Chapter 429 I Want To Be a Double Agent!

The Land of the river.

Somewhere deep in the forest.

Jigumo stood at the entrance of Orochimaru's underground experiment base, looking at the dark tunnel leading to underground, feeling terrified, as if facing the entrance of hell!

"Kagero-sama, do we really want to do this?" Jigumo looked at the man beside him with a pale face. (T/N: Kagero is a woman, but she usually uses male appearance.)

"At this point, we have no other choice!"

Kagero took a deep breath and said calmly, "Taking refuge in Orochimaru can not only make up for the mistakes made by you, an idiot, but we can also use Orochimaru's power to revive the clan!"

"I, I…" Just as Jigumo was about to say something, a cold wind suddenly blew from the underground tunnel.

"Smart choice."

Orochimaru slowly walked out of the shadows. He has black long hair, pale skin, golden vertical pupils, purple eye shadow, and a sneer as sharp as a blade at the corner of his mouth. He is like a metal awl that fiercely pierced deep into Kagero and Jigumo's hearts!

"Orochimaru-sama, I am the leader of the Fuma Clan, Kagero, and I would like to serve you on behalf of the Fuma Clan!" Kagero immediately knelt down on one knee and said solemnly.

When Jigumo saw that his boss was kneeling, he immediately knelt down too: "Orochimaru-sama, please forgive me for being rude before!"

Orochimaru walked out of the underground tunnel, and circled around Kagero and Jigumo.

'So, should I kill them or accept their refuge? '

A pensive look flashed in Orochimaru's eyes as he pondered.

First of all, Fuma Clan seeking refuge is nothing more than an act of self-protection, and there is no so-called loyalty at all.

Secondly, Fuma Clan is a clan that has long since fallen. Even Orochimaru alone can destroy them easily.

Finally, Orochimaru needs subordinates.

Although he has taken in many children, these children need time to grow. Before they can grow up, Orochimaru needs some men who do errands and even collect experimental materials.

'Well, it'll be you guys.'

'Fuma Clan!'

When Kagero and Jigumo's foreheads were sweating, Orochimaru finally started speaking: "I accept your refuge, but my existence is not allowed to be disclosed to outsiders, otherwise…"

"Orochimaru-sama, please rest assured, we will never reveal any of your information!!" Kagero finally breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, 'With this, the clan will be safe, and now that we are on Orochimaru's war chariot, we can take advantage of Orochimaru's powerful force to regain our glory!'

"I need some information now."

Orochimaru said, "There is a cave on the hillside to the west, and there is a little kid in the cave. I want all his information. Go, don't let me down."


Kagero responded loudly, and then immediately ran towards the hillside on the west with Jigumo.

On the way.

Jigumo couldn't hold back anymore and asked: "Kagero-sama, can we really revive the clan by doing this?"

Kagero said dumbly "Of course! Under the power of Orochimaru-sama, our Fuma Clan can definitely be revived and regain its great reputation in the past!!!"

"However, Orochimaru is Missing-nin. If Konoha knows that we have taken refuge in him …"

Jigumo wanted to say more, but he was roughly interrupted by Kagero!

"Shut up! What stupid things are you talking about at this time? Whether it is Konoha or other Shinobi Villages, they all look down on our Fuma Clan! So! Right now, we can only rely on the power of Orochimaru-sama!"

Kagero showed resolute and decisive expression and growled, "I want you to keep this in mind no matter what!!"

Kagero is a little anxious. Although Orochimaru has accepted their refuge just now, he issued a mission that seemed to be testing their abilities, and Kagero believes that Orochimaru will observe them in secret. Once they reveal any intention of leaking the information, he will definitely kill them, and even the entire Fuma Clan!!

So, she can't let that bastard, Jigumo, say those stupid things!

Jigumo nodded, thinking about the attitude of the Shisui of the Body Flicker he met last time, 'Indeed, Konoha's Shinobi look down on our Fuma Clan. In that case, there is nothing wrong with taking refuge under Orochimaru-sama!'

The two galloped all the way and soon arrived at the hillside on the west side of the forest, and then they found the little kid with orange hair sleeping in the cave.

After the two remembered his appearance, they immediately went to the nearby village to inquire, and soon got detailed information about Libra Jugo. There were rumors that he would go crazy, kill people at every turn, and even eat people.

After summing up these information, the two immediately went to report to Orochimaru.

This time, Kagero and Jigumo were approved by Orochimaru and successfully entered the underground experimental base. They briefly visited the base and then saw Kimimaro!

"From now on, I will let Kimimaro convey my order, understand?" Orochimaru took over the information they gathered, and looked at them gloomily.

As Kagero guessed, when they were collecting information, Orochimaru was indeed observing in secret. And from his observation so far, Fuma Clan is fairly honest!


Kagero understood in an instant, turned around and bowed respectfully to Kimimaro, "Kimimaro-sama!"

Seeing that the boss was like this, Jigumo hurriedly saluted and greeted Kimimaro, who was at a loss and looked like an ordinary kid.

"Then, you can go back first." Orochimaru said with a smile.

After leaving the underground experiment base, both Kagero and Jigumo felt that the clothes on their backs were soaked in cold sweat. If it wasn't for them wearing thicker ones in winter, it would definitely be seen by Orochimaru.

Jigumo turned to look at Kagero, hesitating to speak.

Kagero snorted coldly and said: "Let's talk when we go back!"

The two rushed to Fuma Clan's camp, and accidentally spotted trace of snakes slittering on the ground along the way, which led directly to their camp!

Kagero doesn't even need to guess, as she knew that this is definitely the trace of the snake that followed Jigumo when he ran back before. If she is not smart, and choose to join Orochimaru, Fuma Clan might have disappeared at this time!

She couldn't help but glared fiercely at Jigumo.

Jigumo lowered his head and didn't dare to speak.

But there is another voice in his heart at this moment: 'Orochimaru is too dangerous, taking refuge in him is like dancing on the tip of the knife of death!'

'Why don't I… tell Shisui of the Body Flicker about Orochimaru's whereabouts, so that Shisui-sama will definitely treat me, no, the Fuma Clan with admiration!'

'Then we, the Fuma Clan, can take this opportunity to take refuge under Shisui of the Body Flicker. Shisui-sama was born in the Uchiha Clan, so to take refuge under him is to take refuge under Uchiha Clan!'

And the Uchiha Clan is Konoha's Noble Clan, so taking refuge under them is equivalent to taking refuge under Konoha!

'With Konoha as the backer, how can Fuma Clan not recover?'

Thinking about it this way, Jigumo suddenly swelled!


'What is he?'

'Isn't he just one of the legendary Sannin?'

'Konoha still has two others who are as famous as him!'

'And Konoha's Sannin's teacher, Sandaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is also there!'

'Yondaime Hokage is even more famous, as his Yellow Flash name shakes the whole Shinobi World. He once fought to a draw against the Yondaime Raikage and Hachibi's Jinchuriki, and once killed fifty Iwagakure's Jonin in a flash!

'Compared with such a powerful Konoha, Orochimaru can just get out!'

The more Jigumo thought about it, the more comfortable he became. He decided that he wants to be a double agent, and he wanted to betray Orochimaru!''

After returning to the camp, Jigumo couldn't help but want to tell Kagero of his decision!

But Kagero is very smart. He suspected that Orochimaru has not completely trusted them, so she first calmly appeased Jigumo, and then gathered all the Shinobi of the Fuma Clan and told them the news of taking refuge under Orochimaru, and she asked them to swear by Fuma Clan's reputation, to guard Orochimaru's whereabouts to the death, and to follow Orochimaru to the death!

As the leading figure of Fuma Clan, Kagero's words is like a law. In addition, current situation of the Fumo Clan is indeed not good. They have neither country funding nor merchant sponsorship. The missions they received from the black market are either too difficult or the commission is too little. Right now, the ordinary clansman have to rely on their Shinobi's hunting to have food, which is extremely miserable. Therefore, it is really a happy thing for them to take refuge under Orochimaru, even if Orochimaru has become a Missing-nin!

In the shadows, Orochimaru waited until Fuma Clan's Shinobi had dispersed before showing a smile, and then he left a shadow clone to continue monitoring. If there is any accident, hehehehe…

At night.

The moon is dark and the wind is strong.

Kagero and Jigumo slept in the same room, the room is pitch dark, and they couldn't even see their fingers!

The two slept in the same bed, but neither fell asleep.

After midnight, Kagero grabbed Jigumo's hand and wrote in his palm.

Kagero: 'What do you want to say? '

Jigumo grabbed Kagero's hand and wrote in her palm: 'Tell Shisui his whereabouts and take refuge in Konoha. '

Kagero knew that even though this guy has thick brows and big eyes, he is actually a double agent at heart!

She sighed, and then wrote on the palm of his hand: 'Wait until we gain his trust before you leave.'

Jigumo breathed a sigh of relief, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Land of Rain.


After destroying Hyōketsu's shadow clone, Deva Path and the other Six Paths of Pain began to conquer and kill.

There are a lot of Amegakure's Shinobi and commoners living in this Shinobi Village. Many of them are Hanzo's cronies, so these people need to be killed. Although there are occasional resistances, the more they resist, the more Deva Path can show his terrifying power, and the more he can deter other Amegakure's Shinobi!

In less than five days, from its Shinobi to civilians, Amegakure has been 'overwhelmed' by the terrifying strength of Deva Path and they regarded him as a God!

After taking control of Amegakure, Deva Path no longer had any contact with Amegakure's Shinobi in order to prevent people from seeing his abnormality. All orders were also relayed by Konan, and it didn't take long before Amegakure's Shinobi regards Konan, who conveys the will of the God, as an angel.

At the same time, Deva Path declared his existence in the form of "there will be no rain every Sunday" to prevent these Amegakure's Shinobi from rebelling!


Nagato huddled on top of the rebuilt steel tower, looking staring blankly at the torrential rain outside the window, and behind him stood Five Paths of Pain, motionless like a puppet.

At a certain moment, Nagato seemed to sense something and he slowly closed his eyes.

At the same time, on the lower floor, Deva Path slowly opened his eyes: "What is it, Uchiha… Madara."

Obito is still wearing a vortex mask and black robe, and then he said coldly: "You should have received the information here, the news about Konoha's S-Rank Missing-nin, Orochimaru!"

Deva Path nodded indifferently: "You mean…"

"Orochimaru is an ambitious person, so you should absorb him into Akatsuki!" Obito said coldly.

Deva Path said indifferently: "Since it is your idea, then I will leave this task to you, Madara!"


Obito frowned slightly, and said with a sneer, "Pain, I am in a cooperative relationship with you, not your subordinate! I am only responsible for providing suitable candidates, nothing more! Humph!"

After the words fell, an invisible vortex popped out of Obito's right eye socket and swallowed him in.

Deva Path didn't stop him.


"He is indeed a great candidate!" Deva Path squinted his eyes, and his pupil power seemed to be faintly boiling.