, he can clearly see the scarlet luster under the crow mask!

In Anbu, only Shisui is from the Uchiha Clan!

'Uchiha Clan's strongest Genjutsu user…?'

Orochimaru quickly lowered his eyes and at the same time, he disrupted the Chakra inside his body so as not to be caught in Shisui's Genjutsu.

Kakashi knew that how terrifying the other party is, so he directly raises his forehead protector, revealing his Sharingan, and then formed hands seals: "Lightning Release: Chidori!!!"


Chidori's chirping sound rang in an instant, reaching Orochimaru's ears like magic sounds.

"Orochimaru, stay away from the person in front of you!!" Kakashi said coldly.


Orochimaru ignored Kakashi, and moved the scalpel directly, cutting off the right hand of the Anbu's Shinobi.

With the severe pain, the Anbu's Shinobi screamed and finally passed out.

"Do you know what he did?"

Orochimaru licked the blood on the scalpel with his tongue, and laughed angrily, "I asked him to give the Sharingan to me, but he crushed the Sharingan with this hand!! I…"

In this split second, more than a dozen figures wearing crow masks suddenly appeared in the operating room, throwing Ninja Tools at Orochimaru wildly.

Orochimaru reacted very quickly. He closed his eyes immediately, and then listened to the sound of the wind to perceive the situation, avoiding the kunai and shuriken shooting from all directions.

Kanpū took the opportunity to rush into the operating room and rescued the Anbu's Shinobi.

When Kanpū exited the instant in the operating room, Kakashi roared and rushed towards Orochimaru, whose eyes were still closed.

The ear-piercing lightning echoed back and forth in the operating room, directly blocking Orochimaru's hearing!

Sen'ei Jashu! (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)

Orochimaru waved his arms and dozens of large yellow-scaled snakes shot out from his sleeves, biting Shisui's clones on both sides of the operating room, and the galloping Kakashi.


The lightning exploded, and several yellow-scaled snakes that rushed to Kakashi's body were instantly cut off by him in an instant. Kakashi's movement was unabated, and his right hand, which carried the lightning, shot fiercely into Orochimaru's chest and abdomen!


The azure blue lightning bloomed brightly from Orochimaru's back, and the light made Orochimaru's face even more gloomy and evil!

"Kakashi, you are so tender…"

Orochimaru, who closed his eyes, grinned, and his tongue turned into an afterimage and brutally strangled Kakashi's neck!

At the same time.

Dozens of yellow-scaled snakes biting Shisui's clone were violently detonated by Orochimaru's Chakra!

Boom boom boom...

With the violent explosion sound, the sky and the earth shook, and the entire underground laboratory shook violently like an earthquake. There were dense and huge cracks all over the walls and ceiling of the operating room, and clusters of dusty dust were like snowflakes, falling from the cracks in the ceiling and sprinkled on the top of Orochimaru's head.


Orochimaru's consciousness sank.

'What happened?'

In a daze and haziness, Orochimaru's soul sensed a darkness. Apart from this, he couldn't feel his body, his power, his sense of touch, everything about him, as if... he's dead!

'Am I dead?'

'How is it possible?'

The moment Shisui appeared, Orochimaru avoided Shisui's sight. As for Kakashi's Chidori, of course it couldn't kill him, so why would he die?

'Is it Kanpū?'

'Impossible, how can Kanpū kill me without noticing it?'

Orochimaru thought about it, and the only explanation is...


"Shisui, your Genjutsu..."

Kakashi stared blankly at the dramatic scene in front of him, 'Orochimaru, one of the Konoha's legendary Sannin, was decapitated just like that?

Although Kakashi had already experienced Shisui's Genjutsu in the battle with Kanpū before, they were facing Orochimaru, the legendary Sannin this time!!

'Just throwing Genjutsu at the other party, and it ended just like that?

'Isn't it too simple and rude?'

Orochimaru was still overwhelmed at this moment. He thought that he had avoided Shisui's sight in time, but in fact, when his sight met Shisui's, the Mangekyo Sharingan's Genjutsu had already affected Orochimaru.

In other words, everything that happened after Orochimaru looked away was Genjutsu!

Him cutting off the Anbu's Shinobi's right arm is Genjutsu, Kakashi using Chidori is Genjutsu, Shisui using clone is Genjutsu, Kanpū enters the room to rescue Anbu's Shinobi is Genjutsu, and all subsequent fights are all Genjutsu!

The real situation is that Orochimaru and Shisui looked at each other, Orochimaru looked away, and then he fell into Genjutsu!

When Orochimaru fell into Genjutsu, Kanpū the kill stealer rushed up and cut off Orochimaru's head with a slash!

This is what Kakashi just saw.

'The legendary Sannin, died just like this?'

Kakashi's mind was in a mess and he couldn't believe what he saw before him. He even thought that he might have been hit by Orochimaru's Genjutsu!

