Chapter 422 Do You Think I Will Believe Your Nonsense?

After the emergency higher-ups meeting, the martial law at Hokage Tower was lifted, and several Anbu's teams guarding the corridors also dispersed immediately. At the same time, the news that Orochimaru used the village's Shinobi to do human experiments and became Konoha's S-Rank Missing-nin also began to spread out!

When the news came out, the entire village was shaken almost instantly. Whether it was Noble Clans' Shinobi, commoner Shinobi, or even ordinary villagers, they all began to talk about this important event.

Compared to the little-known Uchiha Obito, Orochimaru is the one of the Konoha's legendary Sannin, Sandaime's direct disciple, and was once considered to be Sandaime's heir. But they didn't expect that it would only take a year or two for him to become Missing-nin.

Some conspiracies theorists even suspect that Minato is deliberately persecuting Orochimaru, but fortunately, the majority of people are rational, they are willing to believe in and support Minato!

And without anyone noticing, the Root's Shinobi disguised as ordinary people are silently collecting these public opinion information, and then transmit the information back to the Root's Headquarters.


After returning to his lair with bloody right eye socket, Danzo did not go to heal his injury, but became furious and threw things crazily!

Stools, tables, chairs, paper pens, vases, filing cabinets, everything that can be seen in the office was severely damaged by him!

Seeing that there was nothing more to throw, Danzo stopped unwillingly.

"Danzo-sama, please heal your wounds first." Kinoe stood timidly outside the door, looking at Danzo, who has a bloody face and a ferocious expression like a devil, with some fear.

"Let the Medical-nin in."

Danzo shouted sharply, his undulating chest showed that his anger had not completely dissipated, "Uchiha Fugaku! I won't let you go!!!"


When Kinoe went to call the Medical-nin, a Root's Shinobi rushed over and reported, "The news that Orochimaru-sama became Missing-nin has been spread, and the current public opinion of the village is biased towards Yondaime Hokage-sama."

Danzo's eye closed slightly, and his ferocious expression gradually disappeared.

'Public opinion is a good thing!'

'It's just…' When Danzo thought of the research materials Orochimaru left behind, his heart suddenly became disturbed.

After thinking about it for a long time, Danzo felt that he should be more peaceful during this time, so as not to be caught by Minato and attacked with some messy troubles again!

Since Danzo didn't make a move, it didn't take long for the public opinion of the village to completely turn to Minato!


Senju Park.

Tsunade casually broke the hind leg of a snow hare, and then threw it to Shizune for her to try healing the snow hare with Healing Technique.

Not far away, some tourists passed by, whispering softly about Orochimaru becoming a Missing-nin.

Tsunade's ears are very sharp, and her face slowly sank after hearing a few words.

"Shizune, that's it for today, I have to leave first."

Without waiting for Shizune to reply, Tsunade has already disappeared quickly.

At the same time.

In the depths of a bathhouse that allows mixed bathing, Jiraiya is lying next to the bathing pool, quietly waiting for beautiful women to come to the door, but unfortunately, after a long time has passed, not to mention beautiful women, not even a female animal was seen!

The lonely Jiraiya wanted to call a Mount Myōboku's toad to come and take a bath together.

But at this moment, three women passed by wearing thin bathrobes, Jiraiya straightened up, and his little brother is also standing upright with a bit of respect!

Unfortunately, when they saw Jiraiya in the bath, they consciously walked towards the women-only bath, while not forgetting to talk about the big news they just heard.

"I didn't expect Orochimaru-sama to become a Missing-nin."

"I heard that it was because he caught the village's Shinobi and did a cruel human experiment on them."

"It's very terrifying!!"

Hearing the discussion of the beauties, the sensuality on Jiraiya's face and the respect below gradually disappeared.

'Orochimaru… how is it possible?!'


Jiraiya jumped up from the bath so violently, quickly got dressed accompanied by the screams of the beauties, paid the bill, and rushed towards the Hokage Tower quickly.

Underground laboratory tunnel.

When the fire wave poured down the tunnel, Shisui and Kakashi immediately rushed down the tunnel and prepared to support Kanpū.

But in the next instant, accompanied by a violent shaking, the ceiling of the tunnel above the two of them suddenly collapsed, and then countless dirt and smoke came crashing down with huge rocks. The two's faces changed, and they hurriedly retreated behind!

When they ran out of the entrance and turned around, the long underground tunnel has completely collapsed!

"It's bad, I'm not good at Earth Release Ninjutsu." Shisui looked towards Kakashi with some distress.

Kakashi said: "I can use Subterranean Voyage!"

"Wait! "

Shisui's eyes eyes lit up suddenly, and he stopped Kakashi. He pointed to a kunai stuck on the ground by the entrance and said, "This is Kanpū's Flying Thunder God Kunai!"

When Shisui and Kanpū guarded Kushina's childbirth together, he had seen Kanpū and Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique in person, so he already knew about Kanpū's trump card before Kakashi.

Kakashi walked over and picked it up. The handle of kunai was wrapped with a circle of black tape, on which were three characters "Flying Thunder God" was written on it. Because the color of the tape is the same as the font, it was hard to distinguish without looking carefully.

'It is in line with Kanpū's low profile temperament.'


Kakashi turned his head to look at the scarlet luster overflowing from Shisui's mask. Just now, he also noticed this kunai, but he didn't find anything abnormal at all, 'As expected, there is a big gap between 3-tomoe and 2-tomoe!'

'I must upgrade the 2-tomoe to 3-tomoe as soon as possible!'

Kakashi secretly swore to himself.

"Kanpū will teleport out immediately if he encounters danger, so let's wait here! "Shisui said.

Now that the underground tunnel is buried, with Orochimaru's destructive power, it will collapse again at any time. So if they go in, not only will it not help Kanpū, but they may also caught by the other party.

Kakashi also understands this, so he did not refute it.


The collapsed tunnel destroyed all the dim light bulbs, and in the dark underground space, there are the flames remaining in the corner of the space and the Biju Cloak on Kanpū's body, which exudes faint trace light.

Kanpū's eyes narrowed slightly. After adapting to the dark environment, he immediately attacked!

"Konoha-Style - Flame Slash!"

Kanpū transforms the huge Chakra into a Fire Attribute Chakra and poured it into the Kusanagi Sword. A hot flame bursts out from the cool sword body instantly, illuminating the dark underground!

The burning blade was cast like a lava, exuding dazzling red light and astonishing high temperature. Kanpū's figure flashed, and the blade left a left a blurred red shadow in the air, suddenly descending on the top of Orochimaru!

With Extraordinary Strength, Kanpū slashed down and rolled up a violent air pressure, and it pressed on Orochimaru's shoulders like an invisible mountain!

"I didn't expect Kanpū-kun has grown to this level!"

Orochimaru grinned, and his whole body turned into a boneless chicken fillet as he twisted and turned. The blade brushed past his temple, and slashed heavily to the ground along his shoulders and pelvis.


The scorching flames were accompanied by surging air waves and broken earth and rocks bursted instantly. Orochimaru was blown onto the wall by the air waves like catkins in the wind.

Because of the fireball's burning, the hot temperature on the wall has not dissipated yet. As soon as Orochimaru's face was pressed on it, it made sizzling sound, and it's cooked within half a second.

But Orochimaru didn't seem to feel anything. After sliding down the wall, his golden vertical pupils looked at Kanpū with faint smile: "However… this move should be Cloud-Style Kenjutsu. "

Kanpū wanted to continue his attack, but when he saw Orochimaru's indifferent expression, he couldn't help but want to pretend: "As long as I have seen any swordsmanship in the Shinobi World, I can learn it!"

"As expected of Kanpū-kun, your talent is really amazing!"

Orochimaru doesn't question it, and after he opened his mouth, he spouts a new slippery and wet Orochimaru.

The new Orochimaru has smile at the corners of his mouth and looks relaxed. In the past, every time he was injured and used his Body Replacement Technique, his new body will have a period of weakness, but now that he has developed an extremely fast cell activation technique that can seamlessly connect with the "molting", this period of weakness has been shortened indefinitely!

It's just that every time this extremely fast cell activation technique is used, the vitality of the new body will be consumed.

"Kanpū-kun, it's all thanks to your Body Revival Technique, otherwise, I won't be able to master the power of infinite resurrection!"

Orochimaru made a hug gesture with empty hands, and said softly, "If you are willing to take refuge in me, I am willing to teach you everything about me, so that you can gain the power of immortality, how is it?"

Hearing this, Kanpū felt hot in his heart: 'Judging from the original work, Orochimaru seems to have indeed acquired this ability, why don't I… collect one?'

Thinking of this, Kanpū immediately asked: "If you are willing to teach me Ninjutsu now, I will consider it!"

Orochimaru smiled: "What do you want to learn?" "

"I can learn any Ninjutsu?" Kanpū's eyes lit up slightly.

Orochimaru nodded.

Without saying anything further, Kanpū threw out a Collection Technique on Orochimaru.

The green light cluster in his mind surges rapidly.

Kanpū confronted Orochimaru without saying anything.

The green light cluster continued to surge.

The two continued to confront each other without speaking.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little silent and cold. Orochimaru maintained the hug gesture with his hands, and the corners of his mouth were slightly stiff.

At this moment, the green light cluster slowly subsided, but it didn't emit any light dots!


Kanpū was furious: "Orochimaru, do you think I will believe your nonsense? You underestimated me!"

After saying that, Kanpū put away the Kusanagi Sword and quickly formed hand seals: "Lightning Release: Heavy Thunderstorm!"


With the deafening thunder's sound, dozens of azure blue lightning entangled and circled in the air, turning into a huge dazzling lightning beam, which blasted towards Orochimaru.

"Kuchiyose: Rashōmon!" (Summoning: Rashōmon)

Orochimaru snorted, and immediately bit his thumb, making hand seals with his hands like phantoms, and slammed his palms onto the ground.

A circle of symbols instantly diffused out of Orochimaru's hand, and then a huge devil-faced red door suddenly drilled out of the chapped, faulted, and uneven scorched ground, and hit the ceiling heavily in an instant.

Bang bang bang…

The huge Rashomon "grows" crazily against the already fragmented ceiling, like a spring bamboo shoot breaking through the ground, and it has stabbed to the surface in a blink of an eye!


At the same time, the huge lightning beam also slammed into Rashomon heavily, and the azure blue lightning exploded crazily and lightning overflowed everywhere at once, and countless pieces of lightning bolts flowed quickly along all conductive substances like earthworms.

Orochimaru ignored it, tip-toed a little, and quickly 'swim' upwards along the gap left when Rashomon pierced the surface.

When Kanpū rushed over with Biju Cloak, Orochimaru was nowhere to be seen.

'He ran?'

Just as Kanpū was about to use Subterranean Voyage to follow him, the huge Rashomon beside him suddenly disappeared, leaving only a huge rectangular gap in place, leading directly to the surface.

Kanpū rushed up along the gap immediately.

When he came to the surface, Kanpū looked around. The snow forest was silent, and near the rectangular gap that penetrated the underground laboratory, there are traces of countless snakes crawling, spreading far to all directions.