Chapter 430 Yuki Hyōketsu Comes To Akatsuki

Land of Rain.


On Sunday, as promised by Deva Path, it is cloudy today!

People who live in Amegakure looked in the sky. Although it is not the first time, they still felt a heartfelt... fear!

'Even the weather can be affected by Pain-sama… Is her really a God?'

Wearing a black robe, Hyōketsu walked among the towering steel towers in Amegakure. He was not surprised by the weather above his head, after all, it is the Rinnegan, and it is powerful enough to control the weather. Well, think about that Tenseigan, as it can even affect Moon's gravity, which makes people powerless to complain!

And if he remembers correctly, Pain can monitor the entire Amegakure through rain. In other words, when it is not raining, he cannot monitor it!


Hyōketsu was thinking wildly, when suddenly two people wearing Amegakure's forehead protector stopped him, "You! Lift you head!"

Both Amegakure's Shinobi have Chunin-Level strength. After Deva Path Pain showed his terrifying strength, they have completely acknowledged allegiance on the other party, and faithfully fulfilled the God's will!

And among the many decrees, there is one that focuses on a man in black robe, whose characteristic is …

Hyōketsu raised his head, and the ferocious ice crystals mask on his face was exuding a faint coldness.

"Sure enough, it's you…"

The two Amegakure's Shinobi became tense, "The black-robed man with the ice mask can actually attract the attention of the God, you're not a nameless person, right?"

"Either get lost, or take me to see Pain." Hyōketsu said coldly.

"Bastard, how dare you talk to us like that?"

The two Chunin glance at each other, and in their eyes, there are some entanglements and… unconcealable desire!

In Pain's decree, it is clearly states that once Hyōketsu is found, they will immediately report the whereabouts of the other party and there is no need to do extra things. Therefore, the two Chunin can be rewarded as long as they report the information to the angel, Konan.

But they are not reconciled. Right now, God lives on the top of the central steel tower and does not meet with anyone, and all the power of the village falls on Konan. If they can defeat this mysterious person who is concerned by the God, won't they be favored by God and become the spokesperson of God in the village, shoulder to shoulder with the angel Konan?

This temptation is great, so it is worth the shot!

The two Chunin confirmed each other's thoughts from each other's eyes, and immediately took out kunai, but then they found that they couldn't move their feet!

"What's going on?"

The two looked down, and they were horrified after finding that their feet had been frozen by thick ice, and the ice was still spreading upwards, to their knees, thighs, little brothers!!!

Hyōketsu lowered his head, and he bypassed the two stupid Amegakure's Shinobi, and continued walking towards the central steel tower.

Half an hour later, Hyōketsu arrived at the central area smoothly.

As a place where God live, except for the angel Konan, no one is not allowed to enter this area, let alone linger here. Whoever violates it will be punished by God!

Because of that, Hyōketsu didn't encounter any guards, and went under the steel tower very smoothly.

"You are here, Hyōketsu."

In midair, Deva Path jumped down from the top of the tower, and his black robe was blown by the strong wind, making some noise.

When he was about to land, Deva Path used Shinra Tensei, whose repulsion made him stop in midair for an instant, and then he fell to the ground slowly like an immortal, his clothes fluttering.

Hyōketsu raised his head, and said with a light smile: "If you haven't changed your mind, then prepare Akatsuki's clothes for me."

Deva Path did not speak, just looked him up and down, and asked after a while: "The you who appeared in front of me, is it the shadow clone, or the real body."

"Of course it is the shadow clone."

Hyōketsu smiled coldly, "You are too strong. My main body will not appear in front of you before I can confirm my safety."

Deva Path nodded slightly, and asked again: "Since you decided to join Akatsuki, what about Abyss?"

"Abyss doesn't mind me joining other organizations."

Hyōketsu then asked, "As for Akatsuki… is there any relevant regulations?"

Deva Path lowered his eyes slightly: 'In other words, I can easily absorb all the members of Abyss into Akatsuki?'

His thoughts revolved, and he said indifferently: "Whether it is Missing-nin or people from other organizations, Akatsuki will welcome anyone who comes, but if you betray Akatsuki and leak any information about Akatsuki, no matter where you are hiding, I will find you and kill you."

"So cruel."

Hyōketsu chuckled softly, "Then, I will join!"

"Come with me." Deva Path turned and entered the steel tower.

Climbing up the steel ladder step by step, Deva Path told Hyōketsu about Akatsuki's short-term plan, mid-term goal, and final goal.

"The short-term plan is to expand Akatsuki's members and earn operational funds. Our medium-term goal is to provoke friction among small countries, monopolize the war commissions between small countries, and take the opportunity to break the economic system of Great Countries' Shinobi Villages. And our ultimate goal is to collect Nine Biju, destroy the five Great Shinobi Villages, let everyone in the Shinobi World feel the pain, and then rebuild order and peace…?"

Under the ice crystals mask, Hyōketsu's mouth showed a disdainful arc. "I see."

"If you have a suitable candidate, you can also recommend them to Akatsuki." Deva Path meant something by saying that.

Hyōketsu smiled and didn't speak. He just entered Akatsuki, and he didn't want to do anything suspicious.

After going up of more than a dozen floors, the two came to the floor where they rested. Deva Path found a brand new set of red cloud robe with a black background from one of the rooms, and there was also a ring on the robe.

"This is your clothes and ring. If you have something to do outside, you can use this ring to contact me." Deva Path said.

After taking the robe and ring, Hyōketsu looked through it, and saw that the ring was engraved with the word 'South'. (T/N: In the original work, it is the ring given to Biwa Juzo, and then Kisame.)

Hyōketsu replaced his black robe with the red cloud robe with a black background, and then put on the ring casually.

Deva Path immediately said: "This ring of yours should be worn on your left ring finger."

"Is there a difference?" Hyōketsu asked while changing the ring location.

"There are ten rings in total, and each one represents a finger."

Deva Path explained, and then said, "In the ring, there is Chakra and pupil power I left behind. As long as you poured your Chakra into the ring, it will turn your Chakra into a wave of thoughts for me to receive, so as to complete the ultra-long-distance communication."

Hyōketsu played with the ring on his ring finger and said: "I understand."

"Then, this is your first mission after joining Akatsuki." Deva Path threw a scroll.

Hyōketsu took it and opened it, and there was a strange feeling in his heart.

In the scroll, there is… 'Orochimaru's information!'

"Konoha's S-Rank Missing-nin, Orochimaru…the Land of the River…" Hyōketsu narrowed his eyes.

"This is a letter addressed to him."

Deva Path handed over another scroll and said, "Give it to Orochimaru."

"What if Orochimaru refuses?" Hyōketsu asked.

"I'm sure he'll agree."

Deva Path said with a sneer, "Otherwise, he will have to die."

"I like your style of doing things." Hyōketsu put away the letter, then turned and went downstairs.


The Land of the River.

In the underground experiment base established by Orochimaru, Kimimaro walked in with a timid orange-haired child.

After several days of persuasion, Kimimaro finally convinced Jugo to follow him!

"This is Orochimaru-sama's experimental base."

Kimimaro turned his head and smiled at the orange-haired child from time to time, "Jugo, this is my home, and it will also be your home in the future. Orochimaru-sama will definitely cure your illness!"

Jugo was shocked, and looked at him with glowing eyes: "Really? Then since we live in a home, will we be family from now on?"

Kimimaro tilted his head slightly, 'Shouldn't my last sentence more important?'

'But whatever.'

"Yeah, we will be a family from now on!"

Kimimaro answered and asked Jugo to follow him again, and then they finally arrived to the door of a laboratory, "Orochimaru-sama, I brought Jugo here."

Orochimaru put down the glassware in his hand, turned to look at Jugo, and his eyes are filled with scrutiny and expectation.

With his young age, Jugo couldn't bear Orochimaru's gaze, so I shrank behind Kimimaro in fear.

Orochimaru closed his eyes and said: "Let's do a blood test first."

Under Jugo's frightened and apprehensive eyes, Orochimaru drew a tube of blood from Jugo directly.

"Take him down to rest." Orochimaru ordered with a blank expression.


After they left, Orochimaru couldn't wait to drop Jugo's blood into more than a dozen glass test tubes, and then he carried out various examinations and tests on the remaining blood. As time passed, unconsciously, Orochimaru continued to experiment all night.

In the morning of the next day, Orochimaru was still full of energy. He glanced at the reaction of the glass test tubes, then recorded the data, and then continued the test.

But at a certain moment, Orochimaru suddenly frowned. He listened attentively, and then showed a sneer.

Putting down the equipment in his hand, Orochimaru turned and walked out of the laboratory with a sneer, and walked along the long underground passage to the entrance.

"Long time no see, Orochimaru."

Danzo stood at the entrance of the underground experiment base. Behind and around him, there are Root's Shinobi holding swords. At farther away, there is also the silhouette of Root's Shinobi forming hand seals to use a sealing barrier!

"Danzo… what do you mean by doing that?"

Orochimaru squinted his golden vertical pupil. When he escaped from Konoha, he already had a premonition of being betrayed, but, even after thinking about it, he couldn't understand why Danzo wanted to betray him, and he even dared to lead his men to hunt him down!

"What do I mean? You should be clear about that, Orochimaru! Why… why did you betray me?!" Danzo's voice was stern. At this time, his right eye socket was wrapped in bandage again, but there was no Sharingan inside.

Orochimaru lowered his eyes: "What are you talking about?"

Danzo was furious, 'A***ole, how dare you pretend to be wronged!'

He immediately removed the bandage on his head, revealing his dark right eye socket.

Orochimaru's pupils shrank when he saw this: "Your Sharingan…"

"Only Root and you know about Sharingan. You betrayed me and told Gekko Kanpū about this information!"

Danzo gritted his teeth and roared, "Then you deliberately kidnapped a member of the Military Police Force and gave Minato a chance! He held a higher-ups emergency meeting and said that I kidnapped the Military Police Force's member!! Orochimaru, why did you do this?"

Looking at Danzo, whose face is full of grief and hatred, Orochimaru was speechless for a while.