Chop chop chop chop chop…

After Kanpū cut off Orochimaru's head, he didn't stop at all. Among the three people, only he knew how difficult Orochimaru was to kill, and cutting off his head is really nothing to Orochimaru.

So, Kanpū swung the Kusanagi Sword, frantically chopped Orochimaru's head into minced meat, and then he went to chop up Orochimaru's body.

"Kanpū, what are you doing?" Shisui had already sent the Anbu's Shinobi on the operating table out of the operating room at this time. He then turned around to see Kanpū, who had turned into devil's incarnation, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Kakashi also came back to his senses. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly saw Orochimaru's belly bulge. His face changed and he hurriedly reminded Kanpū loudly.

Kanpū was taken aback, and hurriedly retreated.


In the midst of flying flesh and blood, a white snake with a thick bowl mouth shot out from Orochimaru's belly. The snake then opened his mouth, spitting out the Orochimaru, whose eyes are closed and hair soaked in mucus.

Kakashi and Shisui's pupils shrank when they saw this: 'Orochimaru?!'

'This scene is too weird!'

'Orochimaru, whose head was chopped off, unexpectedly got a snake out from his belly, and another Orochimaru was spit out from the snake?'

'What is this operation?'

Kanpū will not be in a daze. He has been mentally prepared for a long time, and the figure that has just retreated immediately turns into an afterimage and rushes up, swinging the Kusanagi Sword and chopping at Orochimaru's head.



Dozens of poisonous snakes shot out from Orochimaru's hands, instantly occupying Kanpū's sight!

The silent, neighing yellow-scaled serpent bit Kanpū from all directions. Kanpū's face darkened, and he hurriedly retreated and withdraw his sword, and then formed hand seals: "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)


The huge Chakra was refined into Fire Attribute by Kanpū in one breath, forming a hot flame that he spouted out.

The fireball is getting bigger and bigger, gradually covering the entire laboratory of more than 30 square meters. The fiery flames are scorching the walls, floors, and ceilings. The fire wave has nowhere to go, wandering back and forth between the corners, and gradually spread towards the door of the operating room.

"Kanpū, stop it, it will explode!" Shisui's face changed slightly.

"Save the others first!"

Kakashi cursed secretly, and hurriedly helped the Anbu's Shinobi next to him, and ran outside.

Shisui didn't hesitate anymore. He immediately created a clone and took away the nearby Anbu's Shinobi, both dead and alive.


When the flames gushed from the door of the operating room and spread out along the wall, the scorching fireball finally filled the entire operating room!

The terrifying high temperature and the surging and bursting fire waves completely erupted in the next instant!


The operating room exploded, and the surging fire wave swept away like a storm with debris flying in all directions, and spread outward along the tunnel.

Kanpū mobilized the Kyubi's Chakra in time before the explosion, put on the Biju Cloak and stood in the fire wave. He kept adding Kyubi's Chakra into the Biju Cloak, while staring at the collapsed operating room.

Hiss hiss...

Amidst the gloomy sounds of snakes, a black-scorched white snake was entrenched in a corner of the operating room. When the fire wave gradually dissipates, the white snake opened its mouth, and a living Orochimaru appeared again.

"These alone cannot kill me."

Orochimaru sneered as he stood in the fire waves, and his golden vertical pupil reflected the surrounding flames, with burning anger, killing-intent, and a trace of uncontrollable desire, "I underestimated Shisui. I didn't expect that he was able to use Genjutsu to control me in the split second! Shisui must have already awakened the Sharingan that Uchiha Madara had before, right? Kanpū-kun… eh?"

Orochimaru stared at Kanpū's Kyubi's Chakra Cloak with dumbfounded expression, and his whole body feel a little uncomfortable.

"Kyubi's Chakra…"

Orochimaru's eyes filled with deep desire again, "Kanpū-kun, how did you get the Kyubi's Chakra?"

"If you are willing to go back with me, I can not only tell you, but also share a little bit with you, how about it?" Kanpū said as he took out the Kusunagi Sword.

"You're really not sincere." Orochimaru looked Kanpū with a smile.

At this time, the anger and killing-intent in his heart have gradually been replaced by excitement. If he used Living Corpse Reincarnation on Kanpū, he would get his powerful talent and Kyubi's Chakra, then by using Kanpū's identity to sneak attack and get Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan…

'I will be able to dominate the Shinobi World!'

But the only problem is that the Living Corpse Reincarnation has not been successfully developed yet, so Orochimaru felt a little bit regretful.

At the same time, Shisui and Kakashi rushed in immediately after the fire wave rushed out of the ground along the tunnel.

Orochimaru frowned, as Shisui's Genjutsu made him afraid. Unless he used Living Corpse Reincarnation on Kanpū, he really doesn't want to face Shisui again, at least not now!

Orochimaru's eyes flickered, and his hands quickly formed hand seals and slammed the ground, shaking the ground in an instant